Author Topic: Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Dorje Shugden  (Read 8193 times)


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Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Dorje Shugden
« on: July 18, 2011, 04:34:00 PM »
WISDOM BUDDHA DORJE SHUGDEN is known as the Dharma Protector. He protects the teachings and lineage of the great Buddhist Master, Je Tsongkhapa, and protects our spiritual insights so they can grow into stable Dharma Jewels. If we rely on Buddha Dorje Shugden with faith, our wisdom & compassion will naturally grow and we will soon have the capacity to benefit all living beings without exception.

GEN KELSANG THEKCHEN is the Resident Teacher at KMCC and the NKT National Spiritual Director of Canada. He will grant the blessing empower- ment of Buddha Dorje Shugden and give teachings during the Celebration.

THE INTERNATIONAL TEMPLES PROJECT was established by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, with the vision to build a Kadampa Buddhist Temple in every major city in the world. Profits from the Celebration are used for the development of KMC’s and Temple projects throughout the world.

Rejoice many more people will be practising Dorje Shugden with empowerment soon!

diamond girl

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Re: Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Dorje Shugden
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2011, 08:04:31 AM »
WISDOM BUDDHA DORJE SHUGDEN is known as the Dharma Protector. He protects the teachings and lineage of the great Buddhist Master, Je Tsongkhapa, and protects our spiritual insights so they can grow into stable Dharma Jewels. If we rely on Buddha Dorje Shugden with faith, our wisdom & compassion will naturally grow and we will soon have the capacity to benefit all living beings without exception.

I want to share about the wisdom and compassion in us that grow when we believe with strong faith in the Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden. I manage a business and in the past business negotiations my style has been cut and dry without any thought if the other party has any to gain. This method was initially good but it does not last because people by nature are not loyal, at least with business dealings.

Eversince I began my Dorje Shugden practice I have felt the power of wisdom and compassion growing in me. I have on many occasions been in situation where I am at a lost how to break the deadlock in negotiations. I would stop and count to ten, and say the mantra of Dorje Shugden. It is amazing how swiftly I receive his wisdom help. I will find myself speaking to the other party in such a way that the deadlock is broken and I am able to move them to agree with me. And we actually end the negotiations in a win-win situation, and the business partnership has lasted many years of mutual benefit. The most amazing part of all this experience is that i feel that it is Dorje Shugden who is speaking for me...

Dorje Shugden is truly a Wisdom Buddha who is quick and very effective. I do not see why we should not believe in his practice!


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Re: Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Dorje Shugden
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2011, 12:46:44 PM »
Thanks diamond girl for your sharing! I think that is so true. Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden does come to aid whenever, even when I am stuck, can't seem to resolve a problem, all I have to do is actually just think of him and the blessings comes immediately and you suddenly have a solution!

He is quick and really swift and yes he does protect us in so many ways especially when our mind is weak and negative, somehow I believe DS helps gives me the light when in dark. This is something I expereiced many times. Especially when I think of giving up on something and think it is hopeless, then suddenly a voice will come to tell me not to and to do the opposite.

I think Dorje Shugden really is the protector during these degenerate times where all the Buddhas could not help tame our minds, here he manifest himself as protector but infact is Manjushri himself, shedding light to dispell our heavy ignorant and negative karma.On our part we must be consistent and do our prat, keep our vows and practice and most importantly our Guru samaya.

How fortunate we are to have this chance meet DS and the conditions to practice. I must never take it for granted! 

Big Uncle

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Re: Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Dorje Shugden
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2011, 04:44:22 PM »
Even without initiation, we are already experiencing so much blessings! Can you imagine what it would be like if we were to receive the empowerment or sogtae of Dorje Shugden? I have not received such a blessing yet but I heard that the ritual places our hand with Dorje Shugden's and to swear to take Dorje Shugden as our principle protector. That means Dorje Shugden will follow us and manifest his blessings, presence and protection until we achieve Bodhichitta or enlightenment.

How fortunate that the great Lamas are working very hard to preserve and safeguard Dorje Shugden's powerful lineage so it can be propagated in the world today. The Lamas are unable to openly do it but one day, Dorje Shugden will be openly propagated like any other Protector practices like Mahakala as prophesied by the previous Karmapa.


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Re: Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Dorje Shugden
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2011, 05:43:03 PM »
How fortunate we are to hear or even see Dorje Shugden in today's age!

Thanks to the ban really, now we had a chance to be introduced to the protector, study more and learned more.  I have replied on the Wisdom and Compassionate Buddha Dharma protector for a while now.  Me too had realized myself had becoming more compassionate over time, and oh, not to mention the countless time when I am blinded by ignorance and delusions.  How I manage to get through those difficult times and how many times I had just think about the compassionate face of Shugden and chanted his mantra led me where I am today.

I am eager to share Shugden practice to many.  Words can not express how thankful I am to my protector, the selfless, noble, comppasionate one.  I wish many will meet him very soon.


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Re: Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Dorje Shugden
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2011, 12:51:14 PM »
I am fortunate to meet Dorje Shugden and have the conditions to practice :) As the beginner Dorje Shugden prarticener like me, for this pass few month. I feel that the power of Dorje Shugden is always be with me. Because i realized my self had become more compassionate. When i have some diffcult time and i just think about my protector...i chanted the mantra than i feel better.... :) I will believe in his practice , study more and learned more....  Dorje Shugden is a truly wisdom Buddha :D


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Re: Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Dorje Shugden
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2011, 03:52:22 AM »
Yes, we are indeed very fortunate and much blessed.

