Author Topic: Shugden recognizes Lama Zopa  (Read 24063 times)


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Shugden recognizes Lama Zopa
« on: April 29, 2011, 10:24:18 PM »
This book  would be applicable at this time. The truth written by Lama Zopa's own student. Forwarded by Dalai Lama.


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Re: Shugden recognizes Lama Zopa
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2011, 05:00:57 PM »
I've always found this bizarre - that Lama Zopa was recognised by Shugden, which is stated in this biography and HH the 14th Dalai Lama endorses this book in a foreword. Perhaps the Dalai Lama did not read the book thoroughly and was not aware of its content although I am sure that he would be aware of who officially recognised Lama Zopa and he would have gotten one of his aides to check if this recognition was referred to in the book - which it is!

If Dorje Shugden is a spirit as the Dalai Lama says, then Lama Zopa was recognised by a spirit? That doesn't make sense.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Shugden recognizes Lama Zopa
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2011, 12:34:30 PM »
I've always found this bizarre - that Lama Zopa was recognised by Shugden, which is stated in this biography and HH the 14th Dalai Lama endorses this book in a foreword. Perhaps the Dalai Lama did not read the book thoroughly and was not aware of its content although I am sure that he would be aware of who officially recognised Lama Zopa and he would have gotten one of his aides to check if this recognition was referred to in the book - which it is!

If Dorje Shugden is a spirit as the Dalai Lama says, then Lama Zopa was recognised by a spirit? That doesn't make sense.

Shugden recognized Lama Zopa. The current head of FPMT was recognized as at Tulku and accorded the respects because of Shugden's pronouncements.

If Shugden is wrong, then why did they consult him for Lama Zopa in the first place. Obviously the high respect accorded to Shugden is obvious. Remember this all happened in Domo Geshe Rinpoche's monastery in Tibet. We all know the level of respect Domo Geshe was held in. Shugden was one of the principal protectors of Domo Geshe and his institutions. No one doubted the compassion, saintliness and attainments of Domo Geshe Rinpoche. If Domo Geshe held Shugden so highly, it says very much for Shugden himself.



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Re: Shugden recognizes Lama Zopa
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2011, 12:54:59 PM »
Dalai Lama also recognised Domo Geshe Rinpoche as an incarnation of Tsongkapa.

When His Holiness the Thirteenth Dalai Lama returned from India in 1912, he stopped in Tromo. A meeting took place between His Holiness and Domo Geshe Rinpoche at Kangyur Lhakang in Galingkang. It is said that His Holiness mentioned to his attendants that he expected a very special visitor one afternoon. Domo Geshe Rinpoche, who always looked like a simple monk, had prepared special delicacies to offer to His Holiness. He spent a long time in private talks with him that afternoon. In the evening, His Holiness asked his attendants if they had seen the very special person who had visited him in the afternoon. Surprised, they said they had only seen a simple monk in dirty, tattered robes. His Holiness replied, “That is too bad. I saw Je Tsongkhapa himself.”

So if Dalai Lama recognises Domo Geshe Rinpoche and Domo Geshe Rinpoche recognises Dorje Shugden, that would logically mean that Dalai Lama recognises Dorje Shugden......doesn't it?


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Re: Shugden recognizes Lama Zopa
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2011, 02:31:23 PM »

So if Dalai Lama recognises Domo Geshe Rinpoche and Domo Geshe Rinpoche recognises Dorje Shugden, that would logically mean that Dalai Lama recognises Dorje Shugden......doesn't it?

That sounds logical. But when your dealing with the Tibetan govt nothing much is logical-eg the 3 Karmapas, 2 Panchens, Chushi Gangdruk, Serpom, Shar Gaden, Gyume Kensur, Denma Locho Rinpoche, Shugden ban, failed autonomy and the list will go on.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2011, 04:48:11 PM by DSFriend »


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Re: Shugden recognizes Lama Zopa
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2011, 02:54:02 PM »
Domo Geshe is such an amazing lama. This is his bio.

