Author Topic: Understanding Emptiness - The Method to End All Our Sufferings  (Read 30770 times)

diamond girl

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Re: Understanding Emptiness - The Method to End All Our Sufferings
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2011, 02:32:23 PM »
It is amazing that even a superficial understanding of emptiness can give one tremendous peace of mind.  Suddenly all the anger, unhappiness and dissatisfaction can melt away because we understand that we are actually holding on to something that does not exist in the way we see it, that is ourselves and everything around as fixed and unchanging entities.

It may be a split second preview into this realization that does not last, but a glimpse into it can give us a taste of what it means to be free of suffering.

This thread on emptiness impacts me more than other times when I read about emptiness. I believe one of the biggest delusions we have is on the subject matter of relationships. Of course wealth too ranks pretty high but when it comes to wealth and the greed for it, the results can be measured. One million, two, etc. but with relationships all the negative emotions associated with it brings so much suffering - pain and tears, and it cannot be measured, it just feels horrible. I find that it is in relationships where negative emotions and thoughts are generated in abundance and causes bad actions and speech. Thus, opens the floodgates for negative karma!

So what is said in WT above that just understanding emptiness and how it will relieve us of suffering is peaceful. Whenever I find myself experiencing the emotions of anger, jealousy and hurt I repeat to myself like a mantra - I will let go, then I push myself more and affirm to myself "I Let Go". It sounds like a play of words but it affirms to me the moment of now, and not a future tense of "will" but NOW I Let Go. I guess this is my samsaric way of creating the moment of emptiness with hopes that if I repeat it enough I let go of the attachments to the very samsara nature of relationships.

I understand that relationships will happen and exist but to be happy in one, I need to let go of the attachments and delusions I have cultivated through the years about what relationships should be. I may not be at the state of emptiness bliss but I know for sure that by practising it moment to moment creates the momentary relieve of suffering which in time will be a complete practice and transformation.


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Re: Understanding Emptiness - The Method to End All Our Sufferings
« Reply #16 on: December 12, 2011, 09:51:27 AM »
I recently came across this quote from The Adornment of the Middle Way Shantarakshita's commentary of Madhyamalankara with commentary by Jamgon Mipham.

"The great lama of Sakya, Drakpa Gyaltsen, received a pith instruction from Manjushri known as Separating from the Four Clingings. This contains the statement: "If their is clinging their is no view."
Sakya Pandita, the mighty scholar of the Land of Snow, has said: "If you ask me what is acceptable as a definition of the two truths, the easiest way for anyone to understand it is to see the appearance aspect as relative, the emptiness aspect as ultimate, and their union as their nondifferentiation."

Establish view...Unifying means and wisdom...meditate on them and bring them into experience...this constitutes the path.


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Re: Understanding Emptiness - The Method to End All Our Sufferings
« Reply #17 on: December 12, 2011, 04:55:11 PM »
I recently came across this quote from The Adornment of the Middle Way Shantarakshita's commentary of Madhyamalankara with commentary by Jamgon Mipham.

"The great lama of Sakya, Drakpa Gyaltsen, received a pith instruction from Manjushri known as Separating from the Four Clingings. This contains the statement: "If their is clinging their is no view."
Sakya Pandita, the mighty scholar of the Land of Snow, has said:

"If you ask me what is acceptable as a definition of the two truths, the easiest way for anyone to understand it is to see
-the appearance aspect as relative,
-the emptiness aspect as ultimate,
-and their union as their nondifferentiation." (1)

Establish view...Unifying means and wisdom...meditate on them and bring them into experience...this constitutes the path.


Neither one, nor two.
Someone told me this a while ago.


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Re: Understanding Emptiness - The Method to End All Our Sufferings
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2011, 03:45:22 AM »
Dear HR,

All realized masters have their own way of expressing their realizations.
'The union of  appearance and emptiness  is their non differentiation ' by Sakya Pandita I believe is another way to describe the 4 profundities as described  in the more familiar way in Heart Sutra.

Form is Empty
Emptiness is Form
Form is not apart from Emptiness
Emptiness is not apart from Form.
( Form here has same meaning  as appearance )
Non differentiation means non dual.
You are right it means neither one nor two ( both ). But what is it alluding to?
Two in one !!  This is true understanding of Nagarjuna's middle way philosophy which establishes the correct view of emptiness.
Frankly, it is more beneficial for us to focus on accumulating merit, and purifying our negativities than trying to figure out the above although it is stated in Lamrim that even if we hear the word emptiness without real understanding it will still have power to shake samsara.


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Re: Understanding Emptiness - The Method to End All Our Sufferings
« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2011, 12:09:34 PM »
Dear HR and KG,

Thank you for both your input...your are both correct in your points of view but would like to point out that for some persons...we should not discount any dharma realizations presented in the guise and formats of ANY realized masters.

However they are interpreted from one person to the next may be differ due to the result of karma and merit opening. Do we discount one practice to have precedence over another?

For example if one person is attracted to dharma presented in poetry/ prose format to have more impact in their mindstream (to hook them into going further in their dharma practice) as opposed to a traditional Lamrim recitation approach, both approaches are valid and can benefit.

Or alternatively? a Thangkha can have as much meaning in a visual format than reading a book...or our very own modern example of  DS in comic form explaining the story of an enlightened protector.

I am not saying that one method is better than the other or that one should only practice one way? I think that this is our dualistic mind accepting or not accepting...Their are very few masters that can achieve this practice...but their are exceptions.

One very holy monk from Gaden Shartse Gen Nyima Rinpoche spent his entire life focusing on emptiness and yidam practice. HHDL actually requested him to spend the remainder of his life in the monastery as an example to the monks of Gaden to show the validity of his practice.

I guess if you ask the question why some prayers have real power (to shake samsara) and benefit and protect and others do not? Gen Nyima was an example of this, people would come far and wide to receive his blessings and prayers. He was constantly moving his retreat place due to the constant requests of lay people.

Lastly, I would like to add that I am new to the forum? and trying to respectfully contribute and learn as much as I can without offending anyone (HR)?

KG I love your thinking...Nagajuna's view of emptiness...nice.  My intention was to show that for some of us representations in this form can have a alot of meaning / right or wrong is not the issue maybe just maybe this is someone's guru and reading what he said or seeing a picture(eg.holy masters presented on this site)  is the catalyst for this person finding the dharma finding out more about this holy master Sakya Pandita..Drakpa Gyaltsen.

Please I humbly request that if we want more and more qualified persons to participate on this forum (that does not mean myself) we should show respect to all dharma in all its forms and with equanimity to all. I would never knowingly disrespect any holy master or method they present from their lineage, even HHDL even though at present we fall in different camps. I have received and learnt a great deal of many things from him in the past and this has benefited me personally.

Is the representation of all Dharma from holy masters a synthesis of the 3 jewels? practice and realization? the result of many purification practices and aspirational prayers, study and guidance from their guru's to understand the dharma and gift this knowledge to others...presenting in their own unique way to reach people who would not otherwise find/engage in dharma practice.
