Precise observation and nobody can debate what you have pointed out. That's how the majority live their lives.
Well, what i learnt in Buddhism which offers me a different perspective is that all that we have comes from someone else to start with. We haver received so much more in our countless lifetimes and have not remembered what help and teachings we have received which has brought about the conditions we have in this very lifetime. In this very lifetime, we were born totally helpless and our family has helped protected us from harm and nurtured us well. Thanks to mom who has fed and cleaned us but, unfortunately we have no recollection at all.
Even the food we eat daily, though we may have just paid $6.99 or what not with our "hard earned money",... just thinking about the many people involved in growing the crops, harvesting it, transporting it, preparing it, packing it, making it available at the grocery stores/restaurants, cooking it, serving it... gosh... Perhaps it's about them earning money at each step of the way too, but I am sure along the way, many have given something more than what money can ever compensate them with. Thanks to the many involved in all the conveniences we enjoy, but unfortunately, we have no awareness of what went into $6.99.
The $6.99 is not just a packet of food, but a fraction of someone's life went into it, someone's talent, someone's effort,...etc.
This view of remembering the kindness of all sentient beings, has helped me to see a little wider and a little deeper, that what I have and able to give is due to countless who may directly or indirectly given to me to begin with.
Therefore, when opportunity arise for us to "give", in actuality, we do not loose anything,.. but only right to repay kindnesses. Easier said than done, .... but hey, that's why we are still called practitioners and not masters
When I help a friend financially, I have less money for me, right?
When I help a colleague at work, I compromise my own efficiency, right?
When I give some of my time to help a charity, I lose some of my leisure time, right?
When I have to take my neighbour to the hospital in the middle of the night, I loose my sleeping time, right?
When I lend my car to somebody, I have no car!
It seems as if helping others is always at my expenses, I always have to give something up!