Author Topic: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.  (Read 18759 times)

Ven. Lozang Gyaltsan

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An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« on: August 28, 2011, 02:00:23 PM »
]My name is Lozang Gyaltsan. I am a Gelug monk and a devout Shugdenpa. I have the great fortune to have been invited to teach English to young monks at Serpom Monastery, Bylakuppe Tibetan Colony, Mysore District, Karnataka State, South India.

I am finally getting settled in here at Serpom Thoesam Norling Monastery in the Bylakuppe Tibetan Colony, Karnataka State, South India. I arrived here late in the evening on August 10th. In retrospect, it could not have been a more suitable arrival for a monk at a monastery. My luggage was lost and I arrived at the gates of Serpom with little more than the clothes on my back, not even a set of robes to wear. I cannot think of a more salient lesson in attachment, especially for a Buddhist monk. The impact of the lesson was immediate; with a wave of his hand my new friend Sopa said, “not to worry.” I did not and have not since that moment. I arrived safely, under the protection of Dharmapala Dorje Shugden, Protector of the precious and flawless Ganden lineage, the Protector of Serpom Monastery, and my Yidam and Protector for countless lifetimes.
After a surprisingly restful sleep, despite the jet-lag and , often, bone-jarring 5-hour ride from Bangalore to Bylakuppe, I was taken to the nearby town of Kushalnagar and fitted with a new set of monastic robes, the kind gift of the monastery. I was permitted the luxury of sleeping away most of the next two days to adjust to the 11 hour time-shift before being introduced to my three classes.
The administration at Serpom has undertaken to provide room, board, and medical during my stay. But much more than that, they have been kind, generous and helpful in wyas that can scarcely be recounted. They are patient in helping me improve the limited Tibetan I already know and in making sure that my adjustment to life in a monastery, as well as in India, is as easy and peaceful as possible.
This really is the adventure of a lifetime. I spent the first few days getting to know my students [very few of whose names I have committed to memory just yet – more than 60 Tibetan names to remember] teaching them some introductory English phrases from my Tibetan phrasebook and getting to use the Tibetan with which I am familiar. One of the first things I taught my students was the Refuge Prayer, “I take Refuge in the Lama. I take Refuge in the Buddha. I take Refuge in the Dharma. I take Refuge in the Sangha.” I am greeted each morning with a hearty “Good Morning, Sir !” followed closely by Refuge recited in full voice by the 20+ students in each of my classes.
The last few days have been very intense. It is the annual Rigchung Ceremonies. Please visit for an explanation of this centuries-old tradition that is exclusive to the Sera Monastic Colleges. With the ending of Rigchung Ceremonies, I begin an intensive and detailed introduction to English Grammar which will consume most the time remaining for this trip to Serpom which will end with my departure for home on December 3rd. It is my fervent wish that this will be the first of many stays at Serpom. I hope to serve these young monks well and to help Serpom Monastery establish an on-going program of providing a native English speaker to teach classes along with the monks who already teach here.
I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the kind gift of $800 from the Administrative Staff of to cover expenses while at Serpom and, if all goes well, my return trip here in 2012.
I will be posting here on this wonderful website and on my Facebook page about my experiences At Serpom and in South India.  Please feel free to add me as a friend on Facebook and join the Facebook Group: Friends of Venerable Lozang Gyaltsan.


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2011, 04:55:36 PM »
Dear Lozang Gyaltsan,

Thank you for sharing your experience at Serpom. It's wonderful that the monks at Serpom will get the opportunity to learn English so they can benefit people from many other countries who don't speak or understand Tibetan, like me!

I look forward to your next update!

Wishing you all the best at Serpom... and enjoy your "adventure of a lifetime"!

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2011, 09:21:44 AM »
Re the mosquites from your facebook post:

Dear Ven Lozang,

Please purchase a metal bed with metal frames (seperate cooling cocunut mattress that inserts into the bed perfectly. Mattress around 2 inches to 3 inches thick.) that can be removed during the day and assembled at night easily. Then they have special mosquitoe nets you throw over these metal frames in the nearby town. They are standard. Ready made at times.  The bed and nets are standard. We have sponsored many of these for the monks in the past. Very easy to get and not expensive. It will help you sleep at night. Please get a floor fan and keep it on rotating at night which is very important. That will help you also. If you wish you can have mosquito netting put up in your room windows, that would be a very good idea also. It doesn't require much carpentry. Will benefit the next person that uses your room and also you when you return to the room in the future. You will return to teach after December for sure. You wish very much to contribute to the growth of your lama's lineage we are sure. We will sponsor all these necessities. Just use the funds you have now and let us know how much it all cost. Do not worry. Again, we support you for serving the sangha and your lama. 

