I think Klein summed it up pretty much:
1) Are we less attached? --> to pursuits which before spirituality, we thought was ok and gave us happiness e.g. shopping sprees, gossiping, drinking, looking for relationships, clubbing, over eating, being right...
2) Do we have less negative emotions? --> better able to control our reaction towards unpleasant/pleasant situations e.g. someone blames us for something we didn't do, we don't defend with anger, we immediately watch our mind and turn it into a situation to practice equanimity. Maybe we even go out to look for difficult people so we can practice dharma!
3) Are we benefitting others more regardless of how we are inconvenienced? --> we think more about how to help others and don't grumble about having to drive an extra 10km, wait another 15 minutes, or sleeping 2 hours less to do something beneficial for someone else directly or indirectly.
4) Are we kinder? --> not just to "nice" humans, but also to nasty people and other beings such as animals, insects and spirits (if we can see them).