Author Topic: A Sakya Dorje Shugden Thangka  (Read 12869 times)


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A Sakya Dorje Shugden Thangka
« on: April 11, 2011, 01:57:21 PM »

This is a Sakya pa thangka dedicated to the protective deity dorje shugden. A valuable and historic Thangka.

?????????? dorje shugden ???? ????????????????

Behind the thangka, there is a request of Dorje Shugden blessing of the prayers. The content is written in Tibetan. Please support Dorje Shugden blessing the Sakya pa and so on. .

????????dorje shuden?? ????????????????: ?dorje shugden ????????????

No, i have not miraculously been able to read (or type) Chinese but I do know how to copy and paste! This lovely thangka was downloaded from Zakhen Tulku's facebook - the captions were also copied from there. They are not in great English though i tried to edit them.:
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: A Sakya Dorje Shugden Thangka
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2011, 01:58:38 PM »
oops the chinese didn't come out well in the above post - oh well! you can read the Chinese on Zakhen Tulku's link (if you can read Chinese that is)...
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: A Sakya Dorje Shugden Thangka
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2011, 03:42:02 PM »
Thank WB for sharing this Sakya DS thangka. The Sakya was one of the first sect that adopted Dorje Shugden as their main protector.

This thangka is really beautiful and unique, I noticed that Dorje Shugden is not holding a sword but a club. And also DS is not riding on snow lion but in his lotus position.

I have never seen DS depicted in this form, any comments from anyone? 


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Re: A Sakya Dorje Shugden Thangka
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2011, 01:41:12 PM »
Wow, this is a very beautiful picture of Dorje Shugden although not in the form I am used to where Dorje Shugden rides a Snow Lion and carries a wisdom sword on his right hand and a heart on his left hand.  Nevertheless, this is an exquisite piece of Dorje Shugden picture.  Thank you for sharing this WB.


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Re: A Sakya Dorje Shugden Thangka
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2011, 10:55:20 PM »
Great to see Dorje Shugden was (could I say is?) being practiced by other branches of Buddhism. I'm not expert on history or facts / scriptures of Buddhism, but I do get a kick out of interesting facts from our past.

Currently there is a ban, I don't really care much about this but what this post says to me is, soo many others are practicing but they need to keep it quiet so as not to be ostracised, or draw unwanted attention.

It must be soo difficult for those that have come clean to the world professing themselves as Dorjes Shugden practitioners.

Nevertheless, thanks for the pictures, I love it. But is it really Dorje Shugden? I have put my foot in it too many times saying this statue is one thing when really it was something totally unrelated.

Big Uncle

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Re: A Sakya Dorje Shugden Thangka
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2011, 05:19:12 PM »
Thank WB for sharing this Sakya DS thangka. The Sakya was one of the first sect that adopted Dorje Shugden as their main protector.

This thangka is really beautiful and unique, I noticed that Dorje Shugden is not holding a sword but a club. And also DS is not riding on snow lion but in his lotus position.

I have never seen DS depicted in this form, any comments from anyone? 

Yes triesa,

This thangka is the earlier form of Dorje Shugden. You can read his iconographical similarity in the Praise of Dorje Shugden composed by the Great Fifth Dalai Lama...

"Robes of a monk, crown adorned with rhinocerous leather hat,
Right hand holds ornate club, left holds a human heart,"

I have not read of any reason why Dorje Shugden evolved into his current form. Perhaps, he is evolving to be better equiped to meet the challenges of the karma of our time. Perhaps, he is revealing his meandering sword due to the great pronouncements by Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche, who proclaim him to be the emanation of Manjushri. These are the only possible reasons why he has iconographically evolved. All Buddhas continue to evolve and emanate through the force of their boundless compassion so they would be of benefit to all sentient beings.

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Re: A Sakya Dorje Shugden Thangka
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2011, 05:39:43 PM »
Beautiful! Admiring it here gives me such delight, I can only imagine if I may one day see it for real. It would be such a blessing. I was slightly perplexed when I observed the differences as many have pointed out.

Thank you Big Uncle for the clarification.

Although there are no documented reasons why the form changed, I do like what you said. It is perhaps to deal with our modern issues which accumulates more negative karma at a pretty rapid speed. The club probably does not eliminate our modern obstacles swiftly enough  :(

I have printed a copy of the tangka but not very clear but good enough for me, the Protector is clear in my heart.

Thank you everyone like WB, Helena, TK, Big Uncle and the rest who have made this forum so informative and educational.


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Re: A Sakya Dorje Shugden Thangka
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2011, 06:33:16 PM »

This is a Sakya pa thangka dedicated to the protective deity dorje shugden. A valuable and historic Thangka.

?????????? dorje shugden ???? ????????????????

