Author Topic: Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche's Dilemma  (Read 25085 times)

Big Uncle

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Re: Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche's Dilemma
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2011, 08:12:05 AM »
Dear Icy,

It is more than just 8 worldly concerns that Trijang Rinpoche have to contend with. At his young age, his very life is threatened because of his practice of Dorje Shugden and yet he doesn't give up. Out of respect for the Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden, he has returned his vows and live in quiet seclusion in America. He still maintains a small group of students in a secluded center at Vermont.

There were attempts on his live and that of his attendant. Imagine growing up in fear of your life and every move you make would offend a whole faction of the Dalai Lama or Dorje Shugden practitioners. It is amazing Trijang Rinpoche has not given up on his practice completely and choose to pursue a completely lay life like Lama Osel. No disrespects to Lama Osel in this case as he might be pursuing a different inner spiritual path. The comparison is not to pass judgement as I do not have the wisdom to discern their motivation but to reveal the amazing qualities of the young Trijang Rinpoche.

I think Trijang Rinpoche is waiting for the time when the ban would be lifted and he can openly practice once more and continue the work of his predecessor.


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Re: Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche's Dilemma
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2011, 04:52:54 PM »
It sadden me automatically when I read all the post above. In the first place (in a perceived ordinary mind), I felt heart broken that it has to reached this stage for Trijang Rinpoche to have to make this decision.

Even the news of Dukhang Khamtsen splitting away from Gaden Shartse to form part of Shar Gaden dishearten me terribly in 2008. In my mind at that time why should Buddhism have so much politics involve.
However,  it has also been said that there will be a time to come during the degenerate age that we will not even hear the Buddha’s name.  Therefore, I believe that these are all skillful methods of enlightened beings ie Trijang Rinpoce and HH are manifesting.

Yes, Gaden Monastery is an illustrious monastery, there is no doubt to this. Many many high lamas have been trained and they have spread Buddhism far and wide. But it has also come a time now whereby lamas have to manifest different methods.

Seriously speaking, how many of us actually visit Gaden to learn and to be trained from the High Lamas and Geshe.  And come to think about it, most the successful Gelugpa centers around the world has their lama residing outside Gaden currently.

What Trijang Rinpoche “dilemma” is not a dilemma if you look at this carefully, it is Rinpoche skillful method to bring dharma further and wider.
The world is forever evolving with the new/latest technology, Buddhism can evolve also.


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Re: Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche's Dilemma
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2011, 01:14:11 PM »

What Trijang Rinpoche “dilemma” is not a dilemma if you look at this carefully, it is Rinpoche skillful method to bring dharma further and wider.
The world is forever evolving with the new/latest technology, Buddhism can evolve also.

AGREED... I too believe that Buddhism can evolve yet the essence of it still remains. There are so many great masters out there and each one has their special method in expounding the dharma to us today.

People are different and some will be suitable in a certain method taught, whereas another, another method. Buddha himself gave us 84,000 different teachings to follow. They were all written in 108 volumes of kangyur by the great saint Atisha who brought Dharma to Tibet... and now today we have the condense version in Lamrim - Liberation in Palm of your Hands!!!

I cannot imagine learning from 108 kangyur but today we have the wonderful Lamrim book, just one book which is the essence, the combination of all that Buddha has taught. This book evolve from Lama Atisha's time to Lama Tsongkhapa who gave us The Stages of the Path to Enlightenment. Then it was expounded and taught greatly again by the great Pabongka and then commentaries given by Trijang Rinpoche... and which is what we have toaday, how amazing! Honestly if Buddhism did not evolve, I think many would probably not be practising now.

Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche being where he is today, doing what he is doing today, may well be creating another evolution in Buddhism that we cannot see yet, but whatever it is, he has his own centre now, he is still teaching and the best part is, he still does Dorje Shugden... so all his students will automatically be practising too. Shar Gaden is like a new Gaden monastery of Dorje Shugden masters and practitioners, seems like the era for Dorje Shugden has begun...

I rejoice in positive manifestations of these great Masters and Heroes that will preserve and spread DS to the world.


