Author Topic: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.  (Read 18764 times)


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2011, 11:56:11 AM »
I saw the video of the young monks chanting. It's refreshing to see videos like this. So glad you are internet savvy to post up videos and photos which we don't usually see daily. How rare ... so thank you.

In your previous life, you must have made an aspiration to bring dharma to others and English is your tool to do so. The time has come where Tibetan Buddhism will spread far and wide throughout the world. It would be much easier with english-speaking teachers as english is after the international language. Buddhism is going international.

I am so happy to come across this website/forum and find such news as this. People behind this website who sponsored you are extremely generous and kind.

Ven. Lozang Gyaltsan

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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2011, 01:18:41 PM »
The past 2 weeks here at Serpom have been quite busy.  From 31 Aug. until 4 Sept. the Mid-Term Oral Exams were administered. At the beginning of each school year, the monks are assigned texts to be memorized. The elementary-age boys to whom I teach English are given shorter texts to memorize than the older students and get a one-day respite from the regular schedule to take their exams. Each one lasts about 30-60 minutes. The older monks are given much longer texts for memorization, usually 200-300 pages. The exams are, quite naturally, much longer lasting from 2-6 hours and taking a total of4 -5 days to complete. As the exams begin every morning and afternoon, each monk sits patiently waiting his turn. After prostrating to the master, he sits and must begin reciting the text assigned.  I was very fortunate to witness this event. It has given me a much deeper insight into the rigorous nature of the monastic curriculum of Serpom Monastic College. The annual Rig-Chung Exams just recently completed are the culmination of three years of concentrated study for the monks who are nearing the end of 20 years of monastic training and are required of those who wish to take the Geshe Exams. These Mid-Term Orals occur annually and are required of every student.
The curriculum of the monastic schools of Tibetan Buddhism is rigorous and demanding. By their standards, the curriculum of most other schools systems, certainly those in the U.S. where I taught, fall seriously short. Students in the U.S. attend a school-day lasting about 6 hours of which, perhaps, they might receive 4 hours of actual instruction time, if they are lucky. Then it’s off to home to plant themselves in front of one media device or another, “diverting” themselves with some mindless video game, equally mindless social network, or spending hours with a cellphone or ipod glued to their ears. And then will spend more time complaining and whining about the dismally small amount of homework they have been assigned, usually encouraged by the commiserate whining of their parents about the unreasonable expectations that teachers have of their offspring.  Many of those who do manage to graduate from high school are, perhaps, qualified to push burgers and fries through a tiny drive-through window or wield a rag at the local car wash. Only those who really excelled and constantly pushed themselves to succeed in a particular field of study have any chance of gaining entrance to college or pursuing a meaningful career.
Meanwhile, the students at Serpom Monastic School, who have been in classes since 9 AM [with a 2 hour break for lunch] are only beginning their day when the 3 o’clock dismissal bell rings. They have a two-hour break until dinner time in which to work on assignments for the next round of daytime classes or to find time for some physical activity. After dinner, there are classes from approximately 6-8 PM and then 9-11 PM. Only then are they done with their school-day and return to their quarters to complete any unfinished assignments and retire for the night. They will then rise at 5:45 AM when the gong sounds calling them to morning puja at 6 AM. This is the schedule these monks faced each day as they prepared for the Mid-Terms Orals just completed.

The photos are from the Mid-Term Oral Exams which the administrator kindly allowed me to take and post.

As Always,

The devout Shugdenpa Lozang Gyaltsan


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #17 on: September 23, 2011, 09:36:04 AM »
Dear Ven.Lozang Gyaltsan:

What a wonderful post! 

Thankyou for letting me into your world.  It is nice to see how is life in monastery and how are the future young dharma teachers doing.  With your effort, it will make a huge difference!  So many will be able to converse and teach in English.  Dharma will spread wide and far with your action.  I totally rejoice!

To see your posting and updates on this forum bring us hope and please continue to do so.

Thankyou very much for your wonderful post and updates.


