Author Topic: Trijang Rinpoche tributes gone out  (Read 6058 times)


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Trijang Rinpoche tributes gone out
« on: May 03, 2012, 10:15:50 AM »
Its out and stuff... the power of RSS I tell you.

Jesus Christ, Trijang Rinpoches line of incarnations is an OLD one isnt it? Just think - without him, wed never have had Shakyamunis tradition had the chariot driver not had the bollox to drive the Prince out of the palace. Imagine the immense merits Chandra collected just driving the Prince out on those two trips.


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche tributes gone out
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2012, 04:09:54 AM »
His unmistaken past incarnations, lineage and teachings make him the most important Master of our time. Almost all important Masters who transmitted the Gelug teachings outside of Tibet/India are from his lineage. Most importantly, for the benefit of a wider audience, he also received teachings and transmission for Dorje Shugden and the Lamrim from Pabongka Rinpoche and passed it on through his students.

These are the 2 most profound practices for beings of this age as not many can practice tantras. I rejoice in this tribute and may the present incarnation of Trijang Rinpoche continue to turn the Dharma Wheel and live long.

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Re: Trijang Rinpoche tributes gone out
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2012, 05:09:24 AM »
Hi Dharma Defender,

Thank you for starting this thread, it is always very important for us to read and to reflect on the great virtues of highly attained master like HH Trinjang Rinpoche. All his previous incarnations worthy of homage, worship and highest respect.

The great Lord Atisha is definitely the pinnacle of all them by the virtue of him writing the Lamrim. And the late HH Trinjang Dorje Chang was definite the 'Guru' to almost all the current masters of Gelug-pa including HH the 14th Dalai Lama himself. I pray for the ban to be lifted soon so that the current incarnation can teach freely and openly. I'm sure he will be another illustrious master of our time too...

There is one point though, HH Trijang Rinpoche's previous incarnation as charioteer for Prince Siddhartha is mostly known as "Channa" or "Chandaka", not "Chandra". This may seen as small matter but I think we should show our greatest respect by getting the name right.

I apologize if it I have sounded a little rude but I don't mean to be disrespect to you. Cheers  ;)


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche tributes gone out
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2012, 01:16:53 PM »
Hi Dharma Defender,

Thank you for starting this thread, it is always very important for us to read and to reflect on the great virtues of highly attained master like HH Trinjang Rinpoche. All his previous incarnations worthy of homage, worship and highest respect.

The great Lord Atisha is definitely the pinnacle of all them by the virtue of him writing the Lamrim. And the late HH Trinjang Dorje Chang was definite the 'Guru' to almost all the current masters of Gelug-pa including HH the 14th Dalai Lama himself. I pray for the ban to be lifted soon so that the current incarnation can teach freely and openly. I'm sure he will be another illustrious master of our time too...

There is one point though, HH Trijang Rinpoche's previous incarnation as charioteer for Prince Siddhartha is mostly known as "Channa" or "Chandaka", not "Chandra". This may seen as small matter but I think we should show our greatest respect by getting the name right.

I apologize if it I have sounded a little rude but I don't mean to be disrespect to you. Cheers  ;)

Channa/Chandaka are both the pali names of Chandra. Chandra is the sanskrit translation of the name. Lets not allow polemics to get in the way and cause more confusion than necessary. Pali was the original language spoken by the Buddha's mouth but it was recorded in Sanskrit as pali was an oral language instead of a written one. For example, Mongallana's sanskrit name is Maudgaly?yana.  Are they different people or incorrect spelling? No. One is pali and one is in sanskrit.

Another interesting fact about Chandra was that he was literally a self made Buddha and also the first recipient of the punishment of isolation that is imposed on monks who are too stubborn within a particular community, and as a result Chandra became an arahat and later the great Buddha that he is today who comes back again and again to teach and to educate us all...

Translator's note: Passages in the Vinaya show that Ven. Channa — apparently, Prince Siddhattha's horseman on the night of his Great Renunciation — was proud and obdurate. After becoming a monk, he was unwilling to accept instruction from any of the other monks. (See the origin stories to Sanghadisesa 12 and Pacittiya 12.) DN 16 tells of how the Buddha, on the night of his parinibbana, imposed the brahma-punishment on him: he was to be left to his own ways without anyone to teach or correct him. According to Cv.XI, news of this punishment so shocked Ven. Channa that he fainted. He then went off into seclusion and practiced diligently to the point of attaining arahantship. As Ven. Ananda later told him, his attainment nullified the punishment. This sutta tells a different version of Channa's change of heart.

