Author Topic: How does Protectors such as Dorje Shugden clear obstacles?  (Read 19076 times)


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Re: How does Protectors such as Dorje Shugden clear obstacles?
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2011, 05:00:19 PM »
There are two ways that protectors help to clear our obstacles

1) no, a protector cannot just take away our karma and cancel out our karma. What protectors can do however, is to hold back a particular karma from manifesting at a particular time. This "buys us time" to practice and purify our karma so that it doesn't not ripen or, even if it does, the obstacle is not as disastrous or difficult as it would have been.

2) by doing protector practices - such as Dorje Shugden's, for example, who is one with Manjushri - we are also making offerings and prayers directly to an enlightened being. The merit we gain is incredible. At the same time, we open inherent imprints of Dharma. Together, this makes it easier for us to understand the Dharma teachings when we receive them. It also becomes easier for us to put these teachings into practice because we have the merit to support the practice. At the same time, before obstacles are removed (or lessened), there is more opportunity for us to practice. When we receive the teachings, practice, gain realisations then ultimately, we are able to gain the wisdom and means to remove our own obstacles.

Ultimately, this is what we aim for. What is wonderful about Dharma protector practice is that they don't just remove our problems with a magic wand. They "arm" us with the ability and merit and eventually, the wisdom to be able to remove them ourselves.

Guess it's really a case of "give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime"? The Dharma Protector practice teaches you responsibility for your own actions and karma. Once you have learned that responsibility, and all of the subsequent methods, you don't need anyone or anything else external for help because you are in control of your own karma.

Sorry but the control freak in me prefers that over my fate being left at the mercy of an external deity!

Nice analogy.

When we are inflicted with pain, be it physically, emotionally, or mentally we have to go through it on our own. Eventhough we have friends whom we think we can "share" the pain with, in actuality, no one can "take away" any of the negative emotions. It's just that the mind changed, adopt new views and we suffer less for that moment.

The problem with most of us is when certain karma opens and we suffer, we do not actually purify. We actually may be creating even more negativity because of anger which arises.

Just like beggar shared, Dorje Shugden helping us to hold back our karma is so important. It buys us some time to engage in spiritual practices so that we can change the course of our lives at the end of the day...and not just putting some band aid over it.

I have also heard that sometimes when we engage in protector practice, some obstacles may arise, so instead of holding the karma back, it actually ripens a little faster and this way, our negative karma gets purified faster rather than manifesting like a "tsunami" later, as we all know, karma multipies everyday like compund interests.

I think either way, whether the karma is being held back to ripen later or pushed forward to being manifested faster are all due to the compassion of our protector on the practitioner.


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Re: How does Protectors such as Dorje Shugden clear obstacles?
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2011, 02:26:20 PM »
If we do daily prayers to a protector, but during our dedication we request to our protector: "May I absorb/take on my mother's, father's, brother's, sister's etc negative karma" - do we really "get" their negative karma which then hopefully helps reduce their obstacles?

Or is it my karma is my karma, and their karma is their karma?
From what I know, only highly attained lamas can actually absorbed the sufferings of others. For non enlightened beings, my opinion is that we can create the causes to take on the sufferings of others by developing a mind of compassion.

Out of compassion for sentient beings, highly attained lamas absorbed the sufferings of others and therefore they always fall sick and their lives shortened. So doing long life pujas for these high lamas are important to ensure that they remain here long to turn the wheel of dharma.


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Re: How does Protectors such as Dorje Shugden clear obstacles?
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2011, 03:40:32 PM »
I have also heard that sometimes when we engage in protector practice, some obstacles may arise, so instead of holding the karma back, it actually ripens a little faster and this way, our negative karma gets purified faster rather than manifesting like a "tsunami" later, as we all know, karma multipies everyday like compund interests.

Yes the karma can certainly be purified this way. We are advised to feel happy when this occurs - we regard the difficulties that we encounter as a good result that our practice is working to clear negative karma. It is a good thing because the negativities arise within a controlled situation, when we are practising Dharma or have some kind of support of our Dharma community, or the difficulty arises in a smaller degree than it would later.

