Author Topic: Removing Trijang Rinpoche's Throne from Gaden?  (Read 25060 times)


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Re: Removing Trijang Rinpoche's Throne from Gaden?
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2011, 01:08:00 PM »
There are so many things in the monasteries that are just very inconsistent these days. But I feel they are not to blame. They are controlled by the Tibetan Govt and they HAVE ZERO FREEDOM or choice. It is sad when the sangha are controlled in such a way by a dictatorial govt that feigns democracy.

I am sorry to say, but I am just waiting for the Tibetan Govt to go under. They are not respected by any real govt in the world. They are buying time for the inevitable.

The abbots of Sera, Drepung and Gaden are forced to be puppets of the Tibetan Govt without any real control of the monasteries. One wrong step out of line, they are removed from office. They have to do everything what the Tibetan Govt tell them to do. The unfair treatment of the Shugden practitioners in the Monasteries is just one of the many examples how Tibetan Govt is abusive in their control of their people.

Does anyone have any ideas why the Tibetan Govt would keep Trijang Rinpoche & Gaden Trisur's throne still in Gaden's prayer hall? Trijang Rinpoche and Gaden Trisur have not sworn in to renounce Shugden and left for Shar Gaden. By right anything related to them should be removed. So why is it not removed?

Trijang Rinpoche has already disrobed himself to lay low to continue his DS practice and do not want his followers to contact him, Trijang Rinpoche showed his respect to HHDL in this way and yet without giving up his DS practice. Gaden Trisur shocked the world and made a big move to Shar Gaden after his term as the 101th Gaden throne holder, during his term, I am sure he quietly continued his practice without showing any disrespect to HHDL.

So it is pretty obvious to everyone, including the monks in Gaden Monastery that these two high lamas are both Shugden practitioners. The fact that their throne are still intact in the monastery speaks volumn. Why would TGIE allow this when normal monks who are DS practitioners are ostracized and ill treated?

Yes, like everyone has mentioned.....CONTRADICTION!!!

But why the contradiction??? I think it is very clear. that HHDL wants to pave the way for Shugden practice to come back after he passes away. And the most qualified masters and high lamas holding this lineage would be the current incarnation of Trijang Rinpoche and the 101th Gaden Tripa.

I do believe, things are unfolding slowly and the political power of TGIE would be watered off slowly. The throne holder will take back their rightful power in the monastery.


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Re: Removing Trijang Rinpoche's Throne from Gaden?
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2011, 10:01:27 PM »
TGIE is slapping on their own face again. Since they hate DS so much, since DS is so evil why don't they just remove both of the great DS practitioner's throne from the most holy Gaden ? And announce to the World: We are 100% pure and holy.

Went to Shartse last year, it's very sad that to see H.H. Trijang Dorje Chang and 101th Gaden Trisur's throne been left on the side on the grand hall and not even one khata has been offered on it. Basically, the monastery dare not do anything "Grand" to the throne because they need to remain clean and have nothing to do with any DS practitioner. In the other hand, they also need to accept both of this "evil" masters is the most holy and enlighten great master.

Even if TGIE or monastery really want to remove both of the master's throne in the future, will they able to remove Trijang Rinpoche's stupa right in front of Shartse main gate? If they do, this will be the biggest joke in the Buddhism history.

Since we can't change the history that Trijang Rinpoche is H.H. Dalai Lama's guru, and it's "not so intelligent" to remove both of the great master's throne from the main hall,  can we at least treat it as a high lama's throne? Can monastery side treat them as a high lama, and they really are.

It looks really bad and arrogant that we didn't take good care of our lama's belongings. Since they can't remove both of the master's throne out from the main hall, at least do some offering on the throne, it will makes the situation not so ugly.


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Re: Removing Trijang Rinpoche's Throne from Gaden?
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2011, 08:53:13 AM »

Gaden Monastery wanted to permanently remove the throne of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche from their Main prayer hall as Trijang Rinpoche continues to practice Dorje Shugden. In a surprise and shocking move, the Tibetan Govt intervened and ordered the throne to remain in Gaden and not be removed. This added to the confusion as all Shugden practitioners of any rank must be removed from Gaden, Sera and Drepung. So why still keep his throne in Gaden 'reminding' everyone of Trijang Rinpoche's presence?

OMG, there is so much greed for power in whoever is behind the plan to permanently remove the throne of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche from the main prayer hall of Ganden.  What has Trijang Rinpoche done "wrong" except to practise Dorje Shugden, a protector given to him by his Guru?  This is betrayal at the ultimate level considering what Trijang Rinpoche has done for Tibetan Buddhism in general and the Gelugpa tradition in particular. 

