Author Topic: What obstacles would a lay oracle face in todays environment?  (Read 10183 times)


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What obstacles would a lay oracle face in todays environment?
« on: December 11, 2011, 07:45:50 AM »
I woke up today and thought to myself if a lay Dorje Shugden Oracle were to manifest in today's environment what difficulties would she / he face.

We have a ban, we pro / anti groups, we have HHDL, CTA, a variety of DS groups.

Would it be life threatening?
Would it be beneficial?
What would the reaction be like?
Are there any lay oracles alive today?


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Re: What obstacles would a lay oracle face in todays environment?
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2011, 11:06:24 AM »
In my opinion, it will be very tough for a lay Dorje Shugden oracle to manifest in today's environment. Tough because the oracle's mind must be very very stable especially since the ban is still on. Besides with all the worldly distractions, its gonna be hard for the oracle to resist.

I believe the people at large will be able to accept a lay oracle, in fact it will inspire more people to aspire to be one.

iloveds, are you thinking of becoming one?


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Re: What obstacles would a lay oracle face in todays environment?
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2011, 03:36:38 PM »
It would depend where the lay oracle resided. If it was anywhere outside countries which Tibetan exile communities, it certainly wouldn't be as "dangerous" - the people imposing this silly ban (the Tibetan government etc) cannot touch anyone anywhere else, as people are protected by the laws of their own country, including the laws of freedom of religion.

I imagine that in some ways, it might be easier - it is not always easy for practitioners and members of a center to commit to taking monk vows. But these organisations may still need the help of an oracle to consult their protector. So one of their members could perhaps be trained as an oracle to suit the needs of the people in that area and within their Dharma centers. The challenges however, might present when the chosen person has to go through very extensive retreats (which may not be as easy if one is in a lay environment, without traditional monastic support) and also adopt certain lifestyle practices to keep their body clean, which may be more difficult to uphold given the many distractions of our modern world... but then again, this obstacle of worldly distractions is faced by anyone who is sincerely on the path in Dharma, not just an oracle!


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Re: What obstacles would a lay oracle face in todays environment?
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2011, 05:04:49 PM »
Yes I think it will be life threatening for the lay oracle, yes it would be beneficial as one it gives evidence to lay people that one of their own can also be a vessel for the Buddha.
Yes it would be surprising for lay people I think, considering the amount of training , discipline that the lay oracle has to undergo. 


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Re: What obstacles would a lay oracle face in todays environment?
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2011, 06:53:37 PM »
Yeah but what do they say about activities of great benefit? Their always met by obstacles of equal measure. Its our own shitty karma manifesting against us. So balanced against the great obstacles that this oracle would face because of modern day distractions, you also have the immense benefits they could bring.

I think the reaction would be..interesting. The CTA would of course attempt to discredit the oracle (him? her?), and the oracle couldnt seek help or protection from the Chinese government because that would be seen as a political move. So I think the oracle and everyone connected to him/her would have to lay low. A pity because the oracle could do so much for so many people, but circumstances wouldnt allow them to accomplish their purpose.


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Re: What obstacles would a lay oracle face in todays environment?
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2011, 05:43:59 PM »
I think the threats would be similar to what high lamas who spreads/gives empowerment of Dorje Shugden practice experiences.

There are many high lamas today who practices Dorje Shugden and they are out an about their work all over the world.

Dorje Shugden monasteries are being built and growing.

Well, for me, it only goes to show that the ban is there, but it hasn't and will not stop the activities of Dorje Shugden.


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Re: What obstacles would a lay oracle face in todays environment?
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2012, 12:28:05 PM »
I think the threats would be similar to what high lamas who spreads/gives empowerment of Dorje Shugden practice experiences.

There are many high lamas today who practices Dorje Shugden and they are out an about their work all over the world.

Dorje Shugden monasteries are being built and growing.

Well, for me, it only goes to show that the ban is there, but it hasn't and will not stop the activities of Dorje Shugden.

My thoughts exactly... I find there would be more pros then cons. If there is an Oracle, it would definitely benefit, help and inspire more people... Would be good for people's practise and faith to grow even stronger (although all we really need is to listen to our guru).

Definitely it will give a great boost to the growth of the monastery/temple to spread Lama Tsongkhapa's doctrine. 



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Re: What obstacles would a lay oracle face in todays environment?
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2012, 03:11:44 PM »
Whoever the lay person is chosen, he/she must have pure and strong guru devotion, or else it is very hard for him to te trained as an oracle.

Besides the intensive retreats, the strict diet and personal discipline that the lay person has to abide to, I heard that sometimes it may take 3 to5 years or even more for a lay person to be a suitable vehicle for Dorje Shugden or his entourage to enter. And during the training, when the lama prepare the lay person, there may be loud screams from the lay person as the channels of the person are being cleared. And this will go on and on until the lay person is "cleaned" enough to receive Dorje Shugden and/or his entourage.


