Hi there,
I was wondering if I can do a mantra retreat. I do not have a guru yet, nor a center close by to seek advice. Well not one that practices Dorje Shugden.
Is it possible do with our a teachers blessings?
Can I just specify an amount I wish to achieve?
Does it have to have timeframe for it to be counted?
I have quite a busy schedule and would like to do this in between downtime. Can i do it say while driving the car? Everyday I drive 1.5hours to my job each way. I am doing migtsema mantras at the moment for half the journey.
Can someone advise?
p.s. The drive is also the best time for me to focus as there are no distractions... apart from the usual driving hazards.
Yes, as what Big Uncle and the others have said, mantras can be done without having a Guru... no harm will come from doing mantras!
But since this is your first time doing a mantra retreat, maybe you'll want to start off with a smaller number so that you don't get too overwhelmed with the amount. There is no specific time frame on when to finish a certain retreat (unless you've vowed to do within a certain time-frame). However, there has to be continuity, which means there cannot be a break until the number of mantras you've vowed to complete is done.
You can also state that whatever amount you're doing now, it can be accumulative to your preliminary practice of 100,000 mantras. Which means, if you've completed 5,000... then you're 5,000 mantras closer to completing your 100,000 mantras... after that continue to do small retreats of 5000 etc until you've reached the 100,000 minimum.
Also, remember that in a retreat, always add 10% on top of the amount of mantras you wish to recite. For, example, if you've made up your mind to do a 5,000 mantra retreat, you'll have to do a total of 5,500 mantras for the retreat to be valid. The 10% is to cover any mistakes that we may have accidently do during the sessions.
Wishing you all the best =)
I had a lot of support from people when I did my first prostration retreat, I hope our forum community will be equally supportive to you.
Much care