Author Topic: TIBETAN GOVT OFTEN VISITS THIS FORUM  (Read 18119 times)


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« on: December 30, 2010, 08:45:41 AM »
The Tibetan Govt of Dharamsala are regular visitors to this website. They religiously always check in on the guestbook and our forum here.

This website contains so much information, they cannot resist. Many of the views we write here, later are countered in speeches by them of course not quoting the source, but you can see they are DEFINITELY reading here.

We are the only website that provide all around views for them to tap into. This website without wanting to has become a powerful resource of activities updates for them.

This website is not for political purposes, but strictly spiritual. We wish to bring Dorje Shugden's practice to many who will benefit.

So if you wish to be heard, your thoughts, expressions and ideas to get noted, then be involved on the forum or at least the guestbook. Where else can the Tibetan Govt get information? Only a few limited places. This is one of their haunts. Keep writing!

« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 08:48:46 AM by Mana »


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« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2010, 08:58:14 AM »

This makes tremendous sense.



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« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2010, 09:16:10 AM »
I do hope the TGIE come here regularly and see that:

1. Dorje Shugden practitioners are mostly peace-loving and want harmony among ALL.
2. Dorje Shugden practitioners are mostly not anti-Dalai Lama - on the contrary - and please read our MANY discussions on this issue!
3. The Dorje Shugden practitioners who visit this site are mostly not interested in politics and only Dharma.

I say mostly as there are some who disagree but generally, this is the perspective of most who come to this site as far as i have observed.

Anyway, the TGIE only have to read the mission statement of this website and read the many threads of this forum to see where the hearts of many Dorje Shugden practitioners are.

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2010, 10:22:29 AM »
Yeah I do really hope they come hear and READ and THINK (if they can) and hopefully with some miracle they may come to realise disharmony is not the key in expanding their mission.

What i truly hope is that from reading all the news and articles here, they'd come to accept that Dorje Shugden will grow to matter what they say, so might as well just accept it although you may not like it.

This is reality, we cannot expect the entire world to just follow one form of Buddhist view - that's why we have so many different schools of Buddhism and that is why we also have so many different spiritual paths and religion on earth.

Ultimately we're all here to spread the Dharma and not politics.

If Ds is really Bad, then why worry, let those who a doing the Bad get their karma...

Karma is the key to everything, so why bother and create more negative karma for oneself by reacting with negative harmful actions. That is to me contradictory to Karma which is the basis of Buddha's teaching. I don't think Buddha said kill, hurt, judge people who don't follow you views is good karma.


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« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2010, 11:56:58 AM »

What i truly hope is that from reading all the news and articles here, they'd come to accept that Dorje Shugden will grow to matter what they say, so might as well just accept it although you may not like it.

This is reality, we cannot expect the entire world to just follow one form of Buddhist view - that's why we have so many different schools of Buddhism and that is why we also have so many different spiritual paths and religion on earth.

Really good thoughts expressed correctly. I agree.


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« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2010, 06:15:21 PM »
I do hope the Tibetan government will visit this website more and more often, i pray that their mind will become clearer after visiting this website (and with the blessing of our Wisdom protector) .

I love this forum as the information are very complete, up to date and not bias. It took me quite some time to decide to write in this forum and I hope other DS practitioner will join in and share theirs experience which will inspire more.

hope rainbow

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« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2011, 04:36:32 PM »
I think it is very good that TGIE is visiting this web-site.
I think this web-site has been designed for all to visit, being not-sectarian.

And I truly appreciate the moderator's work here when they insure that the debates in the forum do not fuel an argument, but on the contrary pacify it. That, I think, is most helpful for any truth-seeker visiting the site, and I hope TGIE visitors are truth-seekers indeed.


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« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2011, 11:34:33 AM »
If the TGIE do visit, I wish to say this to them:

Please know that we respect and love the Dalai Lama very much, and this situation is very sad for all of us. Please do not act in such damaging, hurtful ways to Dorje Shugden practitioners. If they wish to practice, can't you just leave them alone and let them practice on their own? All the attacks, violence is not necessary.

By acting so aggressively towards Shugden practitioners, and by denying them any welfare or help from your government, makes you look (very unfortunately) like a very undemocratic, backward government. It reflects very badly upon your own leader the Dalai Lama, who is so compassionate and such a highly respected lama. People will look at what you are doing to your own people and ask, "Does the dalai lama, their leader, permit these kinds of violence and discrimination?" It is sad, but you are causing the destruction of your own leader's reputation.

Please just act with kindness and patience and tolerance towards those that you even disagree with. Even from a purely diplomatic and political point of view, that would be the best way for the reputation and standing of your government. Acting in a 16-century kind of way with witchhunts and discrimination will not earn you any respect on a global level. It is very logical, isn't it?


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« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2011, 03:54:42 PM »

Please just act with kindness and patience and tolerance towards those that you even disagree with. Even from a purely diplomatic and political point of view, that would be the best way for the reputation and standing of your government. Acting in a 16-century kind of way with witchhunts and discrimination will not earn you any respect on a global level. It is very logical, isn't it?

Whatever damage done, we have to let go and move on. All of us have to, whether you are DS practitioners or non-DS practitioners. No matter which school of buddhism you may be from, lets act according to buddha's teachings, be kind and patience to those whom we disagree with. Only at times of disagreement can we truely practise what we are taught.

I like this website because like what Wisdom being said, the majority of forum participants are only interested in spreading Dorje Shugden's practice and not interested in any kind of politics. We are only interested in bringing Dorje Shugden's practice to benefit more beings.

