Author Topic: We wish Kundeling Rinpoche the Best!  (Read 7523 times)


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We wish Kundeling Rinpoche the Best!
« on: April 16, 2011, 08:20:48 PM »
Kundeling Rinpoche has been a strong and powerful voice in the Shugden lineage from day one. Rinpoche has studied under Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche and Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. Kundeling Rinpoche has refused to bow down to the pressures of the Tibetan Govt, threats from the Tibetan populace, being ex-communicated from his native Drepung Gomang Monastery and being disparaged by the Tibetan Govt publicly. Although he does not join protests, he has been a very powerful voice of logic and reason against the undemocratic ban of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Kundeling Rinpoche is currently building his Monastery in South India where he is residing. We are happy for his progress and and we are happy that Rinpoche is well. We wish him all due speed in the completion of his monastery and growth of his works.



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Re: We wish Kundeling Rinpoche the Best!
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2011, 08:25:03 PM »
It would be wonderful if Kundeling Rinpoche keeps a website/blogsite with extensive updates. We rejoice in his works and wish his works to reach many.



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Re: We wish Kundeling Rinpoche the Best!
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2011, 08:52:45 PM »
It is refreshing to see Dorje Shugden teachers like Kundeling Rinpoche stand firm on their practice and Guru Devotion!!!

Here is a video showing Kundeling Rinpoche going yo take H.H. to court!
Kundeling Rinpoce speaks with logic as basis and he really show us courage which is most needed during the darkness.
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Re: We wish Kundeling Rinpoche the Best!
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2011, 02:53:26 PM »
Kundeling Rinpoche is amazing !  ;D


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Re: We wish Kundeling Rinpoche the Best!
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2011, 06:44:44 PM »
I like this article on Kundeling Rinpoche very much:

This article addresses 3 questions posed to Kundeling Rinpoche:
Question 1: According to information received, the Dalai Lama faces a threat to his life, in or around Dharamsala, from the Al Qaeda (or its affiliations?), the L.E.T. and Dorje Shugden, possibly with the support of the P.R.C. What is your opinion about this?

Question 2: A report indicates that the Chinese recognised Panchen Lama has adopted the Dorje Shugden sect, in September 2006, on the instance of Lama Gangchen.

Question 3: A report indicates that the Government of the P.R.O.C. has ceased to give any importance to the Karmapa and his official Seat at the Thurphu Monastery.

Of Kundeling Rinpoche's answers in the article, what I found most interesting was the answer to Question 2, with the history of the Panchen lamas' following of Dorje Shugden, as below:

Coming to the second assessment of why the incumbent Panchen cannot be religiously influenced by those outside China, we need to know something about the history of the Panchens and their involvement with the practice of Shugden. The 8th Panchen, Tenpay Wangchug (1855-1882), by virtue of his own inclinations and not as part of the legacy of his predecessors, involved himself in the esoteric practices of the Nyingmapa, contrary to his assigned responsibility of representing the pure Gelugpa lineage of practices. Ecumenism was in vogue then amongst some Gelugpa celebrities but it was not a requirement for enhancing spiritual practices. It was generally understood that the deity Dorje Shugden protects all those who sincerely practice their respective lineages purely. In simple terms, a Nyingma, Gelugpa, Kagyupa and Sakyapa can live more harmoniously if each completes the training of his or her respective lineage, rather than dabbling in each other’s practices. Because of an unsophisticated understanding and the false view that this deity is anti-Nyingma and anti-Kagyu, it seems that this Panchen came under this influence and hence opposed Shugden.

The 9th Panchen, Chokyi Nyima Geleg Namgyal (1883-1937), however, rescinded the trend adopted by his predecessor. To undo the mistaken perception of Dorje Shugden, while attempting to redeem himself, he adopted the practice personally. One of his tutors had burned the religious painting of the Deity within the collection of this Panchen. As an act of atonement and in order to reinstate the Deity, this Panchen invited the celebrated savant Phabongkha Dechen Nyingpo (1878-1941) to perform the instalment rite and consecration of the Deity at his seat in Tashilhunpo in South Tibet.

The 10th Panchen, Chokyi Gyaltsen (1937-1989) was marooned for thirteen years in his hometown in northern Tibet, unable to return to his Seat due to the hostilities displayed towards him by the Administration of the Dalai Lama. Through political support and the security provided by the Communist Party, he not only returned to his rightful throne but also proved to be a credible spiritual Master and great Tibetan Leader of integrity. Today, the 14th Dalai Lama and his Administration sing praises to this Panchen. One has merely to peek back one decade into history to discover the heights of animosity and vilification that the same people had engaged in!

