Author Topic: Demeaning to be CTA now?  (Read 9507 times)


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Demeaning to be CTA now?
« on: September 26, 2011, 03:27:31 PM »
Whatever the former Tibetan Govt in Exile was doing is apparently not enough and ineffective or else they would not have been forced to downgrade their name by the Indian Federal Government to CENTRAL TIBETAN ADMINISTRATION. From losing Tibet in 1959 to Tibetan Govt in Exile now demeaned to Tibetan Central Administration. Obviously this group of people who run the show are not doing a good job.

I mean think about it. How did the Tibetan Govt lose their sovereign country in the first place? Mismanagement, corruption of the highest degree, lack of education, lack of exposure to the world outside of Tibet, laziness, pettiness, religious schisms, sectarianism or what? Or all of the above?  What sovereign nation would lose their nation to another? And not be able to get it back? The speaks volumes for the former Tibetan Govt doesn't it?

This type of so called Govt or now CTA is bound to create so much more trouble for themselves such as they have been doing with the Shugden, two Panchen, three Karmapa issues.


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Re: Demeaning to be CTA now?
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2011, 04:03:49 AM »
Thank you Mana,

This is just another sign that Tibetan Independence will never come and once the Dalai Lama is not with us anymore, the whole CTA will dissolve over time. Too many Tibetans are eyeing opportunities in America or Europe and by that time, the rich and powerful will bring the families overseas. The Tibetans will eventually have to assimilate into Indian society as the older generation passes on and the newer generation will be another ethnic minority of India. I think what's more important would be to keep the great monastic institutions alive and by then, the ban would just be a distant memory. May Dorje Shugden rise then.


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Re: Demeaning to be CTA now?
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2011, 05:18:36 PM »
I've always thought that it's because the government stopped listening to Dorje Shugden that the Tibetan Government in Exile (TGIE) had deteriorated. And now it's not even a government anymore but an administration. Dorje Shugden was the Protector of Gaden Phodrang so since the Dalai Lama stopped propitiating Dorje Shugden, despite Dorje Shugden leading the Dalai Lama to safety when he left Tibet, it is logical that Gaden Phodrang will degenerate.

I think that things are coming one whole circle. The Great Fifth Dalai Lama set up the Gaden Phodrang 369 years ago. Dorje Shugden arose around then though there were many attempts to put him down. Now that Gaden Phodrang is in decline, i believe Dorje Shugden's star is about to rise.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

Big Uncle

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Re: Demeaning to be CTA now?
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2011, 07:26:28 PM »
I've always thought that it's because the government stopped listening to Dorje Shugden that the Tibetan Government in Exile (TGIE) had deteriorated. And now it's not even a government anymore but an administration. Dorje Shugden was the Protector of Gaden Phodrang so since the Dalai Lama stopped propitiating Dorje Shugden, despite Dorje Shugden leading the Dalai Lama to safety when he left Tibet, it is logical that Gaden Phodrang will degenerate.

I think that things are coming one whole circle. The Great Fifth Dalai Lama set up the Gaden Phodrang 369 years ago. Dorje Shugden arose around then though there were many attempts to put him down. Now that Gaden Phodrang is in decline, i believe Dorje Shugden's star is about to rise.

Dear WB,

I am not well-read about Tibetan political history but I do not recall reading that the Tibetan government has never consulted Dorje Shugden. I do know for a fact that the Tibetan government consults Nechung for centuries on state matters. I do also remember that Nechung has a disdain for Tibetan politicians. If I remember correctly in the movie Kundun, (about the Dalai Lama's life and apparently, the director Bertolucci had consulted him personally regarding details) Nechung through an oracle was extremely angry with the Tibetan ministers. He hissed words of condemnation and would only calm down in the presence of the Dalai Lama.

According to Glenn Mullin, part of the reason why Tibet was lost to China was due to heavy corruption that hampered modernisation efforts of the 13th Dalai Lama. Apparently, the 13th Dalai Lama realized the looming danger that will come from China and he attempted to modernized Tibet. However, he eventually realized his efforts was largely in vain and so he wrote a prophetic letter that he hoped will prepare his nation with its graphic description of the what was to come and he passed away soon after. Many people believed that he passed away earlier than his prophesied age so as to be in a younger and fitter body so he is able to lead the nation through its most difficult period - the exile into India.

I believe that the deterioration is not something recent and it has been on-going since Tibet. However, I do believe that if the CTA realized its mistake and is willing to take steps to remedy the huge rift in the Tibetan monastic and lay society by dissolving the ban and ordering huge pujas to Dorje Shugden to seek forgiveness, it will slow the disintegration of the CTA. However, I think that would be wishful thinking. Therefore, I think the days of CTA's absolute power is numbered.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2015, 03:03:10 PM by Big Uncle »


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Re: Demeaning to be CTA now?
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2013, 05:54:52 AM »
Well, the TGIE wasnt much of a government anyway. They didint do what a government is supposed to do, which is to take care of the people, but it seems that whatever that they have done is meant to benefit only themselves and to cement their position in the parliament. Take for example, the Dorje Shugden ban. How many of the ministers in CTA are upholding the ban that sincerely believes that it is for the Dalai Lama's long life and for Tibet's freedom? Not much i guess, because the reason why they are doing it is to get on the Dalai Lama's good side.


