When others out of jealousy treat me badly with abuse, slander and the like, may I suffer the defeat and offer the victory to others. This is one of the Eight Verses of Training the Mind by Geshe Langri Tangpa. When I heard it for the first time, it blew my mind away. And not exactly in a very positive way! I thought to myself, "no way I am gona let everyone step all over me and graciously accept it. How stupid is that!"
Years later, i come across a text on this teachings. When Geshe Chekawa (a great Kadampa Buddhist meditation master) met Geshe Sharawa (one of the main disciples of Geshe Langri Tangpa), he asked him "How important is the practice of accepting defeat and offering the victory to others?"
Geshe Sharawa replied, "If you want to attain enlightenment, this practice is essential." Geshe Chekhawa then requested full instructions on this practice and Geshe Sharawa said "If you stay with me for several years I will teach you." Geshe Chekhawa stayed with Geshe Sharawa for 12 years until he mastered the practice of training the mind. He had to face many different kinds of ordeals: all sorts of difficulties, criticism, hardships, and abuse. And the teaching was so effective, and his perseverance in its practice so intense, that he completely eradicated any self-grasping and self-cherishing.
Till today, this is still one of my hardest practices due my habituation to always want to be right, but each time when this thought arises, at least I catch myself and apply this teaching the the fullest extend that I am capable of for now.