Author Topic: World Shift - Ascendency of China  (Read 8173 times)

Big Uncle

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World Shift - Ascendency of China
« on: April 27, 2011, 12:41:01 PM »
In just five years, China may lay claim to the title “World’s Largest Economy”. This is not coming from China fearmongers or doomsayers – this is according to the International Monetary Fund and its new GDP forecasts.

The numbers: China’s gross domestic product will rocket $8 trillion in the next five years to $19 trillion. The U.S. GDP will grow $3.5 trillion in the same timeframe to $18.8 trillion. And it will be in that year - 2016 - that China's slice of world output will start to edge past the United States': 18% versus 17.7%. In the years after, that gap is forecast to widen.

So how can this be? And so soon? Especially after numerous prior estimates have forecast China’s #1 status to occur in the 2020s, if not 2050? Well, the IMF has based its predictions on numbers for purchasing power parity, or PPP. This gauges the strength of China's domestic consumption, which is then compared to that in the U.S. The famous Big Mac index is based on this. That operates on the notion that the iconic McDonald’s burger should cost the same in each of the more than 120 countries it’s produced. If a Big Mac costs less in another country, then that country’s currency is considered undervalued. This year, you’ll pay 40% less for a Big Mac in China than in the United States. Digest the implications of that morsel as you keep reading.

I interviewed Frederic Neumann, HSBC’s Managing Director of Asian Economics Research, here in Hong Kong. He confirmed PPP is one credible way to measure GDP, but that there are also other credible ways. Those 'other' ways, he says, show that China’s path to economic #1 is much longer than the IMF’s forecast leads us to believe.

Neumann says U.S. dollar terms are a different way to measure China growth. Using this "it would take much longer for the Chinese economy to overtake the U.S. - probably 2025," And while PPP measures domestic purchasing power, U.S. dollars are a better gauge for purchasing power on the world stage.

Per capita income is a third way to measure economic power. The CIA World Factbook estimates that China’s 2010 figure was $7,400, compared with $47,100 for the United States. With this in mind, Neumann says China might not overtake the U.S. until the 2040s or 2050s - a date more in line with past estimates.

Regardless, it is not a question of "if" but “when” China - which last year overtook Japan as the world’s second largest economy - will be the world’s biggest economy. Whenever it happens, that day will herald a new dawn for China and the end of an age for America.

Posted by: CNN Asia Business Analyst, Ramy Inocencio


This piece of news heralds the coming of a new era in which China overtakes America as superpower. Many analysts predicted this before and there are numerous books on this matter but no one would have thought it would come this soon. Although this may just be economics but don't be naive to think it is just about money. The world is ruled by money and desire. Hence, the one with the biggest pocket will influence the rest of the world just like how America had been for the last century. China already has overtaken Japan as the second largest economy in the world. With the positioning of Dalai Lama's ban, it has placed Dorje Shugden as being 'favored' in China, that means that it is just matter of time before all things Chinese (including Dorje Shugden) would become influential due to the economic might of China. That would be very exciting when that happens!


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Re: World Shift - Ascendency of China
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2011, 07:19:33 PM »
Yes, it is amazing how much China has grown over in just a few years.  I remembered people regarded the chinese as hard laboour worker with not much education.  Over the years, statistic and buildings shown that the country has grown.  These days, try pick up anything that's a label "made in china" to it easily.  Funny does it sound, how the chinese has had so much issues with Tibet; now Tibetan Buddhism has spread so quickly like lighting.  Thanks to the ban really, many has got to know the precious protector and learn the dharma.  I guess the younger generation wouldn't care much about the politics of Tibet and China anyways.  The practice will continue to spread.  Imagine, just 10% of the chinese population practice the dharma, that's millions of people learning the dharma.  That will eventually happen.  We just have to wait and see.


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Re: World Shift - Ascendency of China
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2011, 07:54:44 PM »
Thanks to the ban really, many has got to know the precious protector and learn the dharma.  I guess the younger generation wouldn't care much about the politics of Tibet and China anyways.  The practice will continue to spread.  Imagine, just 10% of the chinese population practice the dharma, that's millions of people learning the dharma.  That will eventually happen.  We just have to wait and see.

@Barzin I completely agree with you here.

There is a small number of the "younger" generation that don't really care about politics - even the younger TIBETAN generations don't really care about politics. They just want to live and create a better life for their family... ie for the next generation!

