Author Topic: Offering Bsang / Incense Offering  (Read 14307 times)


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Offering Bsang / Incense Offering
« on: June 16, 2011, 01:41:05 AM »
I love incense, fire, smoke, anything that burns, so when I saw there was a prayer which involved my favourite past times, yes I am a smoker also naturally I was drawn to it.

[em]This bsang offering bestowing excellence was composed by the yellow hat lineage holder
bearing the reincarnation name Ganden Serkong.[/em]

So just who as the person called Ganden Serkong. Found this thought maybe interesting to share. Not sure about the authenticity but the story sounded good.

Serkong Dorje Chang (1856-1918)

“The Chief Dharma Protector of Conqueror Manjunatha [Je Tsongkhapa], Dorje Shugden...”

Serkong Dorje Chang,1 properly known as Ngawang Tsultrim Donden (ngag dbang tshul khrims don ldan), was probably one of the greatest and famous masters at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century.

He was born in 1856 and given the name Yeshe Bar. At the age of ten, he began studies by relying on the 81st Ganden Throne Holder (term 1879-1884), Ngawang Norbu.2 Then, entering Ganden Jangtse College, he studied the five great classics. He heard teachings on sutra and tantra from many masters, including the Trichen Ngawang Norbu, Yongzin Lobsang Tenzin, Rongpo Pandita Gendun Gyatso, Jangtse Choje Tenzin Rabgye. At age 24, he stood for his Geshe Lharampa degree.

To ensure his long life and success in widely benefiting sentient beings and the doctrine, the Ganden Throne Holder Ngawang Norbu told him many times that it was necessary for him to take a wife, which he finally did. At that time, many people made various criticisms. Taking this as an opportunity to practice purely, without attachment to wealth and possessions, he went and stayed in an isolated location. After a few years, he showed signs of attainment.

At age 40, he was invited to Bhutan and the Mon district; by going there, he achieved great benefit for the doctrine. In Bhutan, he served as a main lama (dbu bla) of the Bhutanese ruler Urgyen Wangchuck (1861-1926, o rgyan dbang phyug), who had earlier united the country after much internal conflict, and who became the first monarch of Bhutan in 1907. Serkong Dorje Chang stayed at the Kurje monastery, which is named after the physical imprints Guru Rinpoche left when he visited the area in 746, located in the Bumthang district of northern Bhutan.

In addition, Serkong Dorje Chang had a vision of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal (1594-1651), the founder of modern Bhutan and an incarnation of Padma Karpo, when he received the 'chi med lcags sdong ma'i chos skor, a cycle of teachings connected with life longevity. He is credited with an initiation text based on these pure visions for longevity (zhabs drung dag snang gyi dbang bskur), which was contributed to the Drugpa Kagyu tradition,3 as well as another cycle based on these pure visions (zhabs drung dag snang ma'i skor).4 These liturgies have all been retained and recently published in Bhutan.

Upon his return to Tibet, he gave many Dharma teachings on sutra and tantra. At age 63, he was requested by the Ninth Panchen Rinpoche Lobsang Thubten Chokyi Nyima (1883-1937)5 to stay at Tashi Lhunpo. They in turn reciprocated many teachings. Other written works of his consist of over a dozen rituals for Chakrasamvara, especially the sixty-two deity Luipa tradition. He was also the lineage holder of the Gelug Kalachakra lineage, passing it on to Khangsar Rinpoche.

A survey conducted of printing blocks in Central Tibet while sTag-brag Rinpoche served as regent lists Trode Khangsar in Lhasa as possessing wood blocks for the Extensive Fulfillment Ritual for the Dharmapala Dorje Shugden (bskang chog rgyas pa), authored by Serkong Dorje Chang.6

This extensive fulfillment ritual has also been published in the Dorje Shugden be bum as well. Given Serkong Dorje Chang’s diverse qualifications, there was nobody in a better position to incorporate the works of Morchen Dorje Chang and Drugpa Kagyu Dre'u Lhas into an extensive Dorje Shugden kangso. In the notes near the end of the kangso, it says: “Requests to the Protector of Jamgon Tsongkhapa Gyalchen Dorje Shugden Tsel Granting Activities: the upper volume [was written by] the Lord of Siddhis Dre'u Lhas pa and the lower volume [was written by] the learned and accomplished Morchen.” He states that these masters are beyond dispute, the works’ meanings have all the qualities, and their words are especially blessed. He notes this was written at the request of the Dorje Shugden oracle.

