Author Topic: Dulzin's holy body  (Read 20551 times)


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Dulzin's holy body
« on: November 20, 2010, 05:47:00 PM »
I’ve been spending many hours going through the pages of Trijang Rinpoche’s biography, The Illusory Play and finding so many precious teachings and writings! I do strongly recommend reading this if you haven’t already. It will do wonders to inspire and encourage you in your own practice. And please do share interesting things you find in the biography too. It's not often we have such close access to such a great being's personal writings, especially about his own life!

Have just come across this intriguing and really wonderful passage on page 57:

That evening we went through the pass and then, passing through Lhari Go, Kongpo, Gyamda, and so forth. When we arrived at Özer Gyang we were met and escorted by representatives of Ganden Dokang Kangtsän and Samling Mitsän. Dokang Kangtsän had prepared for us to stay at Tsunmo Tsäl Monastery, and we spent a day there. We made offerings there before the stupa of Dulzin Dragpa Gyältsän. It was long known that the stupa with Dulzin Rinpoche’s reliquary body was at Tsunmo Tsäl Monastery, and, in the meantime, because it was necessary to make some repairs to the place where it was being kept, Ganden Lhopa Gyälsä Tulku and Dokang Geshe Chödrag of the monastery administration brought me to perform argha¬–water–puja. When we broke the stupa open, among the holy objects placed inside, there was a wooden box where inside was the entire holy body with no decay and it had grown quite a bit of hair! It was wrapped in two namjar (monk’s robes), an old and a new one. There was an antique bowl in front of the body that seemed to have been filled with fruit. The fragrant scent of pure morality spread throughout a large area, confirming what I had heard from Geshe Chödrag while at the monastery.

Note the description about Dulzin Dragpa Gyeltsen’s body in the reliquary: that it had not decayed and hair had continued growing after he had passed on. It is believed that this happens only with very highly attained masters. (certainly not with ordinary beings).

It is beautiful to also read about the “fragrant scent of pure morality” that came from the stupa – which refers of course to Dulzin’s pure practice and morality throughout his lifetime and also to his very name which means “holder of the vinaya”.

I point this out as evidence (not that we need it) that Dorje Shugden is not just some ordinary being or a spirit. Could a being as evil as some claim him to be manifest such great physical signs even after his passing? If Dulzin was so highly attained, then it would not be logical that his following incarnations (i.e. Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, and then Dorje Shugden) would not be highly attained and “revert” to being spirits. How can one incarnation manifest such attained, enlightened signs, and a few incarnations later turn into a spirit. It is illogical. 


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Re: Dulzin's holy body
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2010, 02:09:15 AM »
I totally agree with you here, Beggar!

Thank you so much for sharing that beautiful paragraph in here.

When I read it, I was really astonished and I had to read it again to make sure I read it right.

HH Trijang Rinpoche saw Duldzin's Stupa and even broke it open to view the miraculous holy relics  inside!


What a great priviledge, merits and karma to have that precious opportunity!

Just reading that passage gave me goose bumps.

That passage is undeniable proof that Dorje Shugden is NOT an evil spirit or worldly in any sense - as you rightly shared.

This is why HH Trijang Rinpoche's Bio is so valuable and a MUST READ.

Now I know why this website worked at this Bio because it is truly a blessed reading and must be shared with the world.

Everyone should learn about HH Trijang Rinpoche's life story and also, HH's life story confirms that Dorje Shudgen is an Enlightened Protector.



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Re: Dulzin's holy body
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2010, 03:12:54 AM »
Thank you beggar for sharing this wonderful paragraph in Trijang's Rinpoche's biography with us.

It is totally illogical to say that Dorje Shugden is an evil spirit as one of his previous incarnation is Dulzin Trakpa Gyeltsen. It is becasue it is so illogical that I always feel all these controversy propogated is for another higher purpose, at least, that is what I would like to believe in.

There are so much "treasures" for us to dig in when studying the biography of a holy master like Trijang's Rinpoche, we should all read up!!!



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Re: Dulzin's holy body
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2010, 12:15:08 PM »
Wow! Thank you for sharing this with us. I will definitely read up on Trijang Rinpoche's biography to learn more.

This is proof that Dorje Shugden is not an evil spirit but an enlightened Protector!


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Re: Dulzin's holy body
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2010, 02:03:14 PM »
Does anyone know if Dulzin's holy body is still enshrined in the stupa of Tsunmo Tsäl Monastery?

Just very curious.


