Author Topic: FPMT should not put up video of Lama Zopa in hospital  (Read 19432 times)


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FPMT should not put up video of Lama Zopa in hospital
« on: April 30, 2011, 03:02:08 PM »

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Frankly speaking I am not comfortable to see this video about Lama Zopa in hospital published all over the net. People in Dharma may understand that the compassionate lama is absorbing negative karma of his students and manifesting illness, stroke, slur speech etc, but still this is only understood and accepted by few, while majority of the people out there when seeing this will more likely to be disillusioned, because Lama Zopa in the worldly way does not look good here in the video, people will think, how can such a high lama become like that? Lama Zopa did a lot of prayers and pujas in his life but why doesn't that clear his obstables and be effective? Why does he still suffer from the illness? Doesn't he know the method to prevent/recover from it as he has been known to be capable to doing that and giving advice of such nature to many many people in the past?

If high lamas can become this sick and when they walk and move they look like (sorry) "senile old man", then what's the purpose of doing intense practice throughout your life as Lama Zopa did? Don't the tantras have methods to control the elements in your body so that you can avoid all these? If the spiritual leader of such a large Buddhist organization can become like this, will it garner more faith or what?

Personally I have tremendous faith in Lama Zopa that he is taking on the karma of many studetns that have degenerated samaya in his organization and that's what I will believe, but will others believe the same when they see this?

Bad PR by FPMT, I think these videos shouldn't be put up in the first place.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2011, 03:10:19 PM by Mana »


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Re: FPMT should not put up video of Lama Zopa in hospital
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2011, 04:38:37 PM »
Dear Namdrol,

I can appreciate where you are coming from, and your reasons are just as valid as those who criticised Mana for putting up the comments in the other thread.

I have read all the different comments, going back and forth, arguing how each is right.

As far as everyone is concerned, they are all right in their opinion. Such is the nature of samsara and the deluded minds.

Personally, I felt great sadness when I watched the video.

It was heart breaking, knowing that a Guru is suffering because HE IS absorbing the students' broken samayas and bad karma.

I do not see a senile old man, but a very courageous and compassionate Lama who even in (what I would imagine as a very uncomfortable and even painful condition), Lama Zopa still puts up a brave front and make light of things by joking and laughing about how HE is enjoying the hospital.

Do I, as a student, wish to hear such things? NO

Would I, as a student, wish to even see my Guru in a situation like this? NO

I would imagine FPMT presented the video as some sort of comfort sharing to all its fellow members around the world. Probably thinking that it would make them feel happier to see their Guru.

Of course, on a deeper level, I would be more concerned of repairing what broken samayas I have created, and quickly right the wrongs.

I guess, it all boils down to whether the students themselves are really AWARE or not.



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Re: FPMT should not put up video of Lama Zopa in hospital
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2011, 05:48:41 PM »
I can see a real Buddha in this video. As you can see all high lamas, such as Lama Zopa will not be effected from the physical problem, he is always happy and peace in mind. For us, the lay people, we will always get stuck with the problems that we are facing, i can't imagine myself in any stroke patient's position. But all high Lama or senior practitioners with have or reach the stable peace stage in their mind, and all external problems will not able to effect them, because they don't create internal problem for themselves. since there's no internal problem, they will not be any external problem. Eg: if i having fever today and i feel that i'm suffering, then i will be suffer. But if i having fever today but i think that i'm going through my purification and i will be even better after the purification, so i will be happy with my fever. This is all mind game, but all high lama have reach this  stage of mine, and i think before we can dream of Buddhahood, we should have a stable and peace mind first.

I'm strongly believe Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche have the power to heal himself, but it's all depends on his student samaya. I have seen the video that Namdrol posted, it's quite sad after i watch it, but after i think, there might be a deeper meaning behind this video.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche is showing the world his stable and peace mind will not be effected no matter what has happen on his body. Because he have no attachment with anything he owns, even his body. Personally i think this is a good example for me to learn.
Secondly, he might showing the world how bad his body condition is but he can be showing another video in the near future, to show the world he have heal his body through certain practice and his body is completely under his control. Or many something else.

