Author Topic: Doing dharma work full time  (Read 15609 times)


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Doing dharma work full time
« on: November 30, 2011, 11:30:24 AM »
If I do dharma work full time in a Buddhist organisation with a pay cut, how can I prepare for my old age when I retire from working? Who's going to pay for my livelihood and medical bills when I'm old? Will the organisation continue to be generous to take care of me as promised? I think these are some real concerns that people have when deciding on doing dharma work full time.


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Re: Doing dharma work full time
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2011, 07:46:57 PM »
Whether we will be OK when we are old is not dependent on how much money we earn or have now.  Even if we make or have a lot of money now, all can be lost any time. 

What actually takes care of us is our merits.  If we have merits, all that we need will come to us whether it is money, health, the right conditions to practice Dharma, the opportunity to collect more merits or any type of assistance. 

Doing Dharma work full time in a Buddhist Organisation is one of the best way to collect merits.  Why is that? It is because a Buddhist Organisation is a platform to bring Dharma and mental relieve to many people.  If we support such an organisation in any way, we are actually extending our help to all the people who will be benefited by this organisation. 

Therefore, we should not worry when doing Dharma work. If there is karma, definitely doing work that benefit others will never cause us disadvantage or harm in the future.  If we believe in karma and we should do what brings real benefit to others and ourselves now.  By doing so, we create the true cause of happiness in the future.


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Re: Doing dharma work full time
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2011, 04:47:17 AM »
We plan for security in our old age based on the assumption that we'll live to a ripe old age. With this assumption, we seek to earn as much money as we can, while we are working, so that we have a tidy sum to live out old age in ease and security.

However, how our live unfolds each second is not within our control. It's our karma that controls it.Thus, we may have accumulated enough for our old age, but in one fell sweep, the hand of karma deals us a heavy blow. We are cut down by disease or some other misfortune dictated by our karma.

As is said in the Lamrim, even if we totally renounce this life and go fully into Dharma, we're not likely to die in starvation and deprived of a shelter. Lord Buddha had accumulated ample merits and dedicated them to those who would truly and fully renounce this life to ensure that they will not be without food or shelter or basic mundane needs.

What WT says is true. When we do Dharma work full time and with sincerity to benefit others, we will be accumulating tremendous merits which will only create causes for our happiness. On the other hand, if we solely pursue the wealth of this life, we are likely to accumulate much negative karma which may result in our experiencing more suffering than happiness. 


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Re: Doing dharma work full time
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2011, 08:22:24 AM »

Are you thinking of devoting your life to fulltime dharma work, hence the worry?

If so, I think your worries is unfounded.

Doing dharma work (with the right motivation, of course) brings a wealth of merits for the person and his/her family. Everyday, make a prayer to Dorje Shugden to his protection and blessings and you WILL be OK. Have no worries cause the protector will not abandon you in any way.

Just DO it!!
Down with the BAN!!!


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Re: Doing dharma work full time
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2011, 10:28:50 AM »
Whether we will be OK when we are old is not dependent on how much money we earn or have now.  Even if we make or have a lot of money now, all can be lost any time. 

What actually takes care of us is our merits.  If we have merits, all that we need will come to us whether it is money, health, the right conditions to practice Dharma, the opportunity to collect more merits or any type of assistance. 

Doing Dharma work full time in a Buddhist Organisation is one of the best way to collect merits.  Why is that? It is because a Buddhist Organisation is a platform to bring Dharma and mental relieve to many people.  If we support such an organisation in any way, we are actually extending our help to all the people who will be benefited by this organisation. 

Therefore, we should not worry when doing Dharma work. If there is karma, definitely doing work that benefit others will never cause us disadvantage or harm in the future.  If we believe in karma and we should do what brings real benefit to others and ourselves now.  By doing so, we create the true cause of happiness in the future.

Thank you for your explanation. Looks like I must put into practice what I believe in. If I believe in karma, then I must believe that I'll be fine during my old age if I generate enough merits by doing dharma work. 


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Re: Doing dharma work full time
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2011, 03:15:45 PM »
Whether we will be OK when we are old is not dependent on how much money we earn or have now.  Even if we make or have a lot of money now, all can be lost any time. 

What actually takes care of us is our merits.  If we have merits, all that we need will come to us whether it is money, health, the right conditions to practice Dharma, the opportunity to collect more merits or any type of assistance. 

Doing Dharma work full time in a Buddhist Organisation is one of the best way to collect merits.  Why is that? It is because a Buddhist Organisation is a platform to bring Dharma and mental relieve to many people.  If we support such an organisation in any way, we are actually extending our help to all the people who will be benefited by this organisation. 

Therefore, we should not worry when doing Dharma work. If there is karma, definitely doing work that benefit others will never cause us disadvantage or harm in the future.  If we believe in karma and we should do what brings real benefit to others and ourselves now.  By doing so, we create the true cause of happiness in the future.