Although Serkong Dorje Chang’s ritual contains nearly the complete verses of the aforementioned ritual by Morchen Dorje Chang and Dre'u Lhas, it contains interspersed verses, explicitly citing the origins of some. Serkong Dorje Chang refers to Dorje Shugden as the Dharma Protector of the Conqueror Manjunatha (Je Tsongkhapa).7 There is a modified verse attributed to Sangye Yeshe that says “Lord of Secrets Dulzin Dragpa Gyaltsen, his emanation Dorje Shugden, I respectfully prostrate with my body, speech and mind.” For the short mantra of Dorje Shugden, Rinchen Wangyal’s initiation manual is cited as the source.8

In particular, the verses are very specific for describing Dorje Shugden as a special protector of the Gelug, especially of the hearing lineage (snyan rgyud)9 of “Jamgon Lama Tsongkhapa, Togden Jampel Gyatso, Dulzin Dragpa Gyaltsen, Ensapa, Panchen Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen.” A method of reciting the Migtsema is integrated into the ritual as well.10 Also, there is a short verse for offering which was spoken by the Dharma Protector himself.11 Moreover, Serkong Dorje Chang also wrote this verse:12

Fierce collection of all power and capability, clothed in blue,
Showing in the form of a dregs to subdue the unsuitable,
Magic-wielding Dorje Shugden and retinue,
I respectfully prostrate with my body, speech and mind.

The initial epithets obviously refer to Vajrapani, and Dorje Shugden is Vajrapani with the same characteristics of possessing both power and strength (mthu stobs). This verse and Serkong Dorje Chang’s reference to Rinchen Wangyal indicate that he was influenced by the tradition of Dorje Shugden at Sera monastery that viewed Dorje Shugden as Vajrapani.

In the final pages of the kangso is a well known bsangs or fragrant offering to Dorje Shugden. Actually, as a verb bsang means to purify, much the same as a bathing ritual but with scent as the purifying medium. Of course, the deities themselves do not require purification; the visualization of purification is done for the sake of the practitioner. This has also been published separately as noted below in the translation.

'Jam mgon rgyal ba'i bstan srung Rdo-rje Shugs-ldan rtsal chen po'i bsangs mchod [dge legs mchog stsol] bzhugs so13
At the time of wanting to make a bsang offering, collect the incense substances; repeat the refuge and bodhi mind generation verses three times.

Hum, visualizing myself as the yidam, from the heart,
Light emanates clearing all faults from incense,
Scent having the five desirable qualities complete in perfection,
Granting uncontaminated bliss fills the extent of awareness.

Om Ah Hum (repeat as many times to bless)
Hum, Root and lineages gurus, Three Jewels,
Dakas, Dakinis and Dharma Protectors,
Especially Dorje Shugden and retinue,
By boundless magical power come here.

Also, birth, warrior and patron deities
Local deities, spirits and guardians with the eight classes,
Assembly of guests worthy of offering please come here.
Each happily dwelling on their seats
For the sake of fulfilling the yogi’s entrusted activities
Outer, inner clouds of offerings, commitment substances and presents,
Accept these and accomplish the entrusted activities.

Agar, sandalwood, six medicinal ingredients14 and plants,
By the smoke cloud from the burning wisdom fire
Completely filling the sky

Purifies the root and lineage lamas, yidams and Three Jewels.
Purifies the dakas, dakinis and dharma protectors.
Purifies especially the Chief Dharma Protector of Conqueror Manjunatha
Dorje Shugden and four cardinal emanations.

Purifies birth, war and five patron gods.
Purifies local deities, spirits, guardians and the eight classes.
By the power of offering incense to worthy guests
May all obscurations of quarrel and samaya be purified.

May lifespan, merit and power all increase.
Pacify all diseases to humans and animals, famine, war and dispute.
May the crops be good and the rain be timely.
Conquer classes of demons of the dark side, increase the positive,
And having befriended spontaneously and effortlessly
Attain all goals just as wished.

