Author Topic: How do we measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation?  (Read 12666 times)


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How do we measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation?
« on: July 07, 2011, 12:53:04 PM »
There are many indicators that can measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation

1.  The number of temples and properties they own

2.  The number of followers

3.  How learned/knowledgeable their followers are

4.  The types and number programs they run

5.  How active they are in community service
6.  How harmonious the followers are among each other

7.  Public opinion on their contribution

In your opinion, which would be the ultimate determinant of the success of a Spiritual Organisation?


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Re: How do we measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation?
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2011, 08:23:35 AM »
There are many indicators that can measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation

1.  The number of temples and properties they own

2.  The number of followers

3.  How learned/knowledgeable their followers are

4.  The types and number programs they run

5.  How active they are in community service
6.  How harmonious the followers are among each other

7.  Public opinion on their contribution

In your opinion, which would be the ultimate determinant of the success of a Spiritual Organisation?

I think these are all interlinked results of the success of a Spiritual Organization. Besides Guru Devotion (which is given),  I think the ultimate determanant of the success of a spiritual organization would be mind transformation and harmony among the followers. Because from there, all the rest will arise.

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Re: How do we measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation?
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2011, 08:50:01 AM »
Dear Triesa,

I think you hit the nail on the head here. I too belief the ultimate determinative factor would be the harmony among the followers/students etc. Because they are the living examples of how the organization is doing for someone outside looking in. That is one of the major pulls of any organization be it spiritual or secular.

I run two companies and I know for a fact that the "office culture" is very important and all it takes is one bad apple to spoil the basket. Morale and discipline is key, coupled with fair guidance from management.

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Re: How do we measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation?
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2011, 10:44:16 AM »
I agree with HARMONY.
And harmony does not mean that all is pink and bubbly, it means that:
- we can be stern with each other when it helps the other to improve,
- we can receive critic and change positively without "packing our bags", or indulging in "anger" (I am right, I am right!) or bad-mouthing each other.
Then maybe all becomes pink and bubbly anyway...


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Re: How do we measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation?
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2011, 12:09:16 PM »
the behavior and the mental depth that its practitioners have is a clear sign of the center's success. Too many big centers filled with gossiping mouths these days. Or who use the center as a social spot.


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Re: How do we measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation?
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2011, 12:35:39 PM »
I think they are all important and good indicators of success because :

1) followers would only increase if existing members are truly practicing with examples to show others

2) it would be more difficult to unite a large group of people than a small one and therefore numbers do affect harmony

3) bigger membership will accelerate and sustain the centre's physical growth in terms of temples and properties

4) with more followers, you will have more resources , organize more spiritual and community activities and bring more benefits to others

5) naturally , if  people receive benefits there will be good public opinion of the organisation.


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Re: How do we measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation?
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2011, 05:51:42 PM »
In my opinion, the ultimate determinant of the success of a Spiritual Organization is whether that organization has fully accomplished their missions or objectives.  For example, a Buddhist organization exists to spread the teachings of Buddha to benefit others.  If anyone has benefitted from that Buddhist organization, then it can be considered successful because it has fulfilled its mission of spreading Buddha’s teachings and benefiting others.  We need to look at the mission or objective of that spiritual organization before considering the determinants as listed because all these 7 determinants are subjective.


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Re: How do we measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation?
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2011, 08:32:30 AM »
In my opinion to have growth  in a spiritual organization, harmony, right effort and right motivation is important. There  must  be spiritual growth  within the students/members themselves. It is pointless to have a big  center where the member/students  are always bickering as it will not benefit others. So the growth must come from within before the physical growth of a spiritual organisation can be considered  successful.

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Re: How do we measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation?
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2011, 04:56:49 PM »
I remembered once a friend mentioned to me that how a spiritual organization success is all about how devoted and determine the students towards their guru's teaching and works.

I buy this idea because everything start from the guru's kindness teaching and by the realization from students to practice & set an example for other to follow.

The organization grow with the correct mind set and practice where inspire more people to believe the practice. 


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Re: How do we measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation?
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2011, 09:47:00 AM »
I remembered once a friend mentioned to me that how a spiritual organization success is all about how devoted and determine the students towards their guru's teaching and works.

I buy this idea because everything start from the guru's kindness teaching and by the realization from students to practice & set an example for other to follow.

The organization grow with the correct mind set and practice where inspire more people to believe the practice. 

It is true that how successful a spiritual organisation becomes depends on how devoted the students are towards their Guru's teachings.  Devotion is manifested is through the harmony amongst students first and foremost and the student being able to emulate the Guru's qualities and set a good example for others. 

In other words, the ultimate real success of a spiritual organisation depends on the ability of the student to become "duplicates" of the guru partially or fully so that they can be an extention of their guru in carrying out his Dharma work to bring people to the path towards enlightenment.


