Author Topic: Shar Gaden Abbot in France to request long life  (Read 12436 times)

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Shar Gaden Abbot in France to request long life
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2012, 07:17:58 AM »
Thank you Mana for sharing this news here with us. It is so important for these two high lamas to remain here with us to continue to turn the dharma wheel. The Abbot of Shar Gaden is very compassionate to fly across the continents to make this long life request on behalf of so many people. I am wondering if this long life request can be made by anyone including lay people? Many thanks also to harrynephew for pointing out that we can also request to Dorje Shugden for our Guru's long life in our daily sadhana.


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Re: Shar Gaden Abbot in France to request long life
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2012, 11:44:12 AM »
I have found a little bit of info on Tenshug, but the article also highlights the main method of causing our Guru to live long. It is interesting to know but for Shar Ganden, I dont think that is a problem if they can give up a comfortable life in the politically correct monasteries for their Dharma practice, this is not a problem at all. I do find this article very informative and i would like to share with all of you guys :)

Prolonging the Life of the Guru

(Advice from Lama Rinpoche in answer to requests by students wanting to know how best prolong the life of the Guru and avoid obstacles that can cause sickness and the Guru's life to be shortened.)

Most important is to remember with feeling the Guru's kindness, to follow his advice then remember one's mistakes and confess.

Long-life pujas purify negative karma .and accumulate merit - generally speaking life can be lengthened by accumulating merit - but the best kind of long-life puja is not just the ritual but to cherish the advice with the thought of correctly devoting to the virtuous friend. The Guru should be viewed from one's own side as the Buddha and his kindness remembered. One should feel regret for not practising properly in the past and make a decision to practice better in the future even in the ordinary sense of being a better person.

The heaviest effect on the Guru's life is degenerating or breaking the first root tantric vow to belittle the Guru which means giving up the Guru as an object of respect. It also involves having anger or especially heresy arising in the mind towards the Guru. When there is heresy, the mind is barren like a desert having no faith and where nothing can grow. This can cause the holy mind to be disturbed, like with sadness.

Sometimes students who request secret tantric teachings and not having devotion, can cause the Guru (in the context of the secret teachings) to break samaya as the teacher has difficulty saying no. But if the student has the sincere thought to try to develop and keep the vows etc., then it is good. Although it may be difficult to keep all the vows because the student's mind hasn't even the realisation of impermanence and death.

Harmonious sincerity in obtaining advice can inspire the Guru. This can give him the interest to have the intention to pray in an attempt to have a long-life even if from the Guru's side there isn't the complete capability to control the elements.

It's also important to be aware that the breaking of root tantric vows, samaya and so forth is also a danger to the student's life resulting in sickness and even in their own life being shortened, not to mention suffering in future lives. But of course, as explained in the teachings, any degeneration or breaking of the three levels of vow can be purified through confession etc.

So these things can cause the Guru to take disease and pass away early. It's a dependent arising. This can happen because of the karma of the group. For example, with my Gurus, they don't have karma but they show the appearance.


A great deal depends on how well the students practice Dharma. How much self-cherishing thought there is that causes harm to oneself and others. I don't think the problem is so much to do with the fact that the students don't know what's the cause of the Guru taking disease and passing away early. For some students the cause is not being thoughtful and not taking the opportunity to change the life for the better. That is, not putting the teachings into practice.

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Re: Shar Gaden Abbot in France to request long life
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2012, 08:52:25 AM »
I don't really know extensively about tenshugs or Long life pujas but I know there are several practices, especially associated with the deities of Amitayus, White Tara, 16 Arhats and so forth. These are practices to create the merit to extend the lives of ordinary practitioners, Geshes and so forth. These are very effective pujas and probably some of the most commonly sponsored in the monastery by lay people.

However, if its for a Lama who has control over their life and death, a very special form of tenshug called Kandro Tenshug needs to be performed. This puja invokes upon the Dakinis that have manifested to the Lama and they are requesting the Lama to leave their earthly body and to ascend to their realms in order teach and benefit.

