Author Topic: After the Dalai Lama  (Read 16503 times)


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After the Dalai Lama
« on: December 16, 2010, 11:33:39 PM »
Tibet will never get autonomy. Tibet will never gain independence. :( Only Dorje Shugden can give them a glimmer of hope toward preservation of Buddha Dharma in Tibet itself.

After this Dalai Lama passes, all the Tibetans in Tibet will become Chinese. Their voices for independence will fade. All the Tibetans in India who have money will make a scramble to countries outside of India. The Tibetans living abroad and outside of Tibet will lose their language, culture and become mixed into the mainstream culture of their adopted country like every other immigrant. The Tibetans in India will just worry about survival.

Tibetan Buddhism will ironically truly exist outside of most Tibetans. Dorje Shugden will grow in reputation and not any lama in the future will have the power to speak against him. The Dalai Lama did this. Watch as the 'show' unfolds. :(

So let's talk about everything related to Dorje Shugden's practice, lineage, lamas, centres, nature and benefits on this forum to start the education of the new wave of dharma practitioners who will have heard of Dorje Shugden and want to know more.  :)

Homage to Dorje Shugden who although intangible to the untrained perciever arising from Dharmakaya has become tangible by someone in rupakaya named Dalai Lama. It will be exciting times ahead. So let's keep working hard here to make it happen.



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Re: After the Dalai Lama
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2010, 01:54:54 AM »
Thank you, TK for posting this.

I must admit that I did not start by coming into this website with warm fuzzy feelings of HHDL, but after reading many many articles and going through the forum, especially - I started developed a more peaceful method for myself to continue my own practice. One that does not "harm" my mind nor incur more bad karma for myself.

For this and much more, I do really appreciate and thank everyone who made this website and contribute to this website.

There is a certain "lightness" within me and I feel that I can truly practice without harbouring any ill thoughts or feelings towards anyone, especially HHDL.

I choose to focus on becoming a much better Dorje Shugden practitioner and help to promote Dorje Shugden to as many people as possible to dispel the misconception.

I agree, these are indeed very exciting times!


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Re: After the Dalai Lama
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2010, 03:46:08 AM »
Dear TK,

Thank you for your foresight. It makes what the Dalai Lama is doing right now even more clear to me. That is why the Dalai Lama pushes Dorje Shugden practitioners so much all over the world. I think Dorje Shugden is banned not because he is really harmful to the Dalai Lama or the Tibetan cause although that is what he says now but it is banned so every practitioner realise how precious and beneficial this practice is and work even harder to protect and promote it.

Inflamed by the seeming injustice of this ban, the Dalai Lama has made every single practitioner who are real practitioners to strive even harder, grow and spread this Protector far and wide. Hence, he is making us strong, purify our collective karma and prepare us for the time when he is not around and when Dorje Shugden will take over. It would be a meteoric rise especially in places like China where they are at the forefront of world economic and cultural dominance. Hence, I think the Dalai Lama will continue to push Dorje Shugden practitioners harder and harder in preparation for that time.   


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Re: After the Dalai Lama
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2010, 04:48:01 PM »

Like the power of a ruler of a country, it comes and goes. Countries exist because we draw the boundries between them. Infact, we are all citizens of the Earth, we come and go too..........

If what TK shared with us comes true, it may not be bad at all. Imagine all the Tibetans are scattered around the world, they will inevitably strive to keep their culture, belief and religion. In this way, Buddhism will have even a better opportunity to spread far and wide and getting to all walks of lives in a big way, not to mention, the practice of Dorje Shugden.

I hope I live long enough to see what is unfolding for King Dorje Shugden!!!



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Re: After the Dalai Lama
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2011, 09:35:13 PM »
I just read this in TIME that resonate with what TK posted previously. Despite Karmapa's charisma, His Holiness the Karmapa is after all, NOT the Dalai Lama and will be not be respected or treated in the same way as Dalai Lama was.

