Author Topic: Can a lone Bhikshuni Conduct a Bhikshuni Ordination Ceremony?  (Read 4318 times)


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Can a lone Bhikshuni Conduct a Bhikshuni Ordination Ceremony?
« on: November 04, 2013, 06:23:17 AM »
The Dalai Lama and the Sangha community is deliberating whether it is adequate to have a lone bhikshuni presiding over a bhikhsuni ordination ceremony according to the Vinaya Text.
During the Great Winter Debate the Dalai Lama meets with Nun Participants:

DHARAMSHALA, November 4 – The Tibetan leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama met with nuns from eight different nunneries who have gathered at the Dolmaling nunnery for this year's Jang-Gun-Chö, the Great Winter Debate. The debate festival was held between last month.

On the unresolved matter of bhikshuni ordination, His Holiness said that it was not something that only he could decide. "It requires a consensus within the monastic community. We have held meetings and discussions amongst ourselves and with other communities such as the excellent upholders of the Vinaya (monastic discipline) in the Pali tradition."

His Holiness stressed on the importance of observing Vinaya tradition. "The Mulasarvastivadin texts suggest that senior bhikshunis need to preside over a bhikshuni ordination and suggest that it is not proper for bhikshus alone to preside over such a ceremony. Therefore, if bhikshus alone were to conduct such a ceremony it is not clear that it would be flawless. This is the impasse which is yet to be answered."

The Tibetan leader said a section of people criticize him calling him a ‘male chauvinist’ for not exercising his alleged authority. "But I can not decide this on my own. However, what I can do is to encourage nuns to study the classic texts. Biologically there is no difference between the brains of men and women and the Buddha clearly gave equal rights to men and women. In tantra women are accorded special respect. And yet when it comes to Vinaya we have to follow the tradition.”

His Holiness reiterated that nuns have an equal right to study, which is why almost 40 years ago he encouraged nuns to embark on the study of philosophy. They began at Geden Chöling and this has since become the norm in other nunneries.

He clarified that the Buddha’s teaching comprises realization as well as knowledge. He added that the Dharma is preserved by following a course of practice as well as a course of study. "Study is necessary to achieve understanding and practice is necessary to achieve realization. Practice can only take place on the basis of understanding."

He further said the Dharma is at a critical juncture. He said people might think that it would be good to spend the rest of your life as a hermit, but that qualified people are also needed to teach others. "Once you complete your studies we need some of you nuns to teach. Until now you have relied on monks to teach you, but in future it will be very important that there are also nuns to teach nuns."

Freyr Aesiragnorak

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Re: Can a lone Bhikshuni Conduct a Bhikshuni Ordination Ceremony?
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2013, 12:36:20 PM »
To me it seems strange that on this topic, His Holiness Dalai Lama says "But I can not decide this on my own." in regards to this topic,  however when it came to the ban on practicing Dorje Shugden, I haven't read anywhere that he came to a consensus with other High Lamas from the Gelug tradition. Some of people may argue that this has nothing to do with the article, but it does seem strange that so many highly realised and educated lama's left Gaden and started Shar Gaden because His Holiness made a decision, seemingly on his own, without consensus. When it comes to topics that effect the practice of other en masse, sure a consensus is needed.

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Can a lone Bhikshuni Conduct a Bhikshuni Ordination Ceremony?
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2013, 01:05:18 PM »
Pardon my ignorance here but I read somewhere that there need to be a presence of at least 4 sangha to be present and witness an ordination, or was I wrong on this? I am not sure about the Vinaya vows or the code of conduct for an ordination. Does anyone know what is the requirement for the ordination of a lone bhikhsuni?

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Can a lone Bhikshuni Conduct a Bhikshuni Ordination Ceremony?
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2015, 01:53:55 PM »
I have also read somewhere that even for a monk ordination there needs to be 4 senior sangha present.  The question here is whether a LONE Bhikshuni conduct a Bhikshuni Ordination Ceremony.

As mentioned not knowing the Vinaya vows, is there an answer to this question?  In order not to further put complications to the answer to this question, can even a Bhikshuni be conducting a ordination? Although the Dalai Lama has refused to make any decision on this issue, I feel that a solution needs to be formulated as more and more nuns are getting the Geshe degree and can be dharma teachers.  Why not conductors of ordination especially if it is specific to nuns.


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Re: Can a lone Bhikshuni Conduct a Bhikshuni Ordination Ceremony?
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2015, 10:21:07 AM »
It is true that it is not within the power of H.H. the Dalai Lama (i.e. a single bhikshu) to create a bhikshuni sangha. It must be the decision of the bhikshu sangha in accordance with Vinaya rules and procedures. The fact that this decision has not been made, even though the request for the establishment of a bhikshuni sangha had started in the 1980s, could be an indication of possible problems faced by the Tibetan authorities. Establishing a bhikshuni tradition is a matter of transmitting the lineage from an existing Bhikshuni sangha, which exists in the Chinese tradition. This is not impossible as the bhikshuni sangha in Sri Lanka has been revived through this method. His Holiness has often stated that he welcomes a bhikshuni sangha in the Tibetan tradition and has given permission for nuns to travel to Hong Kong, Korea or Taiwan to receive the full ordination. However, although there is popular acceptance of a bhikshuni sangha within the Tibetan tradition,  there is still no official recognition from the Tibetan authorities.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Can a lone Bhikshuni Conduct a Bhikshuni Ordination Ceremony?
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2015, 02:30:32 PM »
With the information you have provided, Midakpa, I remember reading the book on Tenzin Palmo, she did go and got her ordination by the Chinese Mahayana doctrine.

Hope that the ordination obtained by Tibetan Vajrayana Bhikshuni will create the cause for a Tibetan Nun order.