Ki ki so so, Lha gyel lo!

Hum! Being pleased and satisfied, guests return to their abodes
Returning again upon request for activities.
By this virtue may I myself and all mother beings
Have perpetual auspiciousness of happiness and benefit.

This bsang offering bestowing excellence was composed by the yellow hat lineage holder bearing the reincarnation name Ganden Serkong.

This particular publication was published at Buxa, West Bengal in India, in 1967 where the first center to preserve education for reincarnate lamas was established after everything in Tibet was lost. In particular, this publication of the ritual was requested by the Gyalchen monthly ritual group of Zong Rinpoche.

1 TBRC Person RID: P243.
2 TBRC Person RID: P25.
3 TBRC Work RID: W4266.
4 TBRC Work RID: W23615.
5 TBRC Person RID: P215.
6 Three Karchacks (Gedan sungrab minyam gyunphel series, v. 13), published 1970, New Delhi: Gangs can gyi ljongs su bka' dang bstan bcos sogs kyi glegs bam spar gzhi ji ltar yod pa rnams nas dkar chag spar thor phyogs tsam du bkod pa phan bde'i pad tshad 'byed pa'i nyin byed.
7 Guru Deva Rinpoche (1984), p. 511.
8 Guru Deva Rinpoche (1984), p. 527.
9 Guru Deva Rinpoche (1984), p. 515.
10 Guru Deva Rinpoche (1984), p. 526.
11 Guru Deva Rinpoche (1984), p. 524.
12 Guru Deva Rinpoche (1984), p. 516.
13 Sbag-sa: Nang-bstan Shes-rig 'dzin skyong slob gnyer khang (1967).
14 Bamboo juice, nutmeg, marigold, cardamon, cardamon, and cloves.

hope rainbow

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Re: Offering Bsang / Incense Offering
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2011, 04:55:33 AM »
Thank you Roberto for sharing this biography.
It actually makes me wonder as to how open is the practice of Dorje Shugden in Buthan today...


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Re: Offering Bsang / Incense Offering
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2011, 05:11:28 AM »
Thanks, Roberto for sharing this article.


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Re: Offering Bsang / Incense Offering
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2011, 05:34:23 AM »
Thank you for sharing this biography, Roberto. I'm curious though that the Ganden throneholder Ngawang Norbu advised him to take a wife. I thought that the Gelugpa tradition required celibacy? And when people criticised him, surely he was only following his teacher's instructions so why would people criticise him? Surely they should bring it up with Ngawang Norbu, who being the head of the Gelugpas is surely well respected and perhaps beyond question?

I just thought this was an unusual circumstance (or is this a common practice in the Gelug school?) - completely unrelated to bsang of course but bear with me!
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Offering Bsang / Incense Offering
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2011, 02:29:13 PM »
Wow...that was really wonderful to read. Thanks, Roberto.

Now whenever I do Bsang Offering, it is much more meaningful because of all the information that you have shared. I will definitely enjoy doing the Bsang Offering much much more from here on. Valuable information does make it better. Otherwise, we are just doing our rituals or prayers without knowing what each element or gesture really entails.

Thanks again.


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Re: Offering Bsang / Incense Offering
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2011, 03:28:59 PM »
I do not know the reliability of the source as I had been reading the prayers for about a month after finding it here on

Kept reading the name at the end of the prayers and it made me want to find out who he was. Really wasn't much available online so this source came up. If someone has history related to his biography then please share.

@wisdombeing.... It didn't really raise an eyebrow that his Guru asked him to take on a wife but hey... what would happen if he refused? His guru must have and foresight to know it would aid in his spiritual development. But quite the extreme for the time. But it fueled his motivation and brought him some attainments.

I am not soo lucky as to have a guru to help so much slowerrrr


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Re: Offering Bsang / Incense Offering
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2011, 06:17:13 PM »
Thankyou Roberto for posting this.  Really nice story.  One question though, after we did our prayer of Dorje Shugden complete with dedication.  Do we still have to do the Bsang Offerings prayer? Or we do it before we start the prayer?


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Re: Offering Bsang / Incense Offering
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2011, 07:48:23 PM »
Thankyou Roberto for posting this.  Really nice story.  One question though, after we did our prayer of Dorje Shugden complete with dedication.  Do we still have to do the Bsang Offerings prayer? Or we do it before we start the prayer?