I find this inspiring as one of the Buddha's last decrees, that is to put Chandra in isolation punishment led him to attain enlightenment instead when to most of us, it would be extremely cruel. And not just an ordinary attained being but a being that is completely knowledgable in Sutra and Tantra. Something to remember if ever, our compassionate lama imposes punishments on us so that we do not develop negative views.


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche tributes gone out
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2012, 06:17:04 PM »
I find this inspiring as one of the Buddha's last decrees, that is to put Chandra in isolation punishment led him to attain enlightenment instead when to most of us, it would be extremely cruel. And not just an ordinary attained being but a being that is completely knowledgable in Sutra and Tantra. Something to remember if ever, our compassionate lama imposes punishments on us so that we do not develop negative views.

Beautiful story Ensapa, thanks for sharing that. It inspires me to know that Trijang Rinpoche has been a perfect practitioner for so many lifetimes... theres really no cause for our arrogance in this lifetime when we are nowhere near the level of Trijang Rinpoche. The arrogance Im referring to is our belief that we have the basis and knowledge to judge others, or that certain practices our gurus give us are not appropriate for us. Even Trijang Rinpoche, who is already so attained, respects his own teachers and the practices, commitments and knowledge he has been given. Is there any need to mention that we should to?


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche tributes gone out
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2012, 12:10:07 PM »
I have heard that the current incarnation has faced tremendous opposition and obstacles from the anti-shugden camps. The young Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche, when he was still a child, was even faced with attackers who came charging into his Ladrang in Gaden, wanting to physically harm the boy. The monks of his Ladrang had to literally stand guard around the ladrang, taking shifts to protect the young boy. He eventually had to flee to America where it would be safer for him.

The point in saying this is to illustrate how such highly attained Lamas - even their young incarnations who haven't even really begun teaching yet - are being attacked because of this current ban. This is what the ban has led to - turning people into monsters who think it is perfectly find to physically hurt not just another practitioner, but a high Lama - and in the name of religion!

It is incredible that this is how practice in this world has degenerated - that all the great accomplishments of a Lama, everything he has contributed to the growth of Dharma in the world, can be erased by a single practice. How is this logical?

It is because of Trijang Rinpoche, as most of you will well know, that we have received almost all the lineages we have now. So much of the Gelugpa lineage in the world today stems from him, and the teachings he brought out from Tibet (mainly from his Guru,  Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche.) In denying the practice and lineage of Shugden which he has passed down to us, we inevitably deny and reject all the other practices he has given us - saying that he is "wrong" in one practice opens the possibility for every other practice to also be wrong, or bad, or harmful. How is this logical? That is saying the whole lineage is subject to being flawed, that even the practices the Dalai Lama are engaged in - as a direct disciple of Trijang Rinpoche - are also wrong. Then it never ends. The attacks will be endless.

Is this what we are causing for our lineage?


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche tributes gone out
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2012, 12:28:15 PM »
Yes, His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche's work can never be ignored.  Without him it is true that none of the Gelugs have the opportunity to receive the teachings from Lord Buddha himself.  His reincarnation life after life has always been remarkable all the way to the chariot driver of Lord Buddha himself.  I had the great honour to even caught a glimpse of of his belongings, Ladrang, the statues he made, his Car!!!  and of course the great teachers he produced and volumes of teachings.

Because of the ban, the world is criticizing the current young Trijang Rinpoche.  It has not been easy for the current reincarnation.  What negative karma would we collect if we even say bad things about such holy hight attained being?  If he is really who he is.  It is just the same with Dorje Shugden, if he is really who he is... then what amount of negative karma are we collecting when we banned the practice, talk bad, criticize and abandoned guru devotion and most of all stop thousands of people from practicing and getting benefit from the practice.  Aren't we denying our lineage too?

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Trijang Rinpoche tributes gone out
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2015, 01:21:52 PM »
When we are being made to hide our faith and hear how our lineage masters are discredited, we must learn more about one of our greatest lineage masters and enhanced our faith.  With knowledge we shall stand firm and create the cause for the Ban on Dorje Shugden be lifted.  Read the following and be inspired:


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche tributes gone out
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2015, 02:48:01 AM »
The greatness of a master is not only in 1 lifetime. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche has shown greatness and attainment in many lifetimes. Doing what needs to be done with great foresight and wisdom. From 'merely' driving the Prince Siddharta out of the palace to tutoring the 14th Dalai Lama and teacher the likes of Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, Lama Yeshe, Geshe Rabten and Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. May Rinpoche continue to turn the Wheel of Dharma.

With folded hands