Author Topic: How should the TGIE have reacted to the Dorje Shugden ban?  (Read 6858 times)


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How should the TGIE have reacted to the Dorje Shugden ban?
« on: February 21, 2011, 04:56:42 PM »
Just for fantasy's sake: in an ideal world, how do you think the TGIE should have reacted to the Dalai Lama's ban on Dorje Shugden?

Sure, it's one thing for the Dalai Lama to decree that this practice is banned; it's quite another for witch hunts, physical attacks on people's homes and denying people the basics of groceries and education!

So how should they have reacted? Should they have been kind about the situation and just kept quiet? Should they have just been really democratic and let the people decide for themselves? (and still provide welfare for those who still choose to go against the Dalai Lama's orders?)

And what would have been the results of those actions? I.e. would Dorje Shugden remain relatively unknown? Would the Dalai Lama become overruled (for the first time) by his government in their bid to be more "fair" to DS practitioners? Would people care at all about the ban? Or about Dorje Shugden?

The world of Tibetan Buddhism would be totally different today.

Something worth thinking about...

Big Uncle

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Re: How should the TGIE have reacted to the Dorje Shugden ban?
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2011, 07:54:34 AM »
Well, there is plenty the TGIE could have done differently. They could have chose to condemn the violence and atrocities on Dorje Shugden practitioners and remove posters of individual Shugdenpas that incite violence.  I feel they should have spoken more on enforcing this ban without violence and bloodshed. There should have been dialogue on how to deal with Shugdenpas instead of just driving them away.  I feel they could have enforced the ban in a much more peaceful manner.

On top of that, the great monasteries should be have been left to enforce their own ruling. I think it is not right for the government to interfere with the Sangha. They could requested a governing body to be formed consisting of Sangha members that carry out the ban without violence. The government should have issue stern warning to lay people not to take matters into their own hands. The authorities of the great monasteries themselves should be responsible for this and report to the TGIE.


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Re: How should the TGIE have reacted to the Dorje Shugden ban?
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2011, 10:04:52 AM »
Thank you begger for posting this question.

In an ideal world, the TGIE should have maintained peace and harmony between non-shugdenpas and shugdenpas, give all sangha the basic human rights of food supplies, wellfare and education, as this is the fundamentals of buddhism.....freedom of religion and no discrimination.

Even though Dalai Lama is the head of Tibet and he orchestrated the anti-DS campaign for whatever reasons,  TGIE as a government body should act and behave like those of other cilvilised countries.

Having said this, if this is what has happened, all sangha are living harmoniously and there is no protest nor violence, there would definitely be less publicity for Dorje Shugden. Sorry to say this but this is the fact, only violence, inequality and unjustice will bring attention to the eyes and ears of public.

Say is the karma of shugdenpas, we need to collectlively endure the sufferings so that Dorje Shugden will become even more well known and his practice will be spread worldwide to benefit more who come to know of this great protector for this age.


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Re: How should the TGIE have reacted to the Dorje Shugden ban?
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2011, 06:17:19 PM »

Having said this, if this is what has happened, all sangha are living harmoniously and there is no protest nor violence, there would definitely be less publicity for Dorje Shugden. Sorry to say this but this is the fact, only violence, inequality and unjustice will bring attention to the eyes and ears of public.

Doesn't controversy just grabs people's attention? Just as you've shared, it is sad yet at the same time, so many have come to hear of Dorje Shugden...


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Re: How should the TGIE have reacted to the Dorje Shugden ban?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2011, 06:35:34 PM »
I am inclined to agree with what Triesa wrote.

Nothing hit headlines faster than protests and demonstrations.

Look at what is happening now in the middle eastern countries. Look at how it started in Egypt and now, it is spreading to Libya, Morocco and etc.

We cannot look at the news in every channel, be it BBC or CNN, and not be blasted with the constant updates on what is happening with those protests.

Controversies SELL! Protests are NEWS WORTHY!

Such are the times we live in. Guess why this method was or is the best method for bringing the great Dharmapala's name into the world's stage.

Even my granny in England asked me if I have heard of a controversy about a Buddhist Protector!

Amazing indeed!


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Re: How should the TGIE have reacted to the Dorje Shugden ban?
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2011, 03:47:29 PM »
Do you think there could still have been a way for the TGIE to be a fairer to DS practitioners while still making it controversial enough for it to be picked up around the world? I'm being idealistic, I know. Is there a way DS could still have been a major media magnet without having incited so much bloodshed, and even killings?


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Re: How should the TGIE have reacted to the Dorje Shugden ban?
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2011, 05:01:07 PM »
I don't know if there could have been a better way for the TGIE to be fairer to Shugdenpas, but perhaps it must have been the only way they know.

If history and habit have proven to be consistent - then TGIE was and is being consistent with the way they handle everything - from hinging on every word HHDL says to executing every word into the extremes. It is really no different than what the Tibetan government did in the old days.

They may have left Tibet, but they are still living in their "ancient world" in India. 


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Re: How should the TGIE have reacted to the Dorje Shugden ban?
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2011, 11:59:41 AM »
The way I see it, using politics is just another skillful means perhaps?? And we have seen plenty of this in the history of Tibetan Buddhism