Author Topic: If Dalai Lama didn't say anything, it wouldn't have grown!  (Read 17740 times)


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Re: If Dalai Lama didn't say anything, it wouldn't have grown!
« Reply #30 on: July 16, 2015, 04:43:38 PM »
This post is true and if not for him, there would be nothing, or less.

Not true. Without the evil dalie there would still be the Islamic State and the Boko Haram. And there would still be people like you supporting terrorism and terrorists.

I am sure there is more to the Dalai Lama because i believe this: say they were "working together" and all this is all to get into the attention of more people in the world and they are bouncing off each other to get higher and more awareness to Dorje Shugden.

Your line of thought is that of the unscrupulous religionist, who supports every crime against humanity, as long as they get some media attention. You are not different from Islamic State terrorists uploading their gruesome videos to YouTube in order to get media attention, fame, renown, and followers.

Did your Dorje Shugden lama teach you this, or is it just the teaching of your beloved master terrorist, the evil dalie?

Because that is my theory and it could be true because Dorje Shugden is very holy and it could all be a plan to get bigger.

Since your business is “getting bigger” on the basis of supporting terrorism, you are definitely in the wrong place. You might feel more at home among Islamic State terrorists.

That is just my theory and you can like it or not.

Don't worry if Buddhists dislike your brutal theory, you will always find support among your like-minded terrorists.

But it is all true, what is stated in the post.

“Truth” is the main discourse of unscrupulous religionists.

If not for the Dalai Lama saying that Dorje Shugden is bad and speaking up about it as he is on such a big platform of fame for Dorje Shugden, then more people will speak up for Dorje Shugden, about the ban and more people will want to find our about Shugden only to find that it is so holy and the practice is amazing.

If not for the Islamic State exploding a baby in Iraq, who in the world would speak up for this baby?

So it is just attracting people.

Which is the obsession of every religionist terrorist. The Islamic State, for instance, adopting the violent methods praised and recommended by you, is attracting a lot of Westerners.

More people will look at this situation and more people will arise for Dorje Shugden.

In the same way, more people are arising for protecting endangered especies, all thanks to poachers killing elephants and rhinoceros.

You are a proponent of violence, you lack any scruple, your frame of mind is that of a terrorist, not of a Buddhist.

The point is more people are following because of the Dalai Lama and more people are looking for the abuse that is happening to the Shugden people too.

So let this abuse grow so that more people may come, this is your theory.

What you want are more martyrs in order to market them. And still want to call yourself a “Buddhist”.

It could all be a big ploy and DS and the Dalai Lama are "together" to grow or the Dalai Lama is just so silly to make his enemy grow and his abuse more obvious to the world.

Not only silly, but a criminal against humanity.

And you are his accomplice, out of your insane greed for the “growth” and “fame” of your religious label, no matter who is hurt on the way.

Either way, the DS practice will not go away and will only grow, media or not.

If so, your debased support to the evil dalie's violence is just out of your love for violence.


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Re: If Dalai Lama didn't say anything, it wouldn't have grown!
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2015, 03:16:39 PM »
It is good to see that more people are starting to believe that Dorje Shugden is not a evil spirit.
Indeed there is not much the Tibetans can do to stop others from practicing. The CTA has to know that by violence nothing will come of it. Instead you only harm yourself. Should you do more violent things, your negative karma will increase. It will then reach a point when it ripens and then you will suffer really badly and no one might be able to help you. Thus you should stop now before it is too late.

It is good to hear that the Dorje Shugden  monasteries are still intact even though an earthquake struck them.
This shows how powerful Dorje Shugden is.

I hope that more people will practice Dorje Shugden and may the ban end soon.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: If Dalai Lama didn't say anything, it wouldn't have grown!
« Reply #32 on: July 22, 2015, 09:31:05 AM »
Nice encouraging words, Prodorjeshugden.  With the information on Tsem Rinpche's blog, the learning and information on Dorje Shugden's blog is very profound.

That will definitely encourage more faith as knowledge is very powerful.


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Re: If Dalai Lama didn't say anything, it wouldn't have grown!
« Reply #33 on: July 22, 2015, 05:07:53 PM »
For those that anti DS, don't just blindly follow an instruction, do your own research and fact findings, understand the issues from different angle.

The ban is not a simple thing as not to practice DS. It come with others discrimination and also attacking on the DS practitioners. People are suffering because of the ban.

I strongly believe that DS is not a spirit and many people see this too. There are many solid facts about this and proof that DS is not spirit. For reference, Dorje Shugden blog has all the information one need. If DS is a spirit, do something more serious to destroy the spirit or to subdue it. Do not let it continue to grow and harm others. DS cannot be subdued or killed even with powerful fire puja. Evil can never prevail over good. Therefore, this is a very strong point that confirmed DS is not a spirit.

We pray for HHDL to agree with a peace dialogue to settle the issue on the ban ASAP.