Thank you for your explanation. Looks like I must put into practice what I believe in. If I believe in karma, then I must believe that I'll be fine during my old age if I generate enough merits by doing dharma work.

Thank you WozelTenzin for the explanation. I always have this question in my mind and that stops me from doing more in Dharma. So, if I do Dharma work whole-heartedly my old age will be well taken cared of.

Does that also mean that I would not be able to enjoy the other pleasures of like like travelling? I like to travel and needs money to travel. Doing Dharma full time may not allow me to do so.


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Re: Doing dharma work full time
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2011, 04:38:22 AM »
Dear Klein,

WoselTenzin, Vajrastorm and Tammy had explained very well why you should pursue Dharma work fulltime without any worry. Go fulltime in your Dharma work and devote yourself completely to serve your Guru and Dharma.  When you have a higher purpose in your life e.g. serving the Guru and Dharma, seeking liberation and enlightenment, all the necessary resources that you need to accomplish these will come to you. 

As a Buddhist we should have complete faith in the Three Jewels in everything that we do.  We should have complete reliance on our Guru who is inseparable from our Yidam and Protector.  The Guru, Yidam and Protector are our only refuge. 

If you practise Dorje Shugden, why worry?  Just rely on Dorje Shugden! Dorje Shugden will help you all the way to fulfill your spiritual goals!

Dear Galen,

Travelling as an activity is not wrong but it is how our mind thinks that matters. Our mind is very caught up with the pleasures of our senses. We love to travel because we like to see, hear, feel, taste and touch the vast diversity of cultures, traditions and places in the World we live in.  What is the point of travelling if it results in us getting more attached to things in this life? We should be concerned with the welfare of our future lives instead.
Attachment is one of the root causes of our suffering.  We need to realize that everything we experience this life will come to an end when we die!  And we can die any moment.  Why waste our precious human lives when we should be accumulating merits, purifying our karma and transforming our minds?

If we are in Dharma, our main purpose is to strive for liberation and Enlightenment as soon as possible. Doing Dharma work does not deprive you from travelling or the things that you like doing in samsara.  You need to ask yourself what is your intention to travel? Will travelling help you in your Dharma practice?  If travelling distracts you from your Dharma practice or generates more attachment in you, then you should avoid travelling. 

Dolce Vita

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Re: Doing dharma work full time
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2011, 06:12:01 AM »
Whether we will be OK when we are old is not dependent on how much money we earn or have now.  Even if we make or have a lot of money now, all can be lost any time. 

What actually takes care of us is our merits.  If we have merits, all that we need will come to us whether it is money, health, the right conditions to practice Dharma, the opportunity to collect more merits or any type of assistance. 

Doing Dharma work full time in a Buddhist Organisation is one of the best way to collect merits.  Why is that? It is because a Buddhist Organisation is a platform to bring Dharma and mental relieve to many people.  If we support such an organisation in any way, we are actually extending our help to all the people who will be benefited by this organisation. 

Therefore, we should not worry when doing Dharma work. If there is karma, definitely doing work that benefit others will never cause us disadvantage or harm in the future.  If we believe in karma and we should do what brings real benefit to others and ourselves now.  By doing so, we create the true cause of happiness in the future.

Well said! This should clear the doubts in people who want to do Dharma work full time. Believing in Karma strongly will help to clear our doubts in this aspects. A friend of mine who is working for Dharma full time told me that for someone to work for Dharma full time, he/she needs a lot of merits. That is why, not many people are working full time for Dharma and working for Dharma, one collects tremendous amount of merits, especially if the motivation is set correctly. A blog post by Tsem Tulku Rinpoche gives a very clear explanation.

I truly rejoice for people who are working full time for Dharma.

Tenzin K

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Re: Doing dharma work full time
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2011, 04:12:22 PM »
Thanks for all of your comments.
It's well explained.

It's really true that the Buddhist Organization is a platform for us to collect great merits because this is the place where put put our pure motivation, our effort & energy help and benefits others through the spiritual teaching that we learn.

We Klein worry is what the world perceive as that money is the insurance, care and happiness when we are old.
But if we believe in Karma & Merits, fully contribute yourselves in such a meritorious work is the eternal happiness not only until end of this life but for our future life too.

Being a fulltime in dharma is also a great training to nurture/habituate us with the virtue act according to the Lamrim. How wonderful! You learn and practice at the same time.

Our happiness does not depend on how much we earn or how high our position is in the organization but on how much we realize suffering in samsara and how much we want to transform our mind and act to benefits others. 



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Re: Doing dharma work full time
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2011, 10:21:28 PM »

Dear Galen,

Travelling as an activity is not wrong but it is how our mind thinks that matters. Our mind is very caught up with the pleasures of our senses. We love to travel because we like to see, hear, feel, taste and touch the vast diversity of cultures, traditions and places in the World we live in.  What is the point of travelling if it results in us getting more attached to things in this life? We should be concerned with the welfare of our future lives instead.
Attachment is one of the root causes of our suffering.  We need to realize that everything we experience this life will come to an end when we die!  And we can die any moment.  Why waste our precious human lives when we should be accumulating merits, purifying our karma and transforming our minds?

