Author Topic: Are you a coward if you go underground?  (Read 21055 times)


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2012, 04:18:32 PM »
These days majority or rather a great number of Shugden people have gone underground. It is easier on two fronts. On the spiritual front they don't have to 'defy' the guru they have taken spiritual practices/commitments from yet tell them to give up Shugden. On the other hand they have also taken teachings from gurus that openly practice Shugden and encourage their Shugden practice. So caught in between. Being caught in between has happened to many practitioners who are unfairly and unethically forced to choose a side or a guru.
You know that is one of the most horrible thing that a person can be subjected to. It would be like being forced at gunpoint to denounce your parents in front of them. Just because HHDL was put in that situation with Reting Rinpoche, why would anyone else should be subjected to the same thing? Or perhaps, it could be, that it is their karma to experience this due to what happened with Reting Rinpoche, so we have to bear it silently?

On a secular level, for the time being, the voice of HHDL is strong and powerful. Since he says don't practice or don't attend his teachings, many who do not attend his teachings are considered traitors, bad practitioners with broken samaya or committed treason of some sort. Tibetans and Tibetan centres speak loudly against these people who do not pose photographs with HHDL or attend his teachings. These centres contrary to Buddha's teachings loudly discourage others from attending centres/lamas they suspect doing Shugden or openly practicing Shugden. That is very sad.  So it's easier to just go underground. Many Gelug lamas have no choice but to practice in secret, keeping their Shugden items under lock and key. It is sad when politics get mixed up with something as sacred as Buddha's teachings.
I find it very sad indeed as it causes so much unnecessary problems and complications to arise from this. It is so unnecessary for the ban to appear, yet it did. But what is more unnecessary is how the Tibetans are still so political despite having the Dalai Lama with them for 350 years. When will they start practicing Dharma?

Going underground does not mean you don't have courage. It just means you are balancing a spiritual juggling act of not offending your teachers from both camps of pro- and anti-Shugden. It is easier to just come out and say I PRACTICE SHUGDEN. After all, you take care of yourself and must stick up for your beliefs. You feed yourself and your detractors don't feed you, so why should you worry what they think or say. Whether they like you or not, what does it really matter. Easy to think and wish it that way, but sometimes life is not so simple although it should be.
It is of course, easier to be open about Dorje Shugden if we did not have any responsibilities and commitments to people that depend on us for spiritual nourishment, or if we dont give two hoots about their minds and how confused the may be when they find out about this issue (eventually). So to me, going underground is more compassionate as we do think about protecting their minds.

your post really echoed my thoughts on this issue as I am underground too with my practice. Why be open and disturb the minds of others unnecessarily? I prefer to go underground and do my practice quietly without confusing my friends and family, thank you.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2012, 02:33:54 AM »
Dear TK,

I don't think going underground is a coward act at all. Firstly is for those how have their commitments to gurus on both camps, one is asking you to keep your practice of the protector, while the other is telling you to give up. How are you going to choose? It's unfair to do that. So I think going underground is the best way without disrespect to any of the gurus.

Secondly, there are many people who are new to Tibetan Buddhism, or Buddhism in general, and there are many people with unstable mind. Going underground while still spreading Buddha's teachings to them out of compassion and having them firmly grounded with the practice their lama has assigned to them, keeps them from running around with an unstable mind or confusion is not a coward act, but done out of pure love and compassion. And this also minimize the chance of them being disrespectful to other lamas, centre or lineage.

Thank you for your post.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2012, 03:55:27 AM »
Doing the practice quietly and not in the public's eyes is similar to not showing off one's ritual practice and telling the whole world of one's yidam.

Doing the practice quietly means one wants to pursue and gain attainments to fuel one's journey on the path of enlightenment.

Doing the practice quietly shows one only has dharma motivation in mind, not politics.

Doing the practice quietly is heeding and practicing guru devotion.

Doing the practice quietly removes violence instead of going to the streets and stomp on statues, burn flags, incite hatred and creating loss to properties and lives. Some even own lives.

Doing the practice quietly is HEROIC, not cowardly.

The End will justify the Means.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2012, 08:23:54 AM »
Thanks samayakeeper! you have very strong points there that I personally find it a very compelling list of arguments that support the notion of going underground with Dorje Shugden and I personally find them very logical:

Doing the practice quietly and not in the public's eyes is similar to not showing off one's ritual practice and telling the whole world of one's yidam.
In this aspect, one must ask: what is the use and purpose of doing it publicly and announcing to the whole world about the protector practice? Is there an absolute need for people to tell the whole world what are they doing? If there isnt, then why the need to announce and make it public in the first place?

Doing the practice quietly means one wants to pursue and gain attainments to fuel one's journey on the path of enlightenment.
Why is it that the tantras keep harping on the point again and again for us to not show off our attainments? Surely, there must be a reason. If Dorje Shugden is a tantric practice by itself, why do we show off?