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Re: Dulzin's holy body
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2010, 02:42:29 PM »
Wow! Thank you for sharing this with us. I will definitely read up on Trijang Rinpoche's biography to learn more.

This is proof that Dorje Shugden is not an evil spirit but an enlightened Protector!

Do share these excerpts with more people to give them understanding and logic of why Dorje Shugden is fully enlightened. It will help people a lot to see and understand things like this, and strengthen their conviction and faith. Proof, as it were, from a highly respected and attained masters like Trijang Rinpoche would be hard to dispute.


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Re: Dulzin's holy body
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2010, 04:11:46 PM »
Another incarnation of Duldzin - Panchen Sonam Drakpa's - passing into clear light also had miraculous signs:

"When Panchen Sönam Dragpa died he remained in single-pointed concentration on the clear light of death for fifteen days. His body then diminished to the size of a forearm and from this body many statues and relics appeared. From his manner of dying we can understand clearly that he had attained the illusory body and was truly an enlightened being."

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Dulzin's holy body
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2010, 05:11:46 AM »
Wow! Thank you for sharing this with us. I will definitely read up on Trijang Rinpoche's biography to learn more.

This is proof that Dorje Shugden is not an evil spirit but an enlightened Protector!

Do share these excerpts with more people to give them understanding and logic of why Dorje Shugden is fully enlightened. It will help people a lot to see and understand things like this, and strengthen their conviction and faith. Proof, as it were, from a highly respected and attained masters like Trijang Rinpoche would be hard to dispute.

It is very important that clear, logical reasons are given to prove that Dorje Shugden is a Buddha, but unfortunately, due to his charisma, more people are likely to follow the Dalai Lama than to believe Trijang Rinpoche.  The ban is founded mainly on blind devotion to the Dalai Lama and his view and sadly, not many people want to apply logic these days.


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Re: Dulzin's holy body
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2010, 02:23:55 PM »
Wow! Thank you for sharing this with us. I will definitely read up on Trijang Rinpoche's biography to learn more.

This is proof that Dorje Shugden is not an evil spirit but an enlightened Protector!

Do share these excerpts with more people to give them understanding and logic of why Dorje Shugden is fully enlightened. It will help people a lot to see and understand things like this, and strengthen their conviction and faith. Proof, as it were, from a highly respected and attained masters like Trijang Rinpoche would be hard to dispute.

It is very important that clear, logical reasons are given to prove that Dorje Shugden is a Buddha, but unfortunately, due to his charisma, more people are likely to follow the Dalai Lama than to believe Trijang Rinpoche.  The ban is founded mainly on blind devotion to the Dalai Lama and his view and sadly, not many people want to apply logic these days.

This website is doing exactly the right job of bringing clear logic and facts to all readers that Dorje Shugden is a Buddha and not an evil spirit or demon.

I think there is no need to feel sad at this point that there are people who simply out of blind faith follow the Dalai Lama's view, there are bound to be some who would just simply follow without much thinking. But as we continue to bring the facts out  and debate constructively, doubts will be clear. It is just a matter of time.

Better concentrate our efforts in promoting Dorje Shugden's practice to more people so that many more will receive the benefits.


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Re: Dulzin's holy body
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2011, 11:58:01 PM »
Thanks Beggar for sharing that extract with us!

However, do you (or anyone else) know if there are any other accounts of other beings who have witness the holy body as well? Unfortunately there are some people out there that seems to not hold Trijang Rinpoche in the highest regard as we do and would therefore would just brush off this great event....odd eh, to not respect HHDL's own guru (who is a great master in his own right!), follow a ban issued by HHDL without question and hold negative thoughts towards his own teacher.

Who is the 'us' and 'we' that Trijang Rinpoche refers to in the extract?



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Re: Dulzin's holy body
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2011, 09:14:20 PM »
Thanks Beggar for sharing that extract with us!

However, do you (or anyone else) know if there are any other accounts of other beings who have witness the holy body as well? Unfortunately there are some people out there that seems to not hold Trijang Rinpoche in the highest regard as we do and would therefore would just brush off this great event....odd eh, to not respect HHDL's own guru (who is a great master in his own right!), follow a ban issued by HHDL without question and hold negative thoughts towards his own teacher.

Who is the 'us' and 'we' that Trijang Rinpoche refers to in the extract?


I haven't read of any other accounts of this, however, i would think that Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche would be the most esteemed among the group. So if people do not believe what Trijang Rinpoche says, it is unlikely that they would believe the lesser known entourage.