Some people have a wrong thinking - they think that the protector practices are making things worse for them once they start the practice. This is a very wrong view and detrimental. It is important to note that sometimes what we ask for may not come in the way that we expect it. Perhaps something negative happens first and that way: we clear some obstacle or purify some negative karma become the good things can come. OR, it could also be that by having this difficult situation we fortify ourselves and develop some particular quality or strength that will be of greater benefit to us at a later time.

So either way, these negative situations that seem to come from our practice are actually a very good thing!


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Re: How does Protectors such as Dorje Shugden clear obstacles?
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2011, 03:50:05 PM »
Thanks for your eloquent explanation, Beggar.

I do agree with what you wrote.

And I can truly relate.

I used to hold that wrong view that whatever practice we do, or the Buddhism that we do should make things better for us immediately. Almost expecting it to work like a magic charm to undo all the wrongs I have done, or to spare me from the "punishment" that I should receive from what I have created long ago.

I kept thinking and asking, WHY ARE THINGS BECOMING WORSE? Isn't it all supposed to get better?

I didn't understand what purification meant and was.

More importantly, I did not understand how karma works and why karmic debt must be paid in some form or another. There is nothing that we can really get away with, as far as karma is concerned.

I remembered when I first started my Protector Practice, many seemingly bad incidences happened. But after that, it was really different and things did become better.

I was reminded by my Guru, during purification especially, that I should not react badly and respond negatively. In fact, I should be very glad that the karma ripens now and was dealt with there and then. Because if it was not, it would just keep accumulating and be compounded over time.

Dorje Shugden is such a Supreme Protector - He helps us at all levels. Dorje Shugden is truly amazing.


Big Uncle

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Re: How does Protectors such as Dorje Shugden clear obstacles?
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2011, 04:08:28 PM »
That is exactly how I feel Dorje Shugden works his blessings on me. I feel he lets smaller obstacles come my way and I used to pour all my emotions upon Dorje Shugden's statue, basically asking him why me. I didn't know so much Dharma then, now I know more and I am indeed glad that those obstacles came my way because they prepared me for better things that I am enjoying right now. I am not perfect nor am I great with my practice.

Nevertheless, I always feel his protective presence and honestly, I am right now in the middle of a bigger problem and I know that he is always there and he is indeed trusting that I can handle bigger issues and so he allows bigger problems so I learn. I cannot always be the spiritual infant so he lets me fall a little so I have stronger legs to walk my spiritual path. In that way, he works hand-in-hand with a Lama. A Lama gives the advice and teachings that sets the path, while Dorje Shugden blesses us with opportunities and the occasional obstacles but like the Lama, he cannot walk the path for us. The path like everything else in Samsara is never easy but the rewards are so great, it extends beyond this life alone.


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Re: How does Protectors such as Dorje Shugden clear obstacles?
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2011, 04:36:04 PM »
Some thinks that going on the path of Buddhism is bliss all the way...and especially with a Dharma Protector, there'll  be no obstacles what so ever. And then people get surprised when difficulties come and I've know people who have left the path because it all became too difficult to practice.

Dorje Shugden creates the most condusive environment for us to practice.


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Re: How does Protectors such as Dorje Shugden clear obstacles?
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2011, 04:14:23 PM »
Some thinks that going on the path of Buddhism is bliss all the way...and especially with a Dharma Protector, there'll  be no obstacles what so ever. And then people get surprised when difficulties come and I've know people who have left the path because it all became too difficult to practice.

Dorje Shugden creates the most condusive environment for us to practice.

Thank you for this, DS Friend!

Indeed Dorje Shugden creates the most conducive conditions and environment for us to practice.

We should not assume to know what these might be or should be.

Dorje Shugden will know what's best for us. What we should do is trust and do our best, practise without expectations and negativities.

Yes, easier said than done - but that is why it is called our Dharma Practice and our Spiritual Path.

It is not going to be easy to purify and eradicate all those lifetimes of bad karma and horrid habituations of ours now, would it?