Bsang can be done as a standalone prayer or ritual. The students at my dharma center typically do bsang at the end of the day, individually or as a group. My lama does bsang frequently thoughout the day, when there is an important event happening, or to clear some obstacles. I know that the monasteries such as Shar Gaden are even able to do an extended bsang offering upon request, just like a regular puja.

In my experience, I have not seen the bsang ritual as part of a prayer session, but I think it can be inserted after the preliminaries, should we want to. Does anyone know for sure?


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Re: Offering Bsang / Incense Offering
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2011, 08:26:01 PM »
Thankyou Roberto for posting this.  Really nice story.  One question though, after we did our prayer of Dorje Shugden complete with dedication.  Do we still have to do the Bsang Offerings prayer? Or we do it before we start the prayer?

Bsang can be done as a standalone prayer or ritual. The students at my dharma center typically do bsang at the end of the day, individually or as a group. My lama does bsang frequently thoughout the day, when there is an important event happening, or to clear some obstacles. I know that the monasteries such as Shar Gaden are even able to do an extended bsang offering upon request, just like a regular puja.

In my experience, I have not seen the bsang ritual as part of a prayer session, but I think it can be inserted after the preliminaries, should we want to. Does anyone know for sure?

To clear obstacles... So before travelling, before going for an intense negotiation, or before a courtcase, or any negative situation Offering sang to our protector.

Read in the book, "Music Delighting the Ocean of Protectors" that they offered sang even then when the Dalai Lama and entourage were fleeing tibet, it was a continuous thing.

We can offer sang as a thank you too can't we if we get our result?

Big Uncle

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Re: Offering Bsang / Incense Offering
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2011, 04:44:37 AM »
Thank you for sharing this biography, Roberto. I'm curious though that the Ganden throneholder Ngawang Norbu advised him to take a wife. I thought that the Gelugpa tradition required celibacy? And when people criticised him, surely he was only following his teacher's instructions so why would people criticise him? Surely they should bring it up with Ngawang Norbu, who being the head of the Gelugpas is surely well respected and perhaps beyond question?

I just thought this was an unusual circumstance (or is this a common practice in the Gelug school?) - completely unrelated to bsang of course but bear with me!

Dear Wisdom Being,

You are right! Celibacy is the rule of monastics in the Gaden tradition but certain very highly attained Lamas have incarnated within the Gelug tradition such as Serkong Dorje Chang. Some of these Lamas are firstly, very highly attained and they had been a lay practitioners and practiced certain Tantric practices involving having a consort. Such practices are normally reserved for those highly attained Lamas to further their realizations. Serkong Dorje Chang, who was Marpa, Milarepa's Guru from a previous lifetime. Hence, he was able to derive very powerful realisations quicker through this Tantric path. Hence, through his clairvoyance, Trichen Ngawang Norbu had advised him to take up a consort - an advice he wouldn't have advised anyone else.


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Re: Offering Bsang / Incense Offering
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2011, 11:13:21 AM »
Thank you for sharing this biography, Roberto. I'm curious though that the Ganden throneholder Ngawang Norbu advised him to take a wife. I thought that the Gelugpa tradition required celibacy? And when people criticised him, surely he was only following his teacher's instructions so why would people criticise him? Surely they should bring it up with Ngawang Norbu, who being the head of the Gelugpas is surely well respected and perhaps beyond question?

I just thought this was an unusual circumstance (or is this a common practice in the Gelug school?) - completely unrelated to bsang of course but bear with me!

Dear Wisdom Being,

You are right! Celibacy is the rule of monastics in the Gaden tradition but certain very highly attained Lamas have incarnated within the Gelug tradition such as Serkong Dorje Chang. Some of these Lamas are firstly, very highly attained and they had been a lay practitioners and practiced certain Tantric practices involving having a consort. Such practices are normally reserved for those highly attained Lamas to further their realizations. Serkong Dorje Chang, who was Marpa, Milarepa's Guru from a previous lifetime. Hence, he was able to derive very powerful realisations quicker through this Tantric path. Hence, through his clairvoyance, Trichen Ngawang Norbu had advised him to take up a consort - an advice he wouldn't have advised anyone else.