I wouldn't worry too much about the people who disbelieve Trijang Rinpoche. Every great being in history has his/her detractors - from Buddha Shakyamuni to Jesus Christ to Gandhi to Mother Teresa to Pabongkha Rinpoche - so Trijang Rinpoche is no exception.

Instead of trying to convert the skeptics, perhaps we should just try to inform and educate those who are open minded and willing to respect people for their qualities and achievements.

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

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Re: Dulzin's holy body
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2011, 06:23:54 PM »
Hey guys,
I came across this funny article that relate scent with morality, which is already what is well-established in Buddhism, hence we offer incense to the Buddha to create the cause to achieve morality like how Dulzin Drakpa Gyeltsen had achieved.

Do ‘Clean’ Smells Encourage Clean Behavior?
By Catherine Elton

Years ago, social scientists introduced the broken-windows theory of crime control, which posited that if a neighborhood looked orderly and cared for — with no graffiti or broken windows — potential wrongdoers would be dissuaded from committing crimes there. Now psychologists have proposed a similar theory, which suggests that people can be induced to behave virtuously when their environment smells as clean as it looks.

It’s the Macbeth principle of morality, says Katie Liljenquist, professor of organizational leadership at Brigham Young University’s Marriott School of Management and lead author of the new study, to be published in Psychological Science. “There is a strong link between moral and physical purity that people associate at a core level. People feel contaminated by immoral choices and try to wash away their sins,” says Liljenquist. “To some degree, washing actually is effective in alleviating guilt. What we wondered was whether you could regulate ethical behavior through cleanliness. We found that we could.”

In two separate experiments, researchers were able to influence participants’ behavior by exposing them to “cleanliness” in the form of a common cleaning agent’s odor — in this case, citrus-scented Windex. It turned out that people who sat in a room spritzed with Windex were more likely to act fairly and charitably than those sniffing unscented air.

The first experiment involved an anonymous game of trust. The 28 study participants were told they would be “receivers,” with whom a group of anonymous “senders” had been instructed to invest money. Participants were told that each sender had been given $4 and told that any part of it invested with receivers would be tripled. The job of the receiver, then, was to decide what portion of the dividends to return to the sender.

In reality, there was no sender, and each study participant received $12, making it seem as though the senders had entrusted them with the full $4 they had been given. But would the receivers reciprocate that trust or exploit their unidentified investors? On average, those in the plain-smelling room returned $2.81 to the sender, pocketing the lion’s share of the money. But those bathed in the scent of Windex sent back an average of $5.83, returning the senders’ blind faith.

The scientists insist they didn’t overdo it with the Windex, just a few spritzes — so we can rule out brain-cell death or intoxication-induced generosity as reasons why those receivers gave back so much of the booty. Rather, Liljenquist says, “a moral awareness was awakened in a clean-smelling environment.”

In the second experiment, researchers aimed to manipulate people’s propensity toward charity. Ninety-nine participants were assigned to either a Windex-scented room or a neutral-smelling room and given a packet of tasks to complete. Included in the packet was a flyer soliciting volunteers and donations to the charity Habitat for Humanity. As expected, people in the Windex-sprayed room were more inclined to volunteer and give money than those in the unscented room — 22% of those in the clean group said they wanted to donate money, compared with 6% of the controls.

According to co-author Adam Galinsky, a social psychologist at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, society relies on incentives, in the form of rewards and punishments, to encourage people to conform to certain standards of behavior. “Economists and even psychologists haven’t been paying much attention to the fact that small changes in our environment can have dramatic effects on behavior. We underemphasize these subtle environmental cues,” he says.

Liljenquist says the real-life implications of the study could be as simple as an office investing more in janitorial supplies than in expensive and intrusive surveillance equipment to keep workers in line. Other olfactory researchers suggest, however, that perhaps it wasn’t the clean smell that made people more virtuous in the new study, but rather the smell of citrus; that is, people may have behaved better because they smelled something they liked, rather than something “clean.” “It could be simply that a positive smell creates a positive mood, which encourages positive behavior. You cannot conclude it is cleanliness per se,” says Brown University psychologist Rachel Herz, author of The Scent of Desire. To rule out the confounding factor of good smells, she says, the study’s authors could have added a third room to the experiment scented with recently baked chocolate chip cookies, for example.

