Author Topic: Sakya, Virupa and Dorje Shugden  (Read 3171 times)


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Sakya, Virupa and Dorje Shugden
« on: November 29, 2011, 02:02:22 PM »
• Sakya-pa The lineage has descended intact up to the present time from Khon Könchok Gyelpo(1034-1102), founder of the Sakya tradition. From the doctrinal point of view the tradition traces its origins to the Indian Yogin Virupa through Gayadhara. His disciple Drogmi Shakya Yeshe (992-1074) travelled to India where he received teachings on the Kalachakra, the Path and its Fruit, and others from many Indian masters and returned to Tibet. Later, Khon Könchok Gyelpo, one of his main disciples, built a monastery in the Tsang province of central Tibet and named it Sakya, or Grey Earth monastery. So the school took its name, Sakya, from the location of the monastery. Succession to the position of head of the Sakya tradition has been hereditary since the time of Khon Könchok Gyelpo. The present incumbent is the 4lst occupant of the Sakya Throne. The central teaching and practice of the Sakya-pa, called Lam-dre (Lam-bras), the Path and Its Fruit, ultimately leads a practitioner to the state of Hevajra. The Path and Its Fruit is a synthesis of the entire paths and fruits of both the exoteric and esoteric classes of teachings.

I found the article above in the net. I think it is no coincidence that the Dorje Shugden went to the Sakyas first after the attempt by the Mindroling Lamas to destroy Dorje Shudgen failed. Virupa after all was one of the past illustrious incarnations of Dorje Shugden.