And that is basically what this website is all about.


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« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2011, 10:04:06 PM »
What's funny and illogical is that the TGIE can rely on Nechung, a worldly spirit to help them make crucial state decisions. And we all know some prediction made have been false alarm, yet they can point the finger on Dorje Shugden, saying DS practice is bad and DS a spirit?

If TGIE could seek the help of Nechung a worldly spirit, why not seek the help of DS also to help with Tibet? The more powerful allies the better, no? I mean if high lama's can't get rid of him and those fire puja failed, he must be pretty powerful right? So why not just be friends, better then enemy. Then can have postcards like this one my friend made :)


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« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2012, 12:29:03 PM »
Yes I do feel that CTA is monitoring this forum and this website. That is why we do talk about Tibetan issues because we do care. We care because the Tibetans have brought Buddhism to us so we are concerned about their welfare despite the way that they have treated us, Dorje Shugden practitioners. Because no matter how you want to see it, the more progressive ones in Dharamsala are actually the Dorje Shugden practitioners because they can still hold on to Dorje Shugden despite the ban and some of them like Kundeling Rinpoche can even stand up to the ban. Serkong Tritul started up a Dharma center outside of the CTA and recognized a tulku who is non Tibetan. And that organization is growing very well. NKT was started by Geshe Keslang Gyatso and look at how his organization has grown. FPMT, started by Lama Yeshe is also a Dorje Shugden practitioner. What has non Dorje Shugden practitioners done so far that are also Gelug? Non gelugs who go against Dorje Shugden are not counted because Dorje Shugden is never a part of their lineage.

Now, imagine if all of these lamas, GKG, Lama Osel, Pabongkha Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche, Kundeling Rinpoche all combined forces to work for Tibet's independence, somehow or rather CTA will get independence before the 99 year lease is ended. Why talk about uniting Tibet when they cannot even unite with their own people? What unity is there in the ban? If all the DS lamas were working hand in hand with the Dalai Lama and CTA to work towards the independence, they would have gotten it sooner than now. Wake up, CTA.

Tenzin Malgyur

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« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2012, 03:58:45 PM »
This is so good to know that the Tibetan Government in Dhramsala are visiting this very same forum here like myself. I have learnt so much from this forum and also website. I also like the fact that we can voice our concern and debate with other participants here. Surely the people in the Tibetan Government who visit this forum are very highly intelligent individuals and by now they would have realized that Dorje Shugden is really an enlightened being and not a spirit? Just as triesa, I participate in this forum only for the purpose of learning more about DS and not for any political reason. And I have great respect for HHDL too.


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« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2012, 12:51:54 AM »
One of the more obvious signs that they are visiting us and taking up suggestions from us is this piece of news on Phayul:

Tibetan minister lobbies for support in South Africa
Phayul[Friday, August 24, 2012 03:31]
DHARAMSHALA, August 24: Kalon Dicki Chhoyang, the Tibetan minister for Information and International Relations is currently in South Africa, meeting leaders and speaking on the critical situation inside Tibet.

The minister also met with representatives of different political parties for consultations and briefings on the current human rights situation in Tibet and the ongoing wave of self-immolations, which now numbers 49.

The cabinet member of the Dharamshala based Central Tibetan Administration, on her maiden visit to the African nation, held a joint press conference with the Democratic Alliance, the Congress of the People, and the Inkatha Freedom Party.

In a statement issued by Chhoyang, she called the Tibetan struggle “a people's fight for its right to exist with its own distinct cultural identity and language.”

“This includes the right to practice their religion openly and without hindrance from the State as permitted in all free countries. We are not seeking to secede from China, " Kalon Chhoyang reaffirmed.

With growing bilateral ties between South Africa and China, the Tibetan minister urged South African leaders to uphold their cherished values of human rights protection and democracy in their dealings with China.

“Therefore, the people of Tibet have great expectations that the people of South Africa may exercise moral leadership,” Kalon Chhoyang said.

She also called for greater support for the Tibetan struggle.

“In an age where we seek to resolve conflicts peacefully, the international community must stand behind these principles by supporting movements, such as the Tibetan struggle, which are firmly committed to non-violence and dialogue" states Kalon Chhoyang.

“As Tibetan areas where self-immolations took place have been closed to the international press and community, the Central Tibetan Administration encourages foreign governments and international bodies to pursue efforts to send fact-finding delegations.”

Mangosuthu Buthelezi, Member of Parliament and leader of the IFP, in a commentary said he was pleased to meet the Tibetan minister in Durban.

“I have supported this cause because I believe that the democratisation and decentralisation of China can start from Tibet,” Buthelezi said.

“But I also support Tibet because, despite the continued atrocities and human rights violations perpetrated against them, Tibetans have pursued their decades-long struggle exclusively through the methods of nonviolence, negotiations and moral high ground.”

I have commented before that the CTA sits back and does not make relations with other countries and leaves Dalai Lama to do the job for them. It is really the first time on Phayul that I read that the CTA people are actually going out to lobby for independence somewhere else other than um, China or the Indian government. Which is a very good sign that they are growing. Next, to lift the ban!


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« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2012, 03:35:04 PM »
I am not surprised at all that Tibetan govt often visits this website. Where else can they get the truth? In fact, this is good news. I am sure, among them, there are many who are ignorant of who Dorje Shugden is. They could be just following the herd. But with a forum that is so full of information,  and when they understand, I will not be surprised if they are many closet practitioners arising from that!


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« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2012, 03:55:30 PM »
I am not really surprised. They may even have a full time person daily checking all sites and gathering information.