China is the biggest creditor nation in the world. They have trillions in their reserve, billions in US treasury and millions in foreign currency around the world. They can financially crush any nation easily, and with the global economy in the current state - who's going to mess with them?

@BigUncle With Dorje Shugden being "favoured" in China - I can't wait for that exciting boom in DS practice!

The voices of anti-DS practitioners will be a mere murmur in the Shugdenpas chants.


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Re: World Shift - Ascendency of China
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2011, 05:10:53 AM »
I watch how China has grown over the last 15 years with awe.

When I was in Shanghai for a shooting assignment back in 2007, I was staying at the famed Grand Hyatt Hotel, the building is so iconic now in Shanghai. The GM of the hotel told me that the land and surrounding areas were all 'padi fields' or something to that effect, a decade or so ago. The same goes with Shenzhen.

It's startling to learn how fast the whole nation is booming and developing. But there is a lot more to China. There are still many areas that have yet to be developed. China is HUGE. They'll be developing and growing for at least, a few more decades. And they have their own critical mass, so they do not need to rely on outside investments or demand.

If you can imagine, the mind set of an average Chinese person. 10 or 15 years ago, they could barely afford to have a decent meal. Eating meat was like a luxury. Today, there are millionaires within a square mile. They sit at front row seats in Paris Fashion Week, they buy G6s like it was a toy or something. The Chinese are in a state of euphoria now. They are rejoicing in their new found wealth and the freedom to enjoy those material things which were denied of them for so long. This is something we need to understand. They never had it so good before.

There will come a time when all the euphoria will subside and even fade, then they will seek for something much more meaningful. Just like we went through in the West. We, Westerners, can appreciate spirituality now and even seek for a quality of life that is not measured by wealth or financial means. But we did not arrive to this state from nowhere. There was a series of stages and phases in which we went through to arrive here as well.

Now, with Dorje Shugden's practice being 'allowed' and even 'encouraged' in China, it is a very good thing. This shows that China will more than ready to embrace spirituality when they "come of age". And who better to help them, guide them and protect them than Dorje Shugden.

I personally am very delighted that Dorje Shugden IS IN CHINA.



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Re: World Shift - Ascendency of China
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2011, 03:38:56 AM »
I watch how China has grown over the last 15 years with awe.

When I was in Shanghai for a shooting assignment back in 2007, I was staying at the famed Grand Hyatt Hotel, the building is so iconic now in Shanghai. The GM of the hotel told me that the land and surrounding areas were all 'padi fields' or something to that effect, a decade or so ago. The same goes with Shenzhen.

It's startling to learn how fast the whole nation is booming and developing. But there is a lot more to China. There are still many areas that have yet to be developed. China is HUGE. They'll be developing and growing for at least, a few more decades. And they have their own critical mass, so they do not need to rely on outside investments or demand.

If you can imagine, the mind set of an average Chinese person. 10 or 15 years ago, they could barely afford to have a decent meal. Eating meat was like a luxury. Today, there are millionaires within a square mile. They sit at front row seats in Paris Fashion Week, they buy G6s like it was a toy or something. The Chinese are in a state of euphoria now. They are rejoicing in their new found wealth and the freedom to enjoy those material things which were denied of them for so long. This is something we need to understand. They never had it so good before.

There will come a time when all the euphoria will subside and even fade, then they will seek for something much more meaningful. Just like we went through in the West. We, Westerners, can appreciate spirituality now and even seek for a quality of life that is not measured by wealth or financial means. But we did not arrive to this state from nowhere. There was a series of stages and phases in which we went through to arrive here as well.

Now, with Dorje Shugden's practice being 'allowed' and even 'encouraged' in China, it is a very good thing. This shows that China will more than ready to embrace spirituality when they "come of age". And who better to help them, guide them and protect them than Dorje Shugden.

I personally am very delighted that Dorje Shugden IS IN CHINA.

The Chinese do lots of things I don't necessarily agree with but if there's one thing rich Chinese people seem to do, it's to plough loads of money into causes, practices or deities that they believe bring them wealth and luck. Suppose they think of it as a kind of reinvestment of capital into their business.