Therefore, during the puja, 5 monks that are dressed in traditional Dakini costumes perform a ceremonial dance with damaru and bell, enters the prayer hall. They hold 5 colored khatas that are tied to the Lamas throne. Then, at a crucial moment in the puja, the khatas are severed, thereby requesting the dakini as symbolized by the 5 monks to return to their abodes and not call upon the Lama anymore. This is as far as I know about


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Re: Shar Gaden Abbot in France to request long life
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2012, 01:03:30 PM »
With regards to long life pujas for lay people like us and why we need it for the Guru's long life, and how it works, I have found the transcript of a talk by Lama Zopa on this subject matter. It would perhaps help some of us understand why is it important to request for the Lama's long life.

So I enjoyed very much the long, the very long life puja. The very, very long life puja.

So, I thought to mention at the beginning but, anyway, so this is also for your long life puja, that without need to mention the seven limb practice, that each seven limb, the seven limb practice that which creates enlightenment, like seven very important parts of a car that makes to, functionable to carry the passengers to go to wherever they wish to be. So each one become antidote to each delusion and then that each one has its own benefits, what you achieve by doing that practice, what benefit or goal what you achieve.

So here the limb requesting to have stable life, so it’s antidote to having disturbed the guru’s holy mind, so the negative karma, the very heavy negative karma collected with the relationship with the virtuous friend, so those negative karmas, particularly then disturbed the holy mind, those things that it happened this life or in the past lives as well. So that gets purified. So the result, that’s what the antidote is, which negative karma that it become antidote, the requesting, the limb the requesting the long life or to have stable life. So the gurus or the buddhas in the nirmanakaya aspect, so those, so like that.

So the result what you achieve from this is that, the immortal vajra holy body of the body you achieve. So however, that, then engaging in these negative karmas it’s cause of shortage of life, these things. Even one has a long life, even the, there’s karma to have long life, but then suddenly there are other negative karmas you have collected with the relationship with the sentient beings or with the holy objects, then suddenly you have life obstacle, so this normally what happens, normally we are not aware, you have life obstacle, not aware, then nothing happened, you have life obstacle but nothing happened so then [snaps fingers] suddenly car accident or some, suddenly heart attack or something happens, some condition happens and, or spirit harm, however, things like that, then death happens. That you could live longer if you did the methods to purify, to purify the obstacles, purify the negative karma, so the various means to have long life, to prolong the life, reciting long-life mantras or reading texts or the long-life tsa-tsas making, long-life deities’ thangka or tsa-tsa, liberating animals or even, not only animals but also helping people, people who are sick and people who need food and shelter, however, medicines, helping those people, serving people, taking care of people, old people, sick people, those are also for long life, cause of long life.

So, here, specifically, one specific one is, very powerful specific one is the requesting for, to have stable life, to the merit field and so to the guru. So these negative karmas get purified, these heavy negative karmas, because the guru is the most powerful object. So first there’s the parents, more powerful than the others. Then after that there’s the Sangha, who are living in the ordination, so more powerful and then, of course, among the Sangha there’s also arya sangha, so the arhats, like that, then there’s of course numberless arhats, the one bodhisattva, one new bodhisattva, this is much more, most powerful one. So that’s why in the Lam-rim Chen-mo it’s explained by Lama Tsongkhapa, also I think in Bodhicaryavatara, that rising anger for one second it purifies , I said “purifies” , rising one second anger destroys, not purifies, destroys the one thousand eons having made offering to the Gone to the Bliss Ones, so to the buddhas, and having made charity to sentient beings and so forth. As it’s mentioned in Bodhicaryavatara that [Tibetan], so the meaning is one, having made offering to buddhas, made charity to sentient beings, so forth, for one thousand eons, those merits get destroyed by one time, by one second, anger rising for one second. So, yeah, in the Lam-rim Chen-mo it’s explained that rising anger, a non-bodhisattva rising anger to a bodhisattva even for one second it purifies one thousand eons of merit, merit that you have collected get pur-, what I’m saying! Purified! Get destroyed , get destroyed. I don’t know why purification comes very strongly, anger purifies , anger purifies all those merits. Yeah, no. Anger destroys all those merits . So there it’s explained in the Lam-rim Chen-mo, during the section of karma, it’s explained.

