Author Topic: New Website Devoted to Trisur Rinpoche Lungrik Namgyal.  (Read 16832 times)


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Re: New Website Devoted to Trisur Rinpoche Lungrik Namgyal.
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2012, 03:39:13 PM »
I agree with dsdisciple that at times like this, seeing a picture of a lama will open the dharma seeds that were once dormant. I would like to thank you, Lobasang_Tenpa for Trisur Rinpoche website and the many photos.

A great master like Trisur Rinpoche, will never let politics affect his faith and practice and he like any great masters knew that all these DS controversies are just “rubbish”. Out of respect for HHDL, he did not switched camp but patiently waited for his term as Gaden Tripa to end before he moved to Shar Gaden. A very skilful method used so as not to offend any parties concerned.


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Re: New Website Devoted to Trisur Rinpoche Lungrik Namgyal.
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2012, 10:51:29 AM »
Amazing new biography has been added to the website devoted to His Holiness Gaden Trisur rinpoche. The biography is currently being translated into English and will be added soon.

Tenzin Gyatso

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Re: New Website Devoted to Trisur Rinpoche Lungrik Namgyal.
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2012, 10:58:06 AM »
Amazing new biography has been added to the website devoted to His Holiness Gaden Trisur rinpoche. The biography is currently being translated into English and will be added soon.

It's strange that such a high ranking lama turns against HHDL. Without HHDL he would have never achieved the status he received. There would be no monasteries. No courses, no study, no status and Tibet would of just disappeared into China.

Gaden Trisur sets a bad example I feel for such a senior person.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 11:20:12 AM by Admin »

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Re: New Website Devoted to Trisur Rinpoche Lungrik Namgyal.
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2012, 11:11:02 AM »
Amazing new biography has been added to the website devoted to His Holiness Gaden Trisur rinpoche. The biography is currently being translated into English and will be added soon.

It's strange that such a high ranking lama turns against HHDL. Without HHDL he would have never achieved the status he received. There would be no monasteries. No courses, no study, no status and Tibet would of just disappeared into China.

Gaden Trisur sets a back example I feel for such a senior person.

On the contrary. I think he is a great example because he stood for his lineage and Lamas. He would rather look bad politically by switching camps so that he would be able to uphold his practice of Dorje Shugden that he had received from his kind and venerable Lamas. So, he is courageous because he stood by his practice and not his political standing.

Tenzin Gyatso

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Re: New Website Devoted to Trisur Rinpoche Lungrik Namgyal.
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2012, 11:27:56 AM »
Amazing new biography has been added to the website devoted to His Holiness Gaden Trisur rinpoche. The biography is currently being translated into English and will be added soon.

It's strange that such a high ranking lama turns against HHDL. Without HHDL he would have never achieved the status he received. There would be no monasteries. No courses, no study, no status and Tibet would of just disappeared into China.

Gaden Trisur sets a back example I feel for such a senior person.

On the contrary. I think he is a great example because he stood for his lineage and Lamas. He would rather look bad politically by switching camps so that he would be able to uphold his practice of Dorje Shugden that he had received from his kind and venerable Lamas. So, he is courageous because he stood by his practice and not his political standing.

Why is Gaden Trisur courageous by going against Dalai Lama? Wouldn't it be better if he stayed with the Dalai Lama and had private discussions about the whole Shugden affair? Wouldn't he be more effective being in the same camp as the Dalai Lama in order to spread the teachings of Buddha? It would have been better to work towards the Shugden issue from the inside. I mean meet with HHDL and talk, not turn against HHDL and leave. It doesn't make me feel he is courageous, maybe just short sighted.

He would of had a better chance of staying and talking with the HHDL from the inside about this Shugden practice.


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Re: New Website Devoted to Trisur Rinpoche Lungrik Namgyal.
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2012, 11:34:55 AM »
It's strange that such a high ranking lama turns against HHDL. Without HHDL he would have never achieved the status he received. There would be no monasteries. No courses, no study, no status and Tibet would of just disappeared into China.

Gaden Trisur sets a back example I feel for such a senior person.

The position of Gaden Tripas came about after the passing of Lama Tsongkhapa. The Dalai Lama position was officially given to Sonam Gyatso. Although the title was retrospectively given to his two predecessors. So the position of Gaden Tripa came before the Dalai Lama's came about so I think Dalai Lama's blessing is just a blessing. That to ascend to the Gaden Tripa's position is based on merit.  Gaden Trisur is highly respected by the gelug lamas and his students, if he was a wishy washy lama I think he won't have the leisure to spread buddha dharma all over especially in China even after acknowledging that he won't be giving up the Dorje Shugden practise.


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Re: New Website Devoted to Trisur Rinpoche Lungrik Namgyal.
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2012, 11:53:26 AM »
It is good to see websites who pay tributes to high lamas

Tenzin Gyatso

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Re: New Website Devoted to Trisur Rinpoche Lungrik Namgyal.
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2012, 12:05:03 PM »
It's strange that such a high ranking lama turns against HHDL. Without HHDL he would have never achieved the status he received. There would be no monasteries. No courses, no study, no status and Tibet would of just disappeared into China.

Gaden Trisur sets a back example I feel for such a senior person.

The position of Gaden Tripas came about after the passing of Lama Tsongkhapa. The Dalai Lama position was officially given to Sonam Gyatso. Although the title was retrospectively given to his two predecessors. So the position of Gaden Tripa came before the Dalai Lama's came about so I think Dalai Lama's blessing is just a blessing. That to ascend to the Gaden Tripa's position is based on merit.  Gaden Trisur is highly respected by the gelug lamas and his students, if he was a wishy washy lama I think he won't have the leisure to spread buddha dharma all over especially in China even after acknowledging that he won't be giving up the Dorje Shugden practise.