How can it be a walk in a park and all pretty and rosy after all that we have done and accumulated over lifetimes?

Seriously. We have to stop thinking that we are so innocent and should be spared all the time.

Just get with it and stay with it. Then we will surely win to the end. 


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Re: How does Protectors such as Dorje Shugden clear obstacles?
« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2011, 01:59:59 PM »
Some thinks that going on the path of Buddhism is bliss all the way...and especially with a Dharma Protector, there'll  be no obstacles what so ever. And then people get surprised when difficulties come and I've know people who have left the path because it all became too difficult to practice.

Dorje Shugden creates the most condusive environment for us to practice.
Yes Dorje Shugden creates the most conducive environment for us to practice! Dorje Shugden works wonders! He knows what is best for us! It may seem difficult when faced with obstacles but if one have perseverance, trust and faith in Dorje Shugden, then one will see results. Having said that and knowing that Dorje Shugden will never abandoned me, I feel a sense of security and whatever things that need to be done as long as the motivation is good,i have the confidence to do it as I know that Dorje Shugden will assist and guide me in the right path.


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Re: How does Protectors such as Dorje Shugden clear obstacles?
« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2011, 02:35:40 PM »
That is exactly how I feel Dorje Shugden works his blessings on me. I feel he lets smaller obstacles come my way and I used to pour all my emotions upon Dorje Shugden's statue, basically asking him why me. I didn't know so much Dharma then, now I know more and I am indeed glad that those obstacles came my way because they prepared me for better things that I am enjoying right now. I am not perfect nor am I great with my practice.

Nevertheless, I always feel his protective presence and honestly, I am right now in the middle of a bigger problem and I know that he is always there and he is indeed trusting that I can handle bigger issues and so he allows bigger problems so I learn. I cannot always be the spiritual infant so he lets me fall a little so I have stronger legs to walk my spiritual path. In that way, he works hand-in-hand with a Lama. A Lama gives the advice and teachings that sets the path, while Dorje Shugden blesses us with opportunities and the occasional obstacles but like the Lama, he cannot walk the path for us. The path like everything else in Samsara is never easy but the rewards are so great, it extends beyond this life alone.

Big Uncle, I like what you said.

And think about it, where can we find a path to purify our eons of negative karma in a "controlled" manner? Only Dorje Shugden can provide that circumstances.

And when one have a lama together with Dorje Shugden's practice,  that would be like an excellant " Duet" in our life. Like what Big Uncle said, "A LAMA GIVES THE ADVICE AND TEACHINGS THAT SETS THE PATH, WHILE DORJE SHUGDEN BLESSES US WITH OPPORTUNITIES AND THE OCCASIONAL OBSTACLES ". How true!!!!


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Re: How does Protectors such as Dorje Shugden clear obstacles?
« Reply #24 on: February 23, 2011, 12:25:14 AM »
That is exactly how I feel Dorje Shugden works his blessings on me. I feel he lets smaller obstacles come my way and I used to pour all my emotions upon Dorje Shugden's statue, basically asking him why me. I didn't know so much Dharma then, now I know more and I am indeed glad that those obstacles came my way because they prepared me for better things that I am enjoying right now. I am not perfect nor am I great with my practice.

Nevertheless, I always feel his protective presence and honestly, I am right now in the middle of a bigger problem and I know that he is always there and he is indeed trusting that I can handle bigger issues and so he allows bigger problems so I learn. I cannot always be the spiritual infant so he lets me fall a little so I have stronger legs to walk my spiritual path. In that way, he works hand-in-hand with a Lama. A Lama gives the advice and teachings that sets the path, while Dorje Shugden blesses us with opportunities and the occasional obstacles but like the Lama, he cannot walk the path for us. The path like everything else in Samsara is never easy but the rewards are so great, it extends beyond this life alone.

I remember hearing somewhere that if we truly trust in our protector, we shouldn't be specific with what we demand.

Like if we dedicated our merits to clear obstacles to reach to a particular goal, we should say in what manner or to which obstacles we request Dorje Shugden to help clear. Instead, we should just request to help clear obstacles and fully place our trust in Him.