So, [pause] in the outline of the guru, this is just, in the outline of the guru devotion, the eight outlines, the shortcomings of having made a mistake in devoting to the virtuous friend, having made a mistake with the relationship with the virtuous friend, which is opposite to devoting to the virtuous friend, so with thought and action. So by rising heresy or anger, things like that, so there it’s mentioned that if one rise heresy, anger, one second towards the guru, then it destroys, how many eons one get angry, heresy, towards the guru, that many eons of merits get destroyed and that many eons of merits get destroyed and delay the realizations that many eons and experience suffering in the lower realms, in the hell realm, that many eons. So but during the, at the end of the, near the end of the teachings on the karma, Lam-rim Chen-mo, and Bodhicaryavatara, that rising anger one second to a bodhisattva, a non-bodhisattva getting angry to a bodhisattva for one second then it destroys one thousand eons of merits. So according to that then rising heresy, anger towards the guru, there should be then much, much more than that. If the bodhisattva like this, if you get angry to, a non-bodhisattva get angry to a bodhisattva is like that, then should you get angry to the guru then many, should be many hundred thousands of eons merit get destroyed and then, yeah, delay the realizations and experience the suffering in the hell realm. So that’s something to be analyzed, those two points. However, so a non-bodhisattva get angry to a bodhisattva for one second, so heavy, the karma’s very heavy. So now here, numberless bodhisattvas and one buddha, one buddha’s more powerful. And then numberless buddhas and one guru, one guru is more powerful.

So that’s why, that, for example, in the Guru, Lama Chöpa guru yoga, we just finished reciting the prayer, the section talking about the qualities of the guru, yön tän jung nä tshül thrim gya tsho che...., before the guru enter in the heart, that, talking about the qualities of the guru, there it says that making offering to the guru’s pores, even making offering to the guru’s pores, after talking, going through the kindness of the guru, talking about the qualities of the guru according to the Lesser Vehicle path, Paramitayana path, then as well as tantra, qualities of the guru of tantra, then there mentioned the kindness of the guru, that then the guru guides you, even though there have been numberless buddhas, bodhisattvas, unable to guide you, but in this world numberless buddhas, bodhisattvas, happening, but only the guru who guides you.

Without the Guru to guide us, we would not be able to taste the real Dharma and therefore, it is important that we request for the long life of the Guru.


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Re: Shar Gaden Abbot in France to request long life
« Reply #19 on: July 20, 2012, 08:11:47 PM »
I don't really know extensively about tenshugs or Long life pujas but I know there are several practices, especially associated with the deities of Amitayus, White Tara, 16 Arhats and so forth. These are practices to create the merit to extend the lives of ordinary practitioners, Geshes and so forth. These are very effective pujas and probably some of the most commonly sponsored in the monastery by lay people.

However, if its for a Lama who has control over their life and death, a very special form of tenshug called Kandro Tenshug needs to be performed. This puja invokes upon the Dakinis that have manifested to the Lama and they are requesting the Lama to leave their earthly body and to ascend to their realms in order teach and benefit.

Therefore, during the puja, 5 monks that are dressed in traditional Dakini costumes perform a ceremonial dance with damaru and bell, enters the prayer hall. They hold 5 colored khatas that are tied to the Lamas throne. Then, at a crucial moment in the puja, the khatas are severed, thereby requesting the dakini as symbolized by the 5 monks to return to their abodes and not call upon the Lama anymore. This is as far as I know about

Big uncle - what you say is correct. 

The tenshug is a ritual where students make requests to the lama to live long. The lamas are here to benefit others and to turn the wheel of dharma. They can do it here with us, or in other realms of existence, such as the realm of the dakinis.

Although we cannot see them, it is said that dakinis often request the lama to leave our realm and go to their realm instead to give teachings. Particularly when the students of the lama misbehave, or when the karma of our realm to have a teacher with us is weakening, a tenshug is said to be effective to create the causes fr the lama to stay while symbolically "cutting" the connection with the dakinis.

Apart from the cutting of the khatas, what is notable about the tenshug is the extensiveness of the offerings made. The tenshug is about collecting the merit for the lama to stay, and each and every offering item is very symbolic - for instance, offering a teaching throne, offering food that the lama likes, and so on. And of course, the more offerings, the better.

Of course, however, a tenshug alone will not be enough for the lama to remain. I have heard my lama say that there is the outer tenshug, and then there is the inner tenshug. What is the inner tenshug? Transformation, merit accumulation, and pleasing the Lama. Only with the inner tenshug, does the outer tenshug have effect. Otherwise it is an empty ritual devoid of any effect.


