Author Topic: Dalai Lama feted at D.C. ritual  (Read 7156 times)


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Dalai Lama feted at D.C. ritual
« on: July 08, 2011, 01:07:30 PM »
WASHINGTON - Thousands of expatriate Tibetans joined a 76th-birthday celebration Wednesday for the Buddhist spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, who told followers he was happy and proud to be giving up his political power.

The Dalai Lama is in Washington for an 11-day Buddhist ritual, known as a kalachakra, drawing followers from America, Asia, and Europe.

In May he relinquished his leadership of Tibet's government-in-exile, giving up the political power that he and his predecessors have wielded over Tibetans for hundreds of years.

The prime minister-elect of the Tibetan government in exile, Lobsang Sangay, said that Chinese repression inside Tibet is a tragedy and urged continuing U.S. support for Tibetan autonomy

With regards to the dorjes shugden ban many people have called the Dalai Lama many names, political despot and so on. Would a power hungry politician be so happy to relinquish his power? Or it is the act of a realised being to do skilful and beneficial acts to further the spread of Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Dalai Lama feted at D.C. ritual
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2011, 06:15:36 PM »
That's an interesting perspective. Yes, it is strange isn't it that a political leader would say and do things that are so politically suicidal. Surely, any democratic leader, or anyone hoping to gain the vote of his own people and international support would not do anything to risk his reputation.

The dalai lama has been brought to course because of the Dorje Shugden ban. He is getting a lot of bad press these days. He faces hordes of protesters outside his teachings and initiations.  Wouldn't it be so much easier to play the diplomatic card and just say "Okay, people can practice as they wish" and lift the ban? What is it about Dorje Shugden that the Dalai Lama would do all these things to make himself look so stupid and politically inept, just to sustain a silly ban on a deity?

I choose to believe it must be for something more important than what we can see. How can the dalai be so astute in so many of the most intricate Dharma teachings, but unable to see something so glaringly obvious about his outward actions? It cannot be as simple as he is making it out to be - just a mere BAN which has had disastrous effects for his personal reputation, his political power and the international standing of the Tibetans in general (how primitive he has made himself look!).

Big Uncle

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Re: Dalai Lama feted at D.C. ritual
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2011, 06:34:30 PM »
You know, I wonder if previous Dalai Lamas have ever relinquish their position as the temporal ruler of Tibet? I read a book by Glenn H Mullin a few years ago on the previous Dalai Lamas and do not recall any incarnation ever retire or relinquish their position. I mention this is because within the same book mentions a legend, that the Dalai Lama incarnations would come to an end. In fact, it was suppose to be 1 or 2 incarnations ago.

If the current Dalai Lama retires and we all know a Bodhisattva never retires, he must be making alternative plans already. He mentioned that perhaps the Dalai Lama institution is not necessary or that he would come back as a woman. Whatever it is, he seemed to be leaving his office with a big bang of spreading Dharma around the world and pushing/banning Dorje Shugden to unprecedented heights of popularity around the world. That seems to be his primary legacy when he leaves this life.


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Re: Dalai Lama feted at D.C. ritual
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2011, 04:52:47 AM »
You know, I wonder if previous Dalai Lamas have ever relinquish their position as the temporal ruler of Tibet? I read a book by Glenn H Mullin a few years ago on the previous Dalai Lamas and do not recall any incarnation ever retire or relinquish their position. I mention this is because within the same book mentions a legend, that the Dalai Lama incarnations would come to an end. In fact, it was suppose to be 1 or 2 incarnations ago.

If the current Dalai Lama retires and we all know a Bodhisattva never retires, he must be making alternative plans already. He mentioned that perhaps the Dalai Lama institution is not necessary or that he would come back as a woman. Whatever it is, he seemed to be leaving his office with a big bang of spreading Dharma around the world and pushing/banning Dorje Shugden to unprecedented heights of popularity around the world. That seems to be his primary legacy when he leaves this life.

Yes it is truly amazing when we look at it as a whole - HHDL is surely leaving a huge legacy on the 2 points you mentioned
- Spreading Dharma Worlwide > Taking Vajrayana Buddhism in to great heights
- Spreading the Ban of DS > Making Dorje Shugden name known to the world

All this and the announcement of HH not returning as the Dalai Lama... This is definitely an amazing legacy from HH.

I do hope Tenzin Gyatso will return and if as a female teacher that would also be different and definitely will break all concepts, traditions and be yet another big thing the world would talk about again.... hehe


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Re: Dalai Lama feted at D.C. ritual
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2011, 05:18:12 PM »
It is shocked me while I heard that Dalai Lama will give up his political power after so many years. But I still believe a high Lama like Dalai Lama should be he know what he is doing and what he doing now or what decision he has make now should be bring huge benefit to all sentient being.

As a lay man, we do not have the wisdom understand why Dalai Lama doing like this, if you believe on him. That you should be believe that must be the reason behind. Even some people feel angry because Dalai Lama give up the power of politic in Tibet. They thought that he throw his responsibility away....don't you believe on that???

No matter how people feel, the fact is Dalai Lama has announced in public. So please show our sincerity and faith to Dalai Lama, because he also seem as a representative of Buddhism!!!     


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Re: Dalai Lama feted at D.C. ritual
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2011, 09:46:23 PM »
I think we can understand why the Dalai Lama is giving Kalachakra initiations while at the same time destroying the practice of Dorje Shugden.

An insider's view:


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Re: Dalai Lama feted at D.C. ritual
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2011, 02:00:02 PM »
@lineageholder Dude, if I was fake i'd hold on to more power and not give it up. And with power I do as I like to accumulate more wealth etc....
Was the Dalai Lama Giving up his power a momentarily slip up?  He has been called a fox before. Aren't foxes cunning ?


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Re: Dalai Lama feted at D.C. ritual
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2011, 08:01:07 PM »
I would think it is a skillful way to spread the teaching of Dorje Shugden. To me, it is really not easy for HH Dalai Lama to put himself out there for such huge criticism. I most likely not put my neck out for such thing. To me, it is out of compassion that He is doing this...