Author Topic: Thangkas of Dagom Rinpoche's previous lives and from his Nepal Labrang  (Read 20982 times)


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Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche

Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche with Kache Marpo

Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche with Dorje Shugden

Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche with Vaisravana

Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche's previous life - Je Sherab Sengey, the founder of Gyume Tantric College

Je Tsongkhapa and two heart disciples

Dagom Rinpoche's previous life - the great Pelgyi Dorje who killed the evil King Langdarma

Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche's previous life - Ra Lotsawa

The previous Buddha Kassapa

Peaceful Vajrapani, Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche is said to be an emanation of Vajrapani

Dorje Shugden in Dagom Labrang, Nepal

Kache Marpo in Dagom Labrang, Nepal

Dorje Shugden in Dagom Labrang, Nepal


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Wow...what a priviledge to be able to feast my eyes on all these holy images from Dagom Rinpoche's Ladrang.

I especially love all the beautiful thangkas of Je Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden.

Thank you, Mana for sharing all of these.

Though I have not been to Nepal. I feel very fortunate to have the wonderful opportunity to view these precious thangkas in here.

I feel richly blessed! Thanks!


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Is it me or does Dagom Rinpoche have a similar likeness to the people depicted in the Thangkas.

I have seen the names, Ra Lotsawa, Je Sherab Sengey etc. Only now does it click that these high lamas are walking among us now, while they won't say, the clues are there for us to see. How many more that we are reading about in Lamrim, or any other old text are with us today we don't even know about.

They are not exactly going to advertise who they really are.

Thanks for the pics, love them, especially the last DS thangka, very unique.


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Is it me or does Dagom Rinpoche have a similar likeness to the people depicted in the Thangkas.

I have seen the names, Ra Lotsawa, Je Sherab Sengey etc. Only now does it click that these high lamas are walking among us now, while they won't say, the clues are there for us to see. How many more that we are reading about in Lamrim, or any other old text are with us today we don't even know about.

They are not exactly going to advertise who they really are.

Thanks for the pics, love them, especially the last DS thangka, very unique.

Nah it's not just you mate, he bears a strong resemblance to the Dorje Shugden in the last thangka. BUT that doesn't necessarily mean anything, it's probably just me and my deluded mind projecting the illusion of a resemblance.


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@dharmaDefender tsk tsk... such is my delusions also i guess.


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Very cool! Thanks for sharing. I hope to visit Dagom Ladrang while I am in Nepal.


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what a privilege indeed to see these thangkas. Thank you for sharing them here!! My personal favourite is "Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche with Dorje Shugden" - and the close runner-up is "Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche with Kache Marpo". Is there a reason why Dagom Rinpoche's hand mudras are different in these two thangkas?
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Thank you very much Mana, the pictures do show what an awesome lama Dagom RInpoche is.
Dagom Rinpoche is a great Bodhisattva of the highest levels, to have the compassion to kill an evil king to lift Tibet from the clutches of the evil king Langdharma for the benefit of others.

I had the good fortune to be in his presence. I did not merit of cultivation to understood whatever he told us. Meeting him I felt this was a great master who has absolute control over his future and situation. Now that recall back he was so so intense!

Its a truly a blessing for us to gaze upon these holy images!


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AWESOME... this is so amazing to see this precious thangkas of Kyabke Dagom Rinpoche's previous like and Dorje Shugden of course!

I like the thangka of Dagom Rinpoche with Dorje Shugden, Dagom Rinpoche's previous life - the great Pelgyi Dorje who killed the evil King Langdarma and the last unique painting of Dorje Shugden. Now anyone who sees this surely cannot refute the fact that Dagom Rinpoche is a highly incarnate Lama, a living walking Buddha. And would someone like him not know he is practising a demon Dorje Shugden. Why would he have a thangkas of him a DS made then?  Why would Dagom Rinpoche be practicing an "evil demon" Dorje Shugden and yet his incarnation is back?

His incarnation is back and I just cannot wait for the young Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche to grow up and start to teach the Dharma again...hopefully I would still be around to witness this great master in his prime.


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These are gorgeous thangkas!

I really, really like the last one. I like how the hands holding the implements are emphasized. It doesn't seem like it was a professional artist who painted it - I wonder who did.

Even though it looks borderline "cartoon-ish", something about it feels so real.

The upper half of the thangka looks like it was done by someone and the bottom half looks like it was done by someone else.

I also really like the thangka of Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche with Dorje Shugden. It's so passionately wrathful. Such seriousness to it, and yet still exudes compassion.

How nice it is to have so many DS thangkas in one Labrang! :)


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Thank you Mana for sharing all these beautiful thangkas depicting Dagom Rinpoche and his previous lives.

My favourite one is also Dagom Rinpoche with Dorje Shugden.

Had the great fortune to have audience with his HE Dagom Rinpoche in Nepal a few years back, I was told that he is an enmanation of yamantaka.

Big Uncle

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Wow! Beautiful thangkas and it is so neat to learn about Dagom Rinpoche's predecessors through these biographical thangkas. I knew very little about Dagom Rinpoche but through these thangkas I am amazed at what he had done in his previous lives. Ra Lotsawa was the one who brought the Yamantaka Tantras to Tibet along with many other lineages and teachings. Although he was an erudite scholar and a great master, many people were jealous of his popularity and tried to stop his activities and even tried to kill him. Hence, in other to preserve these great teachings, Ra Lotsawa was believed to have arose as Yamantaka and vanquished his foes. In other words, he killed his foes using Tantric rituals and sent them to take rebirth in the pure realms.


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We will post these pictures under Gallery of this website for all to enjoy, be blessed and download.



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I really like the thangka of Dagom Rinpoche with Shugden right below him. They work hand in hand lifetime after lifetime. So incredible.



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WOW!  Such precious blessings to be able to visit Dagom Rinpoche's Ladrang and witnessed such precious Thangkas!!!  Very nice indeed.  The last Thangka of Dorje Shugden must be very precious as it looked old and must have been there for a very long time.  How wonderful to see those images that had lived through life after life.  I wish someday i will have the chance to witness them with my own eyes :)