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Re: Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche's Dilemma
« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2011, 05:48:20 PM »
Recently, I heard of how the current Trijang Choktul Rinpoche was almost killed in Gaden in His ladrang when he was younger.

There were assassins in masks who trespassed Trijang Ladrang holding sticks with the intention to kill Trijang Choktul Rinpoche. Fortunately, there were monks guarding the ladrang already at that time. The monks took shifts to guard the ladrang to ensure the ladrang was guarded at all times.

For Trijang Rinpoche's safety, Rinpoche had to sleep in different rooms every night so that it will not be easy for the assassins to plot their killing. In the end as we all know, Trijang Rinpoche left the country, one of the reasons is for Rinpoche's safety.


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Re: Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche's Dilemma
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2011, 06:26:45 PM »
I completely agree with dsiluvu. Change is happening every second. Embracing change and adapting ourselves to it is key for sustainability. Therefore, for Dharma to survive through these degenerate period, new strategies must be applied.

Based on results, this strategy seems to have its results. From the fiery media coverage this "issue" received to the opening of new Dorje Shugden monasteries, we can conclude that Dorje Shugden practice is only gaining more attention and acknowledgement. 

Throughout the years of the ban, we can witness the pieces coming into place. There was a lot of distress at the beginning when the suffering was most intense (many of the "disastrous stories" related to the suffering occurred at this period of time). With the shocking situation created, rapid awareness as well as strong declaration to end this suffering were created. For example, websites to provide information about DS is set up, closely knit DS communities sprouted etc. In more recent times, there seem to be more "good news" than bad ones. For example, actively creative, innovative, and constructive works (the graphic novel, the animated production, the website...this very forum) is being done for the practice of Dorje Shugden to flourish and Dorje Shugden practitioners are able to practice for safely in new monasteries.

Perhaps, if we continue to work hard for the practice of Dorje Shugden to grow, we will be able to witness the end of this ban and the re-entry of this practice into mainstream Dharma.


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Re: Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche's Dilemma
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2012, 09:29:32 AM »
I really feel sad for the people who put Trijang Rinpoche in a dilemma because they do not know what kind of negative karma do they reap for themselves. I can only guess the fearsome consequences of stopping such a great lama from teaching. Why would anyone want to put such a high and erudite master in such a position where he has to choose between studying the Dharma and leaving? Very bad for the CTA to do something like this. Very bad.


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Re: Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche's Dilemma
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2012, 06:30:38 PM »
I am sure Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche was already in a dilemma even before the Dalai Lama gave him the ultimatum. In fact when the Dalai Lama did that His Holiness gave Trijang Rinpoche the escape route Trijang needed to drop off from the radar. I take the view that the Dalai Lama is actually on a clandestine mission to spread Dorje Shugden and his ultimatum to Trijang Rinpoche was a very clever preemptive move to secure the safety of the reincarnation of His Holiness’s teacher whom he knows will become very prominent in promoting Dorje Shugden in the future.

Due to his illustrious previous reincarnation’s reputation and deep involvement as a Shugden practitioner, Trijang Rinpoche was already under pressure and was seen by many, as the face of the resistance to the ban and expectations of Trijang to be a significant part of the Shugden movement was high. But the same time, Trijang was also an open target for attacks by anti-Shugden force and therefore he was facing a lose-lose situation.

By disrobing and leaving his monastery Trijang Rinpoche effectively removed himself from the equation in terms of Shugden related political and monastic affairs.  In retrospect and looking at how messy things became, it appears Trijang Rinpoche made the right decision and instead of being drawn into one side or the another, Trijang has had almost 10 years of preparation to execute a more effective play to resume the legacy his predecessor left. It would not surprise me at all to learn that Trijang Rinpoche has sought the counsel of Dorje Shugden all the way and like Dorje Shugden himself, Trijang Rinpoche has not uttered a word in support for, or against the Dalai Lama’s ban.

And now with Trijang Rinpoche’s reemergence, we see that he has lost none of his commitment to Dharma or his significance within the Sangha community. The sight of Trijang Rinpoche in public itself is a tremendous boost to Dorje Shugden practitioners wound the world and I can’t wait to see what affirmative actions he will take or inspire now that it seems the time is here.