Doing the practice quietly shows one only has dharma motivation in mind, not politics.

Doing the practice quietly is heeding and practicing guru devotion.
Isnt that what Trijang Rinpoche asked us to do in Music Delighting the ocean of protectors?

Doing the practice quietly removes violence instead of going to the streets and stomp on statues, burn flags, incite hatred and creating loss to properties and lives. Some even own lives.
Logically, how can something that is supposed to bring peace be represented with violence?
Doing the practice quietly is HEROIC, not cowardly.
It is more difficult to do the practice quietly because you dont have the whole world supporting you, but we dont do it for support, right?
The End will justify the Means.

Personally, I find these points very strong and very sharp and tart with regards to this 'issue' that is not even supposed to be one in the first place. I personally feel that Dharma practices should always remain private for the reasons stated here and this post really echoes my thoughts.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2012, 09:37:07 AM »
We all have our own way of keeping our practice going. We all face different obstacles. Some face more obstacles than others, that is obvious. No one should judge how another is practicing, if the practice either in secret or openly. The bottom line is keeping samaya clean.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2012, 09:58:23 AM »
I believe that it is always easier said than done. There are many Shugden practitioners out there who are suffering for practicing it openly. I may not be in the position to say whether they are cowards or not but I must say, I will openly practice Shugden if I am in their shoes. Like what TK said, they don't pay nor feed me so I don't have to play their games. For eg. it has nothing to do with other people but my Guru. There is no one out there I treasure more than my Guru for He is the one who will save me and give me the most precious, Dharma. If my Guru can practice and go all the way with Dorje Shugden, why should I be scared? For my Guru and my Protector are one!

Politics really have their ways... Sigh! And I do not believe that they are cowards...


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2012, 10:23:41 AM »
Well seeing as at the NKT we don't have any connection with the Dalai lama Geshe kelsang was able to set the agenda as he liked. Loosing political backing from the Dalai lama is a small thing compared to loosing samaya and the ability to attain accomplishments from said bond.

Are you a coward if you go underground ? No.

If you denounce your Root Guru's in the process of trying to make your self look good in front of the DL and his assembly...You are beyond despicable.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2012, 02:02:45 PM »
We all have our own way of keeping our practice going. We all face different obstacles. Some face more obstacles than others, that is obvious. No one should judge how another is practicing, if the practice either in secret or openly. The bottom line is keeping samaya clean.

Everyone has their own ways of doing Dorje Shugden's practice and nobody can say that which method is right or wrong. Each Guru has his own methods of propagating the protector and the end results will still be the same: that people benefit from protector practice. If we criticize one method of practice, it would be the same as criticizing all the Buddhas and also our own Guru because how do we know which method is wrong or correct? Why spend so much time judging and finding out instead of putting things into practice? irregardless of whether or not the practice is done openly or covertly, the practice is still being done and both methods are correct but criticizing those who go underground for whatever reason isnt exact a nice thing to do or say because each teacher would have their own methods of planting seeds and mode of practice. It is good that we all understand each other as Dorje Shugden practitioners, and that is our common ground to be united.

I am really happy to see everyone here in a united voice, because this is what this forum is for: to unite all Dorje Shugden practitioners and to support each other during these times.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #23 on: September 09, 2012, 03:43:58 PM »
I do not agree that if you go underground, u are a coward.

There are many reasons Tibetans who practices Shugden are forced to go underground. I do know a few as I do have friends who are monks. A lot of them have to go underground mainly because of their guru's instruction. Some, they have NO WHERE TO GO, they have been staying in the monastery for so many years, the family is in the monastery itself. I do not blame them as long as they do not talk bad about Shugden and be two face about this.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #24 on: September 09, 2012, 05:53:11 PM »
Going underground is the best thing that sincere and devoted Shugden practitioners can skillfully do now due to the ban.  It is necessary because Dorje Shugden practice had become very political. 

Spiritual practice is personal, and no one should actually control another on how the practice should be conducted.  Many have become disillusioned by this ban.  Many are concerned with the broken samaya or commitment with His Holiness Dalai Lama.   If practising Dorje Shugden is so difficult and causes so much concerns, fears, tensions, stress, wouldn’t it be better not to practise it because there are 84 thousand teachings taught by Shakyamuni Buddha to choose from? 

If Dorje Shugden practitioners had received and chosen to practise Dorje Shugden, then they should follow their spiritual guides’ instructions all the way and not be affected by the ban.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #25 on: September 09, 2012, 06:53:59 PM »
To me the primary issue is not about whether it makes me a coward or not, to hide that I am practicing Dorje Shugden. Neither should it be important for me to openly declare that I am defying the ban imposed by the Dalai Lama. The issue of my bravery or cowardice should not arise.