Personally i don't feel good to see a video regarding a High Lama suffer on behalf of students, but at the same time, i think that must be a deeper meaning behind all his actions. Just some sharing, and what do you guys think ?

much care


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Re: FPMT should not put up video of Lama Zopa in hospital
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2011, 08:07:10 PM »
Personally i don't feel good to see a video regarding a High Lama suffer on behalf of students, but at the same time, i think that must be a deeper meaning behind all his actions. Just some sharing, and what do you guys think ?

I watched the video and two things struck me very strongly
First of all, Lama Zopa is barely understandable now. I try but I cannot understand what he is saying. Perhaps those close to him will not find it difficult but for everyone else it will be pretty impossible. And that is a shame because speech would be the most important thing for a lama. Everything important arises from the lama's speech. Such as teachings. And now, Lama Zopa's students may no longer be able to receive teachings from him.

Another thing is how drawn and tired Lama Zopa looked. How he looks has dramatically changed since even a few weeks ago. It hits me pretty hard  because it reminds me of how frail life as we know it really is, and how things that we may take for granted, such as our spiritual guides, may just be taken away in an instant.

I think it is important to show videos like this to the public. The lessons that can be learnt from the video are important, and I for one am grateful to those who posted the video. It gives me a perspective on life that I wouldnt normally have. More than ever, I feel strongly the urge and need to follow my own Lama's teachings and advice even closer, as I realise he may be gone any instant.


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Re: FPMT should not put up video of Lama Zopa in hospital
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2011, 03:26:19 AM »
Personally i don't feel good to see a video regarding a High Lama suffer on behalf of students, but at the same time, i think that must be a deeper meaning behind all his actions. Just some sharing, and what do you guys think ?

I watched the video and two things struck me very strongly
First of all, Lama Zopa is barely understandable now. I try but I cannot understand what he is saying. Perhaps those close to him will not find it difficult but for everyone else it will be pretty impossible. And that is a shame because speech would be the most important thing for a lama. Everything important arises from the lama's speech. Such as teachings. And now, Lama Zopa's students may no longer be able to receive teachings from him.

Another thing is how drawn and tired Lama Zopa looked. How he looks has dramatically changed since even a few weeks ago. It hits me pretty hard  because it reminds me of how frail life as we know it really is, and how things that we may take for granted, such as our spiritual guides, may just be taken away in an instant.

I think it is important to show videos like this to the public. The lessons that can be learnt from the video are important, and I for one am grateful to those who posted the video. It gives me a perspective on life that I wouldnt normally have. More than ever, I feel strongly the urge and need to follow my own Lama's teachings and advice even closer, as I realise he may be gone any instant.

I have the same opinions too - if anything, the video reminds me that my own death is coming, totally uncontrolled.

With respect Namdrol, I think your message actually demonstrates another effect of the video - that it will get people thinking and talking. Whether or not they think and talk about the right thing, and question their own fragile existence, to me that's all up to Lama Zopa's students. It's why I think it would be more appropriate for his students to make sure that wherever the video appears, an explanation appears alongside it, to quell any misunderstandings or at least try and prevent wrong view.


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Re: FPMT should not put up video of Lama Zopa in hospital
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2011, 03:34:29 AM »

Frankly speaking I am not comfortable to see this video about Lama Zopa in hospital published all over the net. People in Dharma may understand that the compassionate lama is absorbing negative karma of his students and manifesting illness, stroke, slur speech etc, but still this is only understood and accepted by few, while majority of the people out there when seeing this will more likely to be disillusioned, because Lama Zopa in the worldly way does not look good here in the video, people will think, how can such a high lama become like that? Lama Zopa did a lot of prayers and pujas in his life but why doesn't that clear his obstables and be effective? Why does he still suffer from the illness? Doesn't he know the method to prevent/recover from it as he has been known to be capable to doing that and giving advice of such nature to many many people in the past?

Actually, come to think about it Namdrol - and I mean absolutely no disrespect or sarkiness when I ask this - but why does the video make you feel uncomfortable? Is it because it's a timely reminder of how close we are to death, or because you feel bad for Lama Zopa whose mind cannot be disturbed anyway? Or his students? Or for the people who will see the video? If the people who see the video are disturbed, then perhaps FPMT didn't do enough to explain why they uploaded the video.