Nevertheless, both morality researchers and olfactory scientists agree that people do strongly associate physical cleanliness with purity of conscience. It is the notion at the heart of adages like “cleanliness is next to godliness” and evidenced by the widespread use of cleansing ceremonies to wash away sins in various religions around the world. (Truth be told, that practice is merely an extrapolation of an evolutionary strategy to avoid disease.)

For their part, Liljenquist and Galinsky say they controlled for the good-mood effect by giving participants in the second experiment a mood-screening questionnaire. They also say their results are consistent with existing literature on cleanliness and morality. For instance, in one of Liljenquist’s earlier studies, she found, among other things, that cleaning hands after writing about a moral transgression made people feel less guilty about it. Other researchers have also tackled the issue of morality and smell, but from the opposite end of the spectrum. A paper published last year in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin revealed that people are more critical and judgmental about certain moral issues when exposed to the vapors of a — ahem — fart-scented spray.

Yes, fart spray is a commercially available product. Incidentally, according to a psychologist who has worked with it in experiments, it is nearly impossible to rid upholstery of it. Citrus-scented Windex certainly makes for a nicer lab environment, which perhaps has something to do with Liljenquist’s continued interest in this line of study. “Research on how to stay on the moral high ground and promote virtue,” she says, “is something I find refreshing.”


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Re: Dulzin's holy body
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2012, 07:07:53 PM »
This is a very amazing post that dispels completely all the bad mouthing of Drakpa Gyaltsen from HHDL's camp, who has been making a lot of rude and nasty claims about the Drakpa Gyaltsen lineage, including that he is a kagyu lama and that he was born out of perverted prayers. The claims were specifically directed at Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, but is it not insulting the subsequent reincarnation the same as insulting the first one? Also Drakpa Gyaltsen during the 5th Dalai Lama was already a Gelug lama, so why was he called a kagyu lama? It was obviously directed at Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen.

The scent of someone who holds the vinaya is an incredible scent and it comes from holding the vows very purely. This is documented in all traditions of Buddhism and it is extremely rare to encounter someone who has done so and to smell the scent. Drakpa Gyaltsen's body not decomposing is a sign that he is not an ordinary being. He has attained the same level as Lama Tsongkhapa as Lama Tsongkhapa did not decay as well.

The many who claim that Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was bad, and Dorje Shugden is bad obviously has not seen proof that he is not and this body is a very powerful testament to the fact that he is someone with very high attainments, which means that his subsequent incarnations could not be harmful in any way. If it did, it contradicts the whole point of doing Dharma practice and achieving enlightenment, because it means after we are enlightened we can still return to samsara.

I find this post incredible and it is something for Dorje Shugden practitioners to remember whenever they are being challenged that Dorje Shugden is evil or something…because this post is a very powerful reminder of who and what our Dharma protector is….he is an enlightened being who has the same achievements as Lama Tsongkhapa himself.


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Re: Dulzin's holy body
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2012, 02:47:27 AM »
I have heard many accounts of such wondrous signs, some of reliquaries left behind from highly attained masters after their baths, some from sweet scents emitting from their bodies, and some from witnesses who saw rainbow like colors in photos taken when highly attained masters were doing consecrations.

As for bodies of highly attained masters being in almost perfect condition, showing no sign of decay, how is this possible? Scientifically and logically it cannot be explained but how does Buddhism explain this?


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Re: Dulzin's holy body
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2012, 03:36:01 AM »
I have heard many accounts of such wondrous signs, some of reliquaries left behind from highly attained masters after their baths, some from sweet scents emitting from their bodies, and some from witnesses who saw rainbow like colors in photos taken when highly attained masters were doing consecrations.

As for bodies of highly attained masters being in almost perfect condition, showing no sign of decay, how is this possible? Scientifically and logically it cannot be explained but how does Buddhism explain this?

We often only believe in things that have been validated through scientific methods. However, even scientists themselves admit the limitation of science.

2,500 years ago, Lord Buddha already spoke of different world systems out in vast universe that is beyond our wildest imagination. What the Buddha perceives and knows make our space explorations look pathetic.

Many things or phenomena that cannot be explained scientifically or logically , we tend to brush them aside as fallacies.
That 's what I used to be until I read the dharma under the  guidance of my kind Guru. I learn to keep my mind open and that our ordinary perception is so unreliable and deceptive.

Another thing I learn is just to have faith in the Guru and the 3 jewels. Based on 2,500 years of track records, the dharma has never been proven wrong . On that basis, even if I can't understand certain Buddhist miracles, I can still believe that it happened.