Once back in Tashilhunpo from 1951 onwards, the Panchen, emulating his predecessor, picked up a reconciliatory approach. He reaffirmed his faith in the practice of Dorje Shugden and further composed a liturgical text, known as the ‘Restoration and Fulfilment Rite of Dorje Shugden’ (, tib.), a text that is still within the practice or devotional curriculum of this great Monastic Seat in South Tibet.

Thus, the spiritual practice of Dorje Shugden is embedded in the chronicles of the sacred devotional engagements of the Panchen Lama’s Seat. The Panchens are themselves practitioners of this Deity. No celebrity – including Gangchen Lama – need go all the way to China to convince the incumbent 11th Panchen Lama to take up the practice of Dorje Shugden.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: We wish Kundeling Rinpoche the Best!
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2011, 08:44:23 AM »
I certainly pray for the long life of Kundeling Rinpoche! May all Kundeling Rinpoche's activities and works grow!

WB, thank you for posting the article link. You are right! It is such a great article and Rinpoche certainly answered every question very logically, clearly and even with great wit. His humour is most definitely noted in the way he answered the first question.

I was very tempted to re-post the whole article here but let me just share the lines I truly enjoyed because Rinpoche points out an important fact that I hope the people in TGIE will take into heart.

Question 1: According to information received, the Dalai Lama faces a threat to his life, in or around Dharamsala, from the Al Qaeda (or its affiliations?), the L.E.T. and Dorje Shugden, possibly with the support of the P.R.C. What is your opinion about this?

Answer: (Are you referring to the P.R.O.C., because the above suggests the participation of Taiwan). Judging by the tone of such incredible insinuations, the source of this fantastic theory must surely be located back to the associates of the Dalai Lama, with his own propaganda and phobias spurring them on. Even after his unwarranted remarks about Islam, the current Pope, Benedict XVI, does not figure on the hit list of any of the Islamic extremist organisations. Why, and on what grounds, should the Dalai Lama suddenly become a target for Islamic fundamentalists? A marriage of interests could exist between the Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups, to unite in destroying what they may perceive as a common enemy. But on what grounds would anyone have the nerve to make such claims about Dorje Shugden followers and their alliance with such criminal elements?

It appears to me that – even amongst hawks and ‘China-bashers’ in Indian Ministries – the oft-repeated claims about a ‘China threat’ have yet to be formulated into such an imagined threat consisting of he most sensational combining of the lousiest elements of all evil-doers known, to appease their ‘Divine Guest’! To my simple logistics, the rationale is drawn from statements by the Dalai Lama himself during his December 2004 visit to the Hunsur Gurupura Settlement of Mysore District, South Karnataka. The Tibetan Head publicly declared that highly placed Indian Officials had forewarned him of a threat to his life, not from assumed quarters but from Shugden followers!

In the month of December 2006, Delhi’s India T.V. Exclusive, watched by millions of Indians, broadcast an outrageous claim that eight Tibetan Shugden followers were being sent across the border by Chinese authorities to assassinate the Dalai Lama during the latter’s Kalachakra engagements in Amravati, Andra Pradesh. In May of this year itself, reports circulated in Indian and International Media, that the Indian Police in Delhi had requested the help of Interpol to pursue two supposedly Shugden assassins of the late Rev. Lobsang Gyatso, the murdered Principal of the Buddhist School of Dialectics in Dharamsala and a close confidante of the Dalai Lama. The claim was that the Chinese had sent across these assassins and provided them with a safe haven within the Tibet Autonomous Region.

Let me therefore begin by answering these ‘cock and bull stories’ – to give them a label befitting their contents. In my previous interactions with members within Indian Intelligence Agencies, when I had put forward the Dalai Lama’s claims that the Indians cautioned him on the Shugden threat, all I received were lukewarm denials of any Indian show of ‘camaraderie’ with the Tibetan God King. There has always been, and still is, a tendency on the part of Government Agencies, to portray an image of neutrality and a concern simply for maintaining Law and Order in the land; the Dalai Lama is a celebrity and an honoured guest, besides a V.V.I.P. in this country; any threat to a holy V.V.I.P. would be exceedingly embarrassing to the host Indian nation. It could be useful, as regards the ‘sanctity’ of guests, to remind ourselves that Indian tradition makes no special ‘proviso’ for V.V.I.P. guests as all guests are considered ‘divine’!
Some people in the higher echelons need a crash course on the lifestyle and exploits of the Tibetan Avatar in India. Recounting them here would be a waste of time but, to mention one point, the hue and cry about the murder of the Dalai Lama’s confidante Ven. Lobsang Gyatso is making out as if this is the first criminal event to take place within the Tibetan diaspora. On the contrary, it is only one amongst many killings, some reported to have been engineered by important members of the Dalai Lama’s family and Ministers. After the 1962 Sino-Indian conflict, the policy of various ruling parties in Delhi was to turn a blind eye to Tibetan refugee activities, not interfering in the ‘internal’ activities of Tibetans and their leaders. On this premise, the Dalai Lama was able to establish a fully-fledged Government and a Constitution within Indian territory – a feudal theocracy within a democracy! – with all dissident voices stifled.