Instead we should consider whether it serves the cause of Dorje Shugden better to practice quietly for now and share the teaching with others without interruption from the CTA and pro-ban people. In addition, we should consider how our declaration may implicate other practitioners and put their lives into possible danger.

The previous (101st) Ganden Tripa shows great wisdom in going "underground" with the Shugden practice while he was still holding office. The impact of His Holiness's declaration at the right time had great positive impact and to me was a great coup in the propaganda war against the ban.

It is more about wisdom rather than courage. It is about how we can best further our practice, not how we may be seen in  the bravery stakes.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #26 on: September 10, 2012, 01:14:30 PM »
Going underground is the best thing that sincere and devoted Shugden practitioners can skillfully do now due to the ban.  It is necessary because Dorje Shugden practice had become very political. 
It has become very political and polarizing, so to speak. Either you are for or against Dorje Shugden, and both sides of the camp seem to view you as bad: the Dalai Lama camp says that you're praying to an evil spirit and going against the Tibetan independence, while the other side claims that the Dalai Lama is evil. Why cant it be neutral: whatever i practice is none of your beeswax? Who can tell anyway unless they have clairvoyance?

Spiritual practice is personal, and no one should actually control another on how the practice should be conducted.  Many have become disillusioned by this ban.  Many are concerned with the broken samaya or commitment with His Holiness Dalai Lama.   If practising Dorje Shugden is so difficult and causes so much concerns, fears, tensions, stress, wouldn’t it be better not to practise it because there are 84 thousand teachings taught by Shakyamuni Buddha to choose from? 
If you choose HHDL to be your Guru for whatever reason, then avoid Dorje Shugden. The end. Simple, isnt it? Now, why the need to deride Dorje Shugden? If your Guru aint Dorje Shugden, no broken samaya. broken samaya is when you leave your Guru for the Dalai Lama.

If Dorje Shugden practitioners had received and chosen to practise Dorje Shugden, then they should follow their spiritual guides’ instructions all the way and not be affected by the ban.
Ban does not really affect serious/sincere practitioners, if you ask me. Sincere practitioners just stick to their teacher and they dont get feedback from other teachers  because they need to focus on their practice.

I think you have made your point very clearly across with regards to this issue and have also highlighted the issues that crop up with the ban. In the end, everyone agrees that the ban is nothing more than a political guise/stance and sincere practitioners will avoid it.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #27 on: September 11, 2012, 08:20:30 AM »
Personally, I do not think you would be a coward if you go underground because ultimately your practise is between Dorje Shugden and yourself, your guru and yourself and not between you and what you are in the eyes of others. I have no doubt that many are in the situation where they are caught between a pro-shugden and anti-shugden teacher or monastery and face tremendous dilemma in their decision making. It's like choosing your left hand or your right hand - either way, it's tough.

Therefore, going underground does not make you a coward. If it protects your guru, protects you, protects those around you and yet you are still able to benefit others in your faith, then it totally beats those going around and shunning Shugden practitioners.

Afterall, what is a corward? A real coward is "a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person." In other words, a coward does not take responsibility for and of others for fear of the difficulties they have to endure. That's a coward. So if your motivation to go underground doesn't fall according to those lines, then you are not a coward.   


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #28 on: September 15, 2012, 03:41:32 PM »
For me, I would believe for the time being, with the ban still on, practicing underground would be a better choice while I am still following what my Guru teaches me, and I still respect HH Dalai Lama for bringing Buddhism to others. In this way, I am not harming my Guru and all around me and yet I am still able to spread Dharma to others. Isn’t it good?

Spiritual practices are personal and it is not to be flatter around. We can also see that tantric practices are also done quietly.  Therefore, there is no wrong at all to practice secretly as long as our motivation is clear and pure.

I just can’t wait for the day that the ban will be lifted and everyone can practice Dorje Shugden in harmony and get the blessing from him.


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Re: Are you a coward if you go underground?
« Reply #29 on: September 16, 2012, 08:53:22 AM »
I recall one of the Chinese sages once quoted
'If we are under duress it is permissible to use deception' 

Yes some lamas they have many teachers on the Dorje Shugden side and you also have received teaching for His Holiness the Dalai Lama so one is caught in between.

Plus for the people who have to hide their practices they do need a greater sense of awareness and practice not to reveal their practices which is a great training in mindfullness. For people when they get their tantric empowerments they cannot simply reveal what practices they have and are doing also.

Live to fight another day, this kaliyuga age is it not exactly easy to for people to get the dharma, if what we can do with the practice and by also going underground can help people to benefit and to be saved, I would choose to go underground. There is no indignity to hide one's intentions if it is benevolent.