If we are in Dharma, our main purpose is to strive for liberation and Enlightenment as soon as possible. Doing Dharma work does not deprive you from travelling or the things that you like doing in samsara.  You need to ask yourself what is your intention to travel? Will travelling help you in your Dharma practice?  If travelling distracts you from your Dharma practice or generates more attachment in you, then you should avoid travelling.

Dear Dondrup,
Thank you for your explanation.
So, when I travel for Dharma  or do dharma work when travelling, then it I am accumulating merits while still enjoying myself. How wonderful!
I should look out for more pilgrimages to go.

And thank you to Dolce Vita for attaching the link. Very well explained.

Reena Searl

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Re: Doing dharma work full time
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2011, 06:58:13 PM »
Thank you all for the sharing .

The points you all mentioned do clear my doubts in understanding dong dharma work full time.

I used to think that "when I earn enough money for retired,  then I will do dharma full time" the more I understand dharma, the more urgently wanting to do more dharma, and wishing people around me can be in dharma too.

One day, if I doing dharma work full time, I will be rich in collecting MERITS, rich or poor it won't matter anymore.


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Re: Doing dharma work full time
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2011, 03:32:01 AM »
If I do dharma work full time in a Buddhist organisation with a pay cut, how can I prepare for my old age when I retire from working? Who's going to pay for my livelihood and medical bills when I'm old? Will the organisation continue to be generous to take care of me as promised? I think these are some real concerns that people have when deciding on doing dharma work full time.

Dear Klein,
I too had the same concerns as you before I went full time.

The nudge came when my Guru said - all the things we , ordinary folks do and take pride in eg. getting a job, work and save for rainy day and old age etc. are also done by animals. Animals look for food ,raise their young and save provisions for winters. What make us different from animals is our ability to care for others, to engage in spiritual practice so that we be prepared NOT only for this life but also for future lives.

Only human have this unique opportunity. We are the blind turtles surfacing in the vast ocean, the golden yoke of dharma by our good merits is floating very near. All we need to do is poke through this yoke.

Yes, don't hesitate. If we decide to wait till we save enough before doing full time dharma, the chance may never come as the time of death is uncertain.

Best wishes.


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Re: Doing dharma work full time
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2011, 04:02:36 PM »
Wow, this is an interesting topic!

I actually got asked by somebody that we can't see the merits, how do we know that doing Dharma will generate good merits? If I work outside, and still be a good citizen and help others tirelessly, don't I generate merits too? isn't it the same?

So is it a leap of faith, thinking that if you do Dharma work full time, by the accumulation of merits, you will be "taken care" of in one's old age? But then what happens if the old age comes and then you're not taken care of?

...Hmm..but I guess by doing Dharma work full time, and learning the Dharma along the way... it will prepare you for accepting one's old age regardless of situation and condition?


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Re: Doing dharma work full time
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2011, 12:24:58 PM »
But if we believe in Karma & Merits, fully contribute yourselves in such a meritorious work is the eternal happiness not only until end of this life but for our future life too.

Being a fulltime in dharma is also a great training to nurture/habituate us with the virtue act according to the Lamrim. How wonderful! You learn and practice at the same time.

Our happiness does not depend on how much we earn or how high our position is in the organization but on how much we realize suffering in samsara and how much we want to transform our mind and act to benefits others. 


In additon to the above, not only you learn and to practise at the same time, you are also getting a pay cheque that is well worth accepting with joy and sense of fulfillment in helping and benefit someone out there as compared to getting a pay cheque to feed our own greed and attachment...thinking that all this will secure and prepare one's old age when money and material things are not permanent in nature and is not forever ours.  Do we have the karma to have them? 

Even said that, if you believe and trust the law of cause and effect and having all the 5 healthy faculties of an able human being why not use it to full potential to generate these bounteous merits by working full time in a dharma organisation where you can help someone out there to the path of happiness?  Doing this with good and virtuous motivation, you are actually creating a cause for yourself and your love ones to find that "happiness" you are seeking for.  Do that and trust it all the way, no ifs and buts!

diamond girl

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Re: Doing dharma work full time
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2011, 07:45:52 PM »
Dharma and work when put together people focus on the money aspect... Yes, it is no doubt that many assume that Dharma work does not pay well... It need not be that way... Dharma careers in spreading the teachings of Buddha does not have to be "a loss business"

In today's modern age and time, we can make Dharma work not a losing "business". Work hard, be creative, generate funds to sustain the works, which can include your own wages. This does not mean however, you are greedy and be unreasonable!

Just my, when one chooses Dharma as a career it should never be about the money... It is about benefitting others..