Author Topic: [ENGLISH] A Important letter to HH 14th Dalai Lama from Kadhampa (Kadhampa invit  (Read 19545 times)


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Hi Loshangshengpin,
The fact that they acknowledged it as a Buddha Dharma Protector shows that they do not think Dorje Shugden is a spirit. I am sure they have their reasons for not practising openly anymore. They are extremely huge in Asia. I do think they will once again practise it openly once the ban is removed.

The really huge gelugpa organisations have grown through the efforts of the lamas and Dorje Shugden like FPMT, NKT and Kadhampa, there is a very clear pattern! 


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May the lineage of Lama Tsongkapa let everyone onto the practice of impermanence, Bodhicitta, and Emptiness.



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Yes Lama Tsongkhapa's teachings will create renunciation and bodhicitta in the minds of sentient beings and it will spread much much faster through Dorje Shugden.

Lamas go to far off places, places without dharma and after a short time they develop big centers and big following through their sincerity and hard work. It is all the work of Dorje Shugden making the dharma grow. Dorje Shugden had a really important task to protect the uncommon teachings of Je Tsongkhapa naturally he is the most effective being to spread it all over too.

Ratna Shugden

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Is it necessary to publicize the misconduct of the Dalai Lama's disciples in various monasteries? Out of a sense of decency, I will not even quote the sentences.

Is this the way of people practicing Right Speech of the Eightfold Path?
Is this the way of people practicing Bodhichitta, which is to cherish all sentient beings, even those who are your enemies, as you would cherish yourself?

It is true that they have broken their percepts & I believe they have already faced disciplinary actions. They will have to strive sincerely to purify the negative karma created by their non-virtuous actions.

However knowledge of their misdeeds was only limited to their community before this letter is being written & publicized. Now that these incidents are being mentioned in this letter, and the letter is being publicize world-wide through Facebook & other media, their sins have became public knowledge.

It is necessary to shame all these people before the world, although they have sinned, just to make  point? Would you want your own mistakes to be publicize by others, just for them to make a point in a quarrel that you are not involved in? Moreover they are not even involved in the argument between the Green Sect & the Dalai Lama, they merely succumbed to their negative karmic habits & committed non-virtuous actions, which can happen to all Buddhist disciples of any Buddhist tradition, lay or ordained.

Ratna Shugden

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The impact on the lives of those involved in the scandals, that are mentioned in the letter, are obviously not being considered while writing the letter and before publicizing this document. Can we stop for a moment to imagine what they reactions will be like after knowing that their deeds are now known to all sentient beings worldwide?

Within their own community, I believe they are already trying hard to win the forgiveness and understanding of everyone around them, besides putting in efforts to purify the negative karma of their non-virtuous deeds, now they are really ruined because of this 'new event'.

Will they commit suicide?
Will they give up all efforts to purify their negative actions?
Will they give up their Spiritual goals in this lifetime?
Will they leave the Sangha, and return to the secular world?
Will they be force to leave?

As aspiring Bodhichitta, we should always consider the impact of our actions on all sentient beings. I agree that they have sinned, but to a disciple of the Mahayana way, all sentient beings are to be cherished in the way as we would cherish ourselves, even if they are our enemies. Is publicizing the scandals of others a form of expressing our love for them?
That's why the Buddha taught Right Speech in the Eightfold Path to teach us to be responsible in all our communications, gestures, spoken and written. In our modern world today, we may not use weapons to hurt another sentient beings like in ancient times, but we are more likely to ruin another person's life by what we say about him to the rest of the world.

We can help all sentient beings, including the Dalai Lama, to understand Dorje Shugden & why we should rely on Him by educating them about His nature and functions.
'Music Delighting the Ocean of Dharma Protectors' By Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche is the very text that tackles this issue, and is available for download in this fan site of Dorje Shugden. The people working on this fan site have been putting in a lot of effort to educate the world about Dorje Shugden & to clear any misunderstandings about the Dorje Shugen.

Frankly, other than the efforts put in by the people working on the fan site, I can't think of another way to go about this task. They gave the world what it needs the most in this current situation where there are still people who are doubtful about Dorje Shugden, clear answers.
If you want to talk about setting a negative example with Bodhichitta as the motivation behind it to promote Dorje Shugden, it has been said that the Dalai Lama is already doing this, whether or not this is true, only the Dalai Lama Himself knows. One negative example to promote Dorje Shugden is more than enough, we do not need an additional party to add to the mess that has been created.

Is it really necessary to attack the Dalai Lama with such a letter which is full of malice and sarcasm? This reflects very badly on the writer and the organization that He comes from.

Many respectable people in the Buddhist circle have written open letters to the Dalai Lama regarding this issue. Although they suffer from oppression as a result of the the ban, they have never expressed their anger & resentment in their letters to the Dalai letter. They gently begged the Dalai Lama to reconsider and lift the ban. When you read their letters, you will know that the writers of those letters are men with substance, people who are mindful of Right Speech and Bodhichitta in their words.


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This post has kept me awake thinking about the guru-disciple relationship...

Actually, this note points out something very interesting. If you look at the teacher-student relationship, the note says that in receiving empowerments, the lama has to examine the student and the student has to examine the lama.

So for all the people who criticise the Dalai Lama for giving initiations to the unqualified masses... when you criticise the Dalai Lama, youre indirectly criticising his root and lineage gurus for their inability to spot an unqualified student (whom you say is the Dalai Lama).

So how can you praise Trijang Rinpoche, Pabongka Rinpoche, Ling Rinpoche, etc etc for being peerless and stainless holders of the traditions, and say they are emanations of Heruka and Vajrayogini and whatnot, and then do a 180 and say that the Dalai Lama is unqualified, etc etc.

Did every single one of these holy beings and emanations of Buddhas make a mistake when they passed their lineages on to the Dalai Lama? How can so many erudite lamas make a mistake in their assessment of their student?


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Is it necessary to publicize the misconduct of the Dalai Lama's disciples in various monasteries? Out of a sense of decency, I will not even quote the sentences.

Is this the way of people practicing Right Speech of the Eightfold Path?
Is this the way of people practicing Bodhichitta, which is to cherish all sentient beings, even those who are your enemies, as you would cherish yourself?

It is true that they have broken their percepts & I believe they have already faced disciplinary actions. They will have to strive sincerely to purify the negative karma created by their non-virtuous actions.

However knowledge of their misdeeds was only limited to their community before this letter is being written & publicized. Now that these incidents are being mentioned in this letter, and the letter is being publicize world-wide through Facebook & other media, their sins have became public knowledge.

It is necessary to shame all these people before the world, although they have sinned, just to make  point? Would you want your own mistakes to be publicize by others, just for them to make a point in a quarrel that you are not involved in? Moreover they are not even involved in the argument between the Green Sect & the Dalai Lama, they merely succumbed to their negative karmic habits & committed non-virtuous actions, which can happen to all Buddhist disciples of any Buddhist tradition, lay or ordained.

I dont think that it is a shaming of the people within the letter at all. The author is obviously trying to make HHDL and his camp think more about Dorje Shugden. You see, traditionally, those deaths as mentioned in the letter were attributed to Dorje Shugden killing them and thus, tarnishing the name of Dorje Shugden. The purpose of the letter is to make HHDL and his camp see how ridiculous it is to blame Dorje Shugden for everything. Plus we get to learn about what the CTA does not want us to know about.