Jason Statham

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Re: If Dalai Lama didn't say anything, it wouldn't have grown!
« Reply #34 on: July 29, 2015, 09:28:19 AM »
I agree to what you have said, if Dalai Lama wants the Dorje Shugden practice to stop He would stayed quiet and He definitely would know what to do to stop the practice because He is an enlightened being (He is the emanation of Chenrezig), unless He has another motivation.... Don't you think so? Well I do. Besides, Dorje Shugden is not a demon or an evil spirit, He had taken many reincarnations of High Lamas such as Dulzin Drakpa Gyeltsen (which was the monk who helped Tsongkhapa to build Gaden Monastery and is also a very famous monk for keeping his vows purely.), Panchen Sonam Drakpa (which was the only Lama who hold the position of being an Abbot to three Monasteries in one single lifetime which are Sera Monastery, Drepung Monastery and Gaden Monastery.), Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen ( Became Dorje Shugden after being secretly murdered by the 5th Dalai Lama's disciples and was also famous for His profound teaching.) and etc. Besides, Dorje Shugden has even given instructions to save the Dalai Lama's life through the 6th Panglung Khuten Oracle to escape to India in the year 1959, which Dorje Shugden did. So if Dorje Shugden is a spirit, why would the Dalai Lama even take instructions from Him? Thank you for reading.


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Re: If Dalai Lama didn't say anything, it wouldn't have grown!
« Reply #35 on: July 31, 2015, 02:22:54 AM »
This trend of reasoning may have it's basis but does not sit well with the people who are suffering or know of loved ones who are suffering. Not many can bring their mind to see the situation this way and may get offended. Afterall, we have to have compassion before we can achieve real results. That's where the "trap" is - so very difficult to see ultimate compassion when even relative compassion is so very difficult to see and practice. Many of us still have the 8 worldly concerns, or rather I would call it hangups. Very tough call indeed.


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Re: If Dalai Lama didn't say anything, it wouldn't have grown!
« Reply #36 on: August 08, 2015, 04:41:40 PM »
As absurd as it may sound, Dorje Shugden practice has grown, spread far & wide, and become "famous" because of the controversial. Many of the people come to know about the term Dharma Protector because of this conflict.

It is unfortunate that many have to suffer because of this though.


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Re: If Dalai Lama didn't say anything, it wouldn't have grown!
« Reply #37 on: August 10, 2015, 01:03:55 AM »
As absurd as it may sound, Dorje Shugden practice has grown, spread far & wide, and become "famous" because of the controversial.

In the same way, Tibetan Buddhism in general has grown, spread far & wide, and became “famous”, because of Chinese Cultural Revolution-era suppression of Tibetan Buddhism.

Therefore, both the evil dalie, who swore in public and recorded in video that his persecution would be “like the Cultural Revolution”, and the Gang of Four, who promoted the Cultural Revolution, share the same nature of criminals against humanity, thus deserving precisely the same repudiation.

Many of the people come to know about the term Dharma Protector because of this conflict.

In the same way, many people came to know about Tibetan Buddhism because of the conflict between the Chinese Cultural Revolutionaries and Tibetan Buddhists.

Also, many people came to know about the myterious religion of the Yazidis in Iraq and Syria because the Islamic State terrorists persecute them, rape their women and children and sell them as slaves, drown, burn and bury them alive, crucify and decapitate them, and so forth.

Therefore, according to your logic, both Tibetan Buddhists and Yazidis should rejoice over the atrocities committed respectively by the Chinese Gang of Four and by Islamic State terrorists, because thanks to them their religion became worldwide famous.

Your depraved thought of rejoicing over the evil dalie's atrocities is the ugly result of your nauseating attachment to fame and recognition, which you project on your claimed religious brand “Shugdenpa”, which just shows how much you are driven by the eight mundane concerns.

And, of course, another poisonous root of your atrocious attitude is your attachment to your image of the evil criminal dalie as some kind of “divine being”, whose actions should always be justified, just like Jews, Christians and Muslims always justify their cruel, revengeful, racist, jealous, bloodthirsty “god”.

It is unfortunate that many have to suffer because of this though.

To you the suffering of the innocent, persecuted Shugdenpas comes almost as a second thought, as something even sad but actually not so important, given the mundane fame achieved by Shugdenpas through such persecution.

What is worse, you see such suffering as necessary (“many have to suffer”, you say explicitly) in order to achieve what you see as important, which is the mundane fame and recognition of your claimed religious brand.

Your profile, therefore, is that of the debased, unscrupulous religionist, all too happy to see your own co-religionists persecuted and sacrificed, as long as through such suffering some mundane fame and recognition are achieved for you religious brand.

It is obvious as well how much the evil cult of the dalie lame and the eight mundane concerns go hand in hand, twisting and rottening the minds even of self-styled “Shugdenpas”.


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Re: If Dalai Lama didn't say anything, it wouldn't have grown!
« Reply #38 on: August 11, 2015, 07:08:46 AM »
The Buddha's teachings are taught within samsara for samsaric beings to be liberated from samsara. This is the paradox of the Dharma if we can call it that way. it is like drowning beings cannot be saved from the shore but the beings need to swim ashore themselves. The Boddhisattvas jumps into the sea to be with the drowning beings and hence suffers the pain of birth, aging and death, but without affecting their enlightened minds.

My point is samsaric beings can never be benefitted without the sacrifice of the Buddhas and Boddhisattvas and the path and the methods used can benefit many and some will need to suffer. Things are not perfect.

I respect any conclusions or opinion about the Dalai Lama but I have my own view. And most importantly I respect most my Guru and his instructions including the practice of Dorje Shugden. Beyond that we cannot judge but nevertheless we work hard t lift the ban.