It's so sad
A few years ago, a greatly renowned physician took residence in my village.
On one hand, he was so immeasurably better than the ones who already practiced here.
On the other hand, he had very powerful political protectors.
For the benefit of all of us, the greatly renowned physician and his very powerful protectors
took steps to either chase away the other physicians or otherwise to ruin altogether their reputation.
Some of us, the villagers, being so ignorant, and solely for our benefit, they had no choice but to resort to all kinds of punishments to force upon us their powerful medicine.
It was really a hard time for most of us: you see, we never thought that segregating members of the community, depriving us of any kind of medicine or of any kind of food, separating the members of a same family, or even worse splitting the sangha was such a bright idea.
They told us not to worry: you can't understand now, you will understand as soon as you will be cured of your illnesses.
Well, after some years, for those of us who were able to stay alive, our health was really in bad shape.
And now an extraordinary event took place:
The greatly renowned physician who took residence in my village made the following public statement:
During all of those years that we had no choice but to take his medicine, he himself abstained of taking it...You see, he wished to keep a pure samaya whith the physician who empowered his own practice... and taking himself this medicine would have been very bad for his health.
So, first he himself stayed healthy, and above all he rejoices to have set such an admirable precedent for us to follow. Because, as he said himself, he kept such a pure practice that we should try our bestt to follow in his footsteps.
Sadly, he didn't give us any hint as to which medicine would now allow us to cure our fellow villagers, nor did he give us any hint as to how cure the dead ones, the split sangha or the husbands and wives who were separated.
Strangely, I didn't hear that the physician who empowered him was rejoicing at the thought of such extraordinary achievements, I must be deaf...