Author Topic: god doesnt exist says Hawking~~Interesting  (Read 10460 times)


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Re: god doesnt exist says Hawking~~Interesting
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2010, 08:10:31 AM »
I have many friends who have became Christians because it is a religion that preaches God's love and I do think everybody needs love and care, hence it is easy to accept.

Many of them always asked me this question, how do you explain the beginning of the world then? And because I failed to give them an explanation, I always feel that I have failed as a Buddhist. The "No beginning, no end" that his Holiness said in reply to the "beginning" of the world/universe is also very difficult to fathom.

Anyone has any idea as a good point to explain or put it in simple way to negate the point?

The onus is really on them to prove how there could be an absolute beginning, not the other way around.  There is no beginning to time because there is no beginning to mind.  The whole of existence is just an appearance to mind - mind is the creator.  The primary cause of mind is the previous moment of mind.  Mind is an impermanent phenomenon & impermanent phenomenon depend upon causation - hence there is an endless series of previous moments of mind.  That 'seems' impossible if we don't have some grasp of ultimate truth, but that doesn't excuse people who instinctively deny the idea from providing a logically coherent reason why it is not so.  They can try but they will fail as they try & point at reasons which require inherent existence as part of their make up - such as an inherently existent creator. The beginning-less time thing is great because it starkly shows just how wrong our basic premise about the nature of reality is.  If people don't want to face up to that that's their choice.