Author Topic: A Healing meditation on Dorje Shugden  (Read 9509 times)


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A Healing meditation on Dorje Shugden
« on: November 26, 2011, 08:02:38 PM »
A Healing and Wisdom Meditation of Dorje Shugden
Start by visualising Dorje Shugden in front you an arms length away, similar to visualising Buddha or Tsongkapa during other visualisations.

Visualise and belief strongly that Dorje Shugden is one with your lama. This is very important and one should have great faith in this. If one believes this, it will carry on through our actions, as we get off the meditation cushion and into our daily affairs. If we had great faith in this, we would never break our guru samaya, break our promises, forget our commitments, etc.
Why? Because to visualise that our lama and protector is of the same nature, and then to break our samaya to our lama is contradictory. How can we break our commitments to a being we take refuge in? It is a false refuge from our side then. Therefore we gain no realizations even after millions of mantras recited. So if we believe all the time and not just during prayers that our lama and Protector are one and indivisible, we would conduct ourselves accordingly. This is one of the foundations of gaining attainments from our dharma practice. By visualizing our Lama and Protector as one and reciting the mantra while visualizing the blessings in form of lights entering our body is a tremendous blessing to gain realizations. But we have to think of our Lama as the protector in nature even when our meditation is finished. We spend more time out of meditation than during meditation, so our view of our lama while not meditating is more important. How can we break our samaya to our lama during our daily lives, then during our meditations visualize blessings coming from a being we consider 'ok' to break our samaya with? Not logical. So we must respect, listen to and follow the instructions of our lama and then only during meditations we can solicit his true nature as the protector to bestow healing and realizations upon us. Then when the lights come forth and bless us, we will gain healing and realizations due to our correct view of our Lama. 
Then start the mantra recitation. As you recite, visualise bright golden lights coming from Dorje Shugden's heart entering the crown of your head and filling your body with bright golden wisdom light. Your body you visualise should be the same shape and size as your current body, but clear and vacuous, without your bones or internal organs or anything inside. See your body as light and clear.

These golden wisdom lights fill you up completely and bring you the power to easily understand the Dharma. They bring you the power of gaining attainments from the understanding of the Dharma. And they bring you the ability to overcome your negative habituations from your realisation of the attainments. The golden lights are the blessings, attainments and transcendent abilities of your lama and protector.

The golden wisdom lights are also healing lights. Visualise the light that fills your body to heal your body of its problems. In particular, visualise the golden light going to the parts of your body that cause you problems eg your head if you suffer from headaches, your stomach if you have problems there, your heart if you have heart problems, etc. Visualise that these lights remove your problem and you are healed. Trust and believe.

If you feel tired at any time during the meditation, you can stop your visualisation for a moment. And once you are ready, you can start again from the beginning or continue where you left off.
Why do you need to visualise that you are healed although your body is vacuous? Because despite your visualisation of a vacuous body, in reality you are not yet healed therefore the visualisation is necessary.
Now that your body is healed and repaired to youthfulness, meditation on the fact that you did not get your human body for hedonistic life or for pleasure. Our body is a result of much prayers and merit accumulation from previous lives. It should not be wasted for empty pleasures that get us nowhere. Our bodies are the vehicles by which we can gain merits and benefit others tremendously. The potential is great. The healing meditation creates a body that is ready to collect merit. Ready to be used for others. Thus we should not waste it.
Of course we can still have occasional fun and indulge ourselves as we are still attached. But that is not the primary reason that we have acquired our rare human life.

