Author Topic: Read what people in Mexico has to say about the controversy  (Read 4648 times)


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Read what people in Mexico has to say about the controversy
« on: September 06, 2011, 07:37:33 AM »
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MEXICO CITY (approved) .- "Imagine that the Pope wanted to unite all Christendom under his command and submit it unique. Imagine further that the Pope unleashed a worldwide campaign of aggression and discredit those who believe in the Virgin of Guadalupe. Precisely what does the Dalai Lama with us, followers of Dorje Shugden, "one devoted to Apro and continues:
"There was always four traditions of Buddhism who lived in peace. The Dalai Lama is the religious leader of one of them. The problem is that he has banned the beliefs and rituals for the Buddha Dorje Shugden, the wisdom. In the distant past, the Dalai Lama also believed in him, but overnight he no longer considered a Buddha Dorje Shugden, but a demon. From that moment began a policy of repression against all those who believed and practiced this branch of Buddhism and so I beg you not to rebel my identity. "

- How and why the Dalai Lama Dorje Shugden ignored?
The Buddhist chilango , quiet but scared replied:
-Although not part of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, but the Dalai Lama is an oracle, this is a man who works as a medium, an intermediary between the Buddhas and VIPs. The oracle allegedly told the Dalai Lama Dorje Shugden was not just a demon, but he wanted to kill and destroy Buddhism. The Dalai believed it. And his word is law, no one tried to convince him otherwise, no one questioned or less rebuked. Everyone believed him and they all obey.
And, with concern, he added:
"In regions where the Dalai Lama Buddhist has lots of followers of Dorje Shugden believers fired from their jobs, discriminated against, assaulted, threatened and did not even receives them in stores or restaurants. In Mongolia, has worsened in recent days of repression. They are given a deal worse than lepers in the Middle Ages. Here in Mexico, in Mexico City, where followers of Dorje Shugden habemos, we have received threats and attacks. And we're so far away. "
- How many followers of Dorje Shugden are in Mexico?
-In the Federal District and 300 and in the country, 600. The Buddhist group in Mexico which is part of the movement participated Kadampa and do not link our religious beliefs with politics.

Kadampa Buddhism

As a matter of written and online books of the followers of Dorje Shugden, Kadampa Buddhism tries to implement the teachings of Buddha, they are meant to create inner peace, eliminate suffering and attain true happiness, ie to eliminate all negative feelings such as anger, jealousy, resentment and revenge.
- Can you? Apro asks the believer of Dorje Shugden
Yes, the problem is that we are very familiar with the bad things rather than good. Bad things can go the eliminated bit by bit.

Westernized Buddhism, "made in England"

The Western Shugden Society (WSSREP, for its acronym in English), based in London, is a follower of Buddhism, Dorje Shugden, but unlike the Kadampa tradition, this group makes political activism in favor of religious freedom. Apro interviewed by telephone his spokesman, John Mc Bretney.

- What is the root of the problem with the Dalai Lama?
'It's very simple, it prohibits the practice of Dorje Shugden. His administration and his followers persecuted believers of Dorje Shugden, and a huge discrimination, all for political reasons.
The London Buddhist continues: "We in the Western Shugden Society does not want to harm the Dalai Lama, we just want to show that their actions are wrong and that causes suffering to many people and exposed to the world. We feel compassion for him and all who suffer and ask you to stop this persecution. The fourteenth Dalai Lama's wishes are orders. For the Tibetan community is not only a religious leader but a political leader who commands a state in exile. "
Mc Bretney emphasizes:
"The Dalai Lama has made ??religion a political platform and anyone who opposes your desires becomes an enemy of the Tibetan nation and his. In 2008 he gave the order to expel Dorje Shugden monks from their sanctuaries in India. A Buddhist monk outside the monastery has no chance of survival. It is horrible that within the Tibetan community there is religious discrimination. It goes against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Tibetans are divided into two groups: those who follow the Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden that follow, and the latter were declared national enemies. "

