Someone posed this question to me and it stumped me for awhile. Of course we know that through the Buddha's teachings that we have inherent Buddha nature within us. It is just that we need to awaken ourselves through the process of purification, realisation and rediscovery of this inner self. However, does anybody know how do we explain or prove that we are inherent enlightened versus ignorant.
Food for thoughts, forum friends kindly correct me if I got things wrong:
1. BUDDHA NATURE AND KARMA (karma as a proof of that our inherent nature is Buddhahood)
Would karma even exist if we did not have Buddha nature at our core?
If I was hard-wired evil, would it make sense that I create negative karma even though I act according to my true "evil-nature"? It's not logical.
In fact, hard-wired evil is illogical to start with, for it opposes the reality of inter-dependence. As I hurt others, I hurt me, because of the inter-dependence between all beings. So it can only be that I hurt others out of ignorance of how I exist. I can only hurt others by thinking that it benefits me -ignorance again.
Thus, hard-wired evil -inherent evil nature- is an impossibility. It could not even come into being, there would be no supporting environment for it to exist.
Then, when I know that by hurting others I hurt me, then I don't hurt others anymore. Logical.
That is getting up a notch on the spiritual ladder.
So I ask this:
Isn't it more like because Buddha-nature is my essence, that I create karma (negative and positive)?
Hurting others, from the delusion of "my self"
gaining from hurting "others", creates negative karma.
I act in such ways out of ignorance of my true nature: buddhahood.
Yet being ignorant does not exonerate me from suffering the consequences of my actions against my true nature that I am blind to recognise.
Helping others, reaching out for others, applying efforts, exercising generosity, altruisme, compassion, letting go of everything that stand in the way of me benefiting others (my EGO, my attachments, my bias habits...) is in accordance with Buddha nature, to a point where the self as we understand it disappears, and there are only others.
Acting like that creates positive karma, because it works in accordance with our Buddha-nature.
But then, if karma exists because of our Buddha nature, can karma ever be extinguished?
Eventually, when it is not possible anymore for us to act in opposition with our Buddha nature, and that not even our virtuous acts are tainted by self delusions (reputation, "I am holy", ... egoistic good actions), and we gain enlightenment, that is ALL our actions are pure bodhicitta, then karma is not created anymore, because there is no more actions contradicting our true nature: buddhahood.
Thus karma exists, not because of our Buddha nature, but because -out of ignorance- we act in ways contradicting it.
2. THE NATURE OF "INHERENT-NESS"Something inherent is not something we get "rid off", that contradicts the term.
Thus: ignorance being, by definition, something that can be eliminated, it cannot be inherent.
However, Buddha nature is not something that we can get "rid off", it is what makes us exist (through the forces of karma) as sentient beings when we contradict it and what makes us disappear as sentient being when we are aligned with it (enlightened).
Thus we cannot be inherently ignorant, this is illogical.
Then at the opposite of the scale from ignorance, there can only be one thing: enlightenment, that is: buddhahood.