On another note, your video with the young monks at Serpom chanting Gangloma is exceptionally beautiful and inspiring.  We will post up please to share with the world the activities of sacred Serpom. It is wonderful to know the activities in Serpom. We hope it is ok with you. 

In the future, when you post other videos/information, we will post some of them if you do not mind, and share with the world. More exposure and more awareness created about this great institution is vitally important. Creating awareness with videos, write ups and information is very important for the survival of all these Monastic places of study. We thank you ahead of time.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 09:40:04 AM by Admin »


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2011, 10:04:09 AM »
See what the teachers of tomorrow do early in the morning in Serpom:

If many more could have this type of training.



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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2011, 05:50:07 AM »
What a rejoicing news Ven. Lozang Gyaltsan!

You are doing a great deed teaching English these young monks (future teachers and masters).
Thank you for sharing your experience and definitely looking forward to your updates, pictures and videos while you're in Serpom Monastery. 

Through your sharings many more will be inspired...


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2011, 11:45:19 PM »
Dear Ven Lozang Gyaltsen,

Your sharing of your first arrival in Serpom brought back a a fond memory that I have experienced some 10 years back when I first visited Gaden  Monastery in India. The monks are always so helpful, friendly and sincere. The friendliness and sincerity is very different from that I encounter in the world I live in.   The monks have very little basically but they are more than willing to share whatever  they have with a stranger like me. It was indeed an experience of my life time.

I rejoice in your great works in teaching the young monks English. May they all become great teachers to help spread the buddha dharma far and wide.

Looking forward to your updates on Serpom Monastery.

Tenzin K

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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2011, 06:41:42 AM »
Dear Lozang Gyaltsan,

I'm so rejoice for you to be able to teach in Serpom to benefit the young monks.

And I'm also glad that the Administrative Staff of has sponsored you to cover your expenses. What a joyful and meritorious work they have done.

This website administrative not only providing the platform to share and learn but also contribute in such way to benefit more future young grand master to be.
This is so great.

I truly respect what you all have done.


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2011, 03:41:52 PM »
Tenzin K, I have noticed that during the time i have been browsing this website, the admin of always puts his money where his mouth is and openly supports Shugden practitioners who wish to do Dharma work. This is in addition to their providing all this information on this website for interested Shugden practitioners (or wannabe practitioners!). It's great to see that Lozang Gyaltsen is appreciative of the sponsorship from also for his work at Serpom.

This is really working together to spread Dharma and Dorje Shugden's practice. Wonderful news to rejoice at!
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

Ven. Lozang Gyaltsan

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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2011, 05:05:58 PM »
Fellow Practitioners & followers of this website,

For many years before being offered the opportunity to come here to Serpom Monastery and teach, I was on the receiving end of the great kindness of many great masters of the lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. Some I had the great joy of meeting and taking teachings from only once or twice. I was able to spend longer times with others. They all gave endlessly and tirelessly, without hesitation. Their individual and collective generosity and kindness could never be fully repaid. I consider this experience to be an opportunity for me to, in some small way, repay their kindness. But most of all, the kindness of my Root-Lama Chodag Tulku Rinpoche, my Ordination Master Khyabje Dagom Rinpoche, and my kind and precious friend Geshe Thupten Lama of Dagom Choling in Minnesota. Without the constant attention and tireless effort of these three Lamas  in particular, I would be adrift in this world and bereft of the peace and contentment that graces each morning I awake. Now, to be blessed with the kindness and generosity of the marvelous monks here at Serpom who treat me wonderfully, seeing to my every need, like my unending fondness for buttered-tea, and my constant requests to find sacred texts and ritual items that are hard-to-find or very expensive in the West. And to be the recipient of the generosity and support of the Admins. of this marvelous website which, in the years following the passing of my Root-Lama and then my Ordination Master, sustained and nourished this isolated Shugdenpa, is nothing less than a validation of what our great Lineage Masters have repeated to us generation after generation. This is the fruit, the result, of dedicated and tireless practice of the precious Buddhadharma that has been so carefully and lovingly passed to us. You should see and understand my great fortune as just one example of the genuine benefit of adhering to this pure and flawless lineage. Keep your faith. Maintain your practice. Embrace your Lama's teaching. Keep your Lamas in your mind constantly. Repay their kindness as freely and tirelessly as they gave it. Think of it as the ultimate form of  "paying it forward" because that is exactly what is.