It is crystal clear that whomever is behind the plan is all out for power and to be in the good books of the Dalai Lama.  Interestingly, even the Dalai Lama would not go to the extent of removing his own Guru throne from the monastery. It is sad that people can resort to such betrayal to gain power and protect themselves. 


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Re: Removing Trijang Rinpoche's Throne from Gaden?
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2011, 03:12:25 PM »
The previous trijang rinpoche was the spiritual heir to Pabongka Lamas' teachings. Pabongka Lama is reknown for teaching thousands of people and even teaching the lamrim to lay people. So Pabongka Rinpoche is truly a dharma hero.

And now we want to persecute the trijang rinpoche whose past incarnation was able to hold all the teachings his lama Pabongka Lama could bestow to him. 

Something is really wrong in this picture!


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Re: Removing Trijang Rinpoche's Throne from Gaden?
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2011, 07:36:55 PM »
It is sad to know that Gaden Monastery wanted to remove Trijang Rinpoche's throne permanently. It has made a mockery of the function of the throne in the monastery.  Does the Gaden Monastery's authority not know the importance of keeping the throne?  They had shown tremendous amount of disrespect to Trijang Rinpoche whose current incarnation is living outside of the monastery.

Gaden Monastery has lost its independence and control by adopting the ban on Dorje Shugden in Gaden Monastery and removal of Trijang Rinpoche's throne etc.

It is indeed contradictory in the TGIE's action to intervene and stop the removal of the throne!  I think the TGIE is paving the way for Trijang Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden’s practice to return to Gaden Monastery!


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Re: Removing Trijang Rinpoche's Throne from Gaden?
« Reply #20 on: July 17, 2011, 05:10:27 AM »
Gaden Monastery wanted to permanently remove the throne of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche from their Main prayer hall as Trijang Rinpoche continues to practice Dorje Shugden. In a surprise and shocking move, the Tibetan Govt intervened and ordered the throne to remain in Gaden and not be removed.

I find this rather peculiar. Fine that Gaden wants to follow the Dalai Lama's edict. The TGIE intervenes? TGIE would only intervene on the Dalai Lama's instruction. So the Dalai Lama WANTS HH Trijang Rinpoche's throne to remain in Gaden.. despite no offerings on it (which i suspect is an interpretation from Gaden rather than an instruction from above). It's all so contradictory but i see the message is that the Dalai Lama wants us to think.

Trijang Ladrang has moved to Shar Gaden. It's obvious where Trijang Rinpoche's affiliations lie. Yet the Dalai Lama does not permit the removal of the throne. Some clues to make the Shugden naysayers think, perhaps.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Removing Trijang Rinpoche's Throne from Gaden?
« Reply #21 on: July 17, 2011, 06:07:49 AM »
Take note: HH Dalai Lama is currently in Washington for 12 days. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche is not attending again. Whatever events large and small HHDL has, Trijang Rinpoche never attends. Trijang Rinpoche is the reincarnation of the current Dalai Lama's root teacher/guru. Yet because of the Shugden ban, Trijang Rinpoche does not attend any events by Dalai Lama. Trijang Rinpoche resides permanently in Vermont, USA. This is truly an awkward situation.


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Re: Removing Trijang Rinpoche's Throne from Gaden?
« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2011, 11:12:46 PM »
Well here's the thing, if Trijang Rinpoche were ever to attend HHDL teachings it would put HHDL under the spotlight as His Holiness would have to say something either way.

HHDL  doesn't say anthing then a known Shugden Practitioner is able to attend HHDL teachings.

If HHDL does say something then it would be to show what HHDL meant by instructing thrones to remain, and the allowance of Trijang Rinpoche to continue practicing.

It would be very interesting indeed if Trijang Rinpoche showed up for teachings.


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Re: Removing Trijang Rinpoche's Throne from Gaden?
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2011, 07:42:26 AM »
The fact that HH Trijang Rinpoche stays away, keeps a low profile and is taking a lay role shows the reverence and respect he has for the Dalai Lama. HH Trijang Rinpoche could easily attend the Dalai Lama's teaching and force the Dalai Lama to react. As you said - whatever reaction the Dalai Lama makes will have an impact. Yet Trijang Rinpoche remains quietly practising in the background.

To me, it shows the spectacular calibre of HH Trijang Rinpoche and an example all of us can emulate.

Perhaps this is why Trijang Rinpoche's throne is quietly left in place in Gaden.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Removing Trijang Rinpoche's Throne from Gaden?
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2011, 03:40:30 PM »
Knowing that H.H. Trijang Rinpoche's seat still remains in Gaden Prayer Hall and that the Tibetan Govt themselves said it should not be removed tells us that there is still much respect given to Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche which also contradicts their move against Dorje Shugden practitioners.