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Re: World Shift - Ascendency of China
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2011, 03:37:22 PM »
China, is no stranger to the Gelugpa tradition. So if Dorje Shugden practice spreads once again to Chinese territory it is like a home coming in a way. Further more the Chinese do need spirituality to balance their material pursuits.
Check out Yong He Gong the Qing Emperors practiced tibetan buddhism before.
I am also very excited about Dorje Shugden practice pervading till China.


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Re: World Shift - Ascendency of China
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2011, 04:39:15 PM »
Source :

With just over 1.3 billion people (1,330,044,605 as of mid-2008), China is the world's most populous country.
As the world's population is approximately 6.7 billion, China represents a full 20% of the world's population so one in every five people on the planet is a resident of China.

China is strong economically. Some say the people in china are not looking for spirituality, but rather on economic gains. It is guaranteed by the 4 noble truths that eventually more and more people will come to taste that material gains doesn't deliver what it promises...lasting happiness. People will feel deluded and they will look for something deeper.

Who in China doesn't know the Dalai Lama?
Through the years, Dalai Lama has created such a strong association to Dorje Shugden through the ban and the political climate with China created a perfect condition for this nation to "adopt" Dorje Shugden. 

Call me a lunatic for having this view. 

Besides people of other nations being influenced by what an up and coming great nation promotes, but the fact that there will be so MANY mouths to speak of this protector is beyond my imagination how fast this practice will spread in time!


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Re: World Shift - Ascendency of China
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2011, 04:52:09 PM »
Can I throw another perspective to this discussion. Just what will China do with the trillions of dollars at their disposal. We all know that the US has money set aside for developing its defenses, weapons development and space programs as they are semi forthcoming with this type of information. Or so they would have us believe through the media.

Yet nothing is known regarding China's policies. There are the odd sporadic reports of helping the developing nations and ties with post communist countries but internally nothing is leaked out. Sooo much money and the world know little of what they will do, or are doing, with this sort of power.

With such speedy growth what too of the people who are at the top, is it really like the ancient history tells us about China of an Emperor with responsibility for its people and the good of the nation? Or is it a select few families in control of a submissive population, who are kept in control not because they want to, but because they do not know any better. Their only concerns are to not be idle and have food on the table each day.

I paint a very skeptical picture, but this is because I am ignorant of China and its culture. Still some healthy competition to US arrogance is a  good thing.

I don't know which is worse though, greed or arrogance.


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Re: World Shift - Ascendency of China
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2011, 06:30:15 AM »
I remembered 10 years ago when I visited Paris, all the branded boutique has always an Asian Japanese sales assistant. That was the only Asian personal you will get closest to.

However, 5-6 years ago when I visited again, not only they maintained 1 Japanese sales assistant but they have 3-5 Chinese sales assistants in the bigger flagship boutiques. Amazing and when you walk in the boutiques, the Mainland Chinese shoppers buys not only 1 item but a minimum of 3 to 5 items at one goal. That was their spending power then. I’m sure it has increased tremendously.

In addition to this, look at what all the branded names are doing now to penetrate into China. The amount of money and resources spent for their launch of flagship boutiques/products/fashion shows in Beijing/Shanghai are out of the world. 

In Hong Kong now, during the weekend the shops and boutiques are filled with Mainland shoppers. A compulsory criteria to have if you want to apply for a job as a sales assistant is that you need to speak mandarin which was not the case 10 years ago.

I might not be able to understand the economy jargons but just from observing the Mainland Chinese spending power, it is enough to know that China has taken over as the most influential economy in the world.

Isn't this amazing how all the High Lamas work together in hand to spread Shugden in China including H.H. Now that is called marketing ;)

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Re: World Shift - Ascendency of China
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2011, 11:49:30 AM »
Well what can one say to this but... The dragon has finally woken. It has been predicted and it is proving to be in our lifetime. How lucky we are to be witness to this renaissance. Like any rising economy, it is prevalent that an influx of wealth, knowledge, opportunity and even spiritual growth is inevitable.

Everyone who is anyone is going INTO China what more our great Dorje Shugden. Imagine 1.3billion+ (20% of the world population) lives being touched by Dorje Shugden... even if one does not think on the spiritual level and use it on that speculative manner, take on a more secular level and tell ourselves, surely the retail giants cant all be wrong!!!

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Re: World Shift - Ascendency of China
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2011, 06:22:46 PM »
Can I throw another perspective to this discussion. Just what will China do with the trillions of dollars at their disposal. We all know that the US has money set aside for developing its defenses, weapons development and space programs as they are semi forthcoming with this type of information. Or so they would have us believe through the media.