Realising the above strongly activates the potency of Dorje Shugden's mantra. The mantra is Manjushri's mind and the power of mantra is activated by the correct motivation as explained above. Without the correct motivation and merely reciting the mantra does not activate the power.
Although this meditation is for healing, do not just visualise the golden light from Dorje Shugden as just healing light. This reduces the power of your meditation. As Dorje Shugden is one with Wisdom Buddha Manjushri, the golden light has the wisdom of the Buddhas that take you all the way to Enlightenment.
Other prayers that you recite along with your mantra are eg Serkyem or Kanshag should also be recited sincerely, and not merely reciting for the sake of it. Motivation is everything. Focus is important to develop. Reciting without thinking will not bring even enlightenment to just your mouth since you are using your mouth to recite. Enlightenment is within the mind, therefore your mind must be excercised during recitations.

This was written in accordance with the teachings my lama gave me to do while reciting the sacred mantra of Dorje Shugden daily. It is a method to expedite healing of illness both physical and mental.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2011, 09:49:34 PM by Mana »


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Re: A Healing meditation on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2011, 06:32:08 AM »
Thank you TK for this precise instruction on the healing mediation on Dorje Shugden. Lately, I've come across many friends who have been sick, some pretty serious. I will share this with them.

I remembered also once when a close friend of mine could not find out what was wrong with her after many medical test. I've taught her to do DS Black Tea and Incense offering before she went for her final test, the doctors then discovered the cause of her sickness and apparently, it was shown very clearly in the scan. She has been treated and now she is alright.

Now she is very devoted to DS and thanks to this website, she printed all the prayers and photos from here.


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Re: A Healing meditation on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2011, 10:41:47 AM »
Thank you TK for such clear and concise explanation. It is extremely helpful. I always believe that just chanting the mantra or reciting the prayers without any visualisation or good motivations does not generate the merits for our practice to go to a higher level.

I am grateful that I can incorporate these visualisations in my sadhana from today onwards.

Thank you so much.


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Re: A Healing meditation on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2011, 12:14:55 PM »
Thank you tk for sharing this healing practise with all of us, recently many people around me have been experiencing illnesses of one sort or another so this will be very apt for them.

When will all of us encounter a life threatening illness ? This is something good to think about. 


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Re: A Healing meditation on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2011, 10:15:31 AM »
Thank you TK for posting,

I love the healing meditation you posted and will incorporate into my mantra and sadhana practice.

I have a question? The process you listed was for the practitioner doing the visualisation (to heal their own body).

Is there any additional steps one could add to the visualisation process to benefit someone else who was unable to do this practice? due to being in a coma for example and unable to do.

Many Thanks TK



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Re: A Healing meditation on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2011, 01:02:52 PM »

Instead of visualising the golden lights entering your body, visualise instead the golden lights entering the body of the person who is comatose (for example) and healing them. The benefit is less of course, because they are not able to do the visualisation themselves but there is still benefit.

Dolce Vita

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Re: A Healing meditation on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2011, 04:30:25 PM »
Thank you TK for sharing, this is very useful for a beginner like me. I am not good in visualisation at all, but I still try to do it. I notice visualisation helps me to 'fix' my mind during my prayer.

And of course, thank you to for maintaining this very information and neutral website for Dorje Shugden pratictioner. This is 'the place' for people who want to do spiritual practice and do not want to get involve in the political issues to come here to share and practice together. I have learned so much here. Please keep up with the works. I rejoice for your team.


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Re: A Healing meditation on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2011, 07:25:03 AM »
Thank you TK for this beautiful and powerful meditation practice of Dorje Shugden as a mind and body healing practice and for gaining Dharma/ wisdom realizations.

Thank you also for emphasizing the importance of always seeing our Guru as of one nature with the Protector so that we will practice total Guru Devotion unwaveringly and not ever break our samaya with our Guru. In this way, we will bring the force of our correct view of our Guru to this meditation practice and set the correct motivation. Thus with the correct motivation and view, as we recite the mantra of the Protector with the powerful accompanying visualizations, the power of the mantra  which is Manjushri's wisdom mind, will be brought to bear on this whole meditation practice. It is in this way that doing this meditation will bring us healing and wisdom realizations.  Thank you once again TK.