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Re: FPMT should not put up video of Lama Zopa in hospital
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2011, 08:36:31 AM »
Well I watched the two videos where Lama Zopa speaks. I couldn't understand most of it, but I was very impressed by his attitude. He's still joking and seemed to be quite happy in the video with Ven. Roger.  I mean, even with a bad flu it is difficult to keep a happy and light mind, and it seems Lama Zopa still has a happy and light mind.

I do not agree with Lama Zopa on the Dorje Shugden issue and feel it is so sad that he has renounced Dorje Shugden. I remember reading an article in the FPMT Mandala magazine, many years ago, where he travelled to Mongolia (if I remember correctly Bakula Rinpoches monastery) and he gave money offerings to the monks, but only to those who did not practise Dorje Shugden. He said they too would get offerings if they renounced their DS practise. I felt so sad reading that.

Anyway, I think he shows a good example of someone taking suffering as a spiritual practise and not letting his mind get all depressed and down. 

May he have a speedy recovery,



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Re: FPMT should not put up video of Lama Zopa in hospital
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2011, 01:02:00 PM »
Hi Vajralight,

I'm so sad to hear this story about Lama Zopa only giving money offerings to non-Shugden practitioners. I have just searched the archives of Mandala Magazine but did not find any article on this although the archives go back to 1998. If you find any reference to this incident online, please do share as I'd like to read about it.

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: FPMT should not put up video of Lama Zopa in hospital
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2011, 05:33:37 PM »
Few things came to my mind when I saw this video.  Yes, it's undeniably sad to see Lama Zopa is suffering and absorb the negative karma of the students.  Also, it is really really sad and heart breaking to see Lama Zopa had problem with his speech... Just like what everyone said, it is essential for a Lama to speak clearly to teach the dharma.  I sincerely hope that Lama Zopa will get better soon and recover quickly.

On the other hand, I think the video is a good way of comforting students and people all around the world that Lama Zopa is okay so that we are less worry.  So it is good to know that he is okay now.

But however, pardon my little knowledge and ignorance... firstly, a lama definitely has the ability to control his death and birth, to manifest certain situations when it is time.  Secondly, i felt it is also depending on the karma of the students had caused.  So either way, this is the time where Karma has ripen and it is actually up to the students' knowing of what to do to prolong the life of a guru, repair samaya, retreat etc...  I am not sure if im saying this correctly but i certainly feel this moment meant something deeper than the just the sickness.  The students have to do something now, put what they learned into practice now.  They have to create a cause to be near the guru no matter in this or future iives.  Coz it is not about which Lama is sick or not.  It is about the "guru" who we took refuge from and where our dharma came from. We held responsibility of our guru, we are the ones who had to create the causes.

I sincerely hope for Lama Zopa's speedy recovery so does His Holiness.


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Re: FPMT should not put up video of Lama Zopa in hospital
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2011, 11:08:20 AM »
What I see, in this video, is a very cheerful Lama Zopa Rinpoche, who smiles and jokes. He shows that he is unfazed by his stroke. I don’t see him projecting the image of a senile old man whose stroke has taken all the spirit out of him.

Indeed, as Vajralight says, he seems to still have “a happy and light mind”. So, to me, he is sending a positive message to all, through this video, not a negative message.


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Re: FPMT should not put up video of Lama Zopa in hospital
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2011, 12:05:21 PM »
Indeed, as Vajralight says, he seems to still have “a happy and light mind”. So, to me, he is sending a positive message to all, through this video, not a negative message.

As a student of Lama Zopa, I would see him as Buddha and his actions as enlightened. If he has fallen ill, it is by his choice. For him to fall ill at this point in time, it is worrying. Now is the time of upheaval in the buddhist world, what with dalai lama looking older and retiring, with controversies with the karmapa and other lamas, and of course with the ban on shugden. If Lama Zopa decides to leave us now, it will be yet another light in the world extinguished as darkness encroaches on us.

I pray that Lama Zopa chooses to live long, and not use his life as a teaching method for his students.


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Re: FPMT should not put up video of Lama Zopa in hospital
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2011, 12:26:24 PM »
Indeed, as Vajralight says, he seems to still have “a happy and light mind”. So, to me, he is sending a positive message to all, through this video, not a negative message.