Domo Geshe is such a legend among the people and among monastics and he was the one installed Namkar Barzin in to the Dorje Shugden mandala. Wow how many lamas can have that kind of resume, not to say the lamas need to really highlight such accomplishments! He is such a hero among all Buddhists! 


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Re: Shugden recognizes Lama Zopa
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2011, 11:28:59 PM »
Domo Geshe is such an amazing lama. This is his bio.

Domo Geshe is such a legend among the people and among monastics and he was the one installed Namkar Barzin in to the Dorje Shugden mandala. Wow how many lamas can have that kind of resume, not to say the lamas need to really highlight such accomplishments! He is such a hero among all Buddhists! 

I agree. You have to have high attainments to command a powerful being into another great being's mandala. Shugden has great compassion for sure, but it does not mean Shugden cannot recognize the great wisdom of Domo Geshe therefore accepting Namka Barzin into his mandala. Domo Geshe and Shugden interacting is like a play of great illusions. Fantastic!


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Re: Shugden recognizes Lama Zopa
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2011, 01:10:16 AM »
It would be wise for FPMT to quickly consult Dorje Shugden for Lama Zopa's illness. Lama Zopa has a strong connection to Shugden as did Lama Yeshe and all his lineage gurus. In order to look politically correct, FMPT should not sacrifice Lama Zopa's life and works any further.

Reconnect to your roots would be a wise move and repair samaya before it's too late. When the samaya is repaired, then the merits will be there for healing. Repairing samaya with Shugden is important. Shugden does not and cannnot punish, but our sworn words of honour has positive effects when kept and negative effects when broken. When a monk keeps his vows clean, he collects merit, when he breaks them, he collects demerit. This is not Shakyamuni punishing them but the results of negative karma arising from our own words of honour (samaya). Words of honour are the roots of all well being and attainments according to Tantra and Graded Path of Tantra (Ngarim Chenmo) by Tsongkapa.

It would be nice to see Lama Zopa well and active again.



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Re: Shugden recognizes Lama Zopa
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2012, 11:09:01 AM »
It would be wise for FPMT to quickly consult Dorje Shugden for Lama Zopa's illness. Lama Zopa has a strong connection to Shugden as did Lama Yeshe and all his lineage gurus. In order to look politically correct, FMPT should not sacrifice Lama Zopa's life and works any further.
I dont think FPMT actually cares about Lama Zopa at all, after what Lama Zopa has done for them. they prefer to appear politically correct as opposed to keeping their samaya and looking after their Guru's interest. If they cared, they would have focused more on following his advice and teachings rather than being focused on the ban and also trying to be the authoritative Buddhist institution in the countries hey have set foot in. Anyways, perhaps for them, who cares about lineage Gurus when you have the Dalai Lama?

Reconnect to your roots would be a wise move and repair samaya before it's too late. When the samaya is repaired, then the merits will be there for healing. Repairing samaya with Shugden is important. Shugden does not and cannnot punish, but our sworn words of honour has positive effects when kept and negative effects when broken. When a monk keeps his vows clean, he collects merit, when he breaks them, he collects demerit. This is not Shakyamuni punishing them but the results of negative karma arising from our own words of honour (samaya). Words of honour are the roots of all well being and attainments according to Tantra and Graded Path of Tantra (Ngarim Chenmo) by Tsongkapa.
Sadly, at this point of time, the only roots that the FPMT people have is with the Dalai Lama. They have discarded their lineage completely. Their broken samaya is so overwhelming that they do not even see the manifestation of Lama Zopa's stroke as a result of broken samaya. Most people dont even care. Proof? how many of his students visited him in the hospital? How many people organized and publicized mass prayer sessions? NONE. What does this tell you about how much they love their Guru? Or if they ever saw Lama Zopa as their Guru at all? Whatever negativities they will soon be experiencing will be the result of their broken promises and connections to their teacher....

It would be nice to see Lama Zopa well and active again.
I really wish that too, but the chances of that happening is only if Lama Zopa broke away from FPMT and set up a new way of teaching students that is no longer accessible to the FPMT students..much like the way Lama Osel manifested.