I don't think Gaden Trisur is wishy washy. I believe he is wrong to defect to the Dhogyal side. He should have remained within the HHDL's circle and perhaps talk things out.

He is a great scholar and has tremendous merits, but like Geshe Kelsang, he can make mistakes too. After all he is human.


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Re: New Website Devoted to Trisur Rinpoche Lungrik Namgyal.
« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2012, 12:14:03 PM »
If you see faults in lamas Like Geshe Kelsang or Gaden Tripa, where does it end? I can also see faults in your lama, where does it end? A lot confused students? If you call these teachers human, then the Dalai Lama is human too and can also make mistakes right?  Where does this line of thinking lead you?

How to talk the decree is very clear with the ban, give up the practise or one must leave. The Gaden Trisur conducted his work well and left the position he held. If talk and negotiation was effective and possible today we won't be having Shar Gaden and Serpom. Do you think those monks left because they wanted to?


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Re: New Website Devoted to Trisur Rinpoche Lungrik Namgyal.
« Reply #24 on: February 14, 2012, 01:43:39 PM »
Amazing new biography has been added to the website devoted to His Holiness Gaden Trisur rinpoche. The biography is currently being translated into English and will be added soon.

Also a new video has been added to the site, with more to come in the near future.  :)] [url][/url]

James Arnoid

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Re: New Website Devoted to Trisur Rinpoche Lungrik Namgyal.
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2012, 03:37:25 PM »
I rejoice for students of other Gurus are paying tribute to great master!


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Re: New Website Devoted to Trisur Rinpoche Lungrik Namgyal.
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2012, 09:56:47 AM »
Nice video, can anyone who can read Chinese translate. Looks like people from the Singapore, they look like Chinese people but darker. Seems like there is a lot of Dorje Shugden growth in that area! It is a Gaden Shartse production so the picture of the Dalai Lama makes sense, why is it appearing on Gaden Trisur's page is a mystery to me.


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Re: New Website Devoted to Trisur Rinpoche Lungrik Namgyal.
« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2012, 11:17:39 AM »
It is a Gaden Shartse production so the picture of the Dalai Lama makes sense, why is it appearing on Gaden Trisur's page is a mystery to me.

Why you would say such a narrow-minded thing is a mystery to me.

The website is about Gaden Trisur Rinpoche. The website is a reflection of the entirety of his contributions to the Gelug lineage, not just about his life after the ban. Are you saying that all of his many teachings while at Gaden Shartse should be ignored just because he was then a member of Gaden Shartse?  :o
Very narrow indeed.

The content of the website is being decided by senior students of Trisur Rinpoche. Many, many hours of work has been put into the website. Trisur Rinpoche's students see the totallity of his work and wish to share that with the world. Maybe you could try to see it for what it is; a precious Dharma Teaching devoid of politics. Not everything has to revolve around the ban. That type of mindset only creates more of the 'us versus them' mentality. Please try to see beyond that.


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Re: New Website Devoted to Trisur Rinpoche Lungrik Namgyal.
« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2012, 01:03:30 PM »
The video on the website is a prequil to a series of teachings that Trisur Rinpoche gave. Many more videos will be added in the coming weeks. Yes, he was a member of Gaden Shartse at the time of these teachings. But that does not in any way mean that the video is not appropriate for his website.

I rejoice in ALL Rinpoche's deeds.  :)


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Re: New Website Devoted to Trisur Rinpoche Lungrik Namgyal.
« Reply #29 on: February 16, 2012, 04:04:58 PM »

Why is Gaden Trisur courageous by going against Dalai Lama? Wouldn't it be better if he stayed with the Dalai Lama and had private discussions about the whole Shugden affair? Wouldn't he be more effective being in the same camp as the Dalai Lama in order to spread the teachings of Buddha? It would have been better to work towards the Shugden issue from the inside. I mean meet with HHDL and talk, not turn against HHDL and leave. It doesn't make me feel he is courageous, maybe just short sighted.

He would of had a better chance of staying and talking with the HHDL from the inside about this Shugden practice.

A few points to what you're saying Tenzin Gyatso:

1. First of all, there is no opportunity within the Tibetan community under the Dalai Lama's ruling to have any talks or dialogue. So many Tibetan Buddhist practitioners have appealed and written to the Dalai Lama to request for open dialogue, forums and mutual, friendly talks. None of their requests have been addressed and been totally ignored. See this video which documents this very clearly:
Protest on Dalai Lama for banning Dorje Shugden practice Small | Large

2. Secondly, Gaden Trisur's actions are considered courageous because he DARED TO STAND UP FOR WHAT HE BELIEVED IN, to stand by the practices and samaya that he has maintained all his life and not to submit to the ban for any political reasons. It is brave because he would face expulsion from his monastery, he risks being totally cut off from his Sangha and monastic community and being refused any social rights and welfare. Despite all these risks, he still did it, no matter what the consequences might have been. There are thousands more examples throughout the world of people who will sacrifice and risk anything for the sake of sticking by what they believe and making a stand. If this isn't courageous, I don't know what is.

3. He is not doing something subversive or against the Dalai Lama. He is standing up for his belief, practice, lineage and all his teachers. If he merely just "followed" the Dalai lama's ban, it would necessarily mean that he "goes against" all his own teachers, practices and samaya. There is nothing courageous in this.