Author Topic: Are you a coward if you go underground?  (Read 21057 times)


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Are you a coward if you go underground?
« on: September 01, 2011, 09:54:09 PM »
These days majority or rather a great number of Shugden people have gone underground. It is easier on two fronts. On the spiritual front they don't have to 'defy' the guru they have taken spiritual practices/commitments from yet tell them to give up Shugden. On the other hand they have also taken teachings from gurus that openly practice Shugden and encourage their Shugden practice. So caught in between. Being caught in between has happened to many practitioners who are unfairly and unethically forced to choose a side or a guru.

On a secular level, for the time being, the voice of HHDL is strong and powerful. Since he says don't practice or don't attend his teachings, many who do not attend his teachings are considered traitors, bad practitioners with broken samaya or committed treason of some sort. Tibetans and Tibetan centres speak loudly against these people who do not pose photographs with HHDL or attend his teachings. These centres contrary to Buddha's teachings loudly discourage others from attending centres/lamas they suspect doing Shugden or openly practicing Shugden. That is very sad.  So it's easier to just go underground. Many Gelug lamas have no choice but to practice in secret, keeping their Shugden items under lock and key. It is sad when politics get mixed up with something as sacred as Buddha's teachings.

Going underground does not mean you don't have courage. It just means you are balancing a spiritual juggling act of not offending your teachers from both camps of pro- and anti-Shugden. It is easier to just come out and say I PRACTICE SHUGDEN. After all, you take care of yourself and must stick up for your beliefs. You feed yourself and your detractors don't feed you, so why should you worry what they think or say. Whether they like you or not, what does it really matter. Easy to think and wish it that way, but sometimes life is not so simple although it should be.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2011, 03:14:53 AM »
Dear Tk,

You have perhaps spoken the minds of innumerable Dorje Shugden practitioners and Lamas who have silently gone underground with their beliefs. I don't think it is a cowardly act, I think they don't really have a choice especially if they are Tibetan and are caught in between Lamas of both sides and the hegemony of the CTA. I belief there are much more Dorje Shugden practitioners within the Tibetan populace than we have anticipated.

These people don't live in the West where oppression and discrimination based upon religious beliefs is outlawed. Hence, we find the strongest voice for Dorje Shugden outside of Tibet. However, most westerners or outsiders don't know what it is like to live with such a fragile political situation within Tibetan Society. However, the strongest devotion to samaya and Lama is found within Tibetan monastic tradition with the formation of the Serpom and Shar Gaden monasteries. They didn't form the monasteries in protest or to 'come out'. They did it because they want to safeguard this sacred tradition of Kyabje Pabongka and Trijang Dorje Chang.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2011, 08:36:27 AM »
I totally agree with TK that Shugden practitioners who go underground are not cowards. Besides the reasons given, I think it is also out of compassion that Shugden practitioners do their practice secretly. In this way, ordinary beings (who see this sign of defiance of the Dalai Lama as spiritually negative and then go all out to vilify those who practice Dorje Shugden openly) are not provoked into committing gross and violent acts against Shugden practitioners, out of deluded minds.

At the same time, the high Lamas and great Masters who have set up Shugden monasteries like Serpom and Shar Gaden are to be lauded for setting up these monasteries to preserve the great treasure of Gelugpa lineage teachings and practices, so reverently collected together by Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche and passed to Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and other root disciples, who brought all intact out of Tibet into India. These monasteries are now the bastions for preserving all these teachings and practices intact, including the sacred Dorje Shugden practice.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2011, 04:16:57 PM »
I am sure it's very difficult for Shugden practitioners to decide whether to be public with their practice or not. Unlike westerners like me, where nobody gives a toss really what i'm practising in my little flat, for the monks and the great masters, it must really be like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Even the supreme head of the Gaden lineage, HH Gaden Trisur Khensur Lungrik Namgyel only publicly 'came out' after his term of office ended. And during his term of office, he had to tow the Dalai Lama's party line. In 2003, the 101st Ganden Tripa said, "I did not do the practice of this protector." Does that mean he is a coward? Definitely not. I think that every single one of us do not have the right to judge the decision of someone to be public in their practice or not. What if they are advised by their Gurus to keep their practice secret?