Yet nothing is known regarding China's policies. There are the odd sporadic reports of helping the developing nations and ties with post communist countries but internally nothing is leaked out. Sooo much money and the world know little of what they will do, or are doing, with this sort of power.

With such speedy growth what too of the people who are at the top, is it really like the ancient history tells us about China of an Emperor with responsibility for its people and the good of the nation? Or is it a select few families in control of a submissive population, who are kept in control not because they want to, but because they do not know any better. Their only concerns are to not be idle and have food on the table each day.

I paint a very skeptical picture, but this is because I am ignorant of China and its culture. Still some healthy competition to US arrogance is a  good thing.

I don't know which is worse though, greed or arrogance.

Don't be naive about China. She is in no hurry to embrace spirituality of any kind or even out to promote it openly. China is just in a mad gold rush and this mad rush for wealth will inevitably result in tremendous excess as we can see right now. More and more people will have the leisure to look towards spirituality as some people will have the capacity to look deeper. Many will look towards familiar forms of spirituality in China like Buddhism and find relief.

Not all will be Buddhist and pray to Dorje Shugden but the sheer numbers will be significant in the future as Chinese population is immense. Because of the work of the Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama right now, Dorje Shugden will grow even bigger then and all the Lamas who are ready to take on the work to spread Dorje Shugden big in China and from China, springboard to the rest of the world. That's how I would see how things will progress.


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Re: World Shift - Ascendency of China
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2011, 10:06:52 AM »
I am stunned and fascinated by the astronomical figures of China’s population and its economic wealth and power. Just imagine that a fraction of this population is drawn to Dorje Shugden practice even for mundane reasons such as growing and keeping their wealth! The seed of Dharma is planted! The connection to a holy Enlightened Being is made!

Thus, with HH Dalai Lama actively working against Dorje Dhugden and his ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden, more and more Chinese will be drawn to Shugden practice , especially with the Chinese government actively supporting any practice that is banned by the Dalai Lama!

Dorje Shugden practice will surely grow exponentially in this giant of a country!



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Re: World Shift - Ascendency of China
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2011, 10:46:59 PM »
U.S and China both are different in their perception of seeing  money and how they are going to spend it. For the arrogant Americans they use money for development and research.  As for China they are very concerned about their health and the food they eat. They pay a lot for good food. But the Chinese are known for their stinginess and greed. Since China is a big country and have lots of land. They grow a lot of food and will employ very cheap labour although they may have a lot of money. I am sorry I can't tell which one is worse greed or ignorance. To  me both are just as bad


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Re: World Shift - Ascendency of China
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2011, 05:59:35 AM »
I find it very sad but quite amusing that many of Dalai Lama's supporters and the TGIE "camp" have so much hatred towards the Chinese. Let me explain:

From all the discussion here, it is clear China is going through a big boom - and with that will come greed, more attachments, more distractions, more delusions, heightened ignorance, depression, emotional vacuums and all that stuff that comes with progressive development. First world countries have all been there, done that, gone through hippie eras and rediscovering themselves.... it will be the same with China.

If we are spiritual people, pro dalai lama or not, shouldn't we have empathy for any kinds of suffering? There is a huge spiritual vacuum in China now, people just rediscovering their identities after many decades of suppression. All the more Dharma would be beneficial to them. How can someone proclaim themselves to be loyal supporters of the Dalai Lama who teaches only compassion and kindness, but have so much hatred to a huge nation that are clearly going to need some spirituality and help.

Whether someone is Chinese or not now is not the point. Our lives are so short and whoever is Chinese now may not be Chinese in less than the next 100 years; by the same token, the Tibetans who hate them so much may also be reborn Chinese. How can we purport to be Dharma practitioners but wish for enlightenment for everyone except the Chinese? How ridiculous.

If nothing else, if the Chinese are such an undisputed large nation, if Dharma grows in their country, wouldn't that have such a tremendous positive influence on the rest of the world? It is sad that the TGIE and their people are so narrowly focused only on their own small conflicts - that overrides the potential impact that China could have in bringing Dharma to so so so many more people everywhere. Seems they would rather spend their entire lives looking out for a few hundred thousand and forsaking the potential to help literally billions. I'm sorry, but it's no wonder their voices are so drowned out in the world - they have merely created it themselves.