Only three at a time may receive.

Geshe Thupten in Shar Gaden currently giving Shugden Sogtae to the Sangha.

Three monks receive the Sogtae while the others wait their turn as they are all gathered in the Shar Gaden Assembly Hall.
The Great Master Geshe Thupten has arrived in Shar Gaden Monastery in South India this year at the invitation of the monks from Switzerland.
He is conferring the following this month and next month (December 2010 and January 2011):
1. Je Tsonkgpa's Masterpiece Trangey Lekshey Nyinpo
2. Yamantaka initiation
3. Dorje Shugden Life entrustment (Sogtae) (initiation)
Geshe Thupten will be there for over one month to give these teachings and transmissions.
In these four pictures he is conferring the DORJE SHUGDEN SOGTAE to the Sangha. By tradition it is given 3 persons at a time. There are 600 monks in Shar Gaden and 200 from Serpom Monastery (ByLakuppe). The 200 hundred from Serpom also took the journey to join in. In one day he is able to give Dorje Shugden Sogtae to 200 monks at a time.
What an incredibly beautiful event. Geshe Thupten is passing the sacred lineages to the sangha of Shar Gaden and Serpom.