Let's not judge one another when we have no idea of what the real states of affairs are.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2011, 05:37:45 PM »
I do not think going underground is being a coward.  It's more of exercising wisdom to practice Dorje Shugden with minimum havoc especially for those practitioners living withing the Tibetan community in exile in India.  They are being torn between loyalty to their guru and the practice given to them and to Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government.

It is not a simple thing to go against the Tibetan government to practice DS.  The consequences can be severe.  They and their families will be ostracized, their livelihood and even their lives will be threatened.  What is the point of inviting such problems?  Since they placed great importance on their Guru samaya and they need to be sufficiently free of trouble from the authorities to practice, it is only common sense and wisdom to go underground until such a time conditions are conducive for them to come out of the closet and practise freely.



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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2011, 03:22:51 AM »
To be honest, I used to think that DS practitioners gone underground are cowards.

Isn't one of our refuge vows that NOT to give up our refuge even at the cost of our life? How can one hide the practice that helps clear our spiritual path?

However, after meeting my Lama did open up my  previously narrow and fixed way of thinking. I learnt to see both sides of the coin, learnt to see the difficulties that others face and appreciate their courage even more.

The uphill battles and inner frustrations of these underground practitioners experience  make me respect them more!


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2011, 10:39:03 PM »
Isn't one of our refuge vows that NOT to give up our refuge even at the cost of our life? How can one hide the practice that helps clear our spiritual path?

Hey, hiding your practice and going underground is NOT giving up your refuge. Giving up your refuge is saying "I promise not to practise Dorje Shugden anymore" and actually MEANING it.

Going underground but still keeping Dorje Shugden close to your heart means youre still keeping your refuge.

If I recall correctly, there are a few ways of keeping your lama close to you. You can be physically close to your lama but spiritually distant. Being physically close but not following in their practices or their training means youre spiritual distant. You can be thousands of miles away or your lama could not be around but if you remain committed to their practice and do it (whether covertly or not), then youre still close to them spiritually... meaning youre still keeping your refuge.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2011, 11:14:20 PM »
I think at this time knowing the prophecy made by Trijang Rinpoche on Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden is currently at odds it would be easier to go underground. A lama must have had teacher and if their teacher had 'appeared' to have given up the practise then the student should follow up.

If the student does not toe the line then, he or she puts his teachers in a precarious situation. And the teacher will have to do a lot of explanation if his student is found out to be a Dorje Shugden practitioner. So to keep one's promise to one's guru who gave them the protector practise in the first place it is probably better to go underground. Going underground is not harming anyone so it is perfectly acceptable. 


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2011, 11:31:21 PM »
I think at this time knowing the prophecy made by Trijang Rinpoche on Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden is currently at odds it would be easier to go underground. A lama must have had teacher and if their teacher had 'appeared' to have given up the practise then the student should follow up.

DharmaSpace, I think your use of 'easier' needs to be clarified that its not an 'easier' thats selfish but an 'easier' thats kinder for everyone.

And I dont think its necessarily 'easy' to remain underground when all you want to do is practise openly and undisturbed. I can imagine how itd be stressful to keep hiding all the time because with something so great, why wouldnt you want to share it with the world? And when you cant because you dont know what repercussions there may be to exposing yourself...youre caught between a rock and a hard place.

Repercussions like what students and sponsors youll lose...of course the lamas dont care in the sense its never about money with them, but losing support will mean the Dharma spreads more slowly, and out of their compassion they cant let that happen. So they have to do all they can (including going underground) to keep their students minds stable and happy, so their students can continue to do dharma work and create the merit to one day have right view about the Protector practice. And going underground also means THEIR teachers are not put in a precarious position because remember, our teachers still have their teachers, and their teachers may be facing pressure to ensure their students swear in or give up the practice.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2011, 11:54:17 PM »
I used to be so disturbed with how unfairly DS lamas are being treated in the past but I've gotten over it as I understand the bigger picture. Many thanks to this website which has cleared my view.