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Re: A Healing meditation on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2011, 06:56:06 PM »
Thank you TK for this beautiful and powerful meditation practice of Dorje Shugden as a mind and body healing practice and for gaining Dharma/ wisdom realizations.

Thank you also for emphasizing the importance of always seeing our Guru as of one nature with the Protector so that we will practice total Guru Devotion unwaveringly and not ever break our samaya with our Guru. In this way, we will bring the force of our correct view of our Guru to this meditation practice and set the correct motivation. Thus with the correct motivation and view, as we recite the mantra of the Protector with the powerful accompanying visualizations, the power of the mantra  which is Manjushri's wisdom mind, will be brought to bear on this whole meditation practice. It is in this way that doing this meditation will bring us healing and wisdom realizations.  Thank you once again TK.

I agree with you vajrastorm. I believe the healing is on many levels. I've started this meditation when this was posted. Felt great!


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Re: A Healing meditation on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2011, 08:22:37 AM »
If you want results, you have to put in the effort consistently. This meditation conjoined with mantra will be very healing on many levels. With ourselves in a better frame of mind due to healing, we can do so much more for others and ourselves. TK


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Re: A Healing meditation on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2011, 08:31:15 AM »
If you want results, you have to put in the effort consistently. This meditation conjoined with mantra will be very healing on many levels. With ourselves in a better frame of mind due to healing, we can do so much more for others and ourselves. TK

Dear TK,

I like what you wrote. Indeed we can do much more with a better frame and mind and good health. We should always be careful and never let our body and mind to fall ill. It is only then we can reach out to more beings who are in need of help. It is only then, we are fit enough to spread Dorje Shugden's practice. Who would listen to a weakling on how effective Dorje Shugden is?

Personally,I will put the healing meditation in my daily practice and be in the best form to help spread and share about Dorje Shugden.

I AM WHO I AM BECAUSE OF WHAT I DO!  Thank you for this wonderful healing method!!!

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: A Healing meditation on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2015, 12:40:13 PM »
It is surreal that I should come across this post as I have not been well for weeks now.  Whenever I go through any medical tests or slight operations or medical procedures, I will always Dorje Shugden and my Guru as one and everything will be fine.  The apparent good effect has always been, I am calmer and experience less pain and mostly the doctors are always amazed how fast I have healed.

It had always been the blessing of my Protector and Guru.  Thank you for this guidance to find healing within our own space with the blessings of our Protector and also for the enhancement of our wisdom through this meditation.


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Re: A Healing meditation on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2015, 03:00:24 PM »
This is a good meditation to do everyday during prayers and will bring a lot of benefits. It is both a healing and wisdom meditation. It is not complicated and does not take up a lot of time, but the results will be extremely beneficial. How lucky we are to receive this instruction. Thank you so much.

christine V

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Re: A Healing meditation on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2015, 03:31:21 PM »
Dear Losang Khyentse,

Thanks for posting up this meditation. Specially thanks to TK for this wonderful post.

I strongly agree on
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Our body is a result of much prayers and merit accumulation from previous lives. It should not be wasted for empty pleasures that get us nowhere. Our bodies are the vehicles by which we can gain merits and benefit others tremendously. The potential is great. The healing meditation creates a body that is ready to collect merit. Ready to be used for others. Thus we should not waste it.

We have indulged a lot in this samsara and thinking everything we have are real. Until we are on the sick bed and only then we started to regret that we do not accumulate enough merit for our next life. 
I do not want to stay long life and create more negative karma, but, i want to live long, under the glory of Dharma and able to practice dharma.
May Dorje Shugden's ban be removed soon, and , many people able to benefit in dharma


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Re: A Healing meditation on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2015, 03:58:26 PM »
Thank you TK for giving us such a precise visualizations and make us understand that mantra plus visualizations is the most powerful healing practice for our body and mind.

Is not easy for me to chant mantra and to remember the visualizations. But i will keep trying. Practice make perfect.