Author Topic: Message to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsens Incarnation  (Read 18153 times)


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Re: Message to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsens Incarnation
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2015, 08:11:20 AM »
wherever Tulku Drapa Gyeltsen is now I think as high lama like he definitely bring a lot of benefits to the people , I wish his work will florist and bring the dharma to more people.


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Re: Message to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsens Incarnation
« Reply #16 on: October 14, 2015, 09:48:50 AM »
I totally agree with this person, and I too wish that this incarnation will bring peace to the world once more, he will stop the pain in Tibet, bring an end to the ban and he will rise with so much support in all the right ways. he will set the example. I wish him the best in his journey to restore the name of Dorje Shugden and continue to teach. I know he will build well, and rise up to the top with his supporters. I am waiting for this legend and holy being to appear once more. And when he comes, we will rejoice.


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Re: Message to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsens Incarnation
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2015, 04:46:39 AM »
A highly attained being like Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen will most likely already be doing great work for beings and for me been living openly among the Dharma community in an esteemed position but under a different name. I say this because, due the motivation of Boddhicitta, TDG will definitely be benefitting others day and night and during these degenerate time, are unlikely to remain anonymous.

Hence, I am really looking toward the day that He will reveal Himself to the world. Until such time we continue to work towards Enlightenment for the sake of all beings and the lifting of the ban.


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Re: Message to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsens Incarnation
« Reply #18 on: November 11, 2015, 03:03:06 AM »
Well put, yontenjamyang. We just do what needs to be done for ourselves for "Enlightenment for the sake of all beings and the lifting of the ban." It is the core of Buddhism. _/|\_


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Re: Message to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsens Incarnation
« Reply #19 on: November 16, 2015, 06:47:11 PM »
Hence, I am really looking toward the day that He will reveal Himself to the world.

While Buddhists do pray and supplicate that the buddhas appear in our world and turn the Wheel of Dharma, your feverish anxiety for the second coming of a martyrized Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen is rather reminiscent of fundamentalist Christians' Jewish-inspired messianic hysteria for the “second coming” of their martyrized Jesus, when he will reveal himself “in glory” to the world, and reward the “righteous” and rid the world of the “wicked”.

Jews too, themselves always exploiting the myth of their own “martyrdom” are hysterical about the coming of their “messiah” who, so they believe according to their “prophets”, will submit the whole humankind to the genocidal, bloodthirsty Jewish “god”, and ensure absolute Jewish domination over non-Jews. Muslims, together with their cult of martyrdom, are similarly hysteric about their “Mahdi” (one of the eight barbaric prophets according to the Kalachakra Tantra).

All of these are just power politics transvestite as religion, or religion used as a facade for an ideology of domination. This explains the fanatical agitation and blind hysteria characterizing the enactment of such Jewish-Christian-Muslim perverted myths. All the hideous crimes nowadays perpetrated or supported by Zionist Jews, Wahhabi Muslims (al-Qaeda, Islamic State etc.), and US fundamentalist Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere are driven by such messianic ideology.

Therefore, there seems to be a big difference between praying and supplicating that the buddhas appear in our world and turn the Wheel of Dharma, which has no political and no hysterical components, and a hysterical attitude of anxiously expecting some messianic emanation of a “martyrized” Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen dramatically “revealing himself to the world” to usher in some fantasized era of political dominance of now-oppressed Shugdenpas.

In the same way that fanatic, murderous Jews are seen by Christians as instruments of their evil “god” when such Jews promoted the martyrdom of Jesus in the hands of the Romans, so also the evil 5th dalie lame is seen by some fanatic Shugdenpas as some kind of “divine player” when he ordered the “martyrdom” of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen. In both cases the idea is to use a theological argument in order to save the face of the criminals, be they the Jews or the 5th dalie lame, or to whitewash their crimes, for the sake of political convenience, or an alliance between political factions, such as Christians and Jews, or Shugdenpas and dalaites.

Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen was a highly accomplished being, and his murdering by a Nyingma criminal under the orders of the 5th dalie lame, who wanted to pollute pure Gelug teachings with Nyingma non-Buddhist superstition for political reasons, served as the condition for his arising as the enlightened protector of the teachings of Je Tsongkhapa. Now, erecting him into a “martyr”, and the evil 5th dalie lame as a “divinely inspired” criminal, and creating a messianic cult of his impending “second coming” sounds rather like an attempt by greedy, unscrupulous religionists to emulate Abrahamic (Jewish-Christian-Islamic) myths, and thus pollute and destroy Buddhism from inside with such ridiculous garbage.


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Re: Message to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsens Incarnation
« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2015, 10:27:10 AM »

While Buddhists do pray and supplicate that the buddhas appear in our world and turn the Wheel of Dharma, your feverish anxiety for the second coming of a martyrized Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen is rather reminiscent of fundamentalist Christians' Jewish-inspired messianic hysteria for the “second coming” of their martyrized Jesus, when he will reveal himself “in glory” to the world, and reward the “righteous” and rid the world of the “wicked”.

Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen was a highly accomplished being, and his murdering by a Nyingma criminal under the orders of the 5th dalie lame, who wanted to pollute pure Gelug teachings with Nyingma non-Buddhist superstition for political reasons, served as the condition for his arising as the enlightened protector of the teachings of Je Tsongkhapa. Now, erecting him into a “martyr”, and the evil 5th dalie lame as a “divinely inspired” criminal, and creating a messianic cult of his impending “second coming” sounds rather like an attempt by greedy, unscrupulous religionists to emulate Abrahamic (Jewish-Christian-Islamic) myths, and thus pollute and destroy Buddhism from inside with such ridiculous garbage.

I do agree with much of the sentiment expressed by Matibadhra. However, on the balance of consideration, the re-emergence of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen would have a number of benefits at this time:

1. it will completely destroy accusations that TDG went to the lower realms, especially if the present TDG became widely recognized for his compassionate works and attainments;

2. It will reunite the Gelugpa that has been torn apart by the Dalai Lama's conflict;

3. It will re-establish the credibility of the lineage that has been damaged by endless lies and disinformation by the CTA;

4. It will resurrect the hope of many Shugden practitioners who have suffered so much over the years.

As for the 'messianic hysteria' that might happen with the reappearance of TDG, I don't think that has as much to do with the existence of TDG as it would with the correct understanding and practice of the Dharma.

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Re: Message to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsens Incarnation
« Reply #21 on: November 23, 2015, 02:23:28 PM »
I don't follow how "Hence, I am really looking toward the day that He will reveal Himself to the world." (yontenjamyang) could be interpreted to mean "...a big difference between praying and supplicating that the buddhas appear in our world and turn the Wheel of Dharma, which has no political and no hysterical components, and a hysterical attitude of anxiously expecting some messianic emanation of a “martyrized” Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen dramatically “revealing himself to the world” to usher in some fantasized era of political dominance of now-oppressed Shugdenpas." (Matibhadra).

Tenzin K

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Re: Message to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsens Incarnation
« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2015, 11:19:02 AM »
It’s great to know that the great lama Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen is back. I always believe that he’s an enlightened being and have no doubt of his return. Only enlightened being will come back and continue the selfless work to continue their meritorious work to benefit many people. I strongly believe in this life he will continue to spread Lama Tsongkhapa doctrine to the world just like his previous incarnation before.

Can’t wait for the ban to be lifted and more Shugden great master to openly give teaching.


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Re: Message to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsens Incarnation
« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2015, 06:27:33 PM »
It’s great to know that the great lama Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen is back. I always believe that he’s an enlightened being and have no doubt of his return. Only enlightened being will come back and continue the selfless work to continue their meritorious work to benefit many people. I strongly believe in this life he will continue to spread Lama Tsongkhapa doctrine to the world just like his previous incarnation before.

Can’t wait for the ban to be lifted and more Shugden great master to openly give teaching.

