Author Topic: World's Biggest Dorje Shugden and Lama Tsongkhapa statues in the sample place!  (Read 16978 times)


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Due to their entries in the Guinness Book of Records, many people will generate an interest into the World biggest indoor statues of Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden.  These are really amazing work by the artists and builders!  Guinness World Records has a TV program on the CCTV in China.  The program is popular in China. When more bigger Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden statues  are built, they will be featured in this TV program if they are to gain a place in the Guinness World Records.  When this happens, millions of CCTV viewers will get a glimpse of Lama Tsongkhapa or Dorje Shugden and hence plant seeds of enlightenment in their mind automatically!


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Such beautiful images.  I believe that many lamas are working hand in hand to bring buddha dharma to many in many ways.  If these great work were no done previously, it makes buddha dharma and protector practice harder to grow and it will delay the ban.  Such efforts by the holy lama, sangha members, practitioners and sponsors are much needed in order to show the world of its benefits.  If there is no growth "physically", people will not believe its benefit because people these days believe in physical rather than inner development.  Hence by showing such great achievement of such big statues, it shows that the devotees and sponsors have much faith in the practice and it is definitely beneficial for them.


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Its really magnificent and beautiful. Eversince when i am young, i adores Buddhas images very much..At that age, i do not know who Buddha was and what religion is about. But the urge to continue painting and drawing Buddha images myself continues till now. 


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I like what Honey Dakini said about the manifestation of huge statues in a land which has relatively few resources and a still mainly nomadic population. I am curious about where the sponsorship for these statues came from, whether it came from external/foreign sources, the Chinese authorities or within the Tibetan community. I wonder about the Tibetan community also because of the pressure due to the ban on Dorje Shugden practice. Many Tibetans are still loyal to HH the Dalai Lama and would not want to go against him, but yet these statues are testament that regardless of the ban, there is strong support for Dorje Shugden.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

Tenzin Malgyur

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Thank you Mana for posting these photos of the awesome monastery which house the world's biggest Dorje Shugden and Lama Tsongkhapa statues. I will definitely put it on my list of places to visit. The China government is not putting a stop to the building and growth of many monasteries such as this. I really admire the faith and devotion of the people who have contributed to the building of this monastery. With many monasteries such as this coming up, it shows there are still so many DS practitioners everywhere, never mind the ban by HH Dalai Lama. And there is nothing the CTA can do about this.

christine V

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Truly appreciate for these Photos. Thank you Mana. If the photos have some descriptions , it will be wonderful. I noticed that Vajrayogini statue is a bit of "masculine" , if i am not mistaken by the photo angle, Vajrayogini seem to have some "mustache".
Am curious about any story regarding the "big Head" which show from the lake too.
I wonder it is The Trode Khansar / tsen khang.?
For such a big temple and big Dorje Shugden statue to exist needed a lot of funding, manpower and most important the faith in believing in Dorje Shugden. Even though there is a banned, yet, people have faith in Dorje shugden as a protector.


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Oh my goodness! They are spectacular. Such beautiful and serene landscape! It is definitely a MUST visit place and it's going to be on my to do list. How can one not go and make offerings to such huge statues. To be able to make offerings there will be excellent. Its true ya... Nothing the CTA or HHDL can do to stop people from going there and making offerings. I bet they are the ones itching to go there!  :P Booyah!


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Truly appreciate for these Photos. Thank you Mana. If the photos have some descriptions , it will be wonderful. I noticed that Vajrayogini statue is a bit of "masculine" , if i am not mistaken by the photo angle, Vajrayogini seem to have some "mustache".
Am curious about any story regarding the "big Head" which show from the lake too.
I wonder it is The Trode Khansar / tsen khang.?
For such a big temple and big Dorje Shugden statue to exist needed a lot of funding, manpower and most important the faith in believing in Dorje Shugden. Even though there is a banned, yet, people have faith in Dorje shugden as a protector.

There is one form of Vajrayogini called sarvabuddhadakini where she actually has a mustache:

In the many forms of Vajrayogini, it is only this form that has a mustache and not other forms.

Does anyone else know more about this?


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Thank you for sharing such beautiful photos!! Rejoice!!


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Thank you, these photos are just beautiful!

I'm fascinated by the fact that some of the largest, most intricately built statues and temples are in some of the poorest, most remote places of Tibet (or also in other countries like Thailand, Burma etc). I find, as a practitioner in the west, how much harder it is to raise funds for anything spiritual - I think people just don't want to put money into something that they don't get something material back for. And it is sad that it has come to that.
People of the west are more materialistic and they believe more in their personal gains, even when it comes to spirituality, many do it with the intention to gain peace and happiness, or for their problems to resolve automatically and not really for spiritual advancement. It is like that in my country too. This is why people refuse to donate as they prefer to donate to themselves, a lot more than donating to the temple.

When you think about how little, materially, the Tibetans have (especially as so much of the country is still nomadic), it's really quite amazing how much can be built, just out of sheer faith, devotion and the wish to do it.
Thats because Buddhism has been ingrained in them for thousands of years and it is in their culture, their fiber. from young, they are taught about reincarnation and that respecting monks and doing Dharma will get them into a better place. This is why it is 'easier' for them as they do not have to learn something new. It is already in their own culture. That is also why there are more successful Tibetan practitioners as to western ones. The people in Tibet already understand the concept of karma and that if they give, they will receive back what they have given.

I saw this recently too, about a huge temple in the Chatreng region of Tibet (where Trijang Rinpoche comes from):  It's incredible how extensive the building works are there and how beautiful the monasteries are. This is considering the fact that the region's Lama, Trijang Rinpoche, isn't even there. The devotion across generations is really something to be admired. Something for many of us to think of - how much are we able to accomplish even when our Lamas are right here with us?
Not just admired...but the blessings from that image must be massive and the amount of beings that can benefit must be incredible too. For every being that is blessed by the image, the merits of that come back to the people who built it, so the benefit is actually many fold.

Sometimes, I feel that culture plays a huge part in determining the sincerity and spirituality of a community. In Tibet, everyone knows that by serving the sangha, one gets a lot of good merits. Nobody needs to explain or beg them but in the west, people become skeptical and even paranoid of giving their money to people who might misuse it. I sincerely rejoice for the  beautiful statues and it gives great joy to my heart.


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Amazing! Pure aspiration from people with so little resources yet making these amazingly beautiful images of Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden! I wish I have the merit to go there and visit one day.


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I heard that many there were many Taiwanese sponsors who donated to this meritorious project? I wish a temple of such grandeur and size will be built in Taiwan one day soon. But for know, i have to contend to just admiring these beautiful photos on your forum. May big Dorje Shugden temples be built all over the world!

Gabby Potter

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Wow this is truly fascinating! Both Lord Dorje Shugden and Lama Tsongkhapa's statues are so beautifully and majestically done, thank you so much Mana for sharing the pictures, it is truly a blessing to be able to look at these wonderful pictures.


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Thank you, Mana for sharing such beautiful and informative articles. Didn't know of the largest Tsongkhapa statue until now. And, the beautiful surroundings. Such blessing! No wonder the whole place looks so appealing - the blessing of the Buddhas.