It shows that all the TGIE cares about is politics not about their people or the spiritual paths of their people, and uses Dorje Shugden as a way to go against the Chinese Govt. I think this is because of TGIE's silly narrow mindedness that DS practitioners, Lama and monasteries are funded and supported by the Chinese?

The only thing positive is that there is still some kind of respect, perhaps it was not approved by the Dalai Lama. Whoever who wanted to initially removed it sure speaks volumes of his character. How sad that Dharma is being poluted to serve their own greed and how easily betrayal can arise from power and greed. This is truly sad. But I am glad Trijang Rinpoche's throne remains!

Wish there was a picture we can put up here.


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Re: Removing Trijang Rinpoche's Throne from Gaden?
« Reply #25 on: July 20, 2011, 04:09:36 AM »
The fact that HH Trijang Rinpoche stays away, keeps a low profile and is taking a lay role shows the reverence and respect he has for the Dalai Lama. HH Trijang Rinpoche could easily attend the Dalai Lama's teaching and force the Dalai Lama to react. As you said - whatever reaction the Dalai Lama makes will have an impact. Yet Trijang Rinpoche remains quietly practising in the background.

To me, it shows the spectacular calibre of HH Trijang Rinpoche and an example all of us can emulate.

Perhaps this is why Trijang Rinpoche's throne is quietly left in place in Gaden.

Trijang Rinpoche had prophesied that DS would flourish.

By not putting Dalai Lama in the spot light but instead showing reverence and respect quietly while TGIE on the other hand, had  left Trijang Rinpoche's throne at Gaden shows how these high Masters are working together to spread DS, the most efficacious Protector at this degenerate time.


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Re: Removing Trijang Rinpoche's Throne from Gaden?
« Reply #26 on: July 20, 2011, 05:27:59 PM »
How ironic???

The ban which has been going on so strongly and TGIE wants to remain H.H Trijang Rinpoche's throne in Gaden left untouched and abandoned.  Why not remove it?

Yes, just like what everyone had said.  His Holiness might be behind TGIE not wanting the throne to be removed, this showed great guru devotion.  On the other hand, Trijang Rinpoche had showed the greatest respect to His Holiness because he has every right to come out since he is well known Dorje Shugden practitioner.

So i am very happy that the throne remained.  Wherever the throne is, it is for the lama to return, to stay.  This only means His Holiness is expecting the return of HH Trijang Rinpoche, and Dorje Shugden will be taking the center stage.  I rejoice. :)


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Re: Removing Trijang Rinpoche's Throne from Gaden?
« Reply #27 on: August 24, 2012, 06:27:48 AM »
Let us see here about the consequences of removing Trijang Rinpoche's throne from Ganden. It would basically mean that HHDL cast off his own Guru and that would be an extremely bad example for everyone to follow. HHDL has made his point very clear about Trijang Rinpoche: That he is still a Buddha and is to be respected by everyone, but him worshipping Dorje Shugden is wrong, and that we are allowed to see our Gurus as people who make mistakes. But, this position does not make much sense to me: If the Guru can be wrong in one aspect, does it not open the doors to the fact that the Guru can also get other things wrong? If the Guru can get other things wrong, then what is the point of Guru devotion anymore? In other words, Ganden removing Trijang Rinpoche's throne would have an implication that they do not respect their lineage lamas and this would be extremely bad. The orders from the CTA were probably made by the Dalai Lama to not remove the throne...but I am confused: why remove the throne when it is bad to forget about the lineage lamas? Why is there such a need to placate the Dalai Lama so much....? That's not Guru devotion and that is not Dharma practice.

But I am glad that they did not remove the throne. If they did, it would mean that they are not Gelug anymore.


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Re: Removing Trijang Rinpoche's Throne from Gaden?
« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2012, 01:44:05 PM »
This is the Pandora's Box that has been opened by the ban, if one guru is wrong due to certain beliefs or views then which guru is safe from criticism?  Aren't all gurus of the Tibetan then subject to doubt, then where does the buck stop. Dorje Shugden has been practiced since the time of the Dalai Lama so all the lamas who engaged in the practice are deluded in their views?

Zong Rinpoche, Domo Geshe Rinpoche amongst all the great Gelug are all deluded and don't know what they are doing? Trijang Rinpoche's throne not removed by the CTA/TGIE should be a hint for many of the people out there of the many inconsistencies that is prevalent in the ban and should make us think deeper about this issue.


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Re: Removing Trijang Rinpoche's Throne from Gaden?
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2012, 03:15:37 PM »
I wonder when all this charade will end - quite soon I heard. So many contradictions. But it's pretty entertaining though just like a drama with all its intrigue. The lead actors are all real pro playing out the characters as per the script written for the play. In this play the lead actors are also the director, producer, and script writer.