I think it's quite obvious with the latest raid of His Holiness the Karmapa's office how the Indian view the Karmapa. Also, people are still divided between the 2 Karmapas. 

But to his Indian critics, Dorje (His Holiness the Karmapa) is hardly the Pope. Unlike the Dalai Lama, who embarks on global tours and visits to remote monasteries every year, Dorje sees his movement tightly controlled and restricted by the Indian government. His only foreign trip to date was a swing through the U.S. in 2008. Because of challenges leveled by a couple of rival claimants to his holy position as the Karmapa Lama, he's barred from visiting the Rumtek monastery in the Indian state of Sikkim, one of the most important shrines of his Karma Kagyu sect of Tibetan Buddhism and the abode of the Black Crown, one of the sect's most hallowed relics.


As the Dalai Lama reaches his twilight years, a disenchanted, disgruntled population is the last legacy he wants to leave behind. It's unlikely Dorje would directly replace him — after all, he is supposedly the realized incarnation of a sect that's considerably older than the Dalai Lama's Gelugpa order. But in the power vacuum that may follow the Dalai Lama's death, no other spiritual leader could rival Dorje's charisma and prestige.

Read more:,8599,2046124,00.html


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Re: After the Dalai Lama
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2011, 04:01:32 PM »
With the current political situation in China, I agree with TK that Tibet will not gain independence or autonomy.  With due respect, when HHDL passes, all Tibetan freedom cause will slowly be forgotten and all the opposition against the practice of Dorje Shugden will fade away. So what will happen to all the people who opposes the practice of Dorje Shugden? Most probably they will continue to be disgruntled but eventually fade into oblivion.

Before that happens, perhaps they should reflect upon the basis of their opposition.  Is it due to sound basis or is it because they feel that their salvation lies in supporting HHDL whom they believe is Chenrezig and infallible.  Whatever the reason, they should see for themselves whether their actions have brought good results of peace and harmony among fellow Buddhist.  If not, then maybe they should reevaluate their actions.

During his lifetime, HHDL has created so much controversy in the practice of Dorje Shugden that has brought world wide media attention towards Dorje Shugden. Many people who would otherwise not even heard of Dorje Shugden begin to investigate and learn about Dorje Shugden due to this controversy.  Could it be that the controversy was HHDL enlightened actions to bring the practice of Dorje Shugden world wide to many people in this degenerate age who so need this practice?  We do not know for sure, but the end result seems to head towards this direction.


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Re: After the Dalai Lama
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2011, 04:16:47 PM »
I think the results will speak for themselves.

When more and more people begin to learn and practice Dorje Shugden, then even those who criticised the Dalai Lama for his harshness and those who disagreed with the view of a Bigger Picture may begin to appreciate that perhaps something was already planned for much earlier on.

However, whether people disagreed or agreed - either way, in time, many people who did not or could not practice Dorje Shugden will eventually be free to do so.

Especially after His Holiness's passing and after the collapse of the TGIE.

In fact, if I may be so bold to say - everyone will find that they will want to seek Dorje Shugden's help more and more.

From nothing, Tibetans In Exile flourished in India and Dharma spread into the world - all the high Lamas practised Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden is a true Protector - HE WILL NEVER ABANDON ANYONE even if some have abandoned HIM.

Those who have continued to practice Dorje Shugden and have even continued to survive and thrive outside of the ban or in spite of the ban are proofs that this magnificent Protector never stops, never rests and pauses. Dorje Shugden is always with us all.

Every road leads us to Dorje Shugden because Dorje Shugden is only interested in cultivating true Dharma in everyone.

In the end, Dharma will triumph. Dorje Shugden will triumph.

The sun will soon shine again.