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Re: Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche's Dilemma
« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2012, 05:58:30 AM »
By disrobing and leaving his monastery Trijang Rinpoche effectively removed himself from the equation in terms of Shugden related political and monastic affairs.  In retrospect and looking at how messy things became, it appears Trijang Rinpoche made the right decision and instead of being drawn into one side or the another, Trijang has had almost 10 years of preparation to execute a more effective play to resume the legacy his predecessor left. It would not surprise me at all to learn that Trijang Rinpoche has sought the counsel of Dorje Shugden all the way and like Dorje Shugden himself, Trijang Rinpoche has not uttered a word in support for, or against the Dalai Lama’s ban.

Trijang Rinpoche has never wanted to get involved with this from the start. he made this very clear in a radio interview quite sometime ago. His step of disrobing and taking a consort is to show his extreme displeasure with how the whole ban has spiraled into. But even then, it does not remove ant of his attainments and also he did not stop doing Dharma work and teaching others despite being disrobed. As the recent pictures have proven, he is still very respected everywhere and he is still teaching like his previous incarnation. What is interesting is, he is still taking a neutral stance on Dorje Shugden and he has not said anything about it so far.


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Re: Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche's Dilemma
« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2012, 07:07:40 AM »
My view is that since Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche is young (just turned 30 I think) he has time. The peak of a Lama is around the forties. So plenty of time to do his work. Also since the Dalai Lama banned the practice and since the Dalai Lama is older and more popular, Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche can't do must at that time but to lay low. So we can say the timing was not right.
However, I am feeling the timing is getting better by the day and maybe it is just me, I noticed he is getting a higher profile recently. So I am hoping that he will really start to spread the Dharma and the practice of Dorje Shugden especially going forward. Keeping my fingers crossed on this.
One thing for sure is that Rinpoche will not let us all down. I will await the day when he openly spread the Protector practice.


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Re: Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche's Dilemma
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2012, 12:20:04 AM »
Thanks for sharing, Big Uncle.

Of interest also is the para before what Big Uncle posted from

The Secret Society of External and Internal Enemy Eliminators makes its death threats against the two young incarnations of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche (13), Tutor of H.H. the Dalai Lama, and Song Rinpoche (11). Trijang Choktul Rinpoche was forced to stop his traditional studies and leave India.

Sad to read of these threats to these attained beings.

That is correct, The current Trijang Rinpoche while residing in Gaden received death threats due to the ban on Dorje Shugden implemented by Dalai Lama. Monk guards were deployed 24 hours a day in Gaden Trijang Ladrang the residence of Trijang Rinpoche.

Then there were some violent clashes as the lay Tibetans were incited within the grounds of Gaden Monastery by the Tibetan Govt representatives. It was decided it is safer for Trijang Rinpoche to leave. He departed to Switzerland and to the protective care of His Eminence Gonsar Rinpoche. Gonsar Rinpoche was instrumental for the protection and welfare of the current Trijang Rinpoche for many years.


Reading this again makes me feel quite disgusted about they can allow or have high Lamas be treated in such a way and why was there NO INVESTIGATION to this matter????

A bias, hypocritical govt will head no where but down! People will soon find out the truth sooner or later... for centuries it has been so... how long can CTA pretend and sweep these kind of happenings under the carpet and keep coming up with twisted illogical facts on Dorje Shugden that even an idiot can think through it.

All the more reasons why we should embrace this dilemma as an inspiration to promote more info that we have here to the world to create the causes to lift the BAN so that great masters like Trijang Rinpoche can soon freely an openly give teachings and protector practice to anyone who wishes to receive it!

Big Uncle

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Re: Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche's Dilemma
« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2012, 08:45:58 AM »
I believe that the time for hiding is coming to a close right now as Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche had been travelling most extensively to Mongolia and Europe of late. I believe that his years of living under threat and constant temptations by the Dalai Lama and the CTA to return to India and in the process, renouncing Dorje Shugden, is coming to an end.

