The Kinsey scale
Rating Description
0 Exclusively heterosexual
1 Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2 Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3 Equally heterosexual and homosexual.
4 Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
6 Exclusively homosexual
X Asexual, Non-Sexual
I found this interesting because this shows that we as the human race have many different facets and some of these facets happen to be of sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is commonly discussed as a characteristic of the individual, like biological sex, gender identity, or age. It is all part of the make up of our species hence why should there be any distinction at all?
Dear Positive Change,
I did not know of this "Kinsey table", thank you for sharing.
I intervene again in this topic, even though I think we have said most that could be said about the topic of homosexuality and Buddhism, I would like to say 4 things (A to D):
The above table shows us that there is more to this topic than the opposition between heteroX and homoX.
Having said that, we can also say that from ratings 0 to 6, there would be also ratings 0.5 - 1.5 - 2.5 and even 0.4, or 0.45 or 0.45673...
And then these ratings would change constantly through time and by our actions.
It is a purely virtual business to allocate categories to living beings, and it should be taken as a a tool to think not as the truth.
One day I am rated 2, the next I am rated 4...
I quote you again "should there be any distinction at all?"
actions (sexual actions here) are a result of a train of thoughts. That train of thoughts deserve our full attention, by understanding what fuels it, we can change our habits, we can refrain from actions by working upstream. The key aspect to remove is the delusion that hinges this train from being just thoughts into becoming actions.
Why? How? Simple: the delusion "justify" a non-virtuous action in our mind, once justified, we just DO IT.
Now, the reason really why I decided to answer your comment PC is this: at the end of the Kinsey scale there is: Asexual / Non-sexual.
This can be a new topic all together!
a) I do not understand asexual and non-sexual as the same thing.
b) Does "non-sexual" mean non attraction to neither sex or does it mean abstinence from sexual intercourse for reasons xyz? I see a difference here too.
c) Many religions have abstinence as a vow for their clergy, many also do not have it (for example a rabbi that is not married is seen as awkward) -in Buddhism some schools, like the Gelug ask of their lamas a vow of abstinence, others schools have married lamas. Some Gelug lamas disrobe, marry and have children and remain teachers, lay teachers.
This brings this question: what is the meaning of the abstinence vow for lamas, and why do some lamas need
not take them?
Would you like to start a new topic with that?