Author Topic: Dorje Shugden puja at Jampaling Monastery, Kham, Tibet, September 2011  (Read 6969 times)


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Beautiful Jampaling Monastery performing Dorje Shugden puja. The largest and well known Monasteries in Kham, Tibet all practice Dorje Shugden. The ban is not accepted by them.

Some people say it's a minority that practice Dorje Shugden. That is incorrect information designed to belittle the practice and say something to the effect since so little practice Shugden, it's not a good practice. That is silly. Even if one person wishes to practice Shugden, they should have the religious freedom to do so without any bans or restrictions from any so called governments.

« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 02:07:20 PM by Mana »

Big Uncle

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Re: Dorje Shugden puja at Jampaling Monastery, Kham, Tibet, September 2011
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2011, 05:19:03 AM »
Anyone who says that there are very little Dorje Shugden practitioners out there must really be kidding themselves. Just look at his website and see how much information that is going around about the practice, its great practitioners, Lamas and monasteries and organisations it talks about. The biggest Buddhist organisation in the world worships Dorje Shugden as their principle Protector. That alone is a tremendous feat. Dorje Shugden is fast, effective and extremely powerful means to spread Dharma all over. There is not another Buddhist deity I know that can match his speed and efficacy. All the more reason that everyone should pray to Dorje Shugden!


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Jampaling had their Monlam festival on the 15th day of Losar recently, see these nice tormas made!


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The last pic above is a Shugden torma!


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A picture paints a thousand is wonderful and inspirational to see monks and lamas doing Dorje Shugden puja and there are so many of them. How can all of these sangha be wrong? They have accepted, followed, learned from and lived with their great masters for decades, have done the pujas together and have seen good results from their practices. How can their lamas and their lamas' lamas be wrong? Then Lama Tsongkhapa is wrong.

No, CTA is wrong!

Tenzin K

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Exactly samayakeeper!   

Lord Shugden practice was brought down from the great linage master and the great Lama takes their rebirth and come back to practice and benefit more people.
If it’s really a spirit how can these great being come back again?
How can their monastery grow and accepted by so many people out there?

No solid and concrete reason to justify Lord Shugden is a negative force & instead more positive evidence of the number of people practicing in this website.   

I believe it will be more and more!


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Awesome!!! Seeing this is such an inspiration to continue even stronger our practice and to do more in spreading the lineage of our great masters.

It is amazing that these monks have the freedom to practice what their guru has given them openly in their monastery in Tibet!!! It sure seems much more convenient and I am sure they are not being scorned and abused as they would in Dharamsala. In an ironic way the ban has made Dorje Shugden practice even more encouraged in China and it sure looks like they are growing and definitely not slowing down/decreasing!

If the CTA wants to unite their Tibetan people, they should start with their own community in India which is far less compared to to those in China Tibet and other parts around d world!


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I salute to all the courageous DS practitioners !

Beautiful Jampaling Monastery performing Dorje Shugden puja. The largest and well known Monasteries in Kham, Tibet all practice Dorje Shugden. The ban is not accepted by them.

Please take note of what Mana said in bold letters . Yes, rule & law needs two parties to put into operation. Government /authorities can impose all kinds of law they want but it needs  the others to accept it. Otherwise the said law is simply not effective and it will be a matter of time before it is abolished or over ruled !

The elaborate rituals and preparation in the DS pujas performed by the monks of the Jampaling Monastery is a out right message to CTA that there are many people that don't give two hoots to the ban .

Down with the Ban !


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I love this piece of news and also the fact that the puja was performed and the ban defied in a way because it shows integrity and consistency in their Dharma practice. Aren't those the qualities of a true Dharma practitioner? Because they NEVER GIVE UP when things get tough and they NEVER BETRAY THEIR GURUS. And last but not least they never abandoned their Dharma protector who has benefited them so much.

This is the quality that is lacking in many Dharma practitioners these days. They tend to be very shaky and they abandon their Gurus or centers at the moment they hear some rumors against the teacher or the Dharma center and they don't even do any research. It's a very pervasive attitude among Buddhists these days. This is the cancer that is slowly consuming Buddhism and destroying it from within.

Can the Dalai Lama override the Guru's instructions? If he can then why are you studying under your current Guru? Shouldn't you be packing your bags and be on your way to Dharamsala so that the Dalai Lama can personally tutor you? The Guru that is kind in the three ways to the student should take precedence over the Dalai Lama in the student's minds because the Dalai Lama has not shown the student that amount of kindness yet. It does not make sense if HHDL cares for us more than our closest root Guru ever can be.

Fundamentally, it is about Guru devotion at the end of the day and how much faith we have in our Gurus to allow another person to override the Guru. It is up to the Guru to decide if we should follow the Dalai Lama, not the other way round….especially if we have taken refuge in them. These monasteries are showing a living example of that.


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Thanks for sharing this

Tibet the origin or Tibetan Buddhism, this is the root of our lineage, only if CTA still remember. Why don't you control what Jampaling is doing ? Why are you allow them to practice DS openly. Why would Tibetan want to practice some deity will make them lost their own land ?

People who never let go of their guru devotion, hold their samaya, practicing DS still live in their mother land with harmony. But since CTA said practicing DS will lost your home land, why DS practitioner still living in Tibet and CTA is outside Tibet, CTA is not even allow to step into Tibet again? I don't understand, so practice or not practice DS will cause you to lose your home?

We will only will stay in peace if we follow our Lama's advise, this is the main and essence teaching of Tibetan Buddhism, if we failed that, please don't call yourself a Tibetan, because your already forgot your own root.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Dorje Shugden puja at Jampaling Monastery, Kham, Tibet, September 2011
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2012, 09:06:33 AM »
Wow. These are such nice photographs of the monastery and monks performing prayers. The monastery looks very well kept and neat. Surely these are due to the kindness of their sponsors who are Dorje Shugden believers themselves. The monks are certainly so courageous to carry on with their practice despite the ban and all the hardship they have to endure as the result of the ban. And the look on their calm faces really affirm the fact that they are NOT worshipping a spirit. Certainly DS practitioners are not a minority. For every DS practitioner you see, there are ten others you don't see....