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Re: After the Dalai Lama
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2011, 04:25:48 PM »
What TK has said is happening already. The Dalai Lama is still alive and yet one of the people that he is so close to, and which his government so openly promotes, is under investigation by the Indian government. There is no one listening to the TGIE and they have no weighting anywhere, not even in the country where they are residing in exile.
(see the further discussion on the thread about the recent karmapa issue)

Already people on the Dalai Lama's "side" are open to investigation and even criticism. his reputation is at risk of being forever stained now. Nothing the Dalai Lama says now has had any affect on the Indian government's investigation. If there is this kind of upheavel now, what more when the dalai lama passes away. It seems like the only one holding the tIbetans together, if at all.


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Re: After the Dalai Lama
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2011, 04:27:57 PM »
following what i said above, I wanted to add that this whole thing, what TK has said, lends all the more weight to the fact that we should really spend less time talking and talking about the dalai lama, pointing out his wrongdoings etc Focus on what we CAN DO instead, which is what TK has advised - promote DS, Dharma, lamrim, and all the things that Dalai Lama stood for in the first place which made Tibetan buddhism and practice so big everywhere in the world.

Isn't that what it's all about, after all?

Big Uncle

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Re: After the Dalai Lama
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2011, 07:14:43 PM »
I am re-reading this thread and it does sends shivers down my spine. What is going to happen once the Dalai Lama passes on the honorable fields. Now, with the Karmapa issue, he is unlikely to succeed and the Panchen Lama in China is too linked with the Chinese government for him to be widely accepted within India. Perhaps another Lama or perhaps no Lama will ever fill the Dalai Lama's shoes. He has already set the groundwork for other great Lamas so now it is for Dorje Shugden to spread the teachings of these Lamas. I remember reading somewhere in this website that the previous Karmapa prophesied that all schools would have to pray to him eventually. I wonder how is that going to take place....


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Re: After the Dalai Lama
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2011, 06:58:23 PM »
If we believe in rebirths then the foremost important thing is knowing we are creating the right causes to be reborn in a good place to continue in the path. Why "kill" for a nation and find ourselves in the next life NOT in the place where we have given our lives for.

I like TK's thinking very much that it's Dorje Shugden who will help preserve what's most important which Tibet has to offer,...the Dharma. Yes, it is very exciting to see how Dorje Shugden will start to play more and more of a central role as the principle protector of the Yellow hat.


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Re: After the Dalai Lama
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2011, 09:43:53 AM »
Just curious if anyone knows - Before the ban, did all schools used to pray to Dorje Shugden?



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Re: After the Dalai Lama
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2011, 10:35:52 PM »
If I'm not mistaken, the schools of Buddhism that used to pray to Dorje Shugden was: Sakya, Gelug, and Drugpa Kagyu (from Bhutan). Those were the ones that had textual evidence.

Other than that, I'm not too sure...


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Re: After the Dalai Lama
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2011, 11:15:11 AM »
There's much speculation what and who comes after the Dalai Lama.

The question is what would it be for? To fulfill a gap as a Political Head or Spiritual Head, or are we looking at a combo.

If it's for political reason, Tibet no longer has their own nation. How will China play a role?
In the 50s, Dalai Lama wrote a poem to Chairman Mao, praising him :

O! Chairman Mao! Your brilliance and deeds are like those of Brahma and Mahasammata, creators of the world..

What do you make out of this?


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Re: After the Dalai Lama
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2011, 06:11:38 PM »
I would not be the least surprised that the institution of the Dalai Lama will end with the current Dalai Lama, when His Holiness passes.

As people's memories are short - most things important today will be forgotten. New events, news and headlines will take over as they always do.

All the Tibetans In Exile will be more worried about their own personal security and welfare, and not about what TGIE wants or does not want.

After the Dalai Lama, there is nothing left for the TGIE to stay in power or control with.

Tibetans will scatter in all the directions of the globe, finding a place for them to start their lives over.

Some may even brave going back to Tibet, China. Who knows.

What's certain - only the Dharma will stay and Dorje Shugden.