I do agree with your post but sadly FPMT people do not see it that way. They did not do much about Lama Zopa's stroke, neither did they show concern aside from a few cheap prayers. I'm sorry, but for such a huge organization..they cant even afford to offer statues? What about retreats? Everyone just went about their own business. If they did something, surely they would have publicized it. The fact that they did not shows us how much they love Lama Zopa.


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Re: Shugden recognizes Lama Zopa
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2012, 01:01:37 PM »
Although I agree, a Dorje Shugden pujas would have done much to destroy obstacles to Lama Zopa's health, it is not exactly correct to say that only a few 'cheap prayers' were conducted on his behalf.

Upon hearing the news of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s manifestation of a stroke in April 2011, many high lamas close to Rinpoche and hundreds of students from around the world began organizing pujas, reciting prayers and mantras, and making commitments for practices dedicated to Rinpoche’s good health and long life. The following is a list of some of the prayers, practices and pujas, and is an inspiring collective effort truly worth rejoicing in.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Private Office sent a message to Sera Je requesting

    Extensive Hayagriva Tsog Kong for 2 days - all the monks of Sera Je
    4 Mandala offering to Tara – all the monks of Sera Je
    Recite 3 long life deity mantra – all the monks of Sera Je
    Medicine Buddha mantra – all the monks of Sera Je
    Extensive Hayagriva Tsog  puja for one day by the special Hayagriva committee

Geshe Sopa Rinpoche

    Offered 2 xMedicine Buddha puja
    1 x Tara 4 Mandala Offerings Puja

 Choden Rinpoche

    Extensive Hayagriva Tsog with Geshe Ngawang Drakpa and all the students in the Bay area
    Extensive Hayagriva puja by the Hayagriva committee at Sera Je Monastery x 7
    Students to recite praise and mantra of Most Secret Hayagriva

 Khadro la Namsel Dolma

    Sera Je monks Tara puja and Extensive Hayagriva puja
    Khadro la herself did many Tara pujas, Tsog offering, Tea offering, Incense offerings, water purification (dorje Namjom)
    Extensive animal liberations and to count the numbers and to offer them to Rinpoche and request Rinpoche to live long.
    For students to do Tara Puja, Tara mantra and Tara praises with extensive offerings
    Medicine Buddha puja and practice

Khadro la Chhochen

    To recite 100,000 x Vajra Armor mantra - this was done by students at Atisha Center, Australia
    To recite Phurba Setop

Dagri Rinpoche

    Students to do Long Life sutra –as much as possible

Oser Rinpoche

    1,000 Offerings to Namgyalma
    1,000 offerings to Medicine Buddha
    King of Prayers betraying the death puja

His Holiness Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche

    Medicine Buddha
    Lama Chopa
    16 Arhant Puja

Sera Je Abbott requested the Sera Je monastery to do

    Heart Sutra puja and White Umbrella – by all the monks
    Extensive Hayagriva puja – by all the monks
    Medicine Buddha Puja – by all the monks
    Tara Puja – by all the monks
    2 days Hayagriva extensive puja by the special Hayagriva monks

Sera Mey Monastery offered

    Medicine Buddha puja

Bati Khangtsen offered

    Namgyalma Tsechok (long life puja)
    4 Mandala Tara puja and Tara mantra

Osel Labrang

    100 x Drukchuma by Gyurme Monastery - many times

Sera Me, Tsawa Khangtsen

    Many Medicine Buddha pujas

Kopan Monastery and Nunnery, Nepal

    Extensive Medicine Buddha Pujas - many
    16 Arhant Pujas
    21 Tara praises 100,000 x
    Dukkar (White Umbrella ) x 2
    Namgyal Tonchoe (offered by Kopan)
    Hayagriva mantra (offered by Hong Kong center)
    Medicine Buddha Puja and Tara puja 3 times (offered by Hongkong Center)
    Drukchuma 1000 times (offered by Kopan)
    Reading of Sungdu 2 times( offered by Kopan)
    1000 offering Medicine Buddha puja (offering by FPMT students)
    Namgyal Tonchoe, Sangcho Chilu (offered by Klaus Liu, Taiwan)
    Kangyur Recitation and recitation of Golden Light sutra (offered by FPMT IOF and FPMT students)
    16 Arhat Puja (offered by Tibetan Thangka Treasure)
    Dode Kelsang 5 times  (offered by FPMT students)
    The nuns are in the process of reading golden light sutra  many timest.