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2011, 01:41:58 PM »
@ven lozang thank you for sharing news with us on this forum good to know the Gelug lineage is being preserved by hard working monks.

I was having a thought that some of the young monks especially the tulkus, they have to do so much even when they are so young. Seems almost brutal to subject them to so much rigorous training. But then you think about how samsara is even more brutal it is relentless and no escape form it if we go deeper into it. At least if the younger monks train initially or during their younger days, it gives them hope not to be sucked into samsara. And some of the young monks because they went through proper training they benefit many people tremendously.


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2011, 07:35:48 PM »
@venLozang... good analogy, I agree with the view of western education in todays time. Very funny, study for 4hrs if that then, go home to glue yourself to the media of your choice.

How do the instructors(esp.) get to test soo many monks in such a short time? Especially since it is an oral examination.

Ven. Lozang Gyaltsan

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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2011, 04:29:52 PM »
When the more rigorous tests are being given, regular classes are canceled. I got a look at the written exams for the primary school this year and they are demanding. They are in five subject areas, one of them English { focusing largely on sentence structure and syntax. They are no cake-walk. The exams last two hours each and are much harder than the ones I give. I'm concentrating exclusively on an in-depth Parts of Speech regimen. Tomorrow, they have their final exam of the semester in my classes. It's an "Identify all the different kinds of nouns and pronouns"  matching-columns test. I am not the only English teacher here, though the only native English speaker. The school administration here at Serpom wants them exposed to native speakers as much as possible. While the curriculum is demanding and the school year longer, it is that to which they are accustomed. For them it is just regular school.The monastic education, at least in Tibetan monasteries is thorough and well-designed. We are not just trying to get them through primary and secondary school curriculi. The intent is for them to continue until they are prepared to take the Geshe Exams sometime in their late twenties or early thirties. The debate classes for the younger monks requires them to explain, debate, and develop on-the-spot defenses of topics like "why is the color white "white" and the color black "black". These young monks will the Geshes and Rinpoches who continue the unbroken, profound lineage of the Buddha and the comprehensive education that has long been the hallmark of Tibetan Buddhism.


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #21 on: September 25, 2011, 05:42:10 AM »
Dear Gen-la, thank you for the insight into the monastic system. It sounds far more disciplined than anything a Western education system could deliver. Its no wonder when Tibetan monks go on tour and the like, they never lose themselves and their traditions. And no wonder then that with so much discipline and training from young, they remain sharp as a tack even when their older. Fantastic to see Lama Tsongkapas lineage is being preserved so well.

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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2011, 06:42:28 AM »
When the more rigorous tests are being given, regular classes are canceled. I got a look at the written exams for the primary school this year and they are demanding. They are in five subject areas, one of them English { focusing largely on sentence structure and syntax. They are no cake-walk. The exams last two hours each and are much harder than the ones I give. I'm concentrating exclusively on an in-depth Parts of Speech regimen. Tomorrow, they have their final exam of the semester in my classes. It's an "Identify all the different kinds of nouns and pronouns"  matching-columns test. I am not the only English teacher here, though the only native English speaker. The school administration here at Serpom wants them exposed to native speakers as much as possible. While the curriculum is demanding and the school year longer, it is that to which they are accustomed. For them it is just regular school.The monastic education, at least in Tibetan monasteries is thorough and well-designed. We are not just trying to get them through primary and secondary school curriculi. The intent is for them to continue until they are prepared to take the Geshe Exams sometime in their late twenties or early thirties. The debate classes for the younger monks requires them to explain, debate, and develop on-the-spot defenses of topics like "why is the color white "white" and the color black "black". These young monks will the Geshes and Rinpoches who continue the unbroken, profound lineage of the Buddha and the comprehensive education that has long been the hallmark of Tibetan Buddhism.

Wow! Thank you Ven Lozang Gyaltsan for that wonderful insight into monastic way of life. Some people think monastic life is a great escape. It is not an escape but a liberating way of life. I can't imagine immersing my whole life towards studying Buddha's teachings and applying it directly. How wonderful and fortunate! It is just so hard to find time to read a few Dharma books already. A lay life is filled with innumerable distractions that never ends.