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Re: Demeaning to be CTA now?
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2013, 09:48:28 AM »
backwards, corrupted, slow and ineffective are consistent adjectives to describe the CTA. There's not been one good review about the CTA since its degeneration from the TGIE. Within the Tibetan community, there's not much regards from the Tibetan communities for the CTA.

Over the years, the promise of freedom from the CTA to the exiled Tibetans has been coming more and more futile. The CTA lives a living lie of passing different laws and using oracular pronouncements. Its effectiveness has come to fall on deaf ears as their means of delivery does not bring forth any results. Whatever that is portrayed in the international media is just mere show of what the G7 and other supporters want to see.

Even of late when the Dalai Lama mentions that he is retiring from politics and as the head of the Tibetan nation, it is a clear reflection of what the CTA has been doing in breaking the trust and disharmony causing Tibet's freedom to be jeopardized.


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Re: Demeaning to be CTA now?
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2013, 03:19:44 PM »
The resignation of the 2 envoys sent by Dalai Lama to Beijing, since 2002, to negotiate autonomy of Tibet, show the state of affairs with regard to CTA. Of course, the 2 envoys have placed the blame of their failure to negotiate autonomy  for Tibet squarely on Beijing. Whatever their reasons and excuses, it just reflects the gross inefficiency of the Tibetan Government- in-exile(now downgraded to being called the Central Tibetan Administration) and their inability to take responsibility from Day 1 . Having been heavily dependent on HH Dalai Lama to make decisions, they are now nothing more than the shadow of  a government. HH Dalai Lama's stepping down as political head and leaving them to negotiate the autonomy of Tibet,has left them in a  quandary and shown up their ineptitude in dealing with the situation.

In recent times, they have acted in such a way as to continue to lose them the respect of the Tibetan people, as well as the Western countries on whom they are depending for support of their free Tibet cause. They have not dealt firmly with the issue of  self-immolations, and instead are seen to be condoning, and even supporting them.

Also, when asked by French reporters about  the Protector ,Nechung, whose advice they have been relying on so much, they acted in a most rude,unprofessional and nonchalant manner, claiming, most ridiculously, that they didn't know anything about Nechung! They laughed and flippantly addressed these reporters and then made their exit hurriedly.

Over and above all this, is the way they have  addressed the issue of the ban on Shugden practice. Since they appear to have lost faith in Nechung, it can only be concluded that their fear of their own political future has caused them to support the ban and to mete out abusive violent behavior towards Shugden practitioners.

Thus being relegated to being officially addressed as the CTA, is just an outward reflection of their deterioration and degeneration as Tibet's central governing  body. Anyway, there is no country to govern and there is no likelihood of there being any Tibet for them to govern in the future. The least they could have done was to have seen to the education and economic advance of their people in exile in India.

Now ,going forward, they should act sensibly and not butt their heads against the wall or pretend to be working hard for the cause of Tibet's freedom from China. Being sensible is to recognize that the only way forward is to work for the cultural and religious integration of Tibet with China.   


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Re: Demeaning to be CTA now?
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2013, 02:07:39 AM »
backwards, corrupted, slow and ineffective are consistent adjectives to describe the CTA. There's not been one good review about the CTA since its degeneration from the TGIE. Within the Tibetan community, there's not much regards from the Tibetan communities for the CTA.

Over the years, the promise of freedom from the CTA to the exiled Tibetans has been coming more and more futile. The CTA lives a living lie of passing different laws and using oracular pronouncements. Its effectiveness has come to fall on deaf ears as their means of delivery does not bring forth any results. Whatever that is portrayed in the international media is just mere show of what the G7 and other supporters want to see.

Even of late when the Dalai Lama mentions that he is retiring from politics and as the head of the Tibetan nation, it is a clear reflection of what the CTA has been doing in breaking the trust and disharmony causing Tibet's freedom to be jeopardized.

Their lies and many attempts to cover up the truth, coupled by their hypocrisy and double standards have caused them to go down further and further. Why is it that they cannot even reveal the author of the gyallu, Trijang Rinpoche? Why cant they just say it when its listed even on Wikipedia? This shows how deluded they are and pretty much, that would probably be their same attitude towards the talks with China. The quitting of representatives also shows that the CTA did little to support the talks at all, but just dump the responsibility to the representatives and go about their merry ways. This shows how "committed" and "ready" they are in entering talks with China.


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Re: Demeaning to be CTA now?
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2013, 01:48:54 PM »
The CTA constantly throws their work that into the hands of others. Not doing their own dirty work for the good for the Tibetans that trust them.

Such an attitude, I think they would just move on to another country to laze their lazy bottoms when they do not get back their country.

I pity those Tibetans that handed them their lives and sake of their living to the CTA.