Additionally, daily mantra recitation of Amitayus, White Tara, Hayagriva, during all pujas performed at Kopan Kopan is  continuing doing the pujas as recommended by Loche Rinpoche.

Kopan will continue with weekly  Medicine Buddha puja, and the nuns with weekly Tara puja.

Lawudo Gompa, Nepal

    Every day Medicine Buddha Puja

Idgaa Choinzinling Monastery, Mongolia

    All the monks did extensive Medicine Buddha puja and long life mantras

Eastern Tibet

    People in Eastern Tibet area liberated over 100 goats and sheep, three four from each family in that area
    Also they are reciting one Billon times Guru Rinpoche mantra

Gen Wangchen

    Medicine Buddha puj at Phara Khangtsen

Tsum Rachen nuns and Mu monks, Nepal committed to do:

    Daily for 1 year - extensive 4 mandala offering Tsitamani Tara puja by 200 over Tsum Sangha.
    8 full sets of Nyunye Retreat in Sakadawa both by Tsum sanghas and lay
    practitioners from Tsum village.
    One million Guru Rinpoche mantra within Sakadawa month by Tsum Sanghas
    and Tsum villagers.
    Vajra Cutter Sutra, Long life sutra and Long life deity mantra daily
    for 1 whole year by Tsum sanghas for 1 year.
    Vajrayogini Self initiation and Vajrayogini Long life retreat practices
    on 10th & 25th of every month for 1 year.

Sakya College, Dheradhun, India (offered by Dr.Huang, Meida Cheng and students in Taiwan)

    Shernyi Do Dok
    Recitation of the Prajnaparamita
    Namgyal Tse Chok
    4 x Mandala Tara x 100
    Recitation of the Tsung Du
    Protectors Puja (Sungme Khangwa)

Cham Tse Ling, Hong Kong

    7 time four mandala Tara puja
    7 times Medicine Buddha puja
    3 times sixteen Arhant puja
    Recitation of Hayagirva Mantras 1,000,0000 times.
    liberated 850 sheep and goats and 25 Yaks in Easter Tibet.

Losang Dragpa Center, Malaysia - ongoing practices

    Offering Haryagriva 1000 Tsok offering puja
    Long Life Guru Puja
    1000 offering Medicine Buddha Puja
    Several sessions of four mandala offering Tara Pujas
    Recitation of Most Secret Hayagriva mantra, recitation of Long life deity mantras, protector pujas, 1000 tsok offering Guru Rinpoche pujas, and many LDC members and students will go in to Long life deity retreat ' Tse Drup'.

Chokyi Gyatsen Center, Malaysia

    Offering Hayagriva 1000 Tsog offering puja

Maitripa College, Portland USA

    Offering Medicine Buddha Puja each night

Hayagriva Center, Perth, Australia

    Liberated 10 x nine month old sheep

The Hari Krishna cooks who were cooking for the retreat at Atisha Center in Bendigo  upon hearing of Rinpoches stroke orgaznied a puja dedicated to Rinpoche, as they said their teacher had once had a stroke and they had done this puja and he had recovered.

Sai Baba students were requested to recite Medicine Buddha mantra and made prayers for Lama Zopa Rinpoche, also offered a whole day Medicine Buddha and Ksitigarbha prayers.

The Pastor at St John of God Hospital in Bendigo led a prayer session for Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

Young people in Amsterdam between the ages of 18 and 23 who were born to Dutch dharma parents gathered from the far south, the east and the north of our country to liberate about a thousand worms by taking them around Guru Shakyamuni Buddha, and other deities, a stupa, Liberation in the Palm of Your Hands and offerings, reciting different mantras.