- What do you require?
-let us practice our Buddhist tradition in peace . That is a fundamental principle of Buddhism, not to hurt others, no one, not even those who disagree with you. The goals of Buddhism are love and compassion. Those who practice Dorje Shugden people want to be better, kinder, wiser and more tolerant. We look to our inner light to solve our problems and help others solve theirs. It is not something to brag about, but it is the essence of our philosophy and grow. How dare to regard the Dalai Lama demonic?
Apro also interviewed Marco Antonio Karam, director of Tibet House in Mexico on the eve of the Dalai Lama's visit to Mexico.
- Is there a ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden and if that has to be?
'It's a very complex issue of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy and has to do with the figure of the spiritual entity that is the Dalai Lama, and many fans and scholars of the tradition Tibetan viewed as a fundamentally negative force. However, it is difficult to explain the background of this conflict.
"The Dalai Lama has called for those who have a spiritual bond with him that has to do with a characteristic and fundamental quality of the Indo-Tibetan tanttrismo, where upon receiving an empowerment initiation by a spiritual mentor, it generates powerful links with that teacher.
"And he has asked that those who receive empowerments (sic) or start it as his master, not practice or invoke a spiritual presence that includes like a demon, which is detrimental (sic) vital to their longevity to their lives and the future of the Tibetan cause in general. Especially in England there is a Tibetan teacher named Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, who holds a doctorate in divinity gesho, when the university where he studied at the University of Zerah, is repeated official documents that he never completed a degree and not can sustain and have expelled.
"He then created a fundamentalist movement Tibetan invocation of the protector (Dorje Shugden). It is a controversial figure. He arrived in England invited by Lama Thubten Yeshe, who was an important plank in the first transmission of Buddhism to the West, and later seized the centers. Thus began his spiritual movement in England. The Dalai Lama has forbidden it. All I said is that if they want me to be your teacher, for spiritual reasons I beg you not to invoke Dorje Shugden. "
-There are complaints of the followers of Dorje Shugden threats and harassment by the followers of the Dalai Lama.
'They're sent from Kelsang Gyatso to demonstrate against the Dalai Lama. It is a distortion. The Dalai Lama has never given such an order of persecution on the contrary, members of these fundamentalist groups have become very close to killing monks of the Dalai Lama. (Dorje Shugden) is an extremist movement of religious fundamentalists. The Dalai has never issued any ban. The rest is media distortion. "

The Dalai Lama comes to Mexico in September

Marco Antonio Karam talks about the Dalai Lama's trip to Mexico:
"This is their fourth visit. The first was in 1989 to inaugurate the Tibet House in Mexico City and to participate in a forum of global priorities that organized the Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM). The Dalai Lama was received by President Carlos Salinas de Gortari in the official residence of Los Pinos. He was in his capacity as moral figure and Nobel Peace Prize. The second was in 2004, also organized by Tibet House. Shared teachings of Tibetan Buddhism at the Teatro Metropolitan, gave a lecture at the National Auditorium secular ethics on its proposal for the new millennium, and was awarded the medal commemorating the founding of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the then rector Juan Ramon de la Fuente. He also received the honorary of the Universidad Iberoamericana for his work for peace. At that time, was also received by the then head of city government, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who named him Distinguished Visitor.
The Dalai Lama gave a parliamentary ethics conference in the Green Room of the Chamber of Deputies, and participated in an act to opinion leaders in the National Museum of Art.
In 2008, canceled his visit to Mexico for health reasons.
La Casa Tibet, the official cultural representative of the Tibetan people for Latin America, organized all travel itineraries and has covered the expenses of the Dalai Lama in Mexico. Its director Apro ahead of Dalai's activities in this September.
"On this occasion, the Dalai Lama will visit Mexico City and Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. In the capital, Monterrey participate in the Third World Meeting of Values ??and Culture of Lawfulness, organized by the State Securities Board of Texas, and provide the conference Building harmony through altruism and compassion, an act which involved other Award winners Nobel and leading academics.
"On Friday 9 give a press conference, Saturday 10 will have an activity dedicated to the Buddhist community with the theme The eight verses of mental training, and since all the seats are sold out, which shows the growing interest in him and Buddhism in Mexico. On Sunday 11 we will have a free public event at the Estadio Azul, where about 30 thousand people at the Dalai talk about happiness in difficult times.
"Both the Metropolitan Theatre and in the Estadio Azul, the Dalai Lama will be joined by philanthropist , U.S. actor and social activist Richard Geer. The whole event will be broadcast live over the Internet.
"On the afternoon of Sunday 11, there will be an act aimed at the educational community of Mexico, where the Dalai give a lecture sharpen the mind and nourishing the heart, a holistic approach to education. This event is organized by Casa Tibet Mexico along with the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE), and will be held at the Cultural Center of the SNTE in the Convent of Santo Domingo and will be televised on Channel Open 7. "

- The Dalai Lama will be received by President Felipe Calderón?
This time is not a political visit. Remember that on 30 May, the Dalai Lama announced his retirement from political life as head of the Tibetan state to devote full time to his work for human rights and education, he did not request any meeting of this type, but we, La Casa del Tibet in Mexico, we approached the secretary and the president's private office to solicit support for the safety of our guest.

- As head of state?
For us it is a head of state, but not for the rest of the world. No country recognizes, but the world community sees as the moral leader of opinion in the world. Dalai Lama's meeting with President Calderon would have been a very classy act, but to date we have not received any confirmation.

- Do you have something to do with pressure from China?

This always accompanies the Dalai Lama. Mexico does not have to be an exception to that kind of pressure from the People's Republic of China. We have information that China's foreign ministry has pressured the Mexican Foreign Ministry for the meeting was not conducted. I guess the Mexican government is afraid that there is some kind of retaliation by the Chinese government. I believe that a sovereign state like ours should be free or be beyond the pressures of this nature involved, from my point of view, interference in the internal affairs of Mexico.