Conspiracies, intrigues, activities; both covert and overt – all necessarily anti-Chinese – have since then been engineered from upon Indian soil. Recently, there have been deaths and damage to the lives and property of Shugden adherents in Tibet itself. Thousands of Tibetan patriots had sacrificed their lives in confrontation with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army until the 1970s, in the belief that the Dalai Lama stood for a ‘Free Tibet’. He mesmerised them into believing that there was no better goal than this. In India and all over the world, the Dalai Lama incites hatred against Shugden adherents for no fault of theirs. As a result, Shugden followers have been made the pariahs amongst mainstream Tibetan society. There is an apartheid against them, besides sanctions and preposterous accusations – without any credible evidence whatsoever to substantiate the claims.

The point is this: if the Chinese had suddenly decided to have the Tibetan Head assassinated, they would have to involve enormous Chinese expertise. But what benefit would an ‘Operation Assassination Dalai Lama’ have and to whom would it bring profit? Such an adventurous initiative would only play into the hands of the Dalai Lama’s Camp. His Hollywood friends would immediately capitalise on the action-thriller theme, portraying him as prospective martyr and showing the Chinese up as demons once again. It is ludicrous to imagine that the Chinese would like to see him dead. That the Chinese are waiting patiently for his natural death would sound more feasible.

For reasons as simple as these, the elite amongst Shugden followers would not waste their time daydreaming about plots to assassinate him. Shugden followers have always strongly opposed all signs of intolerance towards diversities and all extremist actions. They opposed the Taliban for their reckless destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan in 2001. They opposed the war on Iraq. There are fanatical elements in both the Dalai Lama and the Shugden Camps, but it is not the Shugden followers who are in charge of the Tibetan scenario or who are in any position of strength. On the contrary, they constitute a minority and have been made the scapegoats for everything that goes wrong within Tibetan society. Those people who believe that Beijing authorities are arming and funding Shugden stalwarts so that they create pandemonium on Indian soil should cease their fantasising and instead try to come up with some undisputed credible evidence. This doesn’t happen.


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Re: We wish Kundeling Rinpoche the Best!
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2012, 05:54:35 AM »
Wonderful!! I love what Kundeling Rinpoche has pointed out. His intelligence is just amazing. I am in awe of his sharp wit and mind and also his logic. He is far more grounded and intelligent than any of the CTA people. If he were to be the Kalon Tripa, CTA would benefit a lot from it and there will be much improvements in everything and there will be much inroads that will be made in their talks with China. Too bad CTA threw him away. Too bad indeed.

Conspiracies, intrigues, activities; both covert and overt – all necessarily anti-Chinese – have since then been engineered from upon Indian soil. Recently, there have been deaths and damage to the lives and property of Shugden adherents in Tibet itself. Thousands of Tibetan patriots had sacrificed their lives in confrontation with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army until the 1970s, in the belief that the Dalai Lama stood for a ‘Free Tibet’. He mesmerised them into believing that there was no better goal than this. In India and all over the world, the Dalai Lama incites hatred against Shugden adherents for no fault of theirs. As a result, Shugden followers have been made the pariahs amongst mainstream Tibetan society. There is an apartheid against them, besides sanctions and preposterous accusations – without any credible evidence whatsoever to substantiate the claims.
This is the fact that the CTA is desperately trying to hide from everyone, that they are discriminatory and bigoted and they can get away with it because HHDL is good friends with the US. Nobody highlights this point, but as the saying goes, paper can only wrap fire for so long before it burns. Question is this: are the people supporting Tibet's freedom aware of the discriminatory practices that CTA observes?Will they still support them when they find out?

The point is this: if the Chinese had suddenly decided to have the Tibetan Head assassinated, they would have to involve enormous Chinese expertise. But what benefit would an ‘Operation Assassination Dalai Lama’ have and to whom would it bring profit? Such an adventurous initiative would only play into the hands of the Dalai Lama’s Camp. His Hollywood friends would immediately capitalise on the action-thriller theme, portraying him as prospective martyr and showing the Chinese up as demons once again. It is ludicrous to imagine that the Chinese would like to see him dead. That the Chinese are waiting patiently for his natural death would sound more feasible.
This does make more sense than a silly assassination story that CTA made up to demonize the Chinese for taking away their country. Since when does blaming them solve anything in the first place? Why not work towards harmony? To me all the accusations against China are untrue and it is very obvious but even still, so many people are supporting them blindly...i wonder why


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Re: We wish Kundeling Rinpoche the Best!
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2012, 06:10:14 AM »
Very nice to have an articulate, intelligent, and brave Lama who really understands the issue from the inside.
May Rinpoche live for a thousand years to lead us all out of samsara.