Especially considering that Dorje Shugden itself is banned and yet we are still able to hear of him, get connected with him and be protected by HIM.

That is truly beautiful and amazing!

This is the true visible Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Dorje Buddha!


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Re: Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Dorje Shugden
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2011, 07:07:36 AM »
@Big UNcle
You have a good point the moment I started reciting the dorje shugden manttra my life started to change. One just felt like one's potential kind of opened up and one can take on more .
If Dorje Shugden practice is subdued or suppressed many people who have benefited will never have a chance to get the numerous benefit of propitiaiting dorje shugden.

Lets put in our efforts so that more beings can connect to dorje shugden.


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Re: Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Dorje Shugden
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2011, 06:06:34 AM »
All the replies and comments in here are very interesting.

I haven't heard many stories about how Dorje Shugden has helped others but after reading Diamond Girl's post, it is very inspiring.

I have heard that he is the Buddha of our time, as his help is quick and swift; the perfect antidote to alot of our problems faced these days. We always need help..and fast. And so, if that is the case, Dorje Shugden is perfect for you.

Relying on the divine sometimes, I understand, may cause some people to be slightly sceptical as the results cannot be picked up by any of our senses. But this forum provides a very good platform for people to share their experiences to increase one's faith.

For me, I was once stuck in a crossroad, deciding where I wanted to go with my life or what to do.I really had no clue, no idea what I wanted to do, I basically had no aim for myself. So I received advise to do Dorje Shugden's mantra whilst requesting him to help clear my mind so that I can think clearer. So I did, and the very next day, I knew what I had to do. Bear in mind that I didn't know what I wanted for the longest time, and after one night, I just had an instinct, which told and pointed me where I had to go in life.

Dorje Shugden really does manifest his help in many many ways, and again, I stress..that it comes quick and swift.

I would like to thank all the Lamas who have courageously maintained the practice and continue to spread Dorje Shugden in every way possible. In this current age, we are so fortunate to even hear of His name, let alone stumble upon a website so comprehensive that is dedicated to Dorje Shugden. Thank you!


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Re: Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Dorje Shugden
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2011, 04:17:13 PM »
.....How fortunate we are to have this chance meet DS and the conditions to practice. I must never take it for granted! 

Yes I agree with you. This feeling came to me very strong when i was distributing brochures printed from this website. Everything was prepared and ready for them, but they just does not want it even after a explanation of the benefit and how "easy" to recite his prayer. Maybe they are not ready, maybe I'm bad in talking, but there are people who came back and ask for more brochures to give to their friends. Previous life they must have been practicing or being planted the seed of Shugden in their mind stream that this life they will get connected. Hence we have to do more to make Shugden very popular.

It is no doubt very fortunate for us to have meet and received this practice.


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Re: Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Dorje Shugden
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2011, 07:24:48 PM »
.....How fortunate we are to have this chance meet DS and the conditions to practice. I must never take it for granted! 

Yes I agree with you. This feeling came to me very strong when i was distributing brochures printed from this website. Everything was prepared and ready for them, but they just does not want it even after a explanation of the benefit and how "easy" to recite his prayer. Maybe they are not ready, maybe I'm bad in talking, but there are people who came back and ask for more brochures to give to their friends.

It is very fortunate for us to have our Lama connected and we should always make offering, engage in any form of Dharma practices to create more merits for us to continue to practice the Dharma.


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Re: Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Dorje Shugden
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2011, 09:34:41 PM »
Thanks diamond girl for your sharing! I think that is so true. Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden does come to aid whenever, even when I am stuck, can't seem to resolve a problem, all I have to do is actually just think of him and the blessings comes immediately and you suddenly have a solution!

He is quick and really swift and yes he does protect us in so many ways especially when our mind is weak and negative, somehow I believe DS helps gives me the light when in dark. This is something I expereiced many times. Especially when I think of giving up on something and think it is hopeless, then suddenly a voice will come to tell me not to and to do the opposite.

I think Dorje Shugden really is the protector during these degenerate times where all the Buddhas could not help tame our minds, here he manifest himself as protector but infact is Manjushri himself, shedding light to dispell our heavy ignorant and negative karma.On our part we must be consistent and do our prat, keep our vows and practice and most importantly our Guru samaya.

How fortunate we are to have this chance meet DS and the conditions to practice. I must never take it for granted! 

I can totally relate to this your problem solving issue. After doing DS practice regularly now, I find my mind is sharper and less forgetful. I thought perhaps doing prayers helps to keep my mind focus. Only recently I found out that DS being Manjushri is what made DS such a powerful protector of this time. DS is not an ordinary protector who clears obstacles. He is a protector who clears obstacles of the selfish mind.


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Re: Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Dorje Shugden
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2011, 11:41:27 AM »
My Lama has made intense prayers to be able to spread Dorje Shugden to many, so that other can experience the benefits that you are all sharing here. What did he pray for?

- that everyone who comes across an image of Dorje Shugden, his mantra or even hears his name, will become a Dharma Teacher in the future

- that whomever receives an image of Dorje Shugden from him or his students, will be helped in this life, and will be connected to Manjushri in this and future lives. And in the time of Maitreya, to be able to be close to him.

If we have truly been helped, it would be good for us to do more to spread his practice to others. There can be nothing better to repay his kindness.