- Former President Vicente Fox greeted the Dalai Lama ?
For the same reason he did not. The then interior minister, Santiago Creel, received him into his office and Fox's wife, Marta Sahagún, had a private meeting with him.

-On this trip, what senior officials will meet with the Dalai Lama?
Up date we know of none.

Each person's karma, each his SNTE

- Is the rumor that he will meet with Elba Esther Gordillo?
I should note that the event that we organized with the SNTE is not an encounter with Elba Esther Gordillo, a meeting with Mexican teachers through the National Union of Workers Education, whether we like it or not, is the body that controls education in this country. We originally we approached the UNAM in order to promote an act of this nature and had no receptivity on the part of the body (José Narro), despite that in the previous visit in 2004, the Dalai Lama was greeted not only at UNAM, but was awarded.
"On this occasion the president would not have any relationship with the Dalai Lama, which to me is inexplicable, abochornante. We approached the Ministry of Education and there was no receptivity to this act, perhaps by some constraint that comes from Los Pinos, I do not know, but SNTE workers gave their support to us. I want to make clear that the SNTE is not co-sponsor the visit of the Dalai Lama. All expenses are covered by the Tibet House in Mexico. "

- What about protection?
La offers the Presidential. That has helped himself the office of the presidency and the Interior Ministry.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2011, 07:43:23 AM by DSFriend »


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Re: Read what people in Mexico has to say about the controversy
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2011, 04:00:09 AM »
In the distant past, the Dalai Lama also believed in him, but overnight he no longer considered a Buddha Dorje Shugden, but a demon

Doesnt that strike anyone as odd? That overnight he no longer considers Dorje Shugden to be enlightened, and is suddenly going around banning it? Come on - the mans a legend. Brilliant, erudite and a total master of the mind... how can he NOT see that hes being totally hypocritical? If his opinion is so easily accepted when it comes to any other issue, its because people take him to be highly intelligent and learned and wise. So since hes so learned and wise, whys he still going on with this apparently hypocritical behaviour? Something has to be up...

For us it is a head of state, but not for the rest of the world. No country recognizes, but the world community sees as the moral leader of opinion in the world.

Well said. No country recognises Tibet and yet His Holiness has such a massive influence over so many people. Why? And Im not talking about religious people yeah... even people who arent Buddhist cant help but like him, despite everything that's been said about him. Even the Pope isnt as well-liked by non-religious people...


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Re: Read what people in Mexico has to say about the controversy
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2011, 11:13:04 AM »
In the distant past, the Dalai Lama also believed in him, but overnight he no longer considered a Buddha Dorje Shugden, but a demon

Doesnt that strike anyone as odd? That overnight he no longer considers Dorje Shugden to be enlightened, and is suddenly going around banning it? Come on - the mans a legend. Brilliant, erudite and a total master of the mind... how can he NOT see that hes being totally hypocritical? If his opinion is so easily accepted when it comes to any other issue, its because people take him to be highly intelligent and learned and wise. So since hes so learned and wise, whys he still going on with this apparently hypocritical behaviour? Something has to be up...

For us it is a head of state, but not for the rest of the world. No country recognizes, but the world community sees as the moral leader of opinion in the world.

Well said. No country recognises Tibet and yet His Holiness has such a massive influence over so many people. Why? And Im not talking about religious people yeah... even people who arent Buddhist cant help but like him, despite everything that's been said about him. Even the Pope isnt as well-liked by non-religious people...

Your correct overnight he decided that he was a demon. That is immensely strange as HHDL would have done many DS pujas, been a part of many big DS pujas with his Gurus and definitely would have seen many miraculous events where DS came to their aid when requested.

Think how stupid it sounds that through the introduction of the practice in his early years by HH's Guru's he can turn his back so easily and at the advice of his oracle.

Too fishy to take at face value.


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Re: Read what people in Mexico has to say about the controversy
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2011, 02:03:45 PM »
I find it very odd as well that HHDL changes his opinion on Dorje Shugden, contradicting himself. Since HH is believed to be an emanation of Avalokiteshvara, I do feel that there is a bigger reason to this controversy. Whatever this reason maybe, I'm sure it's for spiritual reasons and the benefits will transcend many generations.

So instead of criticising HH, I would rather focus on my practice and helping people around me. At least if I were to die tomorrow, my time spent was worthwhile.


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Re: Read what people in Mexico has to say about the controversy
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2011, 02:25:32 PM »
I find it very odd as well that HHDL changes his opinion on Dorje Shugden, contradicting himself. Since HH is believed to be an emanation of Avalokiteshvara, I do feel that there is a bigger reason to this controversy. Whatever this reason maybe, I'm sure it's for spiritual reasons and the benefits will transcend many generations.

So instead of criticising HH, I would rather focus on my practice and helping people around me. At least if I were to die tomorrow, my time spent was worthwhile.

I totally agree with you Klein !

What 's considered as good at one time could be viewed as bad at another time. Nothing is absolute.

Better to focus on our own practice and transformation  ;)