As a student of Lama Zopa, I would see him as Buddha and his actions as enlightened. If he has fallen ill, it is by his choice. For him to fall ill at this point in time, it is worrying. Now is the time of upheaval in the buddhist world, what with dalai lama looking older and retiring, with controversies with the karmapa and other lamas, and of course with the ban on shugden. If Lama Zopa decides to leave us now, it will be yet another light in the world extinguished as darkness encroaches on us.

I pray that Lama Zopa chooses to live long, and not use his life as a teaching method for his students.

I agree. I sincerely hope Lama Zopa recovers and continues the dharma. The younger generation of Tulkus/Geshes within the Gelug world has not shot to prominence yet except for a very few to take over the mantle from Lama Zopa and his esteemed likes. In other schools of Buddhism, they heavily promote their Tulkus such as Kalu, Dudjom, Dilgo Kyentze Rinpoches. Which can be more beneficial than harm in order to preserve their lineages. Name well known young Gelug teachers that are free from the 'blot' of the Shugden ban? The more prominent ones are considered or suspected of Shugden practice. The ironic thing is, it is the Shugden practitioners themselves always pointing fingers at their own Tulkus for practicing or not practicing.

We need to promote more of our young Gelug Tulkus/Geshes very much. In house (Gelug) squabbles brought about because of the undemocratic ban must stop. We must stop the ban by we ourselves getting along with eachother within the Shugden practitioners than all of Gelug eventually. It is a tall order, but what other choice is there?



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Re: FPMT should not put up video of Lama Zopa in hospital
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2011, 02:43:02 PM »

How to View Lama Zopa Rinpoche
April 28 2011

Dear Friends,

Some students asked for help on how to view Lama Zopa Rinpoche while doing practice for Rinpoche’s health and long life, as they experienced some confusion between seeing Rinpoche with pure view as enlightened while also doing practice to help Rinpoche’s 'ordinary' ill-health.

I asked Choden Rinpoche, who is one of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s gurus, for advice on this point.  Choden Rinpoche very kindly replied very quickly with the following advice:

“Students need to hold the view that the guru is holy Buddha, but he manifests ordinary appearance, like having a stroke.  Just like Buddha Shakyamuni in reality he is enlightened,  but he manifests ordinary appearance, like having a headache and back pain.

So when students engage in practices like Medicine Buddha and so forth for Lama Zopa Rinpoche to have a healthy and long life, students can do the practice while maintaining the view that the lama is Buddha, but  dedicate the practice in order to pacify the ordinary appearance of having a stroke.”

Ven Roger Kunsang also commented:

 “Your karmic projection is ill, the dharmakaya isn’t ill!
And we share a similar karmic projection. “

The Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive's April newsletter also includes some very helpful and relevant advice on this topic.

love Claire


Just thought of sharing the extract above which was published on FPMT's website. Choden Rinpoche's advice is beneficial not only to FPMT's students but anyone else who has a lama. Holding the view of our lama as a special being, an enlightened being when he is well, when he manifest illnesses, in all manifestation is beneficial to the students and will bring about conducive conditions as well for the lama to remain.


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Re: FPMT should not put up video of Lama Zopa in hospital
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2011, 07:00:36 AM »
We need to promote more of our young Gelug Tulkus/Geshes very much. In house (Gelug) squabbles brought about because of the undemocratic ban must stop. We must stop the ban by we ourselves getting along with eachother within the Shugden practitioners than all of Gelug eventually. It is a tall order, but what other choice is there?


I agree. Considering it's the degenerate age, we do little to stop it or slow it down with our squabbling and lack of harmony. Face it - we all practise one deity but how we approach the deity will differ. Use the approach you've been given by your lama because that's the one that'll suit you best, and stop commenting on other people's practices because you don't know what suits them the best. Hahaha sometimes I see teachers a satnavs...TomToms, Garmins, the Nokia Ovi Maps - they all give you different routes but ultimately you end up at the same destination.

If that kind of approach to our practice worked in the past when Dharma was glorious, of course it'll work now :P


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Re: FPMT should not put up video of Lama Zopa in hospital
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2011, 07:42:28 AM »
Non-dharmic people will think negatively for sure, but what of the many practicing buddhist. This video is a good teaching I feel to let students know if they have a teacher, they should treasure it. The Teacher won't leave on his own accord, the cause will always come from our actions.

Lest we forget!