Amitabha Buddha Center, Singapore and Fred Cheong

    Liberating 15 million lives
    Liberated 180 Baramundi fishes
    Liberated 80,000 other animals

Tibetan Association of Northern California, USA

    Extensive Medicine Buddha puja and Tsog

Sera Je Secondary School

    The School children numbering around 680 and staff congregated and offered prayers of Dolma, Sherab Ningpo, appreciation of Dieties and others.

Sangha at Kachoe Dechen Ling and Buddha Amitbha Pure Land - ongoing

    Daily Medicine Buddha puja, sometimes up to 3 x Medicine Buddha Pujas a day
    12 inch Medicine Buddha tsa tsa is being made every day

Bigu Nuns, Nepal

    70 Nuns offering Tara Puja every day
    White Umbrella and Tara puja
    Kangso for a full day

Retreaters at Atisha Center, Bendigo, Australia

    110,000 x Vajra Armor mantra
    Extensive Medicine Buddha puja every 2nd day
    Tara Puja every alternative day
    All night Tara puja
    All night sutra recitation (Golden Light Sutra, Vajra Cutter Sutra and Sangatasutra)

Nalanda Monastery, France

    Namgyalma Tong Chu - with extensive offerings, offering 1000 offerings of each, each monk reciting 1000 x long Namgyalma mantra

Tibet - offered by Sangye

    Prayers at Sera, Gaden and Drepung  in Tibet
    Offered gold for whole body of Jowo Shakyamuni, Lhasa, Tibet
    Offered robes of Jowo Shakyamuni, Lhasa, Tibet
    Offered golden light in front of Jowo Shakamuni, Lhasa, Tibet
    Offered prayer flags in hill area of Lhasa

Kopan House, Sera Je Monastery, India

    Extensive Medicine Buddha Puja
    Three Long-life Deities Mantra recitation
    Invocation to Guru Rinpoche for the Immediate Clearing of Obstacles

Tsangpa Khangtsen, India

    1000 x Medicine Buddha Puja, by all the monks of Tsangpa Khangtsen
    Namgyal Tsechok ( Long Life) Prayer

Maratika Amitayus Long Life Cave, Nepal

    Maratika Lama is offering prayers and light offerings at Maratika Amitayus Long Life Cave for Rinpoche's long life

Chenrezig Nuns, Australia

    Daily Medicine Buddha puja

Boudhanath Stupa, Nepal (offered by Ven.Jamyang Wangmo, Elea, Josh, Marie, Michel Henry and family, Nicole Perrin and Michelle Maviel)

    Offered full whitewash, clothes and tsog at the Boudha stupa

Land of Medicine Buddha, CA, USA

    Tara Puja once a week - ongoing
    Extensive Medicine Buddha once a week- ongoing

Langri Tangpa Center, Brisbane, Australia

    Medicine Buddha mantras – 243 malas
    Manis – 6 malas
    Long amitayus mantra – 26 malas
    White tara mantras – 100 malas
    Vajrasattva – 20 malas
    21 Tara Praises – 143
    Nyung-Ne retreat – 2
    Medicine Buddha sadhana – 32 x
    2 x Medicine Buddha puja – 29 attendees and 36 attendees
    Tara Puja – 56 attendees over 3 pujas
    White tara sadhana – 11 x
    Vajrasattva sadhana – 12 x
    50 Tara praises offered by the Armidale community
    21 Tara Praises x 30

Adviced by Geshe Ngawang Drakpa - offered by Lillian Too

    Offer paint to Boudanath stupa, Nepal
    Offer gold to the face of Bodh Gaya Buddha, India
    Offer gold to the face of Jowo statue, Tibet
    100 x Sixty four torma offering Kalarupa (Drukchuma) offered by Kopan Sangha

Center Jampa Ling, Mongolia

    Medicine Buddha mantra-6537
    Longevity Buddha mantra-6684
    Tara mantra-6537
    Hayagriva mantra-6537
    Recitation of mantra to increase-6537
    Tara-180 (Ichinnorov- an individual recited at home)
    Longevity Buddha mantra-147 (Ichinnorov- an individual recited at home)