Dorje Shugden would be able to see much further into the future than we can. If he was to help us clear the obstacles specified by us, it may be good for now, but we may reach a bigger obstacle later on. Placing our trust in Him, he may bring forward many obstacles now, but it would clear the path for us to reach our goal in the long-run.

I really like reading all of everyone's explanations below, honestly. It helps clear a lot in my messy, noisy mind.


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Re: How does Protectors such as Dorje Shugden clear obstacles?
« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2011, 08:22:22 AM »


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Re: How does Protectors such as Dorje Shugden clear obstacles?
« Reply #26 on: July 05, 2012, 08:42:19 AM »
the Dharma protector can clear obstacles in multiple ways. The basis of the clearing of obstacles are not obstacles so that we can live a better life or have a more comfortable life, but obstacles towards our understanding and practice of Dharma. If us winning the lottery will bring us further away from the Dharma, then we will not strike lottery if we were meant to because that would bring us down instead of bring us benefit in the Dharma. the protector will make sure we will not get that lottery ticket because it will only lead to more suffering in the long run since by nature it does not bring us closer to ultimate happiness which is the practice and study of the Dharma. If we are to experience a difficult situation and only emerge to be stronger in the Dharma due to that, the protector will make it so that we experience that difficult situation but we will somehow not sustain any permanent damage but we will emerge to be stronger people. Clearing obstacles does not mean that the obstacle will be 'removed' on the surface, but sometimes it could mean that the protector is helping us to gain the strength to break through this obstacle and many more other obstacles. That is how I would see it and that was exactly what I have experienced before.

I have made prayers to Dorje Shugden before and i did went through very painful and difficult situations. If it happened before i met my protector, i would have sustained deep emotional damages in which would be difficult for me to recover from. With the protector, the same things happen or even they get worse, I lose friends, I get stressed, it gets painful, things go down, but at the end of the day i get stronger and I learn more from there. And the friends that I lose eventually i find out they are not beneficial at all and they get nowhere in my life and are in fact a very negative influence. I also quarreled quite a bit with my dad who has his own theories about Buddhism and he always tries to convince me to believe him, but somehow, after each argument he contemplated and he agreed and accepted my viewpoint a few weeks later! We also got closer after that. Things were also somewhat more difficult to achieve but when i did it felt very satisfying and i noticed i could do more after that. There were also things like gossips going around which made me think twice about doing volunteering in my center, but at the end I came to a conclusion that it was training to keep my motivation pure.

To me, this is the Dharma protector's blessing and assistance so that I can become a pure practitioner, and I really would love to thank him unconditionally for helping me. That was my experience with him when I think back, and I am glad he did because if I had not been exhorted to practice him, I would not have hold on to my Guru and Dharma center.


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Re: How does Protectors such as Dorje Shugden clear obstacles?
« Reply #27 on: July 05, 2012, 06:37:34 PM »
That is exactly how I feel Dorje Shugden works his blessings on me. I feel he lets smaller obstacles come my way and I used to pour all my emotions upon Dorje Shugden's statue, basically asking him why me. I didn't know so much Dharma then, now I know more and I am indeed glad that those obstacles came my way because they prepared me for better things that I am enjoying right now. I am not perfect nor am I great with my practice.

Nevertheless, I always feel his protective presence and honestly, I am right now in the middle of a bigger problem and I know that he is always there and he is indeed trusting that I can handle bigger issues and so he allows bigger problems so I learn. I cannot always be the spiritual infant so he lets me fall a little so I have stronger legs to walk my spiritual path. In that way, he works hand-in-hand with a Lama. A Lama gives the advice and teachings that sets the path, while Dorje Shugden blesses us with opportunities and the occasional obstacles but like the Lama, he cannot walk the path for us. The path like everything else in Samsara is never easy but the rewards are so great, it extends beyond this life alone.