Your humble servant,

Lozang Gyaltsan.


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2011, 10:52:09 AM »
Dear Ven. Losang Gyeltsen
Your postings have so much for us to rejoice in. Thank you for your updates and giving us a glimpse into your life. The sponsors of your trip there are fortunate indeed to be able to sponsor such meritorious and wonderful work. Thank you for what you are doing for the monks of Serpom and helping the lineage of your exalted teachers such as Dagom Rinpoche to grow evermore.

It is inspiring for us to see what can be accomplished if we commit and dedicate ourselves to Dharma practice and work as you have. I love your story about losing your luggage. How many of us - in fact, probably the whole world - fears what will happen if they lose everything. But there is nothing to really lose, as you have shown us. We will still be okay, even if we have nothing in the world. In fact, it is a chance to grow more. I am happy for you being there with all the monks, teaching as well as learning. I'm sure your Tibetan will be great after this time in the monastery!

Please do keep us updated with what is happening there. We are like flies on a wall, waiting to hear more news from you - they are much appreciated.

PS: Perhaps your young students would also like to do some reading practice via the many articles this website!


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2011, 07:11:59 PM »
Dear Ven. Lozang Gyaltsan,

Thank you for sharing your inspiring teaching experience in Serpom Monastery.  I rejoice in your devotion and dedication to Dharma. 

Your effort in teaching the young monks English will make a huge difference in spreading the teachings of the Ganden Lineage and especially Dorje Shugden far and wide to benefit the whole world.   When these young monks graduate with the knowledge of English, they will be able to transmit Dharma to the English-speaking World who knows little of Tibetan Language.  This effort is very meritorious and highly commendable!

I totally agree with your sharing on the benefit of following this pure lineage of Tsongkhapa and the kindness of your lamas and all the people who has helped you along the spiritual path.  There is no other better way of repaying their kindnesses than to serve the Dharma and the Sangha like what you are doing now!

Please continue to share with us your spiritual experience at Serpom Monastery.  I look forward to hear from you again.


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2011, 05:42:19 PM »
Dear Venerable Lozang,
Thank you for taking the time to share what you are doing at Serpom monastery and connecting us to this illustrious monastery. Have you met Kyabjye Yongyal Rinpoche, there is so little information about him on the net would be great if you could share more about this great lama and other great masters coming from Serpom.

I think the world do need to who are the great lamas who is taking the Gelug tradition into the 21st century.



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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2011, 04:22:04 PM »
Dear Ven. Lozang Gyaltsan

I rejoice very much to read about your spiritual journey, your devotion to your lama, yidam and protector and your first experience of arriving and settling into the monastery :) I hope you have settled in well and have the bedding, netting and any other necessities put in place.

Looking forward to your sharing of the work and life in serpom.

wishing you well always


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2011, 04:06:15 AM »
Gen-la, you write beautifully and with such love for your path and Protector... please continue!

And administrators, thanks once again for more concrete results in spreading the Protectors practice... I posted in another thread that what Gen-la is doing is helping the next generation of teachers bring the Dharma even further. You lot put your money where your mouth is!

PS: Perhaps your young students would also like to do some reading practice via the many articles this website!

Or perhaps Gen-la will be able to post teachings and comments from the lamas and monks themselves! ;) thatd be fantastic, Im sure the monks there have a lot of knowledge to share.


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2011, 04:25:32 AM »
Ven Lozang Gyaltsen,

It is with much interest that I have been reading your posts on this forum, and occasionally on Facebook. I am touched and humbled by your writings, and your intense desire to help the young monks at Serpom. I have never been there, only to Shar Gaden, but I believe it is much the same. The most inspiring thing about these two monasteries, is that they will be preserving the lineage for future generations. And I have much respect for the sangha who choose to be in these monasteries, enduring the disdain and dislike from the Tibetan community at large, remaining true to their Gurus.

Ven Lozang, may I request that you continue to update this thread on the forum with much more news, pictures, videos etc of your stay in Serpom. It will inspire many. You are not the first to teach English at Serpom and Shar Gaden but you are ONE OF THE FIRST. I hope, through this, many others on this forum will also gather their courage to serve the Sangha as you have.

I look forward to reading more beautiful writings from you.