Behind the thangka, there is a request of Dorje Shugden blessing of the prayers. The content is written in Tibetan. Please support Dorje Shugden blessing the Sakya pa and so on. .

????????dorje shuden?? ????????????????: ?dorje shugden ????????????

No, i have not miraculously been able to read (or type) Chinese but I do know how to copy and paste! This lovely thangka was downloaded from Zakhen Tulku's facebook - the captions were also copied from there. They are not in great English though i tried to edit them.:

Are you sure that this is Dorje Shugden? I've seen other photos similar to this, and some look like DS but isn't....


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Re: A Sakya Dorje Shugden Thangka
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2011, 03:54:52 AM »
According to the text accompanying the thangka, it does say Dorje Shugden but i'd need someone who can read Tibetan to verify it... :)

i would have thought Zakhen Tulku would have confirmed it before putting it on his facebook but..

Anyone out there who can read Tibetan (and able to read the text in the picture?)
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: A Sakya Dorje Shugden Thangka
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2011, 06:49:02 AM »
Gosh, how did I ever miss this thread post!

Thank you, WB! What gorgeous thangka!

I do remember reading that the Sakya did propriatiate Dorje Shugden much early on.

In fact, there is even a praise to Dorje Shugden written by the Sakya Throne Holder that was featured in the illustrated story of Dorje Shugden if I remember correctlly.

It would certainly be very helpful if someone read Tibetan and could verify the text for us all.



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Re: A Sakya Dorje Shugden Thangka
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2011, 08:54:10 AM »
I found this thangka which is the original of the image posted earlier on this thread:

it comes from

Dorje Shugden (English: the Vajra Possessing Strength): surrounded by a retinue of four emanations - a minor worldly protector.

Wrathful in appearance, maroon in colour, the Great King of Mind, with one face and two hands, has three eyes, a mustache and beard. Crowning the head a monk's riding hat broad rimmed and yellow is decorated with a red ribbon. The right hand in a wrathful gesture holds upraised a stick marked with a jewel - ready to strike. The left holds to the heart a lasso with the ends flying to the side. Attired in the orange and yellow patchwork robes of a monk and blue brocade boots he sits in a relaxed posture above a sun disc and pink lotus blossom seat atop a human skin and snow lion supported throne. Inside a skeleton palace, placed on a dais constructed of bone against a backrest of corpse pillars and an arch of gold decorated with looped intestine, licks of orange and red flame curl upward. The roof is adorned with impaled corpses. The rafters are decorated with hanging skins, animal and human, looped entrails further adorn. Above the roof, four dragons appearing from behind the clouds send streaks of yellow lightning spewing from great gaping jaws and taloned claws.

Surrounded by four retinue figures, at the middle left is the Great Increasing King (Tibetan: gye pi gyal chen), yellow in colour, with one face and two hands holding a jewel in the right and a bowl in the left. Attired in regal garb, he rides a brown horse. Directly below is the Great Peaceful King (Tibetan: shi wi gyal chen), white in colour, peaceful, holding aloft an arrow in the right hand and a lasso in the left. Dressed in royal attire, he rides a white elephant.

At the middle right is the Great Powerful King (Tibetan: wang gi gyal chen), dark red, holding a hook and lasso. Royal in appearance with a crown and robes, he rides atop a green dragon. Directly below is the Great Wrathful King (Tibetan: drag po'i gyal chen), maroon in colour, fierce in appearance, holding upraised a curved sword in the right hand and a human heart extended to the side in the left. Surrounded by orange and red flames he rides atop a Garuda clutching a snake in the talons and beak.

Beneath the retinue deities within a walled enclosure of stretched dried skin adorned with skulls and looped intestine is a red pond with swirls and waves of blood interspersed with floating insects and reptilian forms. Hovering above the turbulent vitriol is a table of wrathful offerings. The center skullcup holds the proffered substances of the five senses and to the right and left are blood and nectar. Beyond the enclosure, at the sides, tall trees host the flocks of black birds, messengers of the deity.

At the top center a lama figure wears orange monastic robes with a red pandita hat lying flat atop the head. The right hand is held to the heart in a gesture of blessing and the left in the lap, seated on a cushion and lotus seat. At the left is Vajrayogini, a principal tutelary deity of the Mother Tantras, red, holding a curved knife and skullcup. At the right side is the protector Shadbhuja Mahakala, wrathful, black, with one face and six hands.