Manjushri Lineage Buddha Dharma Centre, USA

    Liberated 1.9 million animals dedicated for Rinpoche's long life

Institut Vajra Yogini, France

    14 x Sangye Menla (Medicine Buddha) pujas
    3 full days of intensive Sangye Menla practise
    12 x Cittamani Tara pujas
    One Tara night
    One animal liberation practise (worms and crickets)
    Sponsoring of 1 million animals to be liberated in Singapore
    One Vajra Yogini self-initiation + 2 x 250 tsoks offerings to Vajra Yogini
    4 Nyung-Nais
    Extensive water offerings in the main gompa everyday
    Recitation of Hayagriva, Sangye Menla and White Tara mantras at the end of each puja
    Full whitening of the Kadampa stupa

Instituto Lama Tsong Khapa, Italy

    Extensive offerings in front of throne
    Every Day Medicine Buddha puja (till 2nd May) plus and additional 2 more pujas
    30 minutes of prayers everyday during Master Program study (Hayagriva short praise with mantra, long Amitayus mantra (from the "Long Life Sutra") and the short praise to Tara (equalising the qualities of the 21 praises).

Gyuto Tantric College, South India (sponsored by Robin Quinn and the Quinn-Watson Family)

    Medicine Buddha Puja
    Cittamani Tara and 4 Mandala Offering Puja
    Hayagriva Puja

Gyuto Tantric College, Mcleod Ganj, India (sponsored by Robin Quinn and the Quinn-Watson Family)

    2 x Medicine Buddha Pujas

Tharlam Monastery in Yunnan, China (sponsored by Robin Quinn and the Quinn-Watson Family)

    Medicine Buddha puja  and mantras

Geshe Dawa and Lab Rinpoche and Tashi Choling Buddhist Institute Students in Sydney, Australia

    2 x Medicine Buddha puja

Enlightenment for the Dear Animals in partnership with MAITRI Charitable Trust

    Liberated 10 goats


    100,008 Green Tara mantra
    140 rounds of 21 Tara praises

Longku Center, Switzerland

    More than 58 Medicine Buddha pujas

Thich An Thanh, in prison in Arizona, USA

    3,000 White Tara mantras
    3, 000 Amitayus mantras
    3, 000 Medicine Buddha mantras
    Daily Medicine Buddha sadhana practic

Elena D

    10,000 Mitrugpa's mantra recitations

Sheldon G. and Charmaine H.

    Made 1020 tsa tsas (Stupas, Migrukpas, Green Taras, and Long Life Deities) and 200 water tsa tsas

Ven.Nyima has pledged:

    100,000 White Tara mantras
    100,000 Hayagriva mantras
    1000 Long Namgyalma mantras
    1000 Tse Do – Long life Sutras
    21 times the “Eight thousand Prajnaparamita Sutra

Peter Islie

    Offered White Tara long life thanka painted in one day on the Tibetan 8th.
    One Green Tara thanka painted in one day on Tibetan 8th.

Yu Ying

    Took 8 Mahayana Precepts for life

William Williamson, in prison in IL, USA

1. 2 days after he heard of stroke he stopped eating meat for life


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Re: Shugden recognizes Lama Zopa
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2012, 01:28:43 PM »
That is quite a long list, and I do retract back my word cheap from my statement, but what I do feel very sad about it was how little the students are doing. The word was to emphasize my frustration on this matter. Most of these things, when read, are only done by monastics, and only a handful of close students have been sponsoring and the like. What are the rest of the students doing? why is it that nobody even visited Lama Zopa? Is this how they treat their Guru these days? The names of the students who actually offered things and practices up is so little compared to the students who have taken refuge with Lama Zopa. The life of the Lama depends on the collective karma of the students...(I wish i was wrong with this tho) so if only 1% do the work and 99% of them dont do a thing...will it work?

