It is always very nice to have crystals like this to protect us… I will be glad to have one too…. Hehe!!!
But what I am wondering is if we are not doing the practice well, we are not doing our sadhana regularly or we being selfish as ever, is this crystal still protect us no matter whatever reason it is?
Good question. My answer to that is that "no, never".
As seems to me, the only "karmically valid" function of these kind of amulets, crystals, trinkets, and so forth, sold in conjunction with most Eastern traditions, seem to be the equivalent of "the knot in the finger", that is, they are meant to act as "reminders of something", in this case the Dharma practice. Having stuff like this hanging around our bodies, maybe we do remember to maintain our practice, in other words, they function to trigger mindfullness of the Dharma. Beyond that, there is no function (apart from the business purposes of the manufacturer, reseller, etc.) This is not to say that many people would not think that they have other functions, but from the karmic perspective, these "other functions" are non-buddhist magical fantasies.
"If you tend to forget, do buy, a crystal reminder.
If you are mindfull, why not sip, a cup of sake."
- Dumbmaster Hakuin