Author Topic: Taking refuge in the Dharma, the best protection  (Read 17568 times)


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Re: Taking refuge in the Dharma, the best protection
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2012, 11:45:50 PM »




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Re: Taking refuge in the Dharma, the best protection
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2012, 09:17:35 AM »
Taking refuge is the foundation of all practices.By taking refuge you plant the seed of liberation within yourself and distance yourself from all the evil you have accumulated and develope more and more positive actions .By taking refuge you distance yourself from all negative actions.Through the kindness of a guru you have already received the authentic Dharma and have made up your mind to do good and to stop doing wrong.
If you make a real effort to take refuge sincerely,everything that opposes your practice will be transformed into favorable circumstances and your merit will grow unceasingly.


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Re: Taking refuge in the Dharma, the best protection
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2012, 08:06:54 AM »
Taking refuge in the Dharma is the best protection because when we taking refuge we hold refuge vows and those vows help us to have a clear directions of what we should and should not do which lead us to become the better person.

Why become a better person? .. because if we do as its say in refuge vows, we will do less negative actions and do more positive actions and these actions we do daily, will turn to become our positive habbit which we will be more aware in our actions therefore we will be more caring and won't hurt other easily like the past.. and these is the best protection for us as we do less negative actions and have less bad karma finally..


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Re: Taking refuge in the Dharma, the best protection
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2012, 09:14:00 AM »
When we talk about 'nothing lasts forever'... we're also talking about the worldly happiness, great fortune, and all the things that our mind perceive as pleasureable... that too don't last forever.

The Dharma that was preached, if practiced, breaks all worldly perceptions that we have. The things that make us happy or sad, angry or pleasured... are all works of the mind. As any of the two opposites will can turn on us anytime, what we experience is not reality in the first place... just an illusion built by our mind.

I'm a practitioner of the Dharma, still practicing... I have not yet acheived a mind devoid of personal perception. But looking at how the Dharma has helped countless of people to break free of the mental entrapment we've crafter ourselves, is comforting. At the same time, it builds my confidence and keep my faith still in Dharma. For this every reason, I constantly read biographies of great lamas and stories of the Mahasiddhas. They're really great.


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Re: Taking refuge in the Dharma, the best protection
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2012, 04:25:34 PM »
I'll try to answer KG's questions: What is mind? Do we know our mind? What is the relationship between mind and dharma?

The mind is like the elephant that needs to be tamed. The elephant symbolises our benighted ignorance. Our mind is often called the "monkey mind" because it is always changing, always distracted and confused.

We don't really know our mind until we start examining it through meditation. The way to know and understand our mind is through meditation and practising the Dharma with mindfulness. In a way it is using the mind to conquer the mind. The end result is mind transformation. Mind transformation is a sign that we are leaving samsara.

Of course I agree with KG that in Buddhism, we take refuge in the three jewels because the three are inseparable. When we take refuge, we are seeking protection. Protection from fear at the time of death. Why is Dharma the best protection? Because we know it is the truth and the truth gets rid of fear.


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Re: Taking refuge in the Dharma, the best protection
« Reply #20 on: March 31, 2012, 05:41:38 AM »
Oh YES! There is definitely NO denial in that. The moment I found Dharma, it was the only thing I wanted to practice as it was plain logical and comfortable for me. Not only taking refuge in the Dharma but the 3 precious Jewels. When I wake up and before I go to sleep, these are the things that I think of. I heard that it is also good to think of your Guru if you have 1.

Dharma is the BEST thing that ever happened to me when I was at the lowest level of my life. When everything was just of no meaning and useless. Now I know that it happens for a reason so just accept it and move on.  ;D


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Re: Taking refuge in the Dharma, the best protection
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2012, 06:16:36 PM »
Generally, when we talk about refuge, we are seeking for protection from harm.  In Buddhism, we go for refuge to the Three Jewels i.e. Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.  Buddha is like a skilful navigator, Sangha is like the crew and Dharma is like a boat.  We need all three to cross the ocean of samsara.

When we go for refuge in the Dharma, we will practise Dharma in our daily lives. From putting Dharma into practice, we will gain realisations which will eradicate our sufferings.  In short, Dharma protects our mind from future suffering.  Dharma is our actual refuge and the best protection or insurance from future suffering.


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Re: Taking refuge in the Dharma, the best protection
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2012, 06:21:27 PM »
I am guilty of not taking full refuge in the dharma, especially in action. I have done what I have always done, and gotten what I have always gotten. What i am doing will get me no where. I feel the same suffering that I felt when I wasn't in the dharma. It is almost as if I am back to square one. Without taking full refuge in the dharma, in action and in mind, there will be no change in your mind. Just the action will not help you, it is the refuge of the mind that will. Without the dharma, it will be hard to realize why you suffer, and without it you will continue with suffering. From what I have experienced, it is the only way out.


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Re: Taking refuge in the Dharma, the best protection
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2012, 08:36:50 AM »
Agreed. Taking refuge in the Dharma is the best protection because it has all the antidote for all the poisons in our minds which is the direct cause of suffering. Suffering occurs in the mind. By learning the dharma and putting in practice is the sure way to eliviate or lessen suffering thus protecting our mind from further damage which help us not to build up momentum of our negative mind and instead cultivate a positive mind that brings positive results.

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Re: Taking refuge in the Dharma, the best protection
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2012, 12:50:49 PM »
Taking refuge however should not be taken into context whereby we "hide" in Dharma or we use the Dharma to cover or allude issues in our lives. Sure it provides a "safe haven" in that the methodological aspects of Dharma helps us to deal with our issues NOT hide.

Some of us... me included, think that being in the Dharma will instantly help my other problems but the realisation that the problems actually arises not from exterior circumstances but actually from within ourselves and that the my pre-existing problem actually comes from before being exposed to the Dharma.

Hence we cannot blame the Dharma for the problems as the problems were there to begin with. The problems may seem larger or bigger even NOT because the Dharma created it but possibly because it made us see our problems to be problems and hence it arose as such a misconception.

But alas, it is how we deal with this realisation that makes us stronger that makes Dharma truly a refuge, a safe haven... our saviour even! I hope we should all be so lucky!

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Taking refuge in the Dharma, the best protection
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2015, 03:13:18 PM »
Taking refuge in the Dharma is the best protection.  What needs to be understood is what protection are we seeking.

In Buddhism and taking refuge in the Dharma, in my humble opinion, means salvation from the vicious cycle of death and rebirth with all the sufferings.

In taking refuge, we have decided to study and practice the essence of Buddhism and have a space and place to be where we can safely travel our spiritual journey. 

Dharma may not always provide the necessary protection unless we practise develop our minds along bodhichitta values and wisdom then the protection will arise and our negativities are purified through virtuous living.