Isn't it wonderful to live life without being enslaved to attachments, desire, fear, insecurities? This alone will bring so much more happiness, lightness.. And the natural outcome is as you've stated,..we will have more capacity to help others. I have still a long away to rid off the 3 poisons!
I've had debates with friends who are not on the path who claims to live their lives with NO FEAR, NO INSECURITIES, they do whatever they want and whenever they want, and have no fear of death. There is a huge difference as the natural outcome without the element of dharma will create self indulgence thus, no capacity to help others. Forgive me if I am over generalizing. There are many people with very good hearts who are not religious nor have knowledge of the buddha dharma yet, they are spiritual in their own rights.
How much we believe in karma and rebirths directly affects how we practice the dharma ..or not practicing the dharma. If we do not believe in karma and how it will affect our own next rebirth, then there's no stopping us from causing havoc to ourselves, to others, to the environment. We do not need to have a sense of responsibility to mother earth nor the inhabitants who lives in it. It's the "who cares, I don't need to clean up the mess" mentality.
The common answer or message from everyone's post in regards to "
you know your practicing dharma when.." is becoming a better version of ourselves thus, causing less harm, and begin to be beneficial.
I love Triesa's poem and every one's thoughts of what practicing dharma means.
Thank you everyone. Much to reflect on