Author Topic: Look who Dalai Lama is consulting for decisions!  (Read 12713 times)

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Look who Dalai Lama is consulting for decisions!
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2015, 02:03:16 PM »
"I am not wishing for Dalai Lama to pass away but it is inevitable. I agree with you, after his passing, his succesor will have very little poltical weight and therefore very little power. Then the many Tulkus and Geshes being trained up now will become very instrumental to bring this practice to many. The high profile Tulkus will be very powerful of course, but in today's world, if you have knowledge and can speak, then the internet (perhaps media) will make you into a high powered person/Tulku/Geshe/teacher/etc to bring Shugden's practice to many. Very different than before.

That day where the Shugden issue resolves is not far away. Not far away at all."

The above statement was by a contributor to this article dated 26 November 2011.  Is this a prophecy and the end of the ban is very very near?  I feel so.  What about you? 


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Re: Look who Dalai Lama is consulting for decisions!
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2015, 06:16:02 PM »
to look at the whole issue differently, i think without the ban that Dalai Lama enforce on Dorje Shugden, Tibetan Buddhism, Gelugpa in particular would not have set foot in so many countries. I believe the ban has create noise level around the world that everyone knows and heard about the issue, it might have brought some thing new to those who have not come across Tibetan Buddhism, and at the same time some may have experience the benefit of Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Look who Dalai Lama is consulting for decisions!
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2017, 04:12:41 PM »
I find this post quite interesting. The Dalai Lama advised against worshipping Dorje Shugden as he was a spirit but yet he worshipping Nechung... It does not make any sense at all.. Why is it that the Dalai Lama can worship a spirit but others can't?
Here are some things that most people should know, Nechung is an unenlightened Dharma protector, he was oath bound to protect the Dharma by Guru Rinpoche, Dorje Shugden(also called Dholgyal which translates to 'spirit of Dho') is a fully enlightened Dharma protector who has proven his worth to many hundreds of high lama's and lay people alike. I now appeal to your common sense to figure out who is the person in the wrong here.

I really hope that the Dalai Lama and the CTA can stop being a hypocrite and bring down the ban for good. _/\_


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Re: Look who Dalai Lama is consulting for decisions!
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2017, 11:41:38 PM »
Thank you for reviving this interesting old post. I have no doubt that the Dalai Lama is the emanation of Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig) and his consulting Nechung is just to create an opportunity for Nechung to serve and create merits.

But I also hope that the Dalai Lama will clarify his contradictory statements about Dorje Shugden as it will clear a lot of confusion and eliminate a lot of sufferings.

Belinda Mae

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Re: Look who Dalai Lama is consulting for decisions!
« Reply #19 on: September 03, 2017, 06:46:28 PM »
I wonder why Dalai Lama wants to consult the Nechung oracle who has been under the influence of an evil spirit instead of Nechung/Pehar which is causing much mischief and problems for the Tibetan people. Why Dalai Lama does not want to consult Dorje Shugden oracle since Nechung has a history of making unreliable, inaccurate and plain-out wrong pronouncements and prophecies? Dalai Lama himself should be able to make wise decisions on who to consult with when he has problems. It is very clear that Dorje Shugden is much better than Nechung. I really don't know what Dalai Lama is thinking and doing.


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Re: Look who Dalai Lama is consulting for decisions!
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2017, 04:08:23 AM »
For such a long time the Dalai Lama has listened to Nechung yet the promises Nechung did, have not manifested. So, isn't it obvious that there must be another decision?
I doubt not the qualities of the Dalai Lama but I wonder why he continues to listen to Nechung after such a long time when there is no indication that Nechung will fulfill the wishes of all Tibetans, to go home to Tibet.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Look who Dalai Lama is consulting for decisions!
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2017, 12:15:50 PM »
Hello Belinda Mae

The spirit that interferes with the Nechung Oracle is Nyatrul aka Nyari Tulku.

H.E. Tsem Tulku did a large article on him at

He states that Nyari Tulku was "Murdered" (1899) by the 13th Dalai Lama and his Government and returned as a spirit to seek his revenge.

Nyari Tulku was falsely accused of trying to murder the 13th Dalai Lama and he believes that the Nechung gave a false trance that ultimately resulted in his murder.