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Re: Shar Gaden Abbot in France to request long life
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2012, 08:41:37 AM »

Big uncle - what you say is correct.

The tenshug is a ritual where students make requests to the lama to live long. The lamas are here to benefit others and to turn the wheel of dharma. They can do it here with us, or in other realms of existence, such as the realm of the dakinis.

Although we cannot see them, it is said that dakinis often request the lama to leave our realm and go to their realm instead to give teachings. Particularly when the students of the lama misbehave, or when the karma of our realm to have a teacher with us is weakening, a tenshug is said to be effective to create the causes fr the lama to stay while symbolically "cutting" the connection with the dakinis.

Apart from the cutting of the khatas, what is notable about the tenshug is the extensiveness of the offerings made. The tenshug is about collecting the merit for the lama to stay, and each and every offering item is very symbolic - for instance, offering a teaching throne, offering food that the lama likes, and so on. And of course, the more offerings, the better.

Of course, however, a tenshug alone will not be enough for the lama to remain. I have heard my lama say that there is the outer tenshug, and then there is the inner tenshug. What is the inner tenshug? Transformation, merit accumulation, and pleasing the Lama. Only with the inner tenshug, does the outer tenshug have effect. Otherwise it is an empty ritual devoid of any effect.

lemme just elaborate a little bit more on it and provide some extra points:

External tenshugs will work for monastics, but not for laypeople simply because we do not hold our vows well, and we do not practice Guru devotion that well as we only follow what we want of the Guru's instruction and not in completion. With monastics, they just need to do the outer tenshug puja and everything will be okay for them. It is more of a symbolic request to say that they still need their Guru here and they prove it by their actions instead of just talk.

On your point about dakinis, they are actually the assistants or manifestations of the Yidam. Their Guru is the yidam. Sometimes, they cannot bear to see how great masters who are one with their Guru/Yidam being mistreated by the disciples and therefore they request the Lama to leave with them. It hurts the Lama a lot when students challenge the Lama, do not follow instructions and have political games with either the Lama or the other students. All of these will trigger the dakinis to do something because they do not wish to see the Lama suffer any longer.

The tenshug ritual is basically something that is done by the disciples to show the dakinis that they do love and care about the Lama and to request the dakinis to give them another chance (in the context of lay disciples) but in the context of monastics, it is to show that they still need the lama around and they actually command the dakinis to go back since they do have power from their holding of their vows and samaya. Thats why lay students requesting/doing a tenshug puja is unheard of. They do not have a basis.

What is better than a tenshug for the Lama is just to hold the vows and commitments and do whatever that has been promised. If they misrepresent the lama or break their vows and commitments or in some cases, go against the Lama's practices and instructions, its like literally sending their Lama to an early grave, not because the Lama leaves them but because they lack the merits to keep the Lama around.


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Re: Shar Gaden Abbot in France to request long life
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2012, 02:29:27 PM »
The Abbot of Shar Gaden Monastery has left for France. He is offering long life puja and requests to His Holiness Gaden Trisur Rinpoche Jetsun Lungrik Namgyal and Jangtze Gyurme Kensur Rinpoche.

The abbot will officially request both lamas to please live long and continue their Dharma works. He will offer pujas to them in France directly in their presence. The pujas are called 'tenshug'. It is the tradition to offer tenshug to highly accomplished lamas as it is believed they have the tantric power to extend their lives if requested and merits are generated. The requests and pujas are to generate the merits and conditions for these great teachers to extend their lives. They are both healthy and fine as far as we have heard we are glad to update everyone.

Trisur Rinpoche and Gyurme Kensur both reside in France.

The Abbot of Shar Gaden (Ven Geshe Lobsang Pende) is very devoted and kind to do this. On behalf of Dorje Shugden's tradition, both Gaden Trisur Rinpoche and Gyurme Kensur are very important. For our tradition the Abbot will make requests. They are both senior and extremely learned lamas. Masters of sutra and tantra.

We wish the Venerable Abbot a good trip and we also wish these two great lamas will live very long.


Wonderful and rejoicing news, Mana! It is so vital that these older higher attained masters stay long and continue to teach the dharma before the next generation of lamas take over the helm. In my own small way, I pray and request both His Holiness and other great lamas live long. May they be around to witness the lifting of the ban! May they be present to confer initiation upon initiation of Lord Shugden to millions of practitioners!