I like what you said here... And I think most importantly is your semaya with your Guru and the faith/loyalty/devotion towards your Guru is what makes Dorje Shugden's blessings come through. Because Dorje Shugden is after all a Dharma Protector and our Guru is the one expounding the Dharma to us... so that makes the BOSS the GURU and the Dharma Protector always listens and do as the Guru says. So actually by right all we need to do is listen to the GURU and follow his advice. When we do this, I think this is when Dorje Shugden blesses us... so that personal transformation and our journey on the spiritual path improves each time. And one way of measuring is when we actually face an obstacle.

Experiencing an obstacle can be some what challenging and at the same time if you have the good merits to realise the lesson, you purify so much plus it pushes you to the next level. Next level of what... of stepping outside the box of comfort zones and perhaps one step closer to doing/practicing a "hint" of real Dharma. And for what purpose do we wanna do this... well for me, a very small scope for now... I do not want to lead a life purposeless and die purposeless.


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Re: How does Protectors such as Dorje Shugden clear obstacles?
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2012, 03:57:55 AM »

I like what you said here... And I think most importantly is your semaya with your Guru and the faith/loyalty/devotion towards your Guru is what makes Dorje Shugden's blessings come through. Because Dorje Shugden is after all a Dharma Protector and our Guru is the one expounding the Dharma to us... so that makes the BOSS the GURU and the Dharma Protector always listens and do as the Guru says. So actually by right all we need to do is listen to the GURU and follow his advice. When we do this, I think this is when Dorje Shugden blesses us... so that personal transformation and our journey on the spiritual path improves each time. And one way of measuring is when we actually face an obstacle.

Experiencing an obstacle can be some what challenging and at the same time if you have the good merits to realise the lesson, you purify so much plus it pushes you to the next level. Next level of what... of stepping outside the box of comfort zones and perhaps one step closer to doing/practicing a "hint" of real Dharma. And for what purpose do we wanna do this... well for me, a very small scope for now... I do not want to lead a life purposeless and die purposeless.

I think it goes without saying that without Guru devotion, the Dharma protector's help is minimal or none at all. If you're not doing Dharma, why should the Dharma protector assist you? There is no reason for the Dharma protector to assist if there is no Guru devotion. Then what do we need the Dharma protector for? to increase our delusions? To increase our attachment and to increase our long term unhappiness? I mean, if we're already in touch with the Dharma and we understand what a Dharma protector is, why else would we be wishing for the lottery and for samsaric matters to grow instead of wishing for our Dharma work to grow? perhaps the protector may bring in undharmic people into Dharma via "help" and assistances in samsaric matters, but that is to plant seeds and only done at the command at the Guru. As people with a Guru, with the Dharma and also who understand the real function of a Dharma protector, we should no longer be wishing that we get employment or that things will well for us. Instead, we should wish to be put in a situation that will push us towards improving in our Dharma practice.

A Lama gives us the direction of what we should do, but the Dharma protector gives us the support and the necessary conditions for us to be able to carry out his instructions perfectly or for us to see the Lama's instructions more clearly and also to put into practice the Lama's words. If we do not listen to the Lama's words, then why do we want a Dharma protector for? If any, I earnestly and sincerely pray for the Dharma protector to bless me to surrender myself to my Lama and to let go of myself and my attachments so that I can devote and surrender to my Lama's instructions more, and to be able to put up with whatever difficulties that come in the way, and grow from that so that I can practice Dharma the way all the ancient sages did, and all the difficulties they have to encounter but it did little to deter them from their practice and they emerge to be even stronger.

Well, thats what I personally feel towards the motivation on how and why we should practice the protector and that is my personal aspiration towards him too. I share this so that perhaps it might inspire some of us in some way.


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Re: How does Protectors such as Dorje Shugden clear obstacles?
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2012, 09:33:46 AM »
I have heard that high lamas do ask their dharma protector to lead a deceased person to a good rebirth. Does anyone know how it works? If the deceased had a close relative who is a strong dharma practitioner with strong guru devotion then the transference of merits may assist the deceased. But what happens if the deceased did not have any close relative who is a strong dharma practitioner with strong guru devotion? I wonder how it works.