It is claimed that the spirit Nyatrul took trance of the Nechung in 1933 and he gave the 13th Dalai Lama the wrong medicine on purpose.

That medicine caused his death.

So Nyatrul got revenge against the 13th Dalai Lama by murdering him.

It is also claimed in Tsem Tulku's article that it was Nyatrul that has caused the Dorje Shugden ban.

Some believe that in 1902 Nyatrul took trance of the Nechung who told the 13th Dalai Lama to fight the British army that had invaded Tibet.

The Nechung claimed that they would have a great victory.

He was wrong and Col. Younghouse who lead the British Army killed 800 Tibetan soldiers in only a few hours.

So who really is the 14th Dalai seeking his advise from?

Is it the Nechung Oracle or is it Nyari Tulku (Nyatrul) the Tulku that he ordered "Murdered"?


Harold Musetescu

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Re: Look who Dalai Lama is consulting for decisions!
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2017, 12:21:20 PM »
Sorry to every one but my link to Tsem Tulku's ariticle on Nyatrul does connect.

Just google "the spirit Nyatrul" and you will find the article.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Look who Dalai Lama is consulting for decisions!
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2017, 05:01:18 AM »
If H.E. Tsem Tulku is right then Nyari Tulku (Nyatrul) has the power to enter into the Nechung Oracle at will.

If Nyari Tulku can enter the number one State Oracle  can he also enter into other State Oracles at will?

The answer may be yes.

The Gadong Oracle is the number two State Oracle.

The previous Gadong Oracle was a State Oracle from roughly 1986 until his death in 2015.

He took trance of the Dharmapala "Shinjachen".

This is a family lineage of "Oracles" and since his death in 2015 "Shinjachen" has not taken trance of any male member of the "Gadong" clan.

During all those years as the number two State Oracle he never spoke while in trance.

No one knew why he never spoke but could it have been Nyari Tulku (Nyatrul) stopping him from doing so?

The number three State Oracle was the Lamo Tsangpa Oracle who took trance of the Dharmapala "Tsangpa Karpo".

The previous "Lamo Tsangpa" Oracle was the Oracle from roughly 1988 until his death in 2003.

The "Lamo Tsangpa" is also a family lineage of Oracles.

Since his death the Dharmapala "Tsangpa Karpo" has not chosen any male member as the next "Lamo Tsangpa" Oracle.

In the mid 1990's he supposedly took trance on two occasions and condemned "Dorje Shugden".

This is now highly suspect since "Tsangpa Karpo" is the "Peaceful Emanation of the Dharmapala Setrap Chen".

How could "Tsangpa Karpo" publicly condemn "Dorje Shugden" when it was "Setrap Chen" who saved "Dorje Shugden" from death in a "Fire Puja".

The very same "Setrap Chen" who lead "Dorje Shugden" to the Sakya who made him a member of the Dharmpala "Gyalpo Sum".

The "Gyalpo Sum" (the Three Kings) who are made up of Setrap Chen, Tsiu Marpo (Kache Marpo) and Dorje Shugden.

Was it in fact "Tsangpa Karpo" who entered into the Lamo Tsangpa Oracle or was it in fact Nyari Tulku (Nyatrul).

Does Nyari Tulku (Nyatrul) have the power to enter into the "Three State Oracles of Tibet" at will?

What is the "Black Karma" one possesses when they "Murder" a Tulku like Nyari Tulku?

What is the "Black Karma" one possesses when they also "Murder" another Tulku like His Holiness Demo Tulku?

His Holiness Demo Tulku and Nyari Tulku were both "Murdered" on orders of the 13th Dalai Lama and his Government.

In His Eminence Tsem Tulku's article on Nyari Tulku (Nyatrul) it states that he was an "Innocent" man who was "Murdered" and arose as a "Wrathful Spirit" to seek revenge against the Dalai Lama and his Government.

Does Nyari Tulku (Nyatrul) continue seeking his "Revenge" to this very day?

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Look who Dalai Lama is consulting for decisions!
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2017, 03:35:45 PM »
There are two in depth articles on this very website about the Gadong Oracle and the Lamo Tsangpa Oracle.

1) google, "Was the previous Lamo Tsangpa Oracle corrupt?" (June 27,2016).

2) google, "The Previous Gadong Oracle was never a true Oracle" (June 26,2016).