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Re: Demeaning to be CTA now?
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2013, 03:32:31 PM »
To me, CTA stands for "Committing The Act", the act of being the big bully of its own people for political reasons and for looking good in the eyes of the Dalai Lama thus rendering the people to suffer especially Dorje Shugden practitioners who cause no one harm by continuing with their practice, the practice that were conferred to them by their own great lamas and some passed on from their fathers, grandfathers and forefathers.


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Re: Demeaning to be CTA now?
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2013, 05:31:44 AM »
The CTA constantly throws their work that into the hands of others. Not doing their own dirty work for the good for the Tibetans that trust them.

Such an attitude, I think they would just move on to another country to laze their lazy bottoms when they do not get back their country.

I pity those Tibetans that handed them their lives and sake of their living to the CTA.

Well, the Tibetans that 'sacrificed' themselves by self immolation were tricked into doing so by the CTA themselves, and so, everything was within their machination. Is it not despicable to trick others into committing suicide in one of the most painful ways possible just for some political gain? Even negotiating with China they are unwilling to actually do it themselves but rather beg someone to do it for them, like france, Britain and so on, and this is after the envoys to china have resigned and they never re-appointed anyone. lazy, lazy, inept people.


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Re: Demeaning to be CTA now?
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2013, 01:19:40 PM »
To me, I feel that it is really high time that the CTA to take on the responsibilities that they should be doing and holding on now. For now, the Dalai Lama is around to give them advice for them to follow and carry out. But what would happen when DL enters clear light? I am not saying this because I am cursing DL or something, but it is a true situation that would happen in a matter of time.

If they do not start taking on their responsibilities and stop pushing their "shit" to others, I really do not know what would the next generation of Tibetans would be like, and how would they be able to show respect towards the CTA, or even following instructions from them.

What I am saying is that if you really think that getting back your land is so important, why are you (CTA) not showing that you truly care and work for what you want?


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Re: Demeaning to be CTA now?
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2013, 06:29:03 AM »
To me, I feel that it is really high time that the CTA to take on the responsibilities that they should be doing and holding on now. For now, the Dalai Lama is around to give them advice for them to follow and carry out. But what would happen when DL enters clear light? I am not saying this because I am cursing DL or something, but it is a true situation that would happen in a matter of time.

If they do not start taking on their responsibilities and stop pushing their "shit" to others, I really do not know what would the next generation of Tibetans would be like, and how would they be able to show respect towards the CTA, or even following instructions from them.

What I am saying is that if you really think that getting back your land is so important, why are you (CTA) not showing that you truly care and work for what you want?

CTA will not hold up after the Dalai Lama enters clear light. They will not be able to function properly because all they have ever did is to depend on the Dalai Lama almost exclusively instead of working things for themselves. It is one thing to depend on the Dalai Lama for directions, but it is entirely another thing when they just dont want to take the initiatives to step up and take care of their own problems. The latter is what will bring CTA to ruin because they're just not independent enough to survive without the Dalai Lama.


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Re: Demeaning to be CTA now?
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2013, 07:21:32 PM »
Yes, that is the point. We should not rely on anyone if we can, but I do not understand why would the CTA keep relying on DL not allowing him to spread and bring Dharma to higher levels. It is just so ridiculous of their actions.

Maybe DL should just let CTA handle everything by themselves now.

The CTA spend so much time to think ways to manipulate others to do their work, why not just use that time and effort to get work done themselves?


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Re: Demeaning to be CTA now?
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2013, 10:51:31 PM »
Yes, that is the point. We should not rely on anyone if we can, but I do not understand why would the CTA keep relying on DL not allowing him to spread and bring Dharma to higher levels. It is just so ridiculous of their actions.

Maybe DL should just let CTA handle everything by themselves now.

The CTA spend so much time to think ways to manipulate others to do their work, why not just use that time and effort to get work done themselves?

Hello Rinchen... you are absolutely right on that wasting time manipulating others instead of doing their job to their people which is to serve and protect the people. This is because the politics in anywhere in the world is always dirty due to human greed. Well one big problem the city has that makes them an endangered species of a government is that they have no country and really not a real govt.

So in this sense, you would think they would be smart enough to not dabble in to the most sensitive subjects which all politicians know not to touch... religion or spiritual beliefs of people. The two should never mixed. Instead they should just focus of their people in exile's welfare and education. Instead of always hiding behing HHDL robes and using HHDL to garner support for them. They should do it themselves by not discriminating anyone and to actually follow their own laws of being "democratic" goverment.

So far what the world see is that the CTA is has no voice of their own and no back bone really. Once HHDL passes, sorry to say, their voice will no longer be heard and how long can they hang on? It is a matter of time they will just dissolve in to thin air. So might as well they do their best now to create good relations. HHDL created the DS ban, that should be an issue of spirituality and not be implemented by the Govt side. The Govt should focus on secular affairs... and all Tibetans should and have the right to their welfare, health and education. If you say those who practice Dorje Shugden have to no way of being in school, hospitals or even getting daily grocery supplies... now this is total discrimination which creates disunity.

Well the Dorje Shugden Lamas are doing something and moving forward which is more than I can say for the CTA