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2011, 10:58:23 AM »
Dear Lozang Gyalsen
I appreciate your sharing very much. It sure does give us, the westerners an insight into what Tibetan Buddhism is all about, especially the discipline that is required.

I may be generalizing it but, we are brought up to "think" and make life to be what we could "think up". It is great but can be a disadvantage as well.

Buddhism encourages us to think and ask questions but students are actually taught how to even question and debate out the teachings which are being presented.  it is said that it's harder to debate with non-believers.

much appreciation

Ven. Lozang Gyaltsan

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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #24 on: November 23, 2011, 07:49:38 AM »
My time teaching English at Serpom Monastery is drawing to a close. I have only a few days left. My time here has been far too short and has passed much too quickly. I have only been able to complete the English Grammar syllabus I designed through the sections on Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, and Adjectives, leaving Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions and Interjections for the teacher who follows me here. This has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It was my first trip to India and, health permitting; it will not be my last. I have learned a great deal about the daily life of a monk that I did not know and even more about the inner workings of a Tibetan monastery.
The monastic education program at Serpom Monastery is thorough and rigorous. It covers a broad subject area. You can get an overview of the program on the website .  This monastery operates under pressures that most others do not. There are still attempts to disrupt the activities here and to create hindrances from the neighboring monasteries because Serpom refuses to disavow Dorje Shugden practice. The other two Sera monasteries and local supporters of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama here in Bylakuppe are not happy that the Indian government would not let them also drive the monks expelled from Sera Mey out of the Tibetan Colony of Bylakuppe completely. To the contrary, Pomra House, by far the largest of the Sera Mey Khangtsen, retained the ownership of all its property and the Indian government provided them with even more adjacent property on which to build the new prayer hall of Serpom. This wonderful place deserves your support both spiritual and financial. I strongly encourage you to help them. They continue to provide a free monastic education to all who come here.  You may contact them through their website. I would like to once again express my deep gratitude to the kind administrators of for their generous and kind contribution to finance my stay here, as well as the admins. and members of Dharma Bridge Foundation!/groups/dharmabridge/ {please support their projects} and the members of Friends of Venerable Lozang Gyaltsan!/groups/Lozang.Gyaltsan/ for their contributions as well.  This group will begin soliciting funds to support my next trip to India in the near future. I will continue to post to this website in postings called Personal Observations of An American Shugdenpa.  Thank you all, Ven. Lozang Gyaltsan

Ven. Lozang Gyaltsan

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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2011, 07:51:25 AM »
There is a typo... the website for Serpom is

Losang Tenpa

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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2011, 08:16:43 AM »
The Dharma Bridge will be sponsoring an English teacher to travel to Serpom in January in order to teach English.   Two other friends have expressed interest in teaching there as well.



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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2011, 12:05:10 PM »
Thank you Ven Lozang Gyaltsan for your insight into life at Serpom Monastery and all the words and actions that come with it.

So Serpom Monastery pushes themselves to excel this is the reason I could come up for them to apply so much pressure on themselves.

Just a thought Losang Tenpa given that China's ascendancy is ever present and many top professional Westerners have been going into China in droves and they take local packages too, this then is the indication of China being the next superpower that will be maturing soon. So won't studying Chinese be a step in the right direction as well given the influence China will wield in the coming years. Just a thought.


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #28 on: November 23, 2011, 12:07:34 PM »
Studying Chinese is ot a bad idea. I have heard that Gaden Shartse offers classes in Chinese. 


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Re: An American Shugdenpa teaches English at Serpom Monastery.
« Reply #29 on: November 23, 2011, 12:08:30 PM »
Studying Chinese is not a bad idea. I have heard that Gaden Shartse offers classes in Chinese.

Studying Chinese is not a bad idea. I have heard that Gaden Shartse offers classes in Chinese.