It is obvious that Choktrul Rinpoche will never renounce Dorje Shugden and that the requests are all in vain as he is a Lama that lives by his vows and commitments. With the news of the Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche appearing in Switzerland, Mongolia and so forth fills me with hope. Somehow, I believe that we are all on the threshold of something really big that will shake CTA and its petty little ban to its core. I believe with Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche being given the permission to practice Dorje Shugden is like an unspoken request to please spread Dorje Shugden in the future. I believe the future is fast materializing right now before our very eyes.

It is just a matter of time before the ban gets lifted and I think great Lamas like Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche would be instrumental in spreading Dorje Shugden in a big way after that.


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Re: Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche's Dilemma
« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2013, 06:09:42 AM »
I believe that the time for hiding is coming to a close right now as Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche had been travelling most extensively to Mongolia and Europe of late. I believe that his years of living under threat and constant temptations by the Dalai Lama and the CTA to return to India and in the process, renouncing Dorje Shugden, is coming to an end.

It is obvious that Choktrul Rinpoche will never renounce Dorje Shugden and that the requests are all in vain as he is a Lama that lives by his vows and commitments. With the news of the Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche appearing in Switzerland, Mongolia and so forth fills me with hope. Somehow, I believe that we are all on the threshold of something really big that will shake CTA and its petty little ban to its core. I believe with Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche being given the permission to practice Dorje Shugden is like an unspoken request to please spread Dorje Shugden in the future. I believe the future is fast materializing right now before our very eyes.

It is just a matter of time before the ban gets lifted and I think great Lamas like Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche would be instrumental in spreading Dorje Shugden in a big way after that.

Dharma attainments, like samsaric ones can only come via stability and commitment and also with conviction. Trijang Rinpoche has demonstrated this quality both in this life and the previous one so we should really follow his example. the Dorje Shugden ban cannot be held for long because the more people know about the ban and how unjust it is for the Dorje Shugden practitioners and how much lies it has, the ban will not be able to sustain itself as people will always side with the truth.


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Re: Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche's Dilemma
« Reply #27 on: April 22, 2013, 10:42:02 AM »
Dilemma?no dilemma this is the Trinle of an Enlightened being, Choktrul Trijang Yeshe Gyatzo.We will see with our own eyes the fulfilment of His Holy Action.
I deeply rejoice.


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Re: Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche's Dilemma
« Reply #28 on: April 23, 2013, 04:20:06 AM »
Dilemma?no dilemma this is the Trinle of an Enlightened being, Choktrul Trijang Yeshe Gyatzo.We will see with our own eyes the fulfilment of His Holy Action.
I deeply rejoice.

The dilemma here is more or less with the Tibetans who want to stop his enlightened activities which is why he has to travel around with bodyguards. CTA, ironically, wants him dead due to the Dorje Shugden issue. It is sad that there are people who want such a high and holy lama dead. There was even a murder attempt when the young Trijang Rinpoche was still with Ganden Shartse, and they had to switch rooms every night to ensure his safety. It is harrowing to know that a 'buddhist' government like CTA wants to murder Buddhist lamas!


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Re: Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche's Dilemma
« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2013, 09:33:27 AM »
There are so so many signs that the Dorje Shugden ban is coming to an end, the many actions done by the dorje shugden lamas, the many top Gelug lamas coming out to teach on a worldwide scale, the founding of Shar Gaden and Serpom monasteries, many new Dorje Shudgen monasteries being restored and being established all across the globe, look at NKT who has been loyal to Dorje Shugden they have the most dharma centers of any Buddhist organisations this is not a fluke, Dorje Shugden spreading and dorje shugden materials being distributed all across the globes, the Dorje shugden website becoming bigger and a great source of information for everyone interested in Dorje shugden and everything associated with it, so much multimedia and articles out there confronting the ban and the falsity the ban represents, I hope I can soon see the day Kyabjye Pabongka starts to turn the wheel of dharma once again. Dorje Shugden movement is one of the most dynamic that can be said to exist in our world now and will carry on to do so until the ban eventually becomes lifted.