Dear Tenzin K,

Just wanted to make a note that it is not only enlightened beings that reincarnate to help living beings but also Superior bodhisattvas and advanced completion stage practitioner's with the ability to control the process of death, bardo, and rebirth. All three categories are referred to as 'tulkus'; they are genuine tulkus, not kids chosen merely for political motivated reasons such as how the present Dalai Lama was chosen. As a reason to support their view of someone as being a tulku, people often say such and such Master recognized or acknowledged them as being a tulku, but they fail to recognize that such recognition or public comment is sometimes made merely to keep harmony by being supporting the ruling political views, NOT because the person is an actual Tulku. 


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Re: Message to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsens Incarnation
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2015, 08:54:47 AM »
Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen former incarnation was Panchen Sonam Dragpa, who was abbott of the three Gaden Pillars, Gaden, Sera and Drepung. Who has written many texts still used today.  Wherever Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen manifests the dharma will grow and flourish there.

May we hear of this incarnation once again, it is certainly a pity that the Gaden Phodrang destroyed much of Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen Ladrang and teachings.

It is true that where ever the incarnation of Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen manifests the Dharma will grow and flourish.
TDG had many previous incarnations like Panchenn Sonam Drakpa and Sakya Shri Badra would benefited many with the Dharma. He has manifested as Kings, mahasiddhas, translators and Gurus. All incarnations brought tremendous benefits.
Wherever his present incarnation is, the Dharma will sure to manifest to suit the being of that place and from the globally I am sure since these days all it takes is a few clicks and the Dharma can be transmitted.

Jason Statham

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Re: Message to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsens Incarnation
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2016, 11:40:15 PM »
I believe that there is Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen's incarnation is somewhere in this world teaching and spreading dharma to many people just like in all his previous lives. May his organization grow bigger and wider across the whole world just like back in the days so that countless of people and other beings can learn and practice dharma. All my friends and I would really love to meet him in person, so please quickly let his organization flourish so that I know where is his monastery and I can visit it.


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Re: Message to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsens Incarnation
« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2016, 02:09:07 AM »
I don't follow how "Hence, I am really looking toward the day that He will reveal Himself to the world." (yontenjamyang) could be interpreted to mean "...a big difference between praying and supplicating that the buddhas appear in our world and turn the Wheel of Dharma, which has no political and no hysterical components, and a hysterical attitude of anxiously expecting some messianic emanation of a “martyrized” Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen dramatically “revealing himself to the world” to usher in some fantasized era of political dominance of now-oppressed Shugdenpas." (Matibhadra).

This is because you fail to understand the difference between Dharma and political hysteria.

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Re: Message to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsens Incarnation
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2016, 04:28:40 PM »
Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsens previous incarnations have indeed done a lot of good for the people around him/her. And we can basically already assume that wherever this new incarnation is, he/she is already starting to benefit others through Dharma and Dorje Shugdens teachings.

Whoever is in touch with this new incarnation is very very very lucky and should appreciate what they have for as long as possible. Being so close to this incarnation bring many benefits. I was told that many people would not even know that they are so close to this incarnation. This is because the incarnation would not state by himself/herself that he/she is the incarnation.


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Re: Message to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsens Incarnation
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2016, 08:55:49 AM »
Guess it's just sad that there are no longer any strong Tibetan kings to take over the political life of the Tibetans and has thus resulted in the mixing of religion and politics which is a very potent and volatile mix. Guess that's just the karma of the Tibetans and in the long run the shift of Tibetan Buddhism from the land of snow to the other parts of the world.

May the Avalokiteshvara side/compassionate side of the Tibetans surface to subdue the ogress part that they may find peace among themselves.


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Re: Message to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsens Incarnation
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2016, 01:47:46 PM »
What a wonderful aspirational letter to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen and his incarnations. I am sure that the incarnate of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen is living amongst us carrying on his great compassion in spreading Lama Tsongkapa’s teachings. I would certainly rejoice the day this great being announces his presence to the world,  bringing with him the renewed faith in the true teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni and Lama Tsongkapa.

May the ban on Dorje Shugden be swiftly lifted so that more may receive the benefit of the pure teachings by the incarnate of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen when he arises to his rightful throne.