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Re: What obstacles would a lay oracle face in todays environment?
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2012, 04:37:53 PM »
I think it also depends on the cultural background the lay oracle manifests in. If the lay oracle is in the west, it would be 'safer' as there are laws over here which protect the person, regardless of religion etc.

If the lay oracle was to manifest in the east, such as in India, it could be quite dangerous to the oracle on a physical level with anti-Shugden people who are misguided enough to think that the lay oracle is channeling an evil spirit and they might think that they will save the world by getting rid of the evil spirit via harm to the oracle.

If the lay oracle manifests in the west, he or she would also have more freedom to travel around as opposed to being in one of the Tibetan refugee camps where they are unlikely to get a passport because of their being Shugden practitioners.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: What obstacles would a lay oracle face in todays environment?
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2012, 05:13:30 PM »
Would it be life threatening?
As of now, there are a lot of threats on high lamas who practice Dorje Shugden, for example Trijang Rinpoche, Gancheng Rinpoche etc. As such I would think that lay Oracle will have the similar threats.

Would it be beneficial?
Yes, any oracle will be beneficial!

What would the reaction be like?
Whose reaction?

Are there any lay oracles alive today?
I would certainly hope so :)


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Re: What obstacles would a lay oracle face in todays environment?
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2012, 01:15:22 AM »
I think it will be life threatening as the threats would be the same to what high lamas spreading Dorje Shugden practice are facing.

It would be beneficial as it would help and inspire more people into the practice. It also gives hope that even lay people can be an oracle if trained up correctly.

And as usual, the reaction of the CTA is to discredit and condemn DS lay oracle.

I certainly hope so that lay oracles are alive today and that they are keeping a low profile until the ban is lifted.


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Re: What obstacles would a lay oracle face in todays environment?
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2012, 09:56:13 PM »
There used to be a lay oracle of Dorje Shugden which I have heard of, but he was "fired" for making use of the trance to make money. I heard the guru ordered the protector to stop entering him, and since then, he is just a normal lay person.

I don't think "life-threatening" is a relevant point of discussion, if a Dorje Shugden oracle were to take trance in Dharamsala, of course it is life-threatening, if he were to take trance in China or USA, I don't see any danger, the CTA is definitely not rich and not smart enough to send assassin all the way there to kill the oracle.

Definitely an oracle of Dorje Shugden is beneficial, nothing better than to meet the King himself in person, not an ounce of negativity about this. If there is any problem, it is the oracle's problem (like the example above), nothing to do with Dorje Shugden.


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Re: What obstacles would a lay oracle face in todays environment?
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2012, 01:13:09 AM »
There used to be a lay oracle of Dorje Shugden which I have heard of, but he was "fired" for making use of the trance to make money. I heard the guru ordered the protector to stop entering him, and since then, he is just a normal lay person.

I don't think "life-threatening" is a relevant point of discussion, if a Dorje Shugden oracle were to take trance in Dharamsala, of course it is life-threatening, if he were to take trance in China or USA, I don't see any danger, the CTA is definitely not rich and not smart enough to send assassin all the way there to kill the oracle.

Definitely an oracle of Dorje Shugden is beneficial, nothing better than to meet the King himself in person, not an ounce of negativity about this. If there is any problem, it is the oracle's problem (like the example above), nothing to do with Dorje Shugden.

Interesting story about the lay person who made use of the trance to make money. I think that is the biggest risk with lay oracles: they are not free from the 8 worldly concerns and may use Dharma for money. That is perhaps the biggest difficulty that they may have. Aside form being doubted by many people and having a shorter life. Although many cultures do have oracles, there is also many a chance that the lay person may not be able to hold the vows properly or having other lay people manipulate and misuse them.


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Re: What obstacles would a lay oracle face in todays environment?
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2012, 04:09:52 AM »
I share with WB that if the lay oracle resides in the West, he/she will have more protection.

Whether a lay oracle is beneficial to others will depend on his motivation. As a lay person, his moral discipline will have to be exemplary as he does not have the robe as a proof of his vows.

Have heard of a lay oracle who fathered a son to carry on his sacred duty. His son later took ordination as a monk. Not sure if there is any lay oracle alive now.

Big Uncle

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Re: What obstacles would a lay oracle face in todays environment?
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2012, 10:53:58 AM »
Well, I think as a lay oracle residing outside of the Tibetan Cultural Sphere (Tibet, Parts of China, Northern India, Mongolia & Bhutan), would have a different set of challenges depending whether the oracle resides in the East or West.

In the East, people will hold more respect but they would not understand the difference between a Dorje Shugden oracle and the typical shamans and mediums of wayside shrines. So, education in that respect would be very important. I think the West would pose a little more of a challenge as they would see the oracle as nothing more than remnants of pre-Buddhist indigenous influence.

Skepticism would be a bigger hurdle in the West than in the East. However, both in both cultures, there is the further challenge of the initial retreats that the potential oracle would have to undergo. First, the oracle needs a qualified Lama to guide him and then the oracle needs to be in a secluded location. Others, the constant screaming induced by the trances by the entourage would cause a lot of trouble with the authorities.