At the bottom right the King of the North and a god of wealth, Vaishravana, yellow in colour, holds a victory banner and a mongoose. In a relaxed posture he sits atop a snow lion, moon disc and pink lotus seat. At the bottom left is Sakya Gongma Ngagwang Kunga Tashi Thutob Tendzin of the Khon family. The right hand is extended to the side in a wrathful gesture and the left cradles a long-life vase in the lap. Attired in rich orange vestments he wears the Sakya religious hat, a pandita hat with the lappets draped across the top. Nestled in a meditation cloak on a cushioned seat against a blue backrest, above his head is the buddha of longevity Amitayus. In front a monk attendant stands before a table of ritual objects. Below that is the lay figure of Thabke Tashi, the patron and commissioner of the painting. Attired in orange brocade robes, holding a large vase with both hands, he sits above a cushioned seat. Two small figures wearing hats are located to the side next to a table overflowing with wishing jewels, red coral, gold, and precious objects. Arranged purposefully in front along the length of the foreground are large bolts of fabric topped with precious gifts. Above that, before the gatehouse to the palace, are seven bowls filled with rare delicacies. (The back of the painting has a lengthy inscription, praise to the Sakya Gongma [individual names not identifiable] and a long request of action and protection by Tabke Tashi. The intention is to avert harm and overcome obstacles).

Worldly protectors are typically indigenous Tibetan deities, mountain gods, daemons, spirits or ghosts that have been subjugated and sworn to loyally protect a monastery, geographic region or all of Buddhism in general. This form of Dorje Shugden is rare and was not typically worshiped in the town of Sakya. That specific form was Shugden Tanag Chen (Shugden [riding] a Black Horse. See the bottom right). During the early decades of the last century Dorje Shugden became a subject of considerable controversy among the four Tibetan schools, namely the Gelugpa. The controversy still continues today. Also, within the Sakya School there is no initiation or 'life-entrusting' (Tibetan: srog gtad) ritual for Shugden as found in the Gelug School. That form of the deity (Shugden) typically appears riding a snow lion, holding a sword in the upraised right hand and a heart clutched to the breast in the left. For the Sakyapa all forms of the practice fell into disfavour over 6 decades ago and are essentially non-existent outside of Tibet. Small temples in regional areas of Tibet historically connected with the indigenous local deity may still proffer offerings for the purpose of protection and removing obstacles.

Jeff Watt

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: A Sakya Dorje Shugden Thangka
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2011, 11:27:13 PM »
WAH !! This is totally breath taking...

I love the wrathfulness that arise from compassion on his Holy Face , he look so powerful in this thangka. This is a little different from what i normally seen but I LOVE IT.

In my culture, a lot of people in my country will actually look for astrology master (Fong Shui Master) to improve theirs residential (Fong Shui) energy. But i always believe any Buddha image will "do" the dirty job for me, because they're represent the blessing/compassion/wisdom and all the quality of Buddhas from all ten directions. Since this thangka represent wisdom, compassion and yet rare, I think it will be great to set an altar just for this and get our family, loves one to receive the blessing and harmony from the wrathful Manjushri.


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Re: A Sakya Dorje Shugden Thangka
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2011, 03:14:51 AM »
This is a Sakya pa thangka dedicated to the protective deity dorje shugden. A valuable and historic Thangka.

?????????? dorje shugden ???? ????????????????

Behind the thangka, there is a request of Dorje Shugden blessing of the prayers. The content is written in Tibetan. Please support Dorje Shugden blessing the Sakya pa and so on. .

????????dorje shuden?? ????????????????: ?dorje shugden ????????????

No, i have not miraculously been able to read (or type) Chinese but I do know how to copy and paste! This lovely thangka was downloaded from Zakhen Tulku's facebook - the captions were also copied from there. They are not in great English though i tried to edit them.:

Are you sure that this is Dorje Shugden? I've seen other photos similar to this, and some look like DS but isn't....

Dear JessicaJameson and others,

For those of you who are still doubtful of whether this is Dorje Shugden, I found the exact iconographic twin version of this form of Dorje Shugden in Trode Khangsar. So, all of you can rest your case and be certain that this is Dorje Shugden - the older form of him. I took this picture from the gallery of this website -->


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Re: A Sakya Dorje Shugden Thangka
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2011, 06:16:07 PM »

Are you sure that this is Dorje Shugden? I've seen other photos similar to this, and some look like DS but isn't....

Dear JessicaJameson and others,

For those of you who are still doubtful of whether this is Dorje Shugden, I found the exact iconographic twin version of this form of Dorje Shugden in Trode Khangsar. So, all of you can rest your case and be certain that this is Dorje Shugden - the older form of him. I took this picture from the gallery of this website -->

The iconography on the right hand is different.


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Re: A Sakya Dorje Shugden Thangka
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2011, 04:33:21 AM »

Are you sure that this is Dorje Shugden? I've seen other photos similar to this, and some look like DS but isn't....

Dear JessicaJameson and others,

For those of you who are still doubtful of whether this is Dorje Shugden, I found the exact iconographic twin version of this form of Dorje Shugden in Trode Khangsar. So, all of you can rest your case and be certain that this is Dorje Shugden - the older form of him. I took this picture from the gallery of this website -->

The iconography on the right hand is different.

Looks the same to me