Yes the Gelugpa tradition requires celibacy, hence Serkong Dorje Chang gave his robes back to take a consort. He must have been very highly regarded if the monasteries allowed him to bring his child along when he gave teachings in the main teaching halls!


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Re: Offering Bsang / Incense Offering
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2011, 05:31:11 PM »
Thor, what you mentioned has made me look at things deeper.

Just because Serkong Dorje Chang could be allowed to take on a consort and still be allowed into the main teaching halls with his child does not mean that we all can go ahead and do the same.

Many a times, students or lay people think that if high lamas or their Gurus can do something or be allowed to get away with something, it also means that they are also permissible.
It's really foolish to think this way because we all know in our hearts that we are not in the same league and level as our teachers or the high lamas.
We are simply not qualified and attained as they are. Hence, we cannot expect to go into the deep end and swim out alive. We'll drown and die.
High Lamas and teachers can dive into the deep end, swim up and down and rescue others out of the waters. We simply have a long way to go.

So, we should just stop comparing and thinking that we are in the same level as the teachers and high Lamas. Instead, practise and grasp what we have been given or advised and master them well.

Big Uncle

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Re: Offering Bsang / Incense Offering
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2011, 06:43:47 PM »
Thank you for sharing this biography, Roberto. I'm curious though that the Ganden throneholder Ngawang Norbu advised him to take a wife. I thought that the Gelugpa tradition required celibacy? And when people criticised him, surely he was only following his teacher's instructions so why would people criticise him? Surely they should bring it up with Ngawang Norbu, who being the head of the Gelugpas is surely well respected and perhaps beyond question?

I just thought this was an unusual circumstance (or is this a common practice in the Gelug school?) - completely unrelated to bsang of course but bear with me!

Dear Wisdom Being,

You are right! Celibacy is the rule of monastics in the Gaden tradition but certain very highly attained Lamas have incarnated within the Gelug tradition such as Serkong Dorje Chang. Some of these Lamas are firstly, very highly attained and they had been a lay practitioners and practiced certain Tantric practices involving having a consort. Such practices are normally reserved for those highly attained Lamas to further their realizations. Serkong Dorje Chang, who was Marpa, Milarepa's Guru from a previous lifetime. Hence, he was able to derive very powerful realisations quicker through this Tantric path. Hence, through his clairvoyance, Trichen Ngawang Norbu had advised him to take up a consort - an advice he wouldn't have advised anyone else.

Yes the Gelugpa tradition requires celibacy, hence Serkong Dorje Chang gave his robes back to take a consort. He must have been very highly regarded if the monasteries allowed him to bring his child along when he gave teachings in the main teaching halls!

He is highly attained and it was the 13th Dalai Lama who officially proclaim him as Serkong Dorje Chang or "Serkong, who is one with Buddha Vajradhara."


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Re: Offering Bsang / Incense Offering
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2011, 12:14:48 PM »

He is highly attained and it was the 13th Dalai Lama who officially proclaim him as Serkong Dorje Chang or "Serkong, who is one with Buddha Vajradhara."

Thank you Rorberto for sharing this.  Now it make sense who Serkong Rinpoche is and his attainments.


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Re: Offering Bsang / Incense Offering
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2011, 03:32:05 PM »
Thor, what you mentioned has made me look at things deeper.

Just because Serkong Dorje Chang could be allowed to take on a consort and still be allowed into the main teaching halls with his child does not mean that we all can go ahead and do the same.

Many a times, students or lay people think that if high lamas or their Gurus can do something or be allowed to get away with something, it also means that they are also permissible.
It's really foolish to think this way because we all know in our hearts that we are not in the same league and level as our teachers or the high lamas.
We are simply not qualified and attained as they are. Hence, we cannot expect to go into the deep end and swim out alive. We'll drown and die.
High Lamas and teachers can dive into the deep end, swim up and down and rescue others out of the waters. We simply have a long way to go.

So, we should just stop comparing and thinking that we are in the same level as the teachers and high Lamas. Instead, practise and grasp what we have been given or advised and master them well.
Yes you are right.  In short ,we are not qualified like the highly attained Lamas!!!