I do rejoice at some of the offerings done dedicated to his recovery very much and it does make me happy...but I also do know that Lama Zopa has more students than this...and unless a Lama can continue living a long life despite having many students that break their samaya...i dont know, honestly. if a lama has 100 students and only 25 of them keep their samaya intact while the 75 ones engage in politics and acts that destroy and deny their own lineage, what will happen? If out of 100 students only 10 of them send gifts and do the pujas, what is the other 90 doing?


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Re: Shugden recognizes Lama Zopa
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2012, 04:16:30 AM »

I respect the Dalai Lama from my heart, but my root guru is Lama Yeshe and he advised us to practice Dorje Shugden and I will do so till the end.

If I must choose between the Dalai Lama and my root guru, Lama Yeshe, then I choose Lama Yeshe. He is the one that cared for me. Patiently taught me the dharma in a down to earth pragmatic level.

Well said! I've seen people running here and there to take initiation and associate themselves with big name lamas, who doesn't even know these monkey minds like their root lamas, and they start to criticize other centres and lamas based on their practically non-existence relationship with these big name lamas. When what they should really do is to follow their root lamas' advice to the heart.

I fold my hands to Yeshe Sangye for speaking up.


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Re: Shugden recognizes Lama Zopa
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2012, 09:47:33 AM »
It is a very interesting fact and something to ponder upon.

1.   Lama Zopa is recognized, installed and enthroned by Dorje Shugden himself as a Tulku. If Lama Zopa does not believe in DS and think that he is an evil spirit, then why would he ever asked DS to check and recognized him. Even if he quietly consulted DS, he would not openly mention it in his own biography. I just wonder if he did it purposely to show that he is actually practicing DS secretly and waiting for the day that the ban is lifted and then he can pronounce to the world that Lama Zopa is actually a DS practitioner? ?

2.   HH Dalai Lama gave a foreword to this biography of Lama Zopa. If he does not support DS, how would he give a foreword to a book that contradict to what he has been saying? I just believe HHDL is doing it in order to leave some traces to the future generation that he is actually respect and practicing DS. His ban to DS is for a big picture, i.e. purposely promote DS to those that do not like HHDL especially to the billions in China.

Therefore, the FPMT students and followers should see the truth behind all the bans. They should not just follow the ban blindly and create dis-harmony and discrimination to the DS practitioners.
HHDL, Lama Zopa and DS practitioners are one big Buddhist family! May the ban be lifted soonest and all can practice DS and live in harmony.


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Re: Shugden recognizes Lama Zopa
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2012, 01:42:13 PM »
Well said! I've seen people running here and there to take initiation and associate themselves with big name lamas, who doesn't even know these monkey minds like their root lamas, and they start to criticize other centres and lamas based on their practically non-existence relationship with these big name lamas. When what they should really do is to follow their root lamas' advice to the heart.

I fold my hands to Yeshe Sangye for speaking up.

Hi Spikyeddie! welcome to our forum :)
Some people are very insecure in their practice, so they think that by sticking to a high lama, they are correct and to cover their own lack of practice and results, they criticize other lamas that are more successful. these people often lack severely in Dharma practice themselves and are a bad example for Buddhists everywhere. Do have a check and see!

Here's some food for thought for the FPMT people.

If Dorje Shugden is evil and he recognized Lama Zopa as a tulku, would that invalidate Lama Zopa's tulkuship? How can a 'ghost' recognize valid tulkus? Has anyone heard of Nechung enthroning or recognizing tulkus? I dont think so. If a ghost cannot recognize any valid tulkus, and if Dorje Shugden is a ghost and he recognized Lama Zopa, then it cannot be that Lama Zopa is a high being. Does anyone see the logic here, and how funny it is to see FPMT members not getting the point and basically and indirectly undermining their own founder.


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Re: Shugden recognizes Lama Zopa
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2012, 04:55:04 PM »
i truly believe that Lama Zopa rinpoche is installed and verified by DS, there is no reason for lama zopa rinpoche to oppose DS and all related to him unless either he is not recognise by DS or there is a greater plan behind this.....which one is the real fact? only time will tell.