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Re: We wish Kundeling Rinpoche the Best!
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2012, 11:02:15 PM »
Kundeling Rinpoche is very inspiring. His has shown his strong guru devotion by openly practicing Lord Dorje Shugden despite all the pressures and threats from the Tibetan Government and CTA. What he points out in the articles are so factual, sharp, logical and full of wisdom.

We can also read more about Kundeling Rinpoche here:

Rejoice in his work.  May he always in good health, long life and his work spread far. 


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Re: We wish Kundeling Rinpoche the Best!
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2012, 11:00:02 AM »
CTA creates so much negative karma for themselves, and shows absolute and sheer lack of gratitude. Kundeling Rinpoche has done so much for them and now because of the ban, they forget everything that Kundeling Rinpoche did for the Tibetan community and the Dalai Lama. What kind of Buddhists would forget gratitude? I dont know, people pretending to be Buddhists? the very least they can do is waive the death threats.

Lobsang Yeshi continued his training and even served in administrative capacities in Gomang College. Despite his difficult conditions, during his stay in the monastery Rinpoche made many offerings to the College of Gomang, and in 1993, before leaving, he offered 1000 robes to Gomang and to Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s household. He also sponsored many teachings and initiations in Drepung and particularly in Ganden.

At around 1982 an unfortunate incident took place, when the disciplinarian of the monastic college beat him up on false charges. Many monks were upset, and His Holiness Gangchen Rinpoche, who visited Kyabje Zong Rinpoche at that time, remembers that he was visibly upset and that he said to Gangchen Rinpoche that “the Kundeling Lama has been unjustly beaten for no fault of his own”.

Zong Rinpoche was engaged in the rites of the White Umbrella Goddess, one of his last acts two months before passing away. He abruptly stopped the ceremony and started speaking at length about the false and corrupt functioning and injustice of those in power. Recalling incidences of great Gelugpa Lamas like H.H. Reting Rinpoche and finally H.H. Pabongka Rinpoche, Zong Rinpoche remarked “It seems that people are bent on even harming the very descendants of the lineage of Pabongka.”

Zong Rinpoche perceived this incidence as a portent of future harm coming to Pabongka’s lineage: such were the deep feelings that Zong Rinpoche had for Rinpoche. Because of this scandal, the Dalai Lama himself stopped the tradition of appointing the disciplinarians of various monastic colleges. The circumstances, however, turned to the benefit of Lobsang Yeshi Rinpoche.

The Venerable Lama Zopa Rinpoche was convinced that Lama Lobsang Yeshi had practiced ‘exchanging self for others’. Seeing his spiritual qualities, he requested him to teach in Bodhgaya.

From 1984 onwards, Lobsang Yeshi Rinpoche reached out to more and more Indian and Western people, teaching in the open-air near the great Stupa at Bodhgaya. There he gave Refuge to 100 Indians (it is one of his great wishes to make Dharma strong in the country of its origins).

After the Dalai Lama performed the Kalachakra Initiation in Bodhgaya in 1985, because of the mishandling by some of his close associates, the local Indians turned antagonistically against him and rallied together, shouting slogans. The Temple of Kalachakra was ransacked. On his own initiative, Rinpoche went to the Indians and succeeded in pacifying them and restoring their respectful behavior towards the Dalai Lama.

In Bombay and in Karnataka State he also gave Refuge to hundreds more Indians, and worked tirelessly to help the wishes of the Dalai Lama. In 1992, on an historic occasion, he arranged for Indians to meet the Dalai Lama on the outskirts of Mundgod, translating the Dalai Lama’s words into fluent Hindi.

Later in 1994 there was another incident of unrest in Mundgod. Local Indians had set out to ransack the settlement and beat up Tibetans. Had it not been for the intervention of Rinpoche, a riot would definitely have occurred. He supplicated Dorje Shugden on many occasions to help the work of others, such as Lama Zopa Rinpoche, and was instrumental in the founding of the Prajna Vihara School for Indians in Bodh Gaya. In a Naxalite area near Rajgir, he laid the first stone for the Ambedkar School and Library. Rinpoche also gave Tara initiation to Indians in 1993 in Bodhgaya.

So much that he did to help the indians and tibetans adapt to each other, or else, the tibetans would have been continuously harassed by the indians until now. WHERE IS YOUR GRATITUDE, CTA?!?! WHAT WERE YOU DOING WHEN ALL THESE WAS HAPPENING?!