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Re: How do we measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation?
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2011, 11:14:45 AM »
How do we measure the success of a Spiritual Organization?What is the ultimate determinant of its success?

I agree with all the points that have been raised. However, with some thought and reflection, especially based on recent words of my Spiritual Guide, my answer is "the size of its membership". A spiritual organization may have a well-laid out set of 'infrastructure' to run a rich array of Dharma and community programs and activities.Yet ,if its membership doesn't grow in leaps and bounds and is still, in fact very small, then it is a poor reflection on its growth and success.This small membership size is in turn reflective of an absence of a full and concerted  push by all its members to draw people into Dharma and the organization. People are drawn in when they see the thorough commitment of every member to benefit others in Dharma and the real practice of Guru Devotion of every student as reflected in their mind transformation and conduct.   

Dorje Pakmo

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Re: How do we measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation?
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2012, 07:39:03 AM »
In my opinion, the ultimate determinant of the success of a Spiritual Organisation is the number of followers it has. It is important because, as the number of the followers grows, it shows that the spiritual leader of the organization truly have strong leadership and had taught and guided his/her students very well. And only when the existing students/followers are truly practicing what was taught by their spiritual guide, believes in his/her guidance, devote themselves correctly, and is harmonious with one another then only are they able to share, attract and convince for more people to support the spiritual centre and it’s cause.

When the numbers of followers’ increases, then the programs that is running in the centre will be very active and it will naturally influence more like minded people to put in their effort, money and time to support the spiritual centre. As for community service, again, with more followers, news about activities will be spread out effectively and easily as more and more followers share their wonderful experience and benefits they received (mentally, spiritually) from the spiritual centre and how the centre is benefiting others with their friends and loved ones. With the convenience of internet and social media these days, sharing of ideas become much easier and it will definitely cause awareness among friends, families and relatives.
With dedicated followers supporting the spiritual centre, be it volunteering, sponsoring, helping out whenever available, then the spiritual centre will grow very fast and automatically catches the public’s eyes and every good things and community service that the centre do, will be known by the public. Whether the spiritual centre preaches Buddhism, Christianity or Islamic teachings, so long the followers increases and believe in the good cause of the spiritual centre, contributes, continuously share their positive experience, then the spiritual centre will grow very fast and benefit many others.   


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Re: How do we measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation?
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2012, 08:25:18 AM »
I think that to measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation is the amount of people benefited. To me, the number of property and temples owned does not really matter but it is a sign of success from a financial side. The number of followers does not necessarily mean that they are all "good" followers. By "good", I mean followers that are actually active in any activity. Knowledge does not measure success as some people are all talk and no walk. Certain followers would have a lot of knowledge but do not put it into practice. The types and number of programs can be a way of measuring the success but are they able to run them smoothly? Being active in community service is mostly common in Mahayanist centres like Tzu Chi but that alone does not just measure their success. The harmony amongst followers also depends, are the followers full of harmony even outside the centre? The public's opinion can also be biased to certain people or centres. So, my belief of the way to measure the success is if the followers are beneficial to others, being less attached, have more of a good mind that cares more about others. I do not think that the organisations image will be the true measure but the size, whether amount of followers or size or amount of temples will be the exterior sign of success and might attract more people.


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Re: How do we measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation?
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2012, 12:26:39 PM »
Based on the selection given earlier, to me I feel that number 6 is the most important of all.

When the members of the centre is harmonious with each other, all that is beneficial for the Dharma to grow will come automatically. I wanted to say number 3 initially, which is measured through how much knowledge the members of the centre has, but then after second thought, knowledge not necessarily mean the person is practising Dharma. If the members of the centre practices the virtues as stated in Dharma texts, listen to their Guru and keep their samaya clean, the result of all that is living harmoniously together.

Let me illustrate an example: If for example a Dharma centre has many members, but there is always internal conflicts, people back stabbing each other, and even cheat on each other in the centre... then what Dharma are they practising? Even if those type of centres are big, rich, many people and famous... it does not mean anything because they are not teaching the most precious thing in life, that is Dharma... so the so called Dharma centre, although labelled by it's members as a spiritual place of worship, but to all learned Dharma practitioners will see it as nothing more than a place of social gathering.


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Re: How do we measure the success of a Spiritual Organisation?
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2012, 02:17:13 PM »
Interesting and thought provoking question!

I would say a successful spiritual organization must have all it takes to attract new people and after they are involved (in different levels), they are willing to stay. In another words, the whole environment (both hardware - the temples and software - people, ambiance, teaching...) should make its members (and visitors) feel comfortable, feel like home, feel welcome, they stick around to learn, to contribute and people who are involved in the operations of the organizatio have pure motivation of helping others without hidden agenda and most of all, no one plays politics!

Everyone should be given equal chance and opportunity to speak their mind, to discuss and to debate, all for the benefit n growth of the organization, which sole existence is to help others.

Down with the BAN!!!