To me, going underground  with DS is not being a coward. Definitely NOT. Giving UP the practice which was given by your guru is a COWARD.

Serkong Tritul Rinpoche and his organisation used to be open about their devotion to DS but in the recent years they have gone underground with the practice. Why? Cause they had problems with the sponsors. BUT their results in the recent years has also been very magnificent ie the  new DS monastery in Taiwan, Nepal and I heard they are thinking about building a monastery now in Lumbini. THEREFORE, they are not a coward at all.....DS is still spreading.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2011, 12:28:12 AM »
It is like when you believe in something but the whole world turn their backs against you.  But deep inside you clearly know this will be good for you.  So do you keep shouting and wanting to listen you when they are not or just like the 8 verses of mind transformation - offering the victory to them?

Yes.  This is just what the Shugden practitioners are doing... this is a clear display of pure guru devotion.  Not making noise is also because of respecting HHDL and of course ultimately understanding the bigger picture.  Coward?  Nay, I don't think so.  Coward are those who create a lot of problems and schism among the Buddhist community and went silent when they are proven wrong.  Only time will tell.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2011, 08:46:39 AM »
Coward?  Nay, I don't think so.  Coward are those who create a lot of problems and schism among the Buddhist community and went silent when they are proven wrong.  Only time will tell.

I agree with you. People who do Dorje Shugden practice quietly/secretly does not mean they are cowards. Sorry to say, I lost respect to  those who give up their practice given by their Lama because of the pressure given by TGIE and society who does not know much about Dorje Shugden, they did it just want to have a so call "better" life, it is short term and they do not see the bigger picture beyond the controversial.

It really make me feel sad and these days people are so easy to give up. Whether the ban is lifted or not, i will not give up this mighty Protector.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2011, 10:36:05 AM »
If you kowtow to the ban and give up on Dorje Shugden because you dont have the b**** to face trouble from the Tibetan Government or the Tibetan community, that's a coward.

If you stick to your guns and publicly announce your allegiance to Dorje Shugden, that's NOT a coward.

So what if you go underground with your practice? Which camp to you fall in?

Methinks that it all depends on your motivation. If you love Dorje Shugden, and you are 110% devoted to him, but you have good reason to go underground, then you are NOT a coward. Motivation begins and ends all things after all! You may wonder what could possibly be good enough reason to not be considered a coward? Here are a few:

If you come out, and this causes the spread of BuddhaDharma in your area to be affected because the community shuns you  - then you are NOT a coward if you go underground.

If you come out, and this affects the credibility of your gurus who are in the monastery and not practising, and the Tibetan Govt starts to pressure them because of you, then you are NOT a coward if you go underground.

If you come out, and this affects your monastery because you will be kicked out and can no longer support them eg with fundraising, then you are NOT a coward if you go underground.

nuff said?


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2011, 10:52:28 AM »
The coward is the one sitting behind the self imposed rules and regulations of a perceived ban. They are the true cowards. Sitting there believing they are not creating any negative karma by  causing so much suffering for practitioners, and teachers alike.

Causing students to turn their backs on their teachers, causing Sangha to be split apart.

This is the real cowardice. As a practitioner don't be disheartened. Keep your relationship with our protector close as it was always meant to be and just ride out the lows until the next high.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2011, 09:23:45 PM »
No, I don't think it's a cowardly act at all.

1. I think it's perfectly normal to want to stay underground and not want to announce one's practices as it's a personal affair since in this case the choice made is to keep and maintain peace
2. When we receive tantric practices, we don't go around announcing it either. Can look at it the same manner.
3. I think it's an act of bravery and loyalty to want